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[還原劑] huányuánjì reducing agent

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Word Compounds

        Huán/hái/huán, [還], surname Huan, still/still in progress/still more/yet/even more/in addition/fairl...
        háiyǒu, [還有], furthermore/in addition/still/also
        háishi, [還是], or/still/nevertheless/had better
        chánghuán, [償還], to repay/to reimburse
        shēnghuán, [生還], to return alive/to survive
        guīhuán, [歸還], to return sth/to revert
        huánjī, [還擊], to hit back/to return fire
        tǎojiàhuánjià, [討價還價], to haggle over price/to bargain
        huánzhài, [還債], to settle a debt
        yǐyáhuányá, [以牙還牙], a tooth for a tooth (retaliation)
        huányuán, [還原], to restore to the original state/to reconstruct (an event)/reduction (chemistry)
        jiāohuán, [交還], to return sth/to hand back
        huángěi, [還給], to return sth to sb
        huánshǒu, [還手], to hit back/to retaliate
退         tuìhuán, [退還], to return (sth borrowed etc)/to send back/to refund/to rebate
        huánkuǎn, [還款], repayment/to pay back money
        fǎnhuán, [返還], restitution/return of something to its original owner/remittance
        huánhún, [還魂], to return from the grave/(old) to recycle (waste products)
        huánjià, [還價], to make a counteroffer when haggling/to bargain
        huándài, [還貸], to repay a loan
        huánzuǐ, [還嘴], to retort/to answer back
        fènghuán, [奉還], to return with thanks/to give back (honorific)
        sònghuán, [送還], to return/to give back/to send back/to repatriate
        huánzhàng, [還賬], to settle and account
        yìjǐnhuánxiāng, [衣錦還鄉], to come back to one's hometown in silken robes (idiom); to return in glory
        tǎohuán, [討還], to ask for sth back/to recover
        huánxiāng, [還鄉], to return home/fig. to retire from public life
        huányuánjì, [還原劑], reducing agent
        huányuàn, [還願], to redeem a vow (to a deity)/to fulfill a promise/votive
        huánlǐ, [還禮], to return a politeness/to present a gift in return

        yuányīn, cause/origin/root cause/reason/CL:個|个[gè]
        yuánliàng, [原諒], to excuse/to forgive/to pardon
        yuánlái, [原來], original/former/originally/formerly/at first/so, actually, as it turns out
        Yuán/yuán, Hara (Japanese surname), former/original/primary/raw/level/cause/source
        yuánzé, [原則], principle/doctrine/CL:個|个[gè]
        yuánběn, originally/original
        yuánshǐ, first/original/primitive/original (document etc)
        yuándì, (in) the original place/the place where one currently is/place of origin/local (...
        yuángào, complainant/plaintiff
        fùyuán, [復原], to restore (sth) to (its) former condition/to recover from illness/recovery
        yuánxiān, originally/original/former
        yuánzǐdàn, [原子彈], atom bomb/atomic bomb/A-bomb
        yuánlǐ, principle/theory
        yuánliào, raw material/CL:個|个[gè]
        yuányàng, [原樣], original shape/the same as before
        cǎoyuán, grassland/prairie/CL:片[piàn]
        yuánzǐ, atom/atomic
        yuánxíng, model/prototype/archetype
        píngyuán, field/plain/CL:個|个[gè]
        yuányì, original meaning/original intention
        huányuán, [還原], to restore to the original state/to reconstruct (an event)/reduction (chemistry)
        bìngyuántǐ, [病原體], (med.) pathogen
        yuánxíng, original shape/true appearance (under the disguise)/true character
        yuánzhuàng, [原狀], previous condition/original state
        yuánjiàn, the original/original document/master copy
        gāoyuán, plateau/CL:片[piàn]
        yuányǒu, original/former
        yuándiǎn, [原點], origin (math.)/origin of coordinates
        yuánwén, original text
        yuándìng, originally planned/originally determined
        yuánzuì, original sin
        yuányóu, crude oil
        Jiāngyuándào, Gangwon Province of Korea during Joseon Dynasty/Kangwon province of North Korea/...
        yuányě, plain/open country
        yuánzhù, original work (not translation or abridged)
        wùguīyuánzhǔ, [物歸原主], to return something to its rightful owner
        kàngyuán, antigen
稿         yuángǎo, manuscript/original copy
        yuánfēngbùdòng, [原封不動], sticking unmoving to the original (idiom); not an iota changed/untouched
        huāngyuán, wasteland
        Shuǐyuán, Suweon City, capital of Gyeonggi province 京畿道[Jīng jī dào], South Korea
        yuánwèi, original position/(in) the same place/normal position/the place where one curren...
        qíngyǒukěyuán, pardonable (of interruption, misunderstanding etc)
        yuánmào, the original form
        yuánchù, [原處], original spot/previous place/where it was before
        yuánzǐnéng, atomic energy
        yuánzhīyuánwèi, original/authentic
        yuánmù, logs
        yuánzhuāng, [原裝], genuine/intact in original packaging (not locally assembled and packaged)
        yuányuánběnběn, from beginning to end/in its entirety/in accord with fact/literal
        yuánwěi, the whole story
        yàyuánzǐ, [亞原子], subatomic
        yuáncáiliào, raw materials/unprocessed materials
        yuánmíng, original name
        yuánshēng, original/primary/native/indigenous/proto-/stock (firmware)
        yuánzuò, original works/original text/original author
        yuánzǐhé, atomic nucleus
        liáoyuán, to start a prairie fire
        Téngyuán, Fujiwara (Japanese surname)
        yuándònglì, [原動力], motive force/prime mover/first cause/agent
        bìngyuánjūn, a pathogen/a bacterial pathogen
        guòmǐnyuán, [過敏原], allergen/anaphylactogen
        yuánchǎndì, [原產地], original source/place of origin/provenance
        Zhōngyuán, Central Plain, the middle and lower regions of the Yellow river, including Henan...
        yuánzhǐ, original location
        yuánjí, ancestral home (town)/birthplace
        yuánbānrénmǎ, [原班人馬], original cast/former team
        yuányóu, variant of 緣由|缘由[yuán yóu]
        Yuántián, Harada (Japanese surname)
        yuánzéxìng, [原則性], principled
        yuánzǐzhōng, [原子鐘], atomic clock
        yuánsè, primary color
        yuánshēngzhì, [原生質], protoplasm
        bìngyuán, cause of disease/pathogen
        tángyuán, glycogen
        yuánzǐliàng, atomic weight/atomic mass
        yuánzǐbǐ, [原子筆], ballpoint pen/also written 圓珠筆|圆珠笔
        huányuánjì, [還原劑], reducing agent
        nüèyuánchóng, [瘧原蟲], plasmodium (malaria parasite)
        Sōngyuán, Songyuan prefecture level city in Jilin province 吉林省 in northeast China
        Sānyuán, Sanyuan County in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳[Xián yáng], Shaanxi
        Tàiyuán, Taiyuan prefecture level city and capital of Shanxi province 山西省 in central nort...
        yuánshǐshèhuì, [原始社會], primitive society
        ZhōngyuánQū, [中原區], Zhongyuan District of Zhengzhou City 鄭州市|郑州市[Zhèng zhōu Shì], Henan
        Yuánpíng, Yuanping county level city in Xinzhou 忻州[Xīn zhōu], Shanxi
        yuányì, [原義], original meaning
        yuánrén, prehistoric man/primitive man
        yuángù, variant of 緣故|缘故[yuán gù]
        shénjīngyuán, [神經原], neuron/also written 神經元|神经元

