异 ⇒
异常 yìcháng, [異常], exceptional/abnormal/an anomaly
异 yì, [異], different/other/hetero-/unusual/strange/surprising/to distinguish/to separate/to...
怪异 guàiyì, [怪異], monstrous/strange/strange phenomenon
诡异 guǐyì, [詭異], strange/weird
异性 yìxìng, [異性], the opposite sex/of the opposite sex/heterosexual/different in nature
异议 yìyì, [異議], objection/dissent
异教徒 yìjiàotú, [異教徒], member of another religion/heathen/pagan/heretic/apostate
变异 biànyì, [變異], variation
奇异 qíyì, [奇異], fantastic/bizarre/odd/exotic/astonished
差异 chāyì, [差異], difference/discrepancy
惊异 jīngyì, [驚異], amazed
异国 yìguó, [異國], exotic/foreign
特异功能 tèyìgōngnéng, [特異功能], supernatural power/extrasensory perception
异想天开 yìxiǎngtiānkāi, [異想天開], to imagine the wildest thing/to indulge in fantasy
异样 yìyàng, [異樣], difference/peculiar
优异 yōuyì, [優異], exceptional/outstandingly good
异端 yìduān, [異端], heresy
离异 líyì, [離異], to divorce
异类 异教 yìjiào, [異教], heresy/heathenism
特异 tèyì, [特異], exceptionally good/excellent/clearly outstanding/distinctive/peculiar/unique
大放异彩 dàfàngyìcǎi, [大放異彩], to shine (of talents, skills, accomplishment)/to demonstrate extraordinary talen...
异能 yìnéng, [異能], different function
无异 wúyì, [無異], nothing other than/to differ in no way from/the same as/to amount to
异乡 yìxiāng, [異鄉], foreign land/a place far from home
讶异 yàyì, [訝異], to be surprised/to be astonished
诧异 chàyì, [詫異], flabbergasted/astonished
异地 yìdì, [異地], different place/abroad
标新立异 biāoxīnlìyì, [標新立異], to make a show of being original or unconventional (idiom)
异物 yìwù, [異物], rarity/rare delicacy/foreign matter/alien body/the dead/ghost/monstrosity/alien ...
异味 yìwèi, [異味], unpleasant odor
异彩 yìcǎi, [異彩], extraordinary splendor
异族 yìzú, [異族], different tribe
迥异 jiǒngyì, [迥異], totally different
异乎寻常 yìhūxúncháng, [異乎尋常], unusual/extraordinary
母异 异口同声 yìkǒutóngshēng, [異口同聲], different mouths, same voice/to speak in unison (idiom)
异域 yìyù, [異域], foreign country/alien land
各异 gèyì, [各異], all different/each unto his own
无异于 异己 yìjǐ, [異己], dissident/alien/outsider
大同小异 dàtóngxiǎoyì, [大同小異], virtually the same/differing only on small points
奇装异服 qízhuāngyìfú, [奇裝異服], bizarre dress
日新月异 rìxīnyuèyì, [日新月異], daily renewal, monthly change (idiom)/every day sees new developments/rapid prog...
异国他乡 yìguótāxiāng, [異國他鄉], foreign lands and places (idiom); living as expatriate
因人而异 yīnrénéryì, [因人而異], varying from person to person (idiom); different for each individual
异型 异状 yìzhuàng, [異狀], unusual condition/something odd/strange shape
求同存异 qiútóngcúnyì, [求同存異], to seek common ground, putting differences aside (idiom)
见异思迁 jiànyìsīqiān, [見異思遷], to change at once on seeing sth different (idiom); loving fads and novelty/never...
变异性 同床异梦 tóngchuángyìmèng, [同床異夢], lit. to share the same bed with different dreams (idiom); ostensible partners wi...
