猪 ⇒
猪 zhū, [豬], hog/pig/swine/CL:口[kǒu],頭|头[tóu]
猪头 zhūtóu, [豬頭], pig head/(coll.) fool/jerk
猪肉 zhūròu, [豬肉], pork
肥猪 猪排 zhūpái, [豬排], pork ribs/pork chop
野猪 yězhū, [野豬], wild boar (Sus scrofa)/CL:頭|头[tóu]
猪油 zhūyóu, [豬油], lard
猪圈 zhūjuàn, [豬圈], pigsty (lit. and fig.)
猪猡 养猪 猪食 猪皮 猪蹄 zhūtí, [豬蹄], pig trotters
猪仔 母猪 豪猪 háozhū, [豪豬], porcupine
猪肝 乳猪 rǔzhū, [乳豬], suckling pig
猪崽 猪脚 养猪场 猪舍 箭猪 猪粪 种猪 毛猪 máozhū, [毛豬], live pig
肉猪 猪年 zhūnián, [豬年], Year of the Boar (e.g. 2007)
荷兰猪 Hélánzhū, [荷蘭豬], guinea pig
猪鬃 猪倌 zhūguān, [豬倌], swineherd
年猪 冻猪肉
圈 ⇒
圈 juān/juàn/quān, to confine/to lock up/to pen in, pen (pig)/a fold, circle/ring/loop/classifier f...
圈套 quāntào, trap/snare/trick
圈子 quānzi, circle/ring/(social) circle
项圈 xiàngquān, [項圈], necklace
转圈 zhuànquān, [轉圈], to rotate/to twirl/to run around/to encircle/rotation/(coll.) to speak indirectl...
兜圈子 dōuquānzi, to encircle/to go around/to circle/to beat about the bush
圆圈 yuánquān, [圓圈], circle
圈圈 quānquan, to draw a circle/cliques/circles
眼圈 yǎnquān, rim of the eye/eye socket
演艺圈 yǎnyìquān, [演藝圈], show business
线圈 xiànquān, [線圈], solenoid (electrical engineering)/coil
绕圈子 ràoquānzi, [繞圈子], to go around in circles/to make a detour/(fig.) to beat about the bush
猪圈 zhūjuàn, [豬圈], pigsty (lit. and fig.)
小圈子 外圈 花圈 huāquān, wreath/garland
怪圈 guàiquān, vicious circle/(abnormal) phenomenon
北极圈 Běijíquān, [北極圈], Arctic Circle
包围圈 橡皮圈 光圈 guāngquān, aperture/diaphragm/halo/aureole
垫圈 diànjuàn/diànquān, [墊圈], to spread litter in a cowshed, pigsty etc, washer (on bolt)/toilet seat
救生圈 jiùshēngquān, life buoy/life belt/(jocularly) flab/spare tire
圈养 羊圈 生物圈 shēngwùquān, biosphere/ecosphere
罗圈腿 luóquāntuǐ, [羅圈腿], bow-legged/bandy-legged
影视圈 钢圈 gāngquān, [鋼圈], wheel rim/underwire (in a bra)
密封圈 圈定 南极圈 埋伏圈 水圈 shuǐquān, the earth's ocean/the hydrosphere (geology)
一圈圈 伏击圈 决赛圈 生态圈 shēngtàiquān, [生態圈], ecosphere
鸡圈 罗圈 luóquān, [羅圈], round frame of a sieve