热 ⇒
热 rè, [熱], to warm up/to heat up/hot (of weather)/heat/fervent
热情 rèqíng, [熱情], cordial/enthusiastic/passion/passionate/passionately
热狗 règǒu, [熱狗], hot dog (loanword)
热爱 rèài, [熱愛], to love ardently/to adore
热线 rèxiàn, [熱線], hotline (communications link)
狂热 kuángrè, [狂熱], zealotry/fanatical/feverish
热烈 rèliè, [熱烈], enthusiastic/ardent/warm
亲热 qīnrè, [親熱], affectionate/intimate/warmhearted/to get intimate with sb
热水 rèshuǐ, [熱水], hot water
热身 rèshēn, [熱身], to warm up (sports)/(fig.) to prepare/to get in condition
热门 rèmén, [熱門], popular/hot/in vogue
热闹 rènao, [熱鬧], bustling with noise and excitement/lively
热心 rèxīn, [熱心], enthusiasm/zeal/zealous/zest/enthusiastic/ardent/warmhearted
热衷 rèzhōng, [熱衷], to feel strongly about/to be fond of/obsession/deep commitment
热带 rèdài, [熱帶], the tropics/tropical
热量 rèliàng, [熱量], heat/quantity of heat/calorific value
加热 jiārè, [加熱], to heat
火热 huǒrè, [火熱], fiery/burning/fervent/ardent/passionate
发热 fārè, [發熱], to have a high temperature/feverish/unable to think calmly/to emit heat
热血 rèxuè, [熱血], hot blood/warm-blooded (animal)/endothermic (physiology)
热浪 rèlàng, [熱浪], heat wave
炎热 yánrè, [炎熱], blistering hot/sizzling hot (weather)
热恋 rèliàn, [熱戀], to fall head over heels in love/to be passionately in love
里约热内卢 Lǐyuērènèilú, [里約熱內盧], Rio de Janeiro
热潮 rècháo, [熱潮], upsurge/popular craze
白热化 báirèhuà, [白熱化], to turn white-hot/to intensify/to reach a climax
热切 rèqiè, [熱切], fervent
热度 rèdù, [熱度], temperature/heat/short-lived enthusiasm
热点 rèdiǎn, [熱點], hot spot/point of special interest
热腾腾 水深火热 shuǐshēnhuǒrè, [水深火熱], deep water and scorching fire/abyss of suffering (idiom)
冷嘲热讽 lěngcháorèfěng, [冷嘲熱諷], frigid irony and scorching satire (idiom); to mock and ridicule
热气球 rèqìqiú, [熱氣球], hot air balloon
炙手可热 zhìshǒukěrè, [炙手可熱], lit. burn your hand, feel the heat (idiom)/fig. arrogance of the powerful/a migh...
热气 rèqì, [熱氣], steam/heat/CL:股[gǔ]
热能 rènéng, [熱能], heat energy
热力 rèlì, [熱力], heat
热带雨林 rèdàiyǔlín, [熱帶雨林], tropical rain forest
热天 热源 rèyuán, [熱源], heat source
打得火热 dǎdehuǒrè, [打得火熱], to carry on intimately with (idiom); ardent relationship (esp. between lovers)/b...
克热明斯基 炽热 chìrè, [熾熱], red-hot/glowing/blazing/(fig.) passionate
散热器 sànrèqì, [散熱器], radiator (for heating a room)/radiator (for cooling an engine)
隔热 gérè, [隔熱], to insulate thermally/insulating (material, effect etc)
萨拉热窝 Sàlārèwō, [薩拉熱窩], Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina
热病 rèbìng, [熱病], fever/pyrexia
热汤 灼热 zhuórè, [灼熱], burning hot/scorching/worried
热水器 rèshuǐqì, [熱水器], water heater
热茶 rèchá, [熱茶], hot tea
热乎 rèhu, [熱乎], warm/hot/affectionate/ardent
凑热闹 còurènao, [湊熱鬧], to join in the fun/to get in on the action/(fig.) to butt in/to create more trou...
