各 ⇒
各位 gèwèi, everybody/all (guests, colleagues etc)/all of you
各 gè, each/every
各种 gèzhǒng, [各種], every kind of/all kinds of/various kinds
各自 gèzì, each/respective/apiece
各地 gèdì, in all parts of (a country)/various regions
各个 gègè, [各個], every/various/separately, one by one
各就各位 gèjiùgèwèi, (of the people in a group) to get into position (idiom)/(athletics) On your mark...
各种各样 gèzhǒnggèyàng, [各種各樣], various kinds/all sorts
雅各布 波多黎各 BōduōLígè, Puerto Rico, self-governing unincorporated territory of the United States
各国 gèguó, [各國], each country/every country/various countries
波多黎各人 各式各样 gèshìgèyàng, [各式各樣], (of) all kinds and sorts/various
各队 各类 gèlèi, [各類], all categories
各项 各方 gèfāng, all parties (in a dispute etc)/all sides/all directions
各处 gèchù, [各處], every place
各人 gèrén, each one/everyone
加尔各答 Jiāěrgèdá, [加爾各答], Calcutta (India)
各色 gèsè, all kinds/of every description
各州 各界 gèjiè, all walks of life/all social circles
各司其职 约翰·约瑟夫·雅各布斯 各式 各异 gèyì, [各異], all different/each unto his own
各奔东西 gèbèndōngxī, [各奔東西], to go separate ways (idiom)/to part ways with sb/Taiwan pr. [gè bēn dōng xī]
各行各业 gèhánggèyè, [各行各業], every trade/all professions/all walks of life
各得其所 gèdéqísuǒ, each in the correct place/each is provided for
各自为战 各取所需 gèqǔsuǒxū, each takes what he needs (idiom)
各样 gèyàng, [各樣], many different types
各个击破 各有所长 各路 各组 各家 雅各布·惠勒 各有千秋 gèyǒuqiānqiū, each has its own merits (idiom)
各族 雅各比 各别 gèbié, [各別], distinct/characteristic/in different ways/different
拉各斯 Lāgèsī, Lagos (Nigerian city)
小雅各布 雅各布斯 约翰·雅各比 雅各布·罗斯勒 各级 gèjí, [各級], all levels
各奔前程 gèbènqiánchéng, each goes his own way (idiom); each person has his own life to lead
各持己见 gèchíjǐjiàn, [各持己見], each sticks to his own opinion (idiom); chacun son gout
各抒己见 gèshūjǐjiàn, [各抒己見], everyone gives their own view
风格各异 雅各布·盖斯默 自各儿 zìgěr, [自各兒], variant of 自個兒|自个儿[zì gě r]
各行其道 各行其是 gèxíngqíshì, each one does what he thinks is right (idiom)/each goes his own way
各执一词 gèzhíyīcí, [各執一詞], each sticks to his own version (idiom); a dialogue of the deaf
各显神通 各行 各自为政 gèzìwéizhèng, [各自為政], to do things each in one's own way
雅各布·佛林斯顿 加尔各塔 吉各尔斯 马克·雅各布 雅各布·科瑞格 玛各丽斯 阿各拉 雅各宾 雅各布·埃德尔斯坦 各有所好 gèyǒusuǒhào, everyone has their likes and dislikes (idiom)
但雅各布 各部 各科 圣多明各 ShèngDuōmínggè, [聖多明各], Santo Domingo, capital of the Dominican Republic
各派 各款 各显其能 贝利·各雷姆 各色人等 克罗伊茨费尔特雅各布 雅各布·卡奇斯 雅各布·塞缪尔森 吉尔·雅各布 雅各布他 各尽所能 gèjìnsuǒnéng, [各盡所能], each does his utmost (idiom)/from each according to his means
爱雅各布 伊戈尔斯达各尔 雅各普莱兹 各家各户 雅各·布瑞尔
异 ⇒
异常 yìcháng, [異常], exceptional/abnormal/an anomaly
异 yì, [異], different/other/hetero-/unusual/strange/surprising/to distinguish/to separate/to...
