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Lìtālín Ritalin (brand name)
methylphenidate (stimulant drug used to treat ADHD)

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Word Compounds

        lìyòng, to exploit/to make use of/to use/to take advantage of/to utilize
        Lì/lì, surname Li, sharp/favorable/advantage/benefit/profit/interest/to do good to/to b...
        quánlì, [權利], right (i.e. an entitlement to sth)/(classical) power and wealth
        shùnlì, [順利], smoothly/without a hitch
        Yìdàlì, Italy/Italian
        shènglì, [勝利], victory/CL:個|个[gè]
        Hēnglì, Henry (name)/henry (unit of inductance)
        Bǐlì, Pelé (1940-), Edson Arantes Do Nascimento, Brazilian football star
        lìyì, benefit/(in sb's) interest/CL:個|个[gè]
        Hālì, Harry
        bùlì, unfavorable/disadvantageous/harmful/detrimental
        yǒulì, advantageous/to have advantages/favorable
        Wēilì, Wylie (name)/Turrell Wylie, originator of the Wylie transcription of Tibetan scr...
        fúlì, material benefit/benefit in kind/(social) welfare
        Wéiduōlìyà, [維多利亞], Victoria (name)/Victoria, capital of the Seychelles
        Jiālìfúníyà, [加利福尼亞], California
        Àodàlìyà, [澳大利亞], Australia
        lìrùn, [利潤], profits
        Kǎilì, [凱利], Kelly (person name)
便         biànlì, convenient/easy/to facilitate
        zhànlìpǐn, [戰利品], spoils of war
        Mǎlìyà, [瑪利亞], Mary (biblical name)
        shènglìzhě, [勝利者], victor/winner
        lìxī, interest (on a loan)/CL:筆|笔[bǐ]
        Bǐlìshí, [比利時], Belgium
        fēnglì, [鋒利], sharp (e.g. knife blade)/incisive/to the point
        zhuānlì, [專利], patent/sth uniquely enjoyed (or possessed etc) by a certain group of people/mono...
        Sītǎnlì, Stanley (name)
        Xiōngyálì, Hungary
        Nírìlìyà, [尼日利亞], Nigeria
        hālìlùyà, [哈利路亞], hallelujah (loanword)
        Zhūlìān, Julian or Julien (name)
        Jílì/jílì, Geely, Chinese car make, auspicious/lucky/propitious
        Méngtèlìěr, [蒙特利爾], Montreal, city in Quebec, Canada
        Yàlìsāngnàzhōu, [亞利桑那州], Arizona
        Mǎlì, [馬利], Mali (Tw)
        Àodìlì, [奧地利], Austria
        Fǎlālì, Ferrari
        Zhìlì, Chile
        Yàlìsāngnà, [亞利桑那], Arizona
        Lìzī, [利茲], Leeds
        gāolìdài, [高利貸], loan shark/high-interest loan/usury
        huòlì, [獲利], profit/to obtain benefits/benefits obtained
        Kèlìfūlán, [克利夫蘭], Cleveland
        Bōlìwéiyà, [玻利維亞], Bolivia
        lìsuo, nimble
西         Xībólìyà, [西伯利亞], Siberia
        Xùlìyà, [敘利亞], Syria
        Jiālìfúníyàzhōu, [加利福尼亞州], California
        Duōlì, Dolly (1996-2003), female sheep, first mammal to be cloned from an adult somatic...
        yínglì, profit/gain/to make profits
        Tǎlìbān, Taliban (Farsi: student), Afghan guerrilla faction
        gānjìnglìluo, [乾淨利落], squeaky clean/neat and tidy/efficient
        lìyú, [利於], to be beneficial/to be good for
        Bókèlì, Berkeley
        Àolìwéiyà, [奧利維亞], Olivia (name)
        shīlì, to lose/to suffer defeat
        Lìwùpǔ, Liverpool (England)
        Bǎojiālìyà, [保加利亞], Bulgaria
        shìlì, [勢利], snobbish
        máli, swift/agile/efficient/quick-witted (colloquial)
        ruìlì, [銳利], sharp/keen/acute/incisive/penetrating/perceptive
        Lìbǐyà, [利比亞], Libya
        Xiàlì, Xiali, car brand by Tianjin FAW Xiali Motor Company
        liúlì, fluent
        lìhài/lìhai, pros and cons/advantages and disadvantages/gains and losses, terrible/formidable...