异同 yìtóng, [異同], comparison/differences and similarities
风格各异 异体 yìtǐ, [異體], variant form (of a Chinese character)
异心 yìxīn, [異心], disloyalty/infidelity
珍异 zhēnyì, [珍異], rare/precious and odd
异彩纷呈 异化 yìhuà, [異化], alienation (philosophy)/(of speech) dissimilation
珍禽异兽 何异 异姓 异客 炯异 异步 yìbù, [異步], asynchronous
奇花异卉 qíhuāyìhuì, [奇花異卉], exotic flowers and rare herbs (idiom)
异香 yìxiāng, [異香], rare perfume
新异 xīnyì, [新異], new and different/novelty
异乡人 yìxiāngrén, [異鄉人], stranger
国 ⇒
美国 Měiguó, [美國], United States/USA/US
国家 guójiā, [國家], country/nation/state/CL:個|个[gè]
英国 Yīngguó, [英國], United Kingdom 聯合王國|联合王国[Lián hé wáng guó]/United Kingdom of Great Britain and N...
法国 Fǎguó, [法國], France/French
中国 Zhōngguó, [中國], China
国王 guówáng, [國王], king/CL:個|个[gè]
德国 Déguó, [德國], Germany/German
全国 quánguó, [全國], whole nation/nationwide/countrywide/national
国际 guójì, [國際], international
国 Guó/guó, [國], surname Guo, country/nation/state/national/CL:個|个[gè]
俄国 Éguó, [俄國], Russia
韩国 Hánguó, [韓國], South Korea (Republic of Korea)/Han, one of the Seven Hero States of the Warring...
帝国 dìguó, [帝國], empire/imperial
国会 Guóhuì, [國會], Parliament (UK)/Congress (US)/Diet (Japan)/Legislative Yuan (Taiwan)
国土 guótǔ, [國土], country's territory/national land
王国 wángguó, [王國], kingdom/realm
外国 wàiguó, [外國], foreign (country)/CL:個|个[gè]
国内 guónèi, [國內], domestic/internal (to a country)/civil
联合国 Liánhéguó, [聯合國], United Nations
祖国 zǔguó, [祖國], motherland
国外 guówài, [國外], abroad/external (affairs)/overseas/foreign
国防部 Guófángbù, [國防部], Defense Department/Ministry of National Defense
泰国 Tàiguó, [泰國], Thailand/Thai
国民 guómín, [國民], nationals/citizens/people of a nation
共和国 gònghéguó, [共和國], republic
国度 guódù, [國度], country/nation
出国 chūguó, [出國], to go abroad/to leave the country/emigration
我国 wǒguó, [我國], our country/China
国安 外国人 wàiguórén, [外國人], foreigner
叛国 pànguó, [叛國], treason
爱国 àiguó, [愛國], to love one's country/patriotic
国旗 guóqí, [國旗], flag (of a country)/CL:面[miàn]
爱国者 Àiguózhě/àiguózhě, [愛國者], MIM-104 Patriot surface-to-air missile, patriot
国防 guófáng, [國防], national defense
合众国 hézhòngguó, [合眾國], federated nation/the United States
国务院 Guówùyuàn, [國務院], State Council (PRC)/State Department (USA)
国税局 美国队 天国 tiānguó, [天國], Kingdom of Heaven
叛国罪 pànguózuì, [叛國罪], the crime of treason
回国 huíguó, [回國], to return to one's home country
美国人 Měiguórén, [美國人], American/American person/American people/CL:個|个[gè]
国标舞 guóbiāowǔ, [國標舞], international standard ballroom dancing
国务卿 guówùqīng, [國務卿], Secretary of State
国歌 guógē, [國歌], national anthem
国防部长 guófángbùzhǎng, [國防部長], Defense secretary/Defense Minister
各国 gèguó, [各國], each country/every country/various countries
异国 yìguó, [異國], exotic/foreign
本国 běnguó, [本國], one's own country
全国性 quánguóxìng, [全國性], national
国界 guójiè, [國界], national boundary/border between countries
国籍 guójí, [國籍], nationality
国立 guólì, [國立], national/state-run/public
国庆 Guóqìng, [國慶], National Day
国际象棋 guójìxiàngqí, [國際象棋], chess/CL:副[fù]
贵国 guìguó, [貴國], your distinguished country
国玺 guóxǐ, [國璽], seal of state
美国式 罗马帝国 LuómǎDìguó, [羅馬帝國], Roman Empire (27 BC-476 AD)
国庆节 Guóqìngjié, [國慶節], PRC National Day (October 1st)
帝国主义 dìguózhǔyì, [帝國主義], imperialism
跨国 kuàguó, [跨國], transnational/multinational
国库 guókù, [國庫], public purse/state treasury/national exchequer
国境 guójìng, [國境], national border/frontier
中国政府 为国捐躯 民国 Mínguó, [民國], Republic of China (1912-1949)/used in Taiwan as the name of the calendar era (e....
