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[異步] yìbù asynchronous

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Word Compounds

        yìcháng, [異常], exceptional/abnormal/an anomaly
        yì, [異], different/other/hetero-/unusual/strange/surprising/to distinguish/to separate/to...
        guàiyì, [怪異], monstrous/strange/strange phenomenon
        guǐyì, [詭異], strange/weird
        yìxìng, [異性], the opposite sex/of the opposite sex/heterosexual/different in nature
        yìyì, [異議], objection/dissent
        yìjiàotú, [異教徒], member of another religion/heathen/pagan/heretic/apostate
        biànyì, [變異], variation
        qíyì, [奇異], fantastic/bizarre/odd/exotic/astonished
        chāyì, [差異], difference/discrepancy
        jīngyì, [驚異], amazed
        yìguó, [異國], exotic/foreign
        tèyìgōngnéng, [特異功能], supernatural power/extrasensory perception
        yìxiǎngtiānkāi, [異想天開], to imagine the wildest thing/to indulge in fantasy
        yìyàng, [異樣], difference/peculiar
        yōuyì, [優異], exceptional/outstandingly good
        yìduān, [異端], heresy
        líyì, [離異], to divorce
        yìjiào, [異教], heresy/heathenism
        tèyì, [特異], exceptionally good/excellent/clearly outstanding/distinctive/peculiar/unique
        dàfàngyìcǎi, [大放異彩], to shine (of talents, skills, accomplishment)/to demonstrate extraordinary talen...
        yìnéng, [異能], different function
        wúyì, [無異], nothing other than/to differ in no way from/the same as/to amount to
        yìxiāng, [異鄉], foreign land/a place far from home
        yàyì, [訝異], to be surprised/to be astonished
        chàyì, [詫異], flabbergasted/astonished
        yìdì, [異地], different place/abroad
        biāoxīnlìyì, [標新立異], to make a show of being original or unconventional (idiom)
        yìwù, [異物], rarity/rare delicacy/foreign matter/alien body/the dead/ghost/monstrosity/alien ...
        yìwèi, [異味], unpleasant odor
        yìcǎi, [異彩], extraordinary splendor
        yìzú, [異族], different tribe
        jiǒngyì, [迥異], totally different
        yìhūxúncháng, [異乎尋常], unusual/extraordinary
        yìkǒutóngshēng, [異口同聲], different mouths, same voice/to speak in unison (idiom)
        yìyù, [異域], foreign country/alien land
        gèyì, [各異], all different/each unto his own
        yìjǐ, [異己], dissident/alien/outsider
        dàtóngxiǎoyì, [大同小異], virtually the same/differing only on small points
        qízhuāngyìfú, [奇裝異服], bizarre dress
        rìxīnyuèyì, [日新月異], daily renewal, monthly change (idiom)/every day sees new developments/rapid prog...
        yìguótāxiāng, [異國他鄉], foreign lands and places (idiom); living as expatriate
        yīnrénéryì, [因人而異], varying from person to person (idiom); different for each individual
        yìzhuàng, [異狀], unusual condition/something odd/strange shape
        qiútóngcúnyì, [求同存異], to seek common ground, putting differences aside (idiom)
        jiànyìsīqiān, [見異思遷], to change at once on seeing sth different (idiom); loving fads and novelty/never...
        tóngchuángyìmèng, [同床異夢], lit. to share the same bed with different dreams (idiom); ostensible partners wi...
        yìtóng, [異同], comparison/differences and similarities
        yìtǐ, [異體], variant form (of a Chinese character)
        yìxīn, [異心], disloyalty/infidelity
        zhēnyì, [珍異], rare/precious and odd
        yìhuà, [異化], alienation (philosophy)/(of speech) dissimilation
        yìbù, [異步], asynchronous
        qíhuāyìhuì, [奇花異卉], exotic flowers and rare herbs (idiom)
        yìxiāng, [異香], rare perfume
        xīnyì, [新異], new and different/novelty
        yìxiāngrén, [異鄉人], stranger