        Āěrjílìyà, [阿爾及利亞], Algeria
        BùyínuòsīÀilìsī, [布宜諾斯艾利斯], Buenos Aires, capital of Argentina
        lìluo, agile/nimble/all settled/in order
        xīlì, sharp/incisive/penetrating
        Bólìhéng, [伯利恆], Bethlehem (in the biblical nativity story)
        lìlǜ, interest rates
        Mǎlìyà, [馬利亞], Maria (name)/Mary, mother of Jesus Christ
        Yǎlìān, Aryan
        Bāfálìyà, [巴伐利亞], Bavaria
        Wēilìsī, Willis (name)
        máolì, gross profit
        Měilìjiān, [美利堅], America
        zìsīzìlì, everything for self and selfish profit (idiom); with no regard for others/selfis...
        hónglì, [紅利], bonus/dividend
        gāolì, high interest rate/usurious
        Qiēěrnuòbèilì, [切爾諾貝利], Chernobyl
        Dádélì, [達德利], Dudley (name)
        Jiālìlüè, Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), Italian scientist
        lìrèn, sharp blade
        Mínglìchǎng, [名利場], Vanity Fair (novel and magazine title)
        hùlì, mutually beneficial
        Ménggēmǎlì, [蒙哥馬利], Bernard Montgomery (Montie) (1887-1976), Second World War British field marshal/...
        mínglì, fame and profit
·         Hālì·Bōtè, Harry Potter, boy wizard in the novels by J.K. Rowling 羅琳|罗琳
        lìqì, sharp weapon/effective implement/outstandingly able individual
        Gēlìyà, [歌利亞], Goliath
        sīlì, personal gain/(one's own) selfish interest
        yǒulìkětú, [有利可圖], profitable
        Fèilìkèsī, [費利克斯], Felix
        móulì, to gain profit (by underhand means)/to exploit/exploitation
        fúlìyuàn, welfare agency
        LíLì, Le Loi, Vietnamese general and emperor who won back independence for Vietnam fro...
        xuělìjiǔ, sherry (loanword)
        fēiyínglì, nonprofit
        Fēilìpǔ, [飛利浦], Philips (company)
        jiānlì, sharp/keen/cutting/shrill/piercing
        lìbì, pros and cons/merits and drawbacks/advantages and disadvantages
        Yīlìnuòyīzhōu, [伊利諾伊州], Illinois, US state
        Bīnlì, [賓利], Bentley
        Míngníābōlìsī, Minneapolis, a nameplace in the USA, notably in Minnesota
        Wéilì, [韋利], Waley or Whaley (name)/Arthur Waley (1889-1966), pioneer British sinologist
        Jījiālì, Kigali, capital of Rwanda
        Pǔlìmáosī, Plymouth
        Yèlìqīn, [葉利欽], Yeltsin (name)/Boris Yeltsin (1931-2007) first post-communist president of Russi...
        Luólì, [羅利], Raleigh, capital of North Carolina
        zhuānlìquán, [專利權], patent right
        Lìbǐlǐyà, [利比里亞], Liberia
        wéilìshìtú, [唯利是圖], to seek nothing but profit (idiom); personal profit before everything/self-seeki...
        Ānnàbōlìsī, [安納波利斯], Annapolis (place name)
        Bólìzī, [伯利茲], Belize
        Sàilālìáng, Sierra Leone
        yínglì, [營利], for profit/to seek profit
        gāncuìlìluo, [乾脆利落], (of speech or actions) direct and efficient/without fooling around
        yínglì, [贏利], gain/profit/to make a profit
        Lìmǎ, [利馬], Lima, capital of Peru
        jígōngjìnlì, seeking instant benefit (idiom); shortsighted vision, looking only for fast retu...
