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[掃射] sǎoshè to rake with machine gunfire
to strafe
to machine-gun down

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Word Compounds

        dǎsǎo, [打掃], to clean/to sweep
        sǎomiáo, [掃描], to scan
        sǎo/sào, [掃], to sweep, broom
        sǎodì, [掃地], to sweep the floor/to reach rock bottom/to be at an all-time low
        sǎoxìng, [掃興], to have one's spirits dampened/to feel disappointed
        sàozhou, [掃帚], broom
        sǎomiáoyí, [掃描儀], scanner (device)
        qīngsǎo, [清掃], to tidy up/to mop up/a sweep (against crime)
        sǎodàng, [掃蕩], to root out/to wipe out
        héngsǎo, [橫掃], to sweep away/to sweep across
        sǎoshè, [掃射], to rake with machine gunfire/to strafe/to machine-gun down
        sàobǎ, [掃把], broom
        sǎomiáoqì, [掃描器], scanner
        sǎochú, [掃除], to sweep/to clean with a brush/to sweep away (often fig.)
        yīsǎoérguāng, [一掃而光], to clear off/to make a clean sweep of
        sǎowěi, [掃尾], to complete the last stage of work/to round off
        sǎohuáng, [掃黃], campaign against pornography
        sǎomù, [掃墓], to sweep a grave (and pay one's respects to the dead person)
        yīsǎoérkōng, [一掃而空], to sweep clean/to clean out
        sǎoshì, [掃視], to run one's eyes over/to sweep one's eyes over
        sǎománg, [掃盲], to wipe out illiteracy
        sǎoléi, [掃雷], minesweeper (computer game)
        sàozhouxīng, [掃帚星], comet/jinx/bearer of ill luck
        sǎoléitǐng, [掃雷艇], minesweeper
        héngsǎoqiānjūn, [橫掃千軍], total annihilation
        sǎohuángdǎfēi, [掃黃打非], to eradicate pornography and illegal publications

        shè, [䠶], old variant of 射[shè], to shoot/to launch/to allude to/radio- (chemistry)
        zhùshè, injection/to inject
        fāshè, [發射], to shoot (a projectile)/to fire (a rocket)/to launch/to emit (a particle)/to dis...
        shèjī, [射擊], to shoot/to fire (a gun)
        fúshè, [輻射], radiation
线         shèxiàn, [射線], ray
        shèmén, [射門], (soccer, handball etc) to kick or shoot the ball towards the goal
        fāshèqì, [發射器], radio transmitter
        fǎnshè, to reflect/reflection (from a mirror etc)/reflex (i.e. automatic reaction of org...
        fàngshè, to radiate/radioactive
        fàngshèxìng, radioactive
        zhùshèqì, syringe
        shèchéng, range/reach/firing range
        pēnshè, [噴射], to spurt/to spray/to jet/spurt/spray/jet
        shèshǒu, archer/shooter/marksman/(football etc) striker
        zhàoshè, to shine on/to light up/to irradiate
        sǎoshè, [掃射], to rake with machine gunfire/to strafe/to machine-gun down
        tánshè, [彈射], to catapult/to launch/to eject (from a plane)/to shoot
        yǐngshè, to refer obliquely to/to insinuate/innuendo
        shèjiàn, archery/to shoot an arrow
        tóushè, to throw (a projectile)/to cast (light)
        tiáojiànfǎnshè, [條件反射], conditioned reflex
        gāoshèpào, anti-aircraft gun
        zhéshè, to refract/refraction/to reflect (in the figurative sense: to show the nature of...
        héfúshè, [核輻射], nuclear radiation
        shèyǐng, projection (geometry)/projective
        yìngshè, to shine on/(math., linguistics etc) mapping
线         fàngshèxiàn, [放射線], radiation/rays of radiation
线         gāmǎshèxiàn, [伽馬射線], gamma rays
        fāshèjī, [發射機], transmitter
        diǎnshè, [點射], to fire in bursts/shooting intermittently
        shìshè, [試射], to test-fire/to conduct a missile test
        sǎnshè, scattering
        fāshèchǎng, [發射場], launchpad/launching site
        fúshènéng, [輻射能], radiation energy (e.g. solar)
        shèdiàn, [射電], radio wave (astronomy)
        shèliú, jet (math.)
        fàngshèyuán, radiation source
        tòushè, to transmit/transmission (of radiation through a medium)/passage
        fǎnshèjìng, [反射鏡], reflector
        fǎnshèmiàn, reflecting surface
        fǎnshèhú, reflex arc
线         yǔzhòushèxiàn, [宇宙射線], cosmic ray
        sùshè, rapid-fire
        rèfúshè, [熱輻射], thermal radiation
        yǎnshè, diffraction
        fúshèjì, [輻射計], radiometer
        zhéshèlǜ, index of refraction
        fúshèyí, [輻射儀], radiation meter
        guāngfúshè, [光輻射], light radiation
        shèjīngguǎn, ejaculatory duct

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