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[鐵球] tiěqiú kung fu balls

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Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        Tiě/tiě, [鐵], surname Tie, iron (metal)/arms/weapons/hard/strong/violent/unshakeable/determine...
        dìtiě, [地鐵], subway/metro
        tiělù, [鐵路], railroad/railway/CL:條|条[tiáo]
        gāngtiě, [鋼鐵], steel
        tiěguǐ, [鐵軌], rail/railroad track/CL:根[gēn]
        dìtiězhàn, [地鐵站], subway station
        tiějiang, [鐵匠], blacksmith/ironworker
        tiěliàn, [鐵鏈], iron chain
        Tiěmùzhēn, [鐵木真], Temujin, birth name of Genghis Khan 成吉思汗[Chéng jí sī hán]
        cítiě, [磁鐵], magnet
        tiěsīwǎng, [鐵絲網], wire netting/CL:道[dào]
        shǒuwúcùntiě, [手無寸鐵], lit. not an inch of steel (idiom); unarmed and defenseless
        tiěshíxīncháng, [鐵石心腸], to have a heart of stone/hard-hearted/unfeeling
        tiězhèng, [鐵證], ironclad evidence/conclusive proof
        tiěqiāo, [鐵鍬], spade/shovel
        Huátiělú, [滑鐵盧], Waterloo (Belgium)/Battle of Waterloo (1815)/fig. a defeat/failure
        tiěsī, [鐵絲], iron wire/CL:根[gēn]
        tiětǎ, [鐵塔], iron tower
        fèitiě, [廢鐵], scrap iron
        tiěpí, [鐵皮], galvanized iron sheet (for building construction)
        tiědào, [鐵道], railway line/rail track
        Tiěrén, [鐵人], Ironman
        tiěchuāng, [鐵窗], window with an iron grating (apartment etc)/barred window of a prison cell
        tiěbǎn, [鐵板], iron panel/hot iron plate for fast grilling (Japanese: teppan)
        Tiěquán, [鐵拳], Tekken (video game)
        mǎtítiě, [馬蹄鐵], horseshoe
        chènrèdǎtiě, [趁熱打鐵], to strike while the iron is hot
        tiěwàn, [鐵腕], iron fist (of the state)
        dǎtiě, [打鐵], to forge ironware
        tiěqì, [鐵器], hardware/ironware
        zhùtiě, [鑄鐵], pig iron/foundry iron
        tiěxiù, [鐵鏽], rust
        tiěkuàng, [鐵礦], iron ore/iron ore mine
        ÀifēiěrTiětǎ, [艾菲爾鐵塔], Eiffel Tower
        tiězhèngrúshān, [鐵證如山], irrefutable evidence
        xītiěshí, [吸鐵石], a magnet/same as 磁鐵|磁铁
        làotie, [烙鐵], flatiron/iron/branding iron/soldering iron
        liàntiě, [煉鐵], smelting iron
        tiěbàng, [鐵棒], iron club/steel rod
        zhǎndīngjiétiě, [斬釘截鐵], lit. to chop the nail and slice the iron (idiom)/fig. resolute and decisive/unhe...
        tiěgōngjī, [鐵公雞], cheapskate/stingy person
        tiěguō, [鐵鍋], iron cooking pot
线         tiělùxiàn, [鐵路線], railway line
        tóngqiángtiěbì, [銅牆鐵壁], copper wall, iron bastion (idiom); impenetrable defense
        shēngtiě, [生鐵], pig iron
        tiěqīng, [鐵青], ashen
        tiědìng, [鐵定], unalterable/certainly/definitely
        tiěhuán, [鐵環], an iron ring
        tiětí, [鐵蹄], iron hoof (of the oppressor)
        Xuětiělóng, [雪鐵龍], Citroën (French car manufacturer)
        shútiě, [熟鐵], wrought iron
        tiěmiànwúsī, [鐵面無私], strictly impartial and incorruptible (idiom)
        diàncítiě, [電磁鐵], electromagnet
        záguōmàitiě, [砸鍋賣鐵], to be willing to sacrifice everything one has (idiom)
        sānjiǎotiě, [三角鐵], triangle (musical instrument)/angle iron
        tiěxiān, [鐵鍁], iron shovel/spade/CL:把[bǎ]
        tiěmǎ, [鐵馬], armored horse/cavalry/metal chimes hanging from eaves/steel barricade/(Tw) bike
        cítiěkuàng, [磁鐵礦], magnetite FěÒ
        diànlàotie, [電烙鐵], electric iron/electric soldering iron
        huángtiěkuàng, [黃鐵礦], pyrite
        tiěshùkāihuā, [鐵樹開花], lit. the iron tree blooms (idiom)/a highly improbable or extremely rare occurren...
        tiěqí, [鐵騎], armored horses/crack horsemen
        tiěbǐng, [鐵餅], (athletics) discus/discus throw
        báitiě, [白鐵], galvanized iron
        Tiěshān, [鐵山], Tieshan district of Huangshi city 黃石市|黄石市[Huáng shí shì], Hubei
        tiějiǎjiàn, [鐵甲艦], ironclad/an armor-plated battleship
        tiěqiú, [鐵球], kung fu balls
        tiějiǎ, [鐵甲], mail plating/armor/armor plating
        tiěshā, [鐵砂], shot (in shotgun)/pellets
        tiěshān, [鐵杉], Tsuga chinensis
        tiěkuàngshí, [鐵礦石], iron ore
        jīngētiěmǎ, [金戈鐵馬], very powerful army

        qiú, ball/sphere/globe/CL:個|个[gè]/ball game/match/CL:場|场[chǎng]
        dìqiú, the earth/CL:個|个[gè]
        xīngqiú, celestial body (e.g. planet, satellite etc)/heavenly body
        bàngqiú, baseball/CL:個|个[gè],隻|只[zhī]
        quánqiú, entire/total/global/the (whole) world/worldwide
        gǎnlǎnqiú, [橄欖球], football played with oval-shaped ball (rugby, American football, Australian rule...
        lánqiú, [籃球], basketball/CL:個|个[gè],隻|只[zhī]
        qiúduì, [球隊], sports team (basketball, soccer, football etc)
        zúqiú, soccer ball/a football/CL:個|个[gè]/soccer/football
        dǎqiú, to play ball/to play with a ball
        qiúyuán, [球員], sports club member/footballer, golfer etc
        qiúchǎng, [球場], stadium/sports ground/court/pitch/field/golf course/CL:個|个[gè],處|处[chù]
        wǎngqiú, [網球], tennis/tennis ball/CL:個|个[gè]
        bǎolíngqiú, [保齡球], ten-pin bowling (loanword)/bowling ball
        yuèqiú, the moon
        jīqiú, [擊球], to bat/to hit a ball (sport)
        qìqiú, [氣球], balloon
        qiúmí, fan (ball sports)/CL:個|个[gè]
        chuánqiú, [傳球], pass (in soccer)/to feed (ball)
        qūgùnqiú, field hockey
        huánqiú, [環球], around the world/worldwide
        gāoěrfūqiú, [高爾夫球], golf/golf ball
        yǎnqiú, eyeball/(fig.) attention
        bīngqiú, ice hockey/puck
        qiúsài, [球賽], sports match/ballgame/CL:場|场[chǎng]
        hǎoqiú, (ball sports) good shot!/nice hit!/well played!
        jiēqiú, to receive a served ball (volleyball, tennis