        shuǐlì, water conservancy/irrigation works
西         Yóulìxīsī, Ulysses (novel)
        Àolìào, [奧利奧], Oreo cookies
        shìlìyǎn, [勢利眼], to be self-interested
        mínglìshuāngshōu, [名利雙收], both fame and fortune (idiom)/both virtue and reward
        Yīlìnuòyī, [伊利諾伊], Illinois, US state
        YīngjílìHǎixiá, [英吉利海峽], English Channel
        Bǐlètuólìyà, [比勒陀利亞], Pretoria, capital of South Africa
        Yìdàlìrén, Italian person
        gōnglì, utility
西         Bōlìníxīyà, [波利尼西亞], Polynesia
        Yìndìānnàbōlìsī, [印第安納波利斯], Indianapolis, Indiana
        lìjiàn, [利劍], sharp sword
        Lìyǎdé, Riyadh, capital of Saudi Arabia
        lìjǐ, personal profit/to benefit oneself
        fúlìáng, freon (chemistry)
        Āěrjílìyàrén, [阿爾及利亞人], Algerian
        dàjídàlì, great luck, great profit (idiom); everything is thriving
        móuqǔbàolì, to profiteer/profiteering
        Wǎlì, Váli (son of Odin)
        wéilìshìtú, [惟利是圖], variant of 唯利是圖|唯利是图[wéi lì shì tú]
        Bālì, Pali, language of Theravad Pali canon/Barry (name)/Gareth Barry (1981-), English...
        zhuānlìjú, [專利局], patent office
尿         lìniàojì, [利尿劑], diuretic
        Hālìfǎkèsī, Halifax (name)/Halifax city, capital of Nova Scotia, Canada/Halifax, town in Wes...
        Lìtālín, Ritalin (brand name)/methylphenidate (stimulant drug used to treat ADHD)
        Ānlì/ānlì, Amway (brand), to recommend (a product etc)/to promote
        lìyùxūnxīn, [利慾薰心], blinded by greed (idiom)
        Yìdàlì, [義大利], Italy/Italian (Tw)
        Gēlìyà, [哥利亞], Goliath
        bàolì, sudden huge profits
        běnlì, principal and interest/capital and profit
        dìlì, favorable location/in the right place/productivity of land
        móulì, [謀利], to make a profit/to gain/to get an advantage
        Yēlìgē, Jericho (Biblical city)
        Yēlìmǐ, Jeremy or Jeremiah (name)
        Méngbǐlìāi, Montpellier (French town)
        lìjǐzhǔyì, [利己主義], egoism
        lìyòu, [利誘], to use gain as a lure
西         Jiālìxīyà, [加利西亞], Galicia, province and former kingdom of northwest Spain
        lìrùnlǜ, [利潤率], profit margin
        YīlìHú, Lake Erie, one of the Great Lakes 五大湖[Wǔ dà hú]
        gōnglìzhǔyì, [功利主義], utilitarianism
        Yīlìyàtè, [伊利亞特], Homer's Iliad
        lìduōkǎyīn, lidocaine (loanword)
        zuòshōuyúlì, [坐收漁利], benefit from others' dispute (idiom)
        BǐfólìShān, Beverly Hills
        lìhǎo, favorable/good/advantage
        Ānnàtuōlìyà, [安納托利亞], Anatolia, Asia minor
        gǔlì, dividend
        zhēngmíngduólì, [爭名奪利], to fight for fame, grab profit (idiom); scrambling for fame and wealth/only inte...
        Zhūlìyà, [朱利婭], Julia (name)
        Yībǐlìyà, [伊比利亞], Iberia/the Iberian peninsula
        zhēngquánduólì, [爭權奪利], scramble for power and profit (idiom); power struggle
        sǔnrénlìjǐ, [損人利己], harming others for one's personal benefit (idiom); personal gain to the detrimen...
        fùlì, [複利], compound interest
        Bólǐkèlì, Pericles (c. 495-429 BC), Athenian strategist and politician before and at the s...
        Sāiwéilìyà, [塞維利亞], Sevilla, Spain
        Wéiduōlìyàzhōu, [維多利亞州], Victoria, southeastern Australian state
        jìdélìyì, vested interest
        Tèlì, (name) Terry
        ÀodàlìyàLiánbāng, [澳大利亞聯邦], Commonwealth of Australia
        Yīngjílì, England (historical loan, from English)
        píngděnghùlì, mutual benefit/to share profits equitably
        jìnglì, [淨利], net profit
        yīnshìlìdǎo, [因勢利導], to take advantage of the new situation (idiom)/to make the best of new opportuni...
        Shuǐlìbù, Ministry of Water Resources (PRC)
        shèlì, ashes after cremation/Buddhist relics (Sanskirt: sarira)
        Hālìbódùn, [哈利伯頓], Halliburton (US construction company)
        lìbīnnà, [利賓納], Ribena