        jì, [劑], dose (medicine)
        zhènjìngjì, [鎮靜劑], tranquilizer
        jìliàng, [劑量], dosage/prescribed dose of medicine
        yàojì, [藥劑], medicine/medicament/drug/chemical compound
        mázuìjì, [麻醉劑], narcotic/anesthetic
        xīngfènjì, [興奮劑], stimulant/doping (in athletics)
        yàojìshī, [藥劑師], drugstore/chemist/pharmacist
        shāchóngjì, [殺蟲劑], insecticide/pesticide
        jiědújì, [解毒劑], an antidote
        qīngjiéjì, [清潔劑], detergent/cleaning solution
        cuīhuàjì, [催化劑], catalyst
        rùnhuájì, [潤滑劑], lubricant
        piǎobáijì, [漂白劑], bleach
        chúchòujì, [除臭劑], deodorant
        zhìjì, [製劑], (chemical or pharmaceutical) preparation
        dújì, [毒劑], a poison/a toxic agent/poison gas/a chemical weapon
        shìjì, [試劑], reagent
        róngjì, [溶劑], solvent
        fángfǔjì, [防腐劑], preservative/antiseptic
        xiāodújì, [消毒劑], disinfectant
        zhǐtòngjì, [止痛劑], an analgesic/pain killer
        zhēnjì, [針劑], fluid loaded into a syringe for a hypodermic injection
        chúcǎojì, [除草劑], weed killer/herbicide
        tiānjiājì, [添加劑], additive/food additive
        tiáojì, [調劑], to adjust/to balance/to make up a medical prescription
        xǐdíjì, [洗滌劑], cleaning agent/detergent
        zhèntòngjì, [鎮痛劑], painkiller/analgesic/anodyne
        yǎnghuàjì, [氧化劑], oxidant/oxidizing agent
        qiángxīnjì, [強心劑], cardiac stimulant
        lěngquèjì, [冷卻劑], coolant
        shuānjì, [栓劑], suppository
        rǎnfàjì, [染髮劑], hair dye/rinse/tint
尿         lìniàojì, [利尿劑], diuretic
        tiánwèijì, [甜味劑], sweetener (food additive)
        niánhéjì, [黏合劑], glue
        chōngjì, [沖劑], medicine to be taken after being mixed with water (or other liquid)
        rǔjì, [乳劑], emulsion
        tāngjì, [湯劑], decoction/potion
        wánjì, [丸劑], pill
        huányuánjì, [還原劑], reducing agent
        tuījìnjì, [推進劑], propellant/rocket fuel
        gānzàojì, [乾燥劑], desiccant
        qìwùjì, [氣霧劑], aerosol
        piānjì, [片劑], tablet
        fǔshíjì, [腐蝕劑], a corrosive (chemical)
        zhǐshìjì, [指示劑], indicator
        cuītùjì, [催吐劑], an emetic
        jìxíng, [劑型], delivery mechanism of a medicine (e.g. pill, powder etc)

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