跌 ⇒
跌 diē, to fall/to tumble/to trip/(of prices etc) to drop/Taiwan pr. [dié]
跌倒 diēdǎo, to tumble/to fall/fig. to suffer a reverse (in politics or business)
跌落 diēluò, to fall/to drop
下跌 xiàdiē, to fall/to tumble
跌入 跌跌撞撞 diēdiezhuàngzhuàng, to stagger along
跌宕起伏 跌进 diējìn, [跌進], to fall into/to dip below a certain level
暴跌 bàodiē, (economics) to slump/steep fall (in value etc)
狂跌 kuángdiē, crazy fall (in prices)
大跌 dàdiē, large fall
跌伤 跌价 diējià, [跌價], to fall in price
跌破 diēpò, (of a market index etc) to fall below (a given level)/to be injured or damaged a...
猛跌 měngdiē, drop sharply (e.g. stock prices)
跌跤 diējiāo, to fall down/to take a fall
涨跌 zhǎngdiē, [漲跌], rise or fall in price
荡 ⇒
荡妇 dàngfù, [蕩婦], slut/floozy/prostitute
游荡 yóudàng, [遊蕩], to wander/to roam about/to loaf about/to be idle
淫荡 yíndàng, [淫蕩], loose in morals/lascivious/licentious/lewd
放荡 fàngdàng, [放蕩], licentious/wanton/morally unrestrained
脑震荡 nǎozhèndàng, [腦震盪], (med.) cerebral concussion
荡 dàng/tàng, [盪]/[蕩], variant of 蕩|荡[dàng], variant of 燙|烫[tàng]/variant of 趟[tàng], to wash/to squand...
扫荡 sǎodàng, [掃蕩], to root out/to wipe out
晃荡 huàngdang, [晃蕩], to rock/to sway/to shake
空荡荡 kōngdàngdàng, [空蕩蕩], absolutely empty (space)/complete vacuum
浪荡 làngdàng, [浪蕩], to loiter/to hang around/dissolute/licentious
动荡 dòngdàng, [動盪]/[動蕩], variant of 動蕩|动荡[dòng dàng], unrest (social or political)/turmoil/upheaval/commo...
倾家荡产 qīngjiādàngchǎn, [傾家蕩產], to lose a family fortune (idiom)
震荡 zhèndàng, [震盪]/[震蕩], to shake up/to jolt/to vibrate/to oscillate/to fluctuate, to vibrate/to shake/to...
荡秋千 dàngqiūqiān, [盪鞦韆], to swing (on a swing)
回荡 huídàng, [迴盪], to resound/to reverberate/to echo
飘荡 piāodàng, [飄盪], to drift/to wave/to float on the waves/to flutter in the wind
闯荡 chuǎngdàng, [闖蕩], to leave home to make one's way in the world/to leave the life one knows to seek...
振荡 zhèndàng, [振蕩], vibration/oscillation
荡然无存 dàngránwúcún, [蕩然無存], to obliterate completely/to vanish from the face of the earth
荡漾 dàngyàng, [盪漾]/[蕩漾], to ripple/to undulate/also written 蕩漾|荡漾, to ripple/to undulate
放荡不羁 fàngdàngbùjī, [放蕩不羈], wanton and unrestrained (idiom); dissolute
空空荡荡 kōngkōngdàngdàng, [空空盪盪]/[空空蕩蕩], deserted, absolutely empty (space)/complete vacuum
闲荡 激荡 jīdàng, [激盪]/[激蕩], to rage/to dash/to surge, to rage/to dash/to surge/also written 激盪|激荡
坦荡 tǎndàng, [坦蕩], magnanimous/broad and level
动荡不安 振荡器 zhèndàngqì, [振蕩器], oscillator
荡涤 dàngdí, [蕩滌], to clean up
浩荡 hàodàng, [浩蕩], vast and mighty (of river or ocean)/broad and powerful
荡气回肠 dàngqìhuícháng, [蕩氣回腸], heart-rending (drama, music, poem etc)/deeply moving
流荡 liúdàng, [流蕩], to float/to tramp/to rove
涤荡 dídàng, [滌蕩], to wash off
逛荡 浩浩荡荡 hàohàodàngdàng, [浩浩蕩蕩], grandiose/majestic
回肠荡气 huíchángdàngqì, [回腸盪氣], soul-stirring (of drama, poem or artwork)/heart-rending/deeply moving