爱国主义 àiguózhǔyì, [愛國主義], patriotism
盟国 méngguó, [盟國], allies/united countries
金国 国防军 国宝 guóbǎo, [國寶], national treasure
跨国公司 kuàguógōngsī, [跨國公司], transnational corporation/multinational corporation
英国人 Yīngguórén, [英國人], British person/British people
国际性 guójìxìng, [國際性], international/internationalism
国家级 guójiājí, [國家級], (administrative) national-level
国人 guórén, [國人], compatriots (literary)/fellow countrymen
建国 jiànguó, [建國], to found a country/nation-building/the foundation of PRC by Mao Zedong in 1949
国有 guóyǒu, [國有], nationalized/public/government owned/state-owned
敌国 díguó, [敵國], enemy country
发展中国家 fāzhǎnzhōngguójiā, [發展中國家], developing country
大国 dàguó, [大國], a power (i.e. a dominant country)
国者 岛国 dǎoguó, [島國], island nation (sometimes refers specifically to Japan)
国标 guóbiāo, [國標], Guo Biao or GB, the standard PRC encoding, abbr. for 國家標準碼|国家标准码
卖国贼 màiguózéi, [賣國賊], traitor
国家队 guójiāduì, [國家隊], the national team
强国 Qiángguó/qiángguó, [強國], (ironically) mainland China (Taiwan & Hong Kong usage), powerful country/great p...
开国 kāiguó, [開國], to found a state/to open a closed country
国泰民安 guótàimínān, [國泰民安], the country prospers, the people at peace (idiom); peace and prosperity
国宾 guóbīn, [國賓], state visitor/visiting head of state
国父 guófù, [國父], father or founder of a nation/Father of the Republic (Sun Yat-sen)
超级大国 chāojídàguó, [超級大國], superpower
国家安全部 Guójiāānquánbù, [國家安全部], PRC Ministry of State Security
多米尼加共和国 DuōmǐníjiāGònghéguó, [多米尼加共和國], Dominican Republic
邻国 línguó, [鄰國], bordering country/neighbor country/neighboring countries/surrounding countries
别国 国产 guóchǎn, [國產], domestically produced
德国队 国际法 guójìfǎ, [國際法], international law
国际化 guójìhuà, [國際化], to internationalize/internationalization
同盟国 tóngméngguó, [同盟國], allied nation/ally/confederation
国道 guódào, [國道], national highway
英国式 南中国海 法国式 爱国人士 他国 tāguó, [他國], another country
高丽国 非国大 Fēiguódà, [非國大], African National Congress, ANC/abbr. for 非洲人國民大會|非洲人国民大会[Fēi zhōu rén guó mín dà...
异国他乡 yìguótāxiāng, [異國他鄉], foreign lands and places (idiom); living as expatriate
归国 guīguó, [歸國], to go home (to one's native country)/to return from abroad
立国 lìguó, [立國], to found a country
该国 发达国家 fādáguójiā, [發達國家], developed nation
德国人 Déguórén, [德國人], German person or people
举国上下 jǔguóshàngxià, [舉國上下], the entire nation/the whole country, from the leadership to the rank and file
法国人 Fǎguórén, [法國人], Frenchman/French person
爱国心 国事 guóshì, [國事], affairs of the nation/politics
国君 guójūn, [國君], monarch
国宴 guóyàn, [國宴], state banquet
战国 Zhànguó, [戰國], the Warring States period (475-221 BC)
谢国士 国家机器 小国 卖国 màiguó, [賣國], to betray one's country
国门 国境线 国情 guóqíng, [國情], the characteristics and circumstances particular to a country/current state of a...