怪异 guàiyì, [怪異], monstrous/strange/strange phenomenon
诡异 guǐyì, [詭異], strange/weird
异性 yìxìng, [異性], the opposite sex/of the opposite sex/heterosexual/different in nature
异议 yìyì, [異議], objection/dissent
异教徒 yìjiàotú, [異教徒], member of another religion/heathen/pagan/heretic/apostate
变异 biànyì, [變異], variation
奇异 qíyì, [奇異], fantastic/bizarre/odd/exotic/astonished
差异 chāyì, [差異], difference/discrepancy
惊异 jīngyì, [驚異], amazed
异国 yìguó, [異國], exotic/foreign
特异功能 tèyìgōngnéng, [特異功能], supernatural power/extrasensory perception
异想天开 yìxiǎngtiānkāi, [異想天開], to imagine the wildest thing/to indulge in fantasy
异样 yìyàng, [異樣], difference/peculiar
优异 yōuyì, [優異], exceptional/outstandingly good
异端 yìduān, [異端], heresy
离异 líyì, [離異], to divorce
异类 异教 yìjiào, [異教], heresy/heathenism
特异 tèyì, [特異], exceptionally good/excellent/clearly outstanding/distinctive/peculiar/unique
大放异彩 dàfàngyìcǎi, [大放異彩], to shine (of talents, skills, accomplishment)/to demonstrate extraordinary talen...
异能 yìnéng, [異能], different function
无异 wúyì, [無異], nothing other than/to differ in no way from/the same as/to amount to
异乡 yìxiāng, [異鄉], foreign land/a place far from home
讶异 yàyì, [訝異], to be surprised/to be astonished
诧异 chàyì, [詫異], flabbergasted/astonished
异地 yìdì, [異地], different place/abroad
标新立异 biāoxīnlìyì, [標新立異], to make a show of being original or unconventional (idiom)
异物 yìwù, [異物], rarity/rare delicacy/foreign matter/alien body/the dead/ghost/monstrosity/alien ...
异味 yìwèi, [異味], unpleasant odor
异彩 yìcǎi, [異彩], extraordinary splendor
异族 yìzú, [異族], different tribe
迥异 jiǒngyì, [迥異], totally different
异乎寻常 yìhūxúncháng, [異乎尋常], unusual/extraordinary
母异 异口同声 yìkǒutóngshēng, [異口同聲], different mouths, same voice/to speak in unison (idiom)
异域 yìyù, [異域], foreign country/alien land
各异 gèyì, [各異], all different/each unto his own
无异于 异己 yìjǐ, [異己], dissident/alien/outsider
大同小异 dàtóngxiǎoyì, [大同小異], virtually the same/differing only on small points
奇装异服 qízhuāngyìfú, [奇裝異服], bizarre dress
日新月异 rìxīnyuèyì, [日新月異], daily renewal, monthly change (idiom)/every day sees new developments/rapid prog...
异国他乡 yìguótāxiāng, [異國他鄉], foreign lands and places (idiom); living as expatriate
因人而异 yīnrénéryì, [因人而異], varying from person to person (idiom); different for each individual
异型 异状 yìzhuàng, [異狀], unusual condition/something odd/strange shape
求同存异 qiútóngcúnyì, [求同存異], to seek common ground, putting differences aside (idiom)
见异思迁 jiànyìsīqiān, [見異思遷], to change at once on seeing sth different (idiom); loving fads and novelty/never...
变异性 同床异梦 tóngchuángyìmèng, [同床異夢], lit. to share the same bed with different dreams (idiom); ostensible partners wi...
异同 yìtóng, [異同], comparison/differences and similarities
风格各异 异体 yìtǐ, [異體], variant form (of a Chinese character)
异心 yìxīn, [異心], disloyalty/infidelity
珍异 zhēnyì, [珍異], rare/precious and odd
异彩纷呈 异化 yìhuà, [異化], alienation (philosophy)/(of speech) dissimilation
珍禽异兽 何异 异姓 异客 炯异 异步 yìbù, [異步], asynchronous
奇花异卉 qíhuāyìhuì, [奇花異卉], exotic flowers and rare herbs (idiom)
异香 yìxiāng, [異香], rare perfume
新异 xīnyì, [新異], new and different/novelty
异乡人 yìxiāngrén, [異鄉人], stranger