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[還鄉] huánxiāng to return home
fig. to retire from public life

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Word Compounds

        Huán/hái/huán, [還], surname Huan, still/still in progress/still more/yet/even more/in addition/fairl...
        háiyǒu, [還有], furthermore/in addition/still/also
        háishi, [還是], or/still/nevertheless/had better
        chánghuán, [償還], to repay/to reimburse
        shēnghuán, [生還], to return alive/to survive
        guīhuán, [歸還], to return sth/to revert
        huánjī, [還擊], to hit back/to return fire
        tǎojiàhuánjià, [討價還價], to haggle over price/to bargain
        huánzhài, [還債], to settle a debt
        yǐyáhuányá, [以牙還牙], a tooth for a tooth (retaliation)
        huányuán, [還原], to restore to the original state/to reconstruct (an event)/reduction (chemistry)
        jiāohuán, [交還], to return sth/to hand back
        huángěi, [還給], to return sth to sb
        huánshǒu, [還手], to hit back/to retaliate
退         tuìhuán, [退還], to return (sth borrowed etc)/to send back/to refund/to rebate
        huánkuǎn, [還款], repayment/to pay back money
        fǎnhuán, [返還], restitution/return of something to its original owner/remittance
        huánhún, [還魂], to return from the grave/(old) to recycle (waste products)
        huánjià, [還價], to make a counteroffer when haggling/to bargain
        huándài, [還貸], to repay a loan
        huánzuǐ, [還嘴], to retort/to answer back
        fènghuán, [奉還], to return with thanks/to give back (honorific)
        sònghuán, [送還], to return/to give back/to send back/to repatriate
        huánzhàng, [還賬], to settle and account
        yìjǐnhuánxiāng, [衣錦還鄉], to come back to one's hometown in silken robes (idiom); to return in glory
        tǎohuán, [討還], to ask for sth back/to recover
        huánxiāng, [還鄉], to return home/fig. to retire from public life
        huányuánjì, [還原劑], reducing agent
        huányuàn, [還願], to redeem a vow (to a deity)/to fulfill a promise/votive
        huánlǐ, [還禮], to return a politeness/to present a gift in return

        xiāngcūn, [鄉村], rustic/village/countryside
        jiāxiāng, [家鄉], hometown/native place/CL:個|个[gè]
        xiāngxia, [鄉下], countryside/rural area/CL:個|个[gè]
        xiāngbālǎo, [鄉巴佬], (derog.) villager/hick/bumpkin
        gùxiāng, [故鄉], home/homeland/native place/CL:個|个[gè]
        xiāng, [鄉], country or countryside/native place/home village or town/township (PRC administr...
        xiāngxiàrén, [鄉下人], country folk/rustic/rural folk
        xiāngjiān, [鄉間], in the country/rural/pastoral
        lǎoxiāng, [老鄉], fellow townsman/fellow villager/sb from the same hometown
        mèngxiāng, [夢鄉], the land of dreams/slumberland
        yìxiāng, [異鄉], foreign land/a place far from home
        xiāngqīn, [鄉親], fellow countryman (from the same village)/local people/villager/the folks back h...
        bèijǐnglíxiāng, [背井離鄉], to leave one's native place, esp. against one's will (idiom)
        rùxiāngsuísú, [入鄉隨俗], When you enter a village, follow the local customs (idiom); do as the natives do...
        sīxiāng, [思鄉], to be homesick
        fǎnxiāng, [返鄉], to return to one's home town
        tāxiāng, [他鄉], foreign land/away from one's native place
        qióngxiāngpìrǎng, [窮鄉僻壤], a remote and desolate place
        yìguótāxiāng, [異國他鄉], foreign lands and places (idiom); living as expatriate
        xiāngtǔ, [鄉土], native soil/one's native land/one's hometown/local (to an area)
        tóngxiāng, [同鄉], person from the same village, town, or province
        xiāngzhèn, [鄉鎮], village/township
        yìjǐnhuánxiāng, [衣錦還鄉], to come back to one's hometown in silken robes (idiom); to return in glory
        xiānglǐ, [鄉里], one's home town or village
        xiāngchóu, [鄉愁], homesickness/nostalgia
        wàixiāngrén, [外鄉人], a stranger/out-of-towner
        xiāngshēn, [鄉紳], a scholar or government official living in one's village/a village gentleman/squ...
        chéngxiāng, [城鄉], city and countryside
        huánxiāng, [還鄉], to return home/fig. to retire from public life
        líxiāngbèijǐng, [離鄉背井], to leave one's homeplace (to find work, flee disaster etc)
        xiàxiāng, [下鄉], to go to the countryside
        Hépíngxiāng, [和平鄉], Hoping township in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县[Tái zhōng xiàn], Taiwan
        shānxiāng, [山鄉], mountain area
        xiāngmín, [鄉民], villager/(Tw) (Internet slang) person who likes to follow online discussions and...
        xiānglín, [鄉鄰], fellow villager
        tāxiāngyùgùzhī, [他鄉遇故知], meeting an old friend in a foreign place (idiom)
        běnxiāng, [本鄉], home village/one's native place
        xiāngyīn, [鄉音], local accent/accent of one's native place
        yìxiāngrén, [異鄉人], stranger

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