国教 guójiào, [國教], state religion
理想国 Lǐxiǎngguó/lǐxiǎngguó, [理想國], Plato's "The Republic" (c. 380 BC), ideal state/utopia
国内外 guónèiwài, [國內外], domestic and international/at home and abroad
乌孙国 Wūsūnguó, [烏孫國], Wusun kingdom of central Asia (c. 300 BC-300 AD)
治国 zhìguó, [治國], to rule a country
中国式 Zhōngguóshì, [中國式], Chinese style/à la chinoise
国税 王国里 国务 guówù, [國務], affairs of state
国际级 guójìjí, [國際級], (at an) international level
公国 gōngguó, [公國], duchy/dukedom/principality
保家卫国 bǎojiāwèiguó, [保家衛國], guard home, defend the country (idiom); national defense
曲奇国 列国 lièguó, [列國], various countries
捷克共和国 JiékèGònghéguó, [捷克共和國], Czech Republic
爱尔兰共和国 ÀiěrlánGònghéguó, [愛爾蘭共和國], Republic of Ireland
中华人民共和国 ZhōnghuáRénmínGònghéguó, [中華人民共和國], People's Republic of China
成员国 chéngyuánguó, [成員國], member country
全国委员会 国力 guólì, [國力], a nation's power
国法 guófǎ, [國法], national law
轴心国 Zhóuxīnguó, [軸心國], Axis powers (World War II)
孟加拉国 Mèngjiālāguó, [孟加拉國], Bangladesh (formerly East Pakistan)
国际货币基金组织 GuójìHuòbìJījīnZǔzhī, [國際貨幣基金組織], International Monetary Fund (IMF)
法国队 永国 故国 gùguó, [故國], country with an ancient history
联合王国 Liánhéwángguó, [聯合王國], United Kingdom
独立国家 法兰西共和国 沈永国 中国话 Zhōngguóhuà, [中國話], (spoken) Chinese language
中国队 报国 bàoguó, [報國], to dedicate oneself to the service of one's country
国语 Guóyǔ, [國語], Chinese language (Mandarin), emphasizing its national nature/Chinese as a primar...
国贼 guózéi, [國賊], traitor to the nation
爱国志士 某国 北国 běiguó, [北國], the northern part of the country/the North
国民党 Guómíndǎng, [國民黨], Guomindang or Kuomintang (KMT)/Nationalist Party
国泰 Guótài, [國泰], Cathay Pacific (Hong Kong airline)
亡国 wángguó, [亡國], (of a nation) to be destroyed/subjugation/vanquished nation
国宝级 韩国城 国难 韩国队 国家机关 穷国 qióngguó, [窮國], poor country
国势 guóshì, [國勢], national strength/situation in a state
国文 中国货 国联 GuóLián, [國聯], abbr. for 國際聯盟|国际联盟[Guó jì Lián méng], League of Nations (1920-1946), based in G...
国运 guóyùn, [國運], fate of the nation
沙特阿拉伯王国 国家电网 自由王国 zìyóuwángguó, [自由王國], realm of freedom (philosophy)
中立国 zhōnglìguó, [中立國], neutral country
国书 guóshū, [國書], credentials (of a diplomat)/documents exchanged between nations/national or dyna...
