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Word: freq index 71578
bōshù beam

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Word Compounds

        Bō/bō, Poland/Polish/abbr. for 波蘭|波兰[Bō lán], wave/ripple/storm/surge
        Bōshìdùn, [波士頓], Boston, capital of Massachusetts
        Bōtè/bōtè, Potter or Porter (surname), (loanword) baud (computing)/porter (beer)
        Bōlán, [波蘭], Poland
        Bōsī, Persia
        wēibōlú, [微波爐], microwave oven/CL:臺|台[tái]
        BōduōLígè, Puerto Rico, self-governing unincorporated territory of the United States
        bōbǐ, burpee (loanword)
        bōdòng, [波動], to undulate/to fluctuate/wave motion/rise and fall
        Ābōluó, [阿波羅], Apollo (loanword)
        chāoshēngbō, [超聲波], ultrasound (scan)
        mànbō, mambo (dance) (loanword)
        bōlàng, wave
        shēngbō, [聲波], sound wave
        wēibō, ripple/microwave
        chōngjībō, [衝擊波], shock wave/blast wave
        Bōsīníyà, [波斯尼亞], Bosnia
        bēnbō, to rush about/to be constantly on the move
        Bōxīmǐyà, [波希米亞], Bohemia, historical country of central Europe
        Bōluó, [波羅], Polo (car made by Volkswagen)/surname Polo
        fēngbō, [風波], disturbance/crisis/disputes/restlessness/CL:場|场[cháng]
        nǎodiànbō, [腦電波], see 腦波|脑波[nǎo bō]
        Bōyīn/bōyīn, Boeing (aerospace company), mordent (music)
        Bōēn, Bonn, a small town on the Rhine, Cold War capital of West Germany 1949-1990
        diànbō, [電波], electric wave/alternating current
        bōjí, to spread to/to involve/to affect
        bōzhé, twists and turns
        bōtāo, [波濤], great waves/billows
        diàncíbō, [電磁波], electromagnetic wave
        xiāngbō, shampoo (loanword)/see 洗髮皂|洗发皂[xǐ fà zào]
        Bōěrduō, [波爾多], Bordeaux
        Bōyìěr, [波義耳], Boyle (name)/Robert Boyle (1627-91), British and Irish scientist and pioneer che...
·         Hālì·Bōtè, Harry Potter, boy wizard in the novels by J.K. Rowling 羅琳|罗琳
        Bōgēdà, Bogota, capital of Colombia
        bōduàn, wave band
        bōcháng, [波長], wavelength
        bōěrkǎ, [波爾卡], polka (dance) (loanword)
        bōlán, [波瀾], billows/great waves (fig. of a story with great momentum)
        bōwén, [波紋], ripple/corrugation
        duǎnbō, shortwave (radio)
        Bōcítǎn, Potsdam, near Berlin, Germany
        Míngníābōlìsī, Minneapolis, a nameplace in the USA, notably in Minnesota
        suíbōzhúliú, [隨波逐流], to drift with the waves and go with the flow (idiom); to follow the crowd blindl...
线         wúxiàndiànbō, [無線電波], radio waves/wireless electric wave
        bōláiluó, [波萊羅], bolero (dance) (loanword)
西         Bōxīmǐyà/bōxīmǐyà, [波西米亞], Bohemia, historical country of central Europe, bohemian (i.e. artistic and uncon...
        Ānnàbōlìsī, [安納波利斯], Annapolis (place name)
        guāngbō, light wave
        qiūbō, autumn ripples/(fig.) luminous eyes of a woman/amorous glance
        tuībōzhùlán, [推波助瀾], to push the wave and add to the billows (idiom); to add momentum/to encourage st...
        BōluódìHǎi, [波羅的海], Baltic Sea
        lǜbōqì, [濾波器], filter
西         Bōlìníxīyà, [波利尼西亞], Polynesia
        Yìndìānnàbōlìsī, [印第安納波利斯], Indianapolis, Indiana
        fángbōdī, breakwater/seawall/fig. defensive buffer zone
        xuānrándàbō, [軒然大波], huge waves/(fig.) ruckus/controversy/sensation
        yīnbō, sound wave
        Dìlíbōlǐ, Tripoli, capital of Libya/Tripoli, city in north Lebanon
        shìbōqì, oscillograph/oscilloscope
        Bōsīmāo, [波斯貓], Persian (cat)
        Níngbō, [寧波], Ningbo subprovincial city in Zhejiang
        bōkǎ, burqa (loanword)
        chāoduǎnbō, ultra short wave (radio)/UHF
        bōxíng, wave form
        yúbō, [餘波], aftermath/repercussions/fallout
        xiébō, [諧波], harmonic (wave with frequency an integer multiple of the fundamental)
        zàibō, [載波], carrier wave
        yǎnbō, fluid glance
        shuǐbō, wave/(water) ripple
        bōguāng, gleaming reflection of waves in sunlight
        MǎkěBōluó, [馬可波羅], Marco Polo (1254-c. 1324), Venetian trader and explorer who traveled the Silk ro...
        dìzhènbō, seismic wave
        yībōsānzhé, calligraphic flourish with many twists/fig. many twists and turns
        Xībōkèlādǐ, Hippocrates (c. 460 BC - c. 370 BC), Greek physician, father of Western medicine
        zhōubō, cycle (physics)
        bōfēng, wave crest
        zhènbō, seismic wave
        Léibō, Leibo county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture 涼山彞族自治州|凉山彝族自治州[Liáng shān Yí...
        chángbō, [長波], longwave (radio)
        Bōdé, Johann Elert Bode (1747-1826), German astronomer
        Bōzīmàn, [波茲曼], Ludwig Boltzmann (1844-1906), Austrian physicist and philosopher
        Bōsāidōng, Poseidon, God of the sea in Greek mythology
        háomǐbō, millimeter wave (radio signal)
        BōHēi, abbr. for 波斯尼亞和黑塞哥維那|波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那[Bō sī ní yà hé Hēi sài gē wéi nà] Bosnia and Her...
        Bōměilāníyà, [波美拉尼亞], Pomerania, a historical region on the south shore of the Baltic Sea
        Bōluònièsī, Polonius (name)/Shakespearean character, father of Ophelia, accidentally killed ...
        bōshù, beam
        huíbō, echo (e.g. radar)/returning wave
        Bōāsī, Boaz (son of Salmon and Rahab)
        bōdǎo, [波導], waveguide (electronics)
        Yībōlā, Ebola (virus)

