渡 ⇒
渡 dù, to cross/to pass through/to ferry
渡过 dùguò, [渡過], to cross over/to pass through
过渡 guòdù, [過渡], to cross over (by ferry)/transition/interim/caretaker (administration)
偷渡 tōudù, illegal immigration/to stowaway (on a ship)/to steal across the international bo...
渡轮 dùlún, [渡輪], ferry boat
引渡 yǐndù, to extradite
渡船 dùchuán, ferry
过渡期 渡口 dùkǒu, ferry crossing
轮渡 lúndù, [輪渡], ferry
偷渡者 tōudùzhě, smuggled illegal alien/stowaway
摆渡 bǎidù, [擺渡], ferry
横渡 héngdù, [橫渡], to cross (a body of water)
远渡重洋 yuǎndùchóngyáng, [遠渡重洋], to travel across the oceans
渡边 Dùbiān, [渡邊], Watanabe (Japanese surname)
暗渡陈仓 àndùChéncāng, [暗渡陳倉], lit. secretly crossing the Wei River 渭河[Wèi Hé] at Chencang (idiom, refers to a ...
渡鸦 dùyā, [渡鴉], (bird species of China) common raven (Corvus corax)
普渡 弥渡 Mídù, [彌渡], Midu county in Dali Bai autonomous prefecture 大理白族自治州[Dà lǐ Bái zú zì zhì zhōu],...
渡边美里 直渡 从普渡 远渡
轮 ⇒
轮 lún, [輪], wheel/disk/ring/steamship/to take turns/to rotate/by turn/classifier for big rou...
轮胎 lúntāi, [輪胎], tire/pneumatic tire
轮椅 lúnyǐ, [輪椅], wheelchair
轮子 lúnzi, [輪子], wheel/CL:個|个[gè]
轮流 lúnliú, [輪流], to alternate/to take turns
车轮 chēlún, [車輪], wheel
轮廓 lúnkuò, [輪廓], an outline/silhouette
齿轮 chǐlún, [齒輪], (machine) gear/pinion (gear wheel)
渡轮 dùlún, [渡輪], ferry boat
左轮手枪 zuǒlúnshǒuqiāng, [左輪手槍], revolver
轮班 lúnbān, [輪班], shift working
轮回 lúnhuí, [輪回]/[輪迴], variant of 輪迴|轮回[lún huí], to reincarnate/reincarnation (Buddhism)/(of the seaso...
油轮 yóulún, [油輪], tanker (ship)/CL:艘[sōu]
轮船 lúnchuán, [輪船], steamship/steamer/ocean liner/ship/CL:艘[sōu]
游轮 yóulún, [遊輪], cruise ship
滑轮 huálún, [滑輪], block and tackle
涡轮 wōlún, [渦輪], turbine
左轮 转轮 zhuànlún, [轉輪], rotating disk/wheel/rotor/cycle of reincarnation in Buddhism
邮轮 yóulún, [郵輪], ocean liner/cruise liner
三轮车 sānlúnchē, [三輪車], pedicab/tricycle
轮奸 lúnjiān, [輪姦], to gang rape
美轮美奂 měilúnměihuàn, [美輪美奐], (of houses, scenery etc) magnificent (idiom)
轮渡 lúndù, [輪渡], ferry
轮换 lúnhuàn, [輪換], to rotate/to take turns/to switch
货轮 huòlún, [貨輪], freighter/cargo ship/CL:艘[sōu]
轮转 lúnzhuàn, [輪轉], to rotate
前轮 qiánlún, [前輪], front wheel
轮机长 棘轮 jílún, [棘輪], ratchet
轮轴 lúnzhóu, [輪軸], wheel and axle (mechanism)/axle
轮值 lúnzhí, [輪值], to take turns on duty
后轮 hòulún, [後輪], rear wheel
轮辐 lúnfú, [輪輻], wheel spoke
水轮 shuǐlún, [水輪], waterwheel/millwheel
轮机 lúnjī, [輪機], turbine
轮番 lúnfān, [輪番], in turn/one after another
滚轮 年轮 niánlún, [年輪], annual ring/growth ring
舵轮 轮岗 飞轮 fēilún, [飛輪], flywheel/sprocket wheel
巨轮 jùlún, [巨輪], large ship/large wheel
扶轮 本轮 风火轮 fēnghuǒlún, [風火輪], (martial arts) wind-and-fire wheel, weapon used in hand-to-hand fighting/(Daoism...
轮带 独轮车 dúlúnchē, [獨輪車], wheelbarrow/unicycle
涡轮机 客轮 kèlún, [客輪], passenger ship
凸轮 tūlún, [凸輪], cam
首轮 shǒulún, [首輪], first round (of a competition etc)
汽轮机 qìlúnjī, [汽輪機], steam turbine
一轮轮 海轮 轮休 lúnxiū, [輪休], holiday roster
耳轮 燃气轮机 ránqìlúnjī, [燃氣輪機], gas turbine
轮空 轮种 lúnzhòng, [輪種], rotation of crops
轮舱 轮辋 凸轮轴 tūlúnzhóu, [凸輪軸], camshaft
摆轮 bǎilún, [擺輪], balance (of a watch or clock)/balance wheel
动轮 班轮 bānlún, [班輪], regular passenger or cargo ship/regular steamship service
渔轮 yúlún, [漁輪], fishing vessel
轮作 lúnzuò, [輪作], rotation of crops (to preserve fertility of soil)
车轮战 美轮 远洋轮 三轮