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jǐngtàn police detective

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Word Compounds

        jǐngchá, police/police officer/CL:個|个[gè]
        jǐng, to alert/to warn/police
        jǐngguān, constable/police officer
        jǐngfāng, police
        jǐnggào, to warn/to admonish
        bàojǐng, [報警], to sound an alarm/to report sth to the police
        jǐngbào, [警報], (fire) alarm/alert signal/alarm/alert/warning
        jǐngchájú, police station/police department/police headquarters
        jǐngwèi, [警衛], to stand guard over/(security) guard
        jǐngtì, to be on the alert/vigilant/alert/on guard/to warn
        jǐnghuī, police badge
        jǐngjiè, to warn/to alert/to be on the alert/to stand guard/sentinel
        tèjǐng, SWAT (Special Weapons And Tactics)/riot police/abbr. for 特種警察|特种警察[tè zhǒng jǐng...
        jǐngchē, [警車], police car
        xúnjǐng, police officer
        xíngjǐng, abbr. for 刑事警察[xíng shì jǐng chá]/criminal police
        jǐngshǔ, police station (abbr. for 警察署[jǐng chá shǔ])
        qíjǐng, [騎警], mounted police (on horse or motorbike)
        fǎjǐng, bailiff
        huǒjǐng, fire alarm
        jǐnglì, police force/police officers
        jǐngjué, [警覺], to be on guard/alert/vigilance/alertness
        jǐngbàoqì, [警報器], siren
        yùjǐng, [預警], warning/early warning
        jǐngquǎn, police dog
线         jǐngjièxiàn, [警戒線], police cordon/alert level
        jǐnglíng, [警鈴], alarm bell
        bàojǐngqì, [報警器], alarm (e.g. burglar or fire alarm)/warning device
        jǐngdí, siren
        jǐngshì, to warn/to alert/warning/cautionary
        jǐngzhōng, [警鐘], alarm bell
        nǚjǐng, policewoman
        jǐngbèi, [警備], guard/garrison
        jǐnggùn, police truncheon
        jiāojǐng, traffic police/abbr. for 交通警察
        jǐngfú, police uniform
        chūjǐng, to dispatch police to the scene of crime, accident etc
        jǐngxǐng, to be alert
        jījǐng, [機警], perceptive/astute/sharp/sharp-witted/vigilant/alert
        jǐngjù, aphorism
        jǐngtìxìng, vigilance/alertness
        jǐngcháshǔ, police station
        chéngjǐng, police on trains/train marshal
        jǐnghào, [警號], alarm/alert/warning signal
        jǐngxùn, [警訊], warning sign/police call
        jǐngqū, [警區], policeman's round/patrol/beat
        jǐngmín, the police and the community
        hǎijǐng, coast guard
        mínjǐng, civil police/PRC police/abbr. for 人民警察
        jǐngxián, [警銜], police rank
        jǐngbiāo, [警標], buoy/navigation marker
        gànjǐng, [幹警], police/police cadres
        yùjǐngjī, [預警機], early warning aircraft system, e.g. US AWACS
        rénmínjǐngchá, civil police/PRC police

        tàn, to explore/to search out/to scout/to visit/to stretch forward
        zhēntàn, [偵探], detective/to do detective work
        tànzhǎng, [探長], (police) detective
        tànsuǒ, to explore/to probe
        tànxiǎn, [探險], to explore/to go on an expedition/adventure
        tàngē, tango (dance) (loanword)
        tànwàng, to visit/to call on sb/to look around
        tàncèqì, [探測器], detector/probe/craft
        tàncè, [探測], to probe/to take readings/to explore/exploration
        mìtàn, secret agent/detective/covert investigator
访         tànfǎng, [探訪], to seek by inquiry or search/to call on/to visit
        tànshì, [探視], to visit (a patient, prisoner etc)/to look inquiringly
        shìtàn, [試探], to sound out/to probe/to feel out/to try out
        dǎtàn, to make discreet inquiries/to scout out
        tàntǎo, [探討], to investigate/to probe
        kuītàn, [窺探], to pry into or spy on/to snoop/to peep/to poke one's nose into/to peer/to get a ...
        tànjiū, to investigate/to delve/to probe/to enquire into/to look into
        tànxiǎnjiā, [探險家], explorer
        tànxún, [探尋], to search/to seek/to explore
        tànjiān, [探監], to visit a prisoner (usu. a relative or friend)
        tànzi, intelligence gatherer/spy/detective/scout/sound (medical instrument)/long and na...
        zuāntàn, [鑽探], drilling
        tàntóu, [探頭], to extend one's head (out or into)/a probe/detector/search unit
        tànzhēn, [探針], probe
        cìtàn, to pry into/to spy on/to probe into
        tànchá, to examine/to probe/to scout out/to nose around
        tànbìng, to visit a sick person or patient
        tànqīn, [探親], to go home to visit one's family
        tànlù, to find a path
        kāntàn, to explore/to survey/to prospect (for oil etc)/prospecting
        tàntīng, [探聽], to make inquiries/to try to find out/to pry
        tànqiú, to seek/to pursue/to investigate
        tànzhàodēng, [探照燈], searchlight
        tànmíng, to ascertain/to verify
        tàntóutànnǎo, [探頭探腦], to stick one's head out and look around (idiom)
        tànnángqǔwù, to feel in one's pocket and take sth (idiom); as easy as pie/in the bag
        tànchá, to investigate/to observe/to scout/to seek out and examine/to explore
        tànkuàng, [探礦], to prospect/to dig for coal or minerals
        tànléi, to detect mines/mine detection
        tànsuǒxìng, exploratory
        zuāntànjī, [鑽探機], drilling machine
        tànwèn, [探問], to inquire into/to ask after
        tànjiā, to make a trip home
        tànjǐng, test pit/exploratory shaft/test well (mineralogy)
        tànshāng, [探傷], to inspect metal for flaws (using X-ray or ultrasound etc)

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