        Bù/bù, surname Bu, a step/a pace/walk/march/stages in a process/situation
        jìnbù, [進步], progress/improvement/to improve/to progress/CL:個|个[gè]
        jìnyībù, [進一步], one step further/to move forward a step/further onwards
        sànbù, to take a walk/to go for a walk
        wǔbù, dance steps
        dìbù, stage/degree (to which a situation has evolved)/situation/leeway
        pǎobù, to run/to jog/(military) to march at the double
        bùxíng, to go on foot/to walk
        jiǎobù, [腳步], footstep/step
        bùqiāng, [步槍], rifle/CL:把[bǎ],枝[zhī]
        chūbù, initial/preliminary/tentative
        mànbù, to wander/to ramble/recreational hiking/to perambulate
        tóngbù, synchronous/to synchronize/to keep step with
        ràngbù, [讓步], to concede/to give in/to yield/a concession/(linguistics) concessive
        túbù, to be on foot
        bùfá, pace/(measured) step/march
        bùrù, to step into/to enter
        bùzhòu, [步驟], procedure/step
        bùbīng, infantry/foot/infantryman/foot soldier
        qǐbù, to set out/to set in motion/the start (of some activity)
        bùbù, step by step/at every step
        kuàibù, quick step
        zhǐbù, to halt/to stop/to go no farther
        zhúbù, progressively/step by step
退         tuìbù, to do less well than before/to make a concession/setback/backward step/leeway/ro...
        bùdiào, [步調], gait/marching order/step/pace
        bùzi, step/pace
        bùfǎ, footwork
        cùnbùbùlí, [寸步不離], to follow sb closely (idiom)/to keep close to
        tàbù, stride/to step (on the spot)/to mark time/at a standstill
        ángshǒukuòbù, [昂首闊步], striding forward with head high (idiom); to walk with spirited and vigorous step...
        liúbù, (said by departing guest) no need to see me out
        píngbùqīngyún, [平步青雲], to rapidly go up in the world/meteoric rise (of a career, social position etc)
        tíngbù, to come to a stand/to stop
        bùhuàjī, [步話機], walkie-talkie
        duóbù, to pace/to stroll
        dàbù, large strides
        bùlǚ, gait/to walk
        kuàbù, to take a (striding) step
        bùxíngjiē, car-free zone/pedestrian street
        cùnbùnánxíng, [寸步難行], unable to move a single step (idiom)/to be in an (extremely) difficult situation
        wěnbù, [穩步], steadily/a steady pace
        dàtàbù, in big strides/(fig.) in giant steps
        jǔbùwéijiān, [舉步維艱], to make progress only with great difficulty (idiom)
        zhèngbù, goose-step (for military parades)
        yībùdēngtiān, reaching heaven in a single bound (idiom); (esp. with negative: don't expect) in...
        yìbùyìqū, [亦步亦趨], to blindly follow suit (idiom)/to imitate slavishly/to do what everyone else is ...
        huǎnbù, [緩步], to walk slowly/to amble along/gradually/slowly
        qíbù, [齊步], to match (sb's) stride
        suìbù, small quick steps
        Hándānxuébù, [邯鄲學步], to copy the way they walk in Handan (idiom)/slavishly copying others, one risks ...
        kuòbù, [闊步], to stride forward
        wàngérquèbù, [望而卻步], to shrink back/to flinch
        yībùdàowèi, to settle a matter in one go
        bùlǚwéijiān, [步履維艱], to have difficulty walking (idiom)/to walk with difficulty
        jìbùqì, [計步器], pedometer
穿         bǎibùchuānyáng, [百步穿楊], to shoot with great precision (idiom)
        xìnbù, to stroll/to saunter
        bùbùwéiyíng, [步步為營], to advance gradually and entrench oneself at every step/to consolidate at every ...
        dàbùliúxīng, at a stride/taking large steps (while walking)
        sìfāngbù, a slow march
        cùnbùbùràng, [寸步不讓], (idiom) not to yield an inch
        bùdiàoyīzhì, [步調一致], to be united in action
        yìbù, [異步], asynchronous
        quèbù, [卻步], to step back
        jíbù, at a fast pace

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