        jiéshù, [結束], termination/to finish/to end/to conclude/to close
        Shù/shù, surname Shu, to bind/bunch/bundle/classifier for bunches, bundles, beams of ligh...
        shùfù, [束縛], to bind/to restrict/to tie/to commit/fetters
        yuēshù, [約束], to restrict/to limit to/to constrain/restriction/constraint
        shùshǒuwúcè, [束手無策], lit. to have one's hands bound and be unable to do anything about it (idiom); fi...
        zhuāngshù, [裝束], attire/clothing
        jūshù, to restrict/to restrain/constrained/awkward/ill at ease/uncomfortable/reticent
        guāngshù, light beam
        wújūwúshù, [無拘無束], free and unconstrained (idiom); unfettered/unbuttoned/without care or worries
        huāshù, bouquet
        shùshǒujiùqín, hands tied and waiting to be captured
        jiéshùyǔ, [結束語], concluding remarks
        guǎnshù, to exercise control over/restriction/control
        yuēshùlì, [約束力], (of a contract) binding (law)
        shùzhīgāogé, [束之高閣], tied up in a bundle on a high shelf/to put sth on the back burner/no longer a hi...
        lìzǐshù, beam of elementary particles
        diànzǐshù, [電子束], beam of electrons
        wéiguǎnshù, [維管束], vascular bundle (botany)
        bōshù, beam

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