扶 ⇒
扶 fú, to support with the hand/to help sb up/to support oneself by holding onto someth...
扶手 fúshǒu, handrail/armrest
扶持 fúchí, to help/to assist
救死扶伤 jiùsǐfúshāng, [救死扶傷], to help the dying and heal the injured
扶梯 fútī, ladder/staircase/escalator
扶养 fúyǎng, [扶養], to foster/to bring up/to raise
扶摇直上 fúyáozhíshàng, [扶搖直上], to skyrocket/to get quick promotion in one's career
扶桑 Fúsāng, Fusang, mythical island of ancient literature, often interpreted as Japan
搀扶 chānfú, [攙扶], to lend an arm to support sb
扶轮 扶植 fúzhí, to foster/to support
扶手椅 fúshǒuyǐ, armchair
扶助 fúzhù, to assist
梯 ⇒
电梯 diàntī, [電梯], elevator/escalator/CL:臺|台[tái],部[bù]
楼梯 lóutī, [樓梯], stair/staircase/CL:個|个[gè]
梯子 tīzi, ladder/stepladder
梯 tī, ladder/stairs
阶梯 jiētī, [階梯], flight of steps/(fig.) a means of advancement/stepping stone
云梯 yúntī, [雲梯], escalade
滑梯 huátī, (children's) sliding board/a slide
扶梯 fútī, ladder/staircase/escalator
绳梯 shéngtī, [繩梯], a rope ladder
梯队 tīduì, [梯隊], echelon (military)/(of an organisation) group of persons of one level or grade
梯级 tījí, [梯級], stair/rung of a ladder
梯形 tīxíng, trapezoid/ladder-shaped/terraced
旋梯 xuántī, spiral stairs/winding stairs (gymnastic equipment)
梯伯 舷梯 xiántī, gangway/ramp (to board a ship or plane)
莫梯 梯度 tīdù, gradient
梯田 tītián, stepped fields/terracing
悬梯 天梯 tiāntī, stairway to heaven/high mountain road/tall ladder on a building or other large s...