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[徵召] zhēngzhào to enlist
to draft
to conscript
to appoint to an official position

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Word Compounds

        zhēngfú, to conquer/to subdue/to vanquish
        xiàngzhēng, [象徵], emblem/symbol/token/badge/to symbolize/to signify/to stand for
        tèzhēng, [特徵], characteristic/diagnostic property/distinctive feature/trait
        zhēngzhào, [徵兆], omen/sign (that sth is about to happen)/warning sign
        zhēng, [徵], journey/trip/expedition/to go on long campaign/to attack, to invite/to recruit/t...
        zhēngqiú, [徵求], to solicit/to seek/to request (opinions, feedback etc)/to petition
        zōnghézhēng, [綜合徵], syndrome
        yìngzhēng, [應徵], to apply (for a job)/to reply to a job advertisement
        zhēngzhào, [徵召], to enlist/to draft/to conscript/to appoint to an official position
        yuǎnzhēng, [遠征], an expedition, esp. military/march to remote regions
        zhēngbīng, [徵兵], to levy troops/recruitment
        xiàngzhēngxìng, [象徵性], symbolic/emblem/token
        zhēngyòng, to expropriate/to commandeer
        chūzhēng, to go into battle/to campaign (military)
        zhēngzhàn, [征戰], campaign/expedition
        zhēngtú, long journey/trek/course of an expedition
        zhēngchéng, journey/expedition/voyage
        zhēngxún, [徵詢], to consult/to query/to solicit opinion
        zhēngjí, [徵集], to collect/to recruit
        zhēngshōu, [徵收], to levy (a fine)/to impose (a tariff)
        zhēngmù, [徵募], to conscript
        zhēngshuì, [徵稅], to levy taxes
        yuǎnzhēngjūn, [遠征軍], expeditionary force/army on a distant expedition
        bìngzhēng, [病徵], symptom (of a disease)
        zhēnghūn, [徵婚], to look for a partner
        biǎozhēng, [表徵], symbol/indicator/representation
        zhēngdiào, [徵調], to conscript/to second (personnel)/to requisition (supplies etc)
        Chángzhēng/chángzhēng, [長征], Long March (retreat of the Red Army 1934-1935), expedition/long journey
        tǐzhēng, [體徵], (medical) sign/physical sign
        zhēngdé, to obtain (permission etc)
        zhēnghòu, [徵候], sign/indication/symptom
        zhēngxiàng, [徵象], sign/symptom
        qīnzhēng, [親征], to take to the field oneself (of emperor)/to take part in person in an expeditio...
        zhēngdì, to requisition land

        zhàohuàn, [召喚], to summon/to beckon/to call
        zhàojí, to convene/to gather
        Shào/zhào, surname Shao/name of an ancient state that existed in what is now Shaanxi Provin...
        zhàokāi, [召開], to convene (a conference or meeting)/to convoke/to call together
        zhàohuí, to recall (a product, an ambassador etc)
        zhēngzhào, [徵召], to enlist/to draft/to conscript/to appoint to an official position
        hàozhào, [號召], to call/to appeal
        zhàojiàn, [召見], call in (one's subordinates)/summon (an envoy of a foreign country) to an interv...
        zhàojírén, convener
        hàozhàolì, [號召力], to have the power to rally supporters
        gǎnzhào, to move and appeal/to rally to a cause/to impel/to inspire
        gǎnzhàolì, appeal/attraction/charisma
        yìngzhào, [應召], to respond to a call

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