加热器 看热闹 kànrènao, [看熱鬧], to enjoy watching a bustling scene/to go where the crowds are
闷热 mēnrè, [悶熱], sultry/sultriness/hot and stuffy/stifling hot
热忱 rèchén, [熱忱], zeal/enthusiasm/ardor/enthusiastic/warmhearted
热那亚 Rènàyà, [熱那亞], Genoa
高热 gāorè, [高熱], a fever
吸热 xīrè, [吸熱], heat absorption
热心肠 rèxīncháng, [熱心腸], warmhearted/willing to help others
热诚 rèchéng, [熱誠], devotion/fervor
预热 yùrè, [預熱], to preheat/warm-up
热乎乎 rèhūhū, [熱乎乎], nice and warm
热泪盈眶 rèlèiyíngkuàng, [熱淚盈眶], eyes brimming with tears of excitement (idiom)/extremely moved
趁热打铁 chènrèdǎtiě, [趁熱打鐵], to strike while the iron is hot
酷热 kùrè, [酷熱], torrid heat
热气腾腾 rèqìténgténg, [熱氣騰騰], piping hot
热火 散热 sànrè, [散熱], to dissipate heat
温热 wēnrè, [溫熱], tepid/to warm up (food etc)
热饮 rèyǐn, [熱飲], hot drink
黄热病 huángrèbìng, [黃熱病], yellow fever
地热 dìrè, [地熱], geothermal
受热 shòurè, [受熱], heated/sunstroke
热带鱼 rèdàiyú, [熱帶魚], tropical fish
热风 热身赛 rèshēnsài, [熱身賽], exhibition game
冷热 供热 gōngrè, [供熱], heating (for a building)/to supply heating
燥热 热销 rèxiāo, [熱銷], to sell well/hot-selling
热情洋溢 rèqíngyángyì, [熱情洋溢], brimming with enthusiasm (idiom); full of warmth
热力学 rèlìxué, [熱力學], thermodynamics
热热闹闹 热塑性 登革热 dēnggérè, [登革熱], dengue fever/Singapore hemorrhagic fever
热火朝天 rèhuǒcháotiān, [熱火朝天], in full swing (idiom)/(in a) frenzy/buzzing with activity
耐热 nàirè, [耐熱], heat resistant/fireproof
热和 猩红热 xīnghóngrè, [猩紅熱], scarlet fever
热水瓶 rèshuǐpíng, [熱水瓶], thermos bottle/vacuum bottle/hot water dispenser (appliance)/CL:個|个[gè]
满腔热情 热辣辣 出血热 chūxuèrè, [出血熱], hemorrhage fever
电热毯 diànrètǎn, [電熱毯], electric blanket
风湿热 fēngshīrè, [風濕熱], rheumatic fever
热心人 热泪 rèlèi, [熱淚], hot tears
不冷不热 放热 电热 diànrè, [電熱], electrical heating
低热 dīrè, [低熱], a low fever (up to 38°C)
库斯热 马库斯热 阿尔·热扎尼 热土 rètǔ, [熱土], homeland/hot piece of real estate
热望 rèwàng, [熱望], to aspire
热络 rèluò, [熱絡], intimate/friendly/warm/active/lively (interaction, participation etc)
余热 yúrè, [餘熱], residual heat/surplus heat/fig. old people's capacity for work
白热 báirè, [白熱], white heat/incandescence
瓦利德·阿尔·热扎尼 若热·索图斯 解热 jiěrè, [解熱], to relieve fever
热流 热症 亚热带 yàrèdài, [亞熱帶], subtropical (zone or climate)
热热 热汤面 热尔韦 Rèěrwéi, [熱爾韋], Gervais (name)/Paul Gervais (1816-1879), French geologist
抗热 热水袋 rèshuǐdài, [熱水袋], hot water bottle/hot-water bag
电热水壶 热电偶 rèdiànǒu, [熱電偶], thermocouple
热得快 rèdekuài, [熱得快], immersion heater/electric heater for liquid
热交换 法贝热 热处理 rèchǔlǐ, [熱處理], hot treatment (e.g. of metal)
西尼罗热 滚热 热呼呼 rèhūhū, [熱呼呼], variant of 熱乎乎|热乎乎[rè hū hū]
热辐射 rèfúshè, [熱輻射], thermal radiation
冷热水 热中 rèzhōng, [熱中], variant of 熱衷|热衷[rè zhōng]
热敷 rèfū, [熱敷], to apply a hot compress
热电 rèdiàn, [熱電], pyroelectric
热热热热 小拉热多 比热 bǐrè, [比熱], specific heat
热罗姆 热烘烘 热腊 古道热肠 电热水器 热胀冷缩 热电学 热卡巴拉 让·热内 埃尔热 电热器 热闹非凡 地热学 达姆热 消耗热 费尔南·莱热 瓦夫·克热明斯基 热乔治亚 绝热 juérè, [絕熱], to insulate thermally/(physics) adiabatic
安娜尼热 黑热病 导热 若热·马提 满腔热忱 mǎnqiāngrèchén, [滿腔熱忱], full of enthusiasm
热学 热吉娜 库雷热 埃热 发热量 传热 chuánrè, [傳熱], heat transfer/heat transmission
登革热病 潜热 qiánrè, [潛熱], latent heat
饮 ⇒
饮料 yǐnliào, [飲料], drink/beverage
饮食 yǐnshí, [飲食], food and drink/diet
饮 yǐn/yìn, [㱃]/[飲], old variant of 飲|饮[yǐn], to drink, to give (animals) water to drink
饮酒 yǐnjiǔ, [飲酒], to drink wine
餐饮 cānyǐn, [餐飲], food and beverage/catering/repast
畅饮 chàngyǐn, [暢飲], to have a few drinks/to drink to one's heart's content
饮水 yǐnshuǐ, [飲水], drinking water
饮用水 yǐnyòngshuǐ, [飲用水], drinking water/potable water
冷饮 lěngyǐn, [冷飲], cold drink
饮品 yǐnpǐn, [飲品], beverage
饮用 yǐnyòng, [飲用], drink/drinking or drinkable (water)
狂饮 kuángyǐn, [狂飲], to drink hard
痛饮 tòngyǐn, [痛飲], to drink one's fill
软饮料 ruǎnyǐnliào, [軟飲料], soft drink
热饮 rèyǐn, [熱飲], hot drink
豪饮 餐饮业 饮茶 yǐnchá, [飲茶], to have tea and refreshments/to have dimsum lunch (Cantonese)
饮食店 饮食业 茹毛饮血 rúmáoyǐnxuè, [茹毛飲血], devour raw meat and fowl (of savages)
饮水器 yǐnshuǐqì, [飲水器], water dispenser
饮水思源 yǐnshuǐsīyuán, [飲水思源], lit. when you drink water, think of its source (idiom); gratitude for blessings ...
饮泣 对饮 餐饮店 cānyǐndiàn, [餐飲店], dining room/restaurant
饮食起居 酣饮 hānyǐn, [酣飲], to drink one's fill