国债 guózhài, [國債], national debt/government debt
国殇 附属国 腾国明 诸国 会员国 huìyuánguó, [會員國], member nation
韩国人 Hánguórén, [韓國人], Korean (person)
属国 shǔguó, [屬國], vassal state
皇亲国戚 huángqīnguóqī, [皇親國戚], the emperor relatives (idiom); person with powerful connections
军国主义 jūnguózhǔyì, [軍國主義], militarism
国难当头 安国王 郑镇国 中国人 Zhōngguórén, [中國人], Chinese person
理事国 国营 guóyíng, [國營], state-run (company etc)/nationalized
国葬 guózàng, [國葬], state funeral
王国端 丁国镛 万国 wànguó, [萬國], all nations
南国 国民军 国际歌 Guójìgē, [國際歌], The Internationale
国企 guóqǐ, [國企], state enterprise/(Tw) abbr. for 國際企業管理|国际企业管理, international business management...
国名 guómíng, [國名], name of country
国大 GuóDà, [國大], abbr. for 國民大會|国民大会, National Assembly of the Republic of China (extant during v...
国成 国电 国端 三国 Sānguó, [三國], Three Kingdoms period (220-280) in Chinese history/several Three Kingdoms period...
法国法郎 保护国 bǎohùguó, [保護國], protectorate
万国之 外国语 wàiguóyǔ, [外國語], foreign language
左国忠 巴国 金国尚 国木田 一国两制 yīguóliǎngzhì, [一國兩制], one country, two systems (PRC proposal regarding Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan)
八国联军 BāguóLiánjūn, [八國聯軍], Eight-Nation Alliance, involved in a military intervention in northern China in ...
通国 国家标准 中华民国 ZhōnghuáMínguó, [中華民國], Republic of China
东国 中国人民解放军 ZhōngguóRénmínJiěfàngjūn, [中國人民解放軍], Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA)
丧权辱国 sàngquánrǔguó, [喪權辱國], to forfeit sovereignty and humiliate the country (idiom)/to surrender territory ...
国家所有 安国 Ānguó, [安國], Anguo county level city in Baoding 保定[Bǎo dìng], Hebei
藩国 fānguó, [藩國], feudatory/vassal state
协约国 xiéyuēguó, [協約國], Allies/entente (i.e. Western powers allied to China in WW)
塞尔维亚共和国 黎东国 欧亚国 战败国 卫星国 国宾馆 guóbīnguǎn, [國賓館], state guesthouse
联合国安理会 生产国 国有化 guóyǒuhuà, [國有化], nationalization
国际主义 guójìzhǔyì, [國際主義], internationalism
山国 满洲国 Mǎnzhōuguó, [滿洲國], Manchukuo
返国 fǎnguó, [返國], to return to one's country
那国玺 周圣国 救国救民 美国之音 MěiguóZhīYīn, [美國之音], Voice of America (VOA)
一国之 泱泱大国 河明国 真国玺 国见升 国事访问 guóshìfǎngwèn, [國事訪問], state visit
三国演义 SānguóYǎnyì, [三國演義], Romance of the Three Kingdoms by Luo Guanzhong 羅貫中|罗贯中[Luó Guàn zhōng], one of t...
母国 国交 国策 guócè, [國策], a national policy
国脚 国色 国货 guóhuò, [國貨], domestically produced goods
国色天香 guósètiānxiāng, [國色天香], national grace, divine fragrance (idiom); an outstanding beauty
国香 国魂 国鸟 国际裁判 奥斯曼帝国 ÀosīmànDìguó, [奧斯曼帝國], the Ottoman Empire
王国正 王国真 国债券 王国和 三国陆 闭关锁国 bìguānsuǒguó, [閉關鎖國], to close the passes and seal off the country/to close a country to exclude forei...
刚果民主共和国 GāngguǒMínzhǔGònghéguó, [剛果民主共和國], Democratic Republic of Congo
罗国来 麦克国 韩国全 国东 国号 guóhào, [國號], official name of a nation (includes dynastic names of China: 漢|汉[Hàn], 唐[Táng] e...
国别 国国 国定 国学 guóxué, [國學], Chinese national culture/studies of ancient Chinese civilization/the Imperial Co...
国产货 刚果共和国 国术 guóshù, [國術], martial arts
国村 国权 宋日国 海国 国际台 国粹 guócuì, [國粹], national essence/quintessence of national culture
国民经济 guómínjīngjì, [國民經濟], national economy
富国 fùguó, [富國], rich country/make the country wealthy (political slogan)
国家栋梁 万国表 高卢国 国界线 guójièxiàn, [國界線], border between countries/line forming the border
黄金国 殉国 xùnguó, [殉國], to die for one's country
忧国忧民 中国字 国库券 guókùquàn, [國庫券], treasury bond
乡 ⇒
乡村 xiāngcūn, [鄉村], rustic/village/countryside
家乡 jiāxiāng, [家鄉], hometown/native place/CL:個|个[gè]
乡下 xiāngxia, [鄉下], countryside/rural area/CL:個|个[gè]
乡巴佬 xiāngbālǎo, [鄉巴佬], (derog.) villager/hick/bumpkin
故乡 gùxiāng, [故鄉], home/homeland/native place/CL:個|个[gè]
乡 xiāng, [鄉], country or countryside/native place/home village or town/township (PRC administr...
乡下人 xiāngxiàrén, [鄉下人], country folk/rustic/rural folk
乡间 xiāngjiān, [鄉間], in the country/rural/pastoral
老乡 lǎoxiāng, [老鄉], fellow townsman/fellow villager/sb from the same hometown
梦乡 mèngxiāng, [夢鄉], the land of dreams/slumberland
异乡 yìxiāng, [異鄉], foreign land/a place far from home
乡亲 xiāngqīn, [鄉親], fellow countryman (from the same village)/local people/villager/the folks back h...
南乡 背井离乡 bèijǐnglíxiāng, [背井離鄉], to leave one's native place, esp. against one's will (idiom)
入乡随俗 rùxiāngsuísú, [入鄉隨俗], When you enter a village, follow the local customs (idiom); do as the natives do...
回乡 思乡 sīxiāng, [思鄉], to be homesick
返乡 fǎnxiāng, [返鄉], to return to one's home town
他乡 tāxiāng, [他鄉], foreign land/away from one's native place
穷乡僻壤 qióngxiāngpìrǎng, [窮鄉僻壤], a remote and desolate place
异国他乡 yìguótāxiāng, [異國他鄉], foreign lands and places (idiom); living as expatriate
乡土 xiāngtǔ, [鄉土], native soil/one's native land/one's hometown/local (to an area)
同乡 tóngxiāng, [同鄉], person from the same village, town, or province
乡镇 xiāngzhèn, [鄉鎮], village/township
衣锦还乡 yìjǐnhuánxiāng, [衣錦還鄉], to come back to one's hometown in silken robes (idiom); to return in glory
乡里 xiānglǐ, [鄉里], one's home town or village
乡愁 xiāngchóu, [鄉愁], homesickness/nostalgia
乡野 父老乡亲 湛乡 家乡话 外乡人 wàixiāngrén, [外鄉人], a stranger/out-of-towner
乡绅 xiāngshēn, [鄉紳], a scholar or government official living in one's village/a village gentleman/squ...
城乡 chéngxiāng, [城鄉], city and countryside
告老还乡 还乡 huánxiāng, [還鄉], to return home/fig. to retire from public life
离乡背井 líxiāngbèijǐng, [離鄉背井], to leave one's homeplace (to find work, flee disaster etc)
下乡 xiàxiāng, [下鄉], to go to the countryside
和平乡 Hépíngxiāng, [和平鄉], Hoping township in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县[Tái zhōng xiàn], Taiwan
山乡 shānxiāng, [山鄉], mountain area
离乡 乡土气息 乡民 xiāngmín, [鄉民], villager/(Tw) (Internet slang) person who likes to follow online discussions and...
乡邻 xiānglín, [鄉鄰], fellow villager
他乡遇故知 tāxiāngyùgùzhī, [他鄉遇故知], meeting an old friend in a foreign place (idiom)
醉乡 本乡 běnxiāng, [本鄉], home village/one's native place
乡音 xiāngyīn, [鄉音], local accent/accent of one's native place
异乡人 yìxiāngrén, [異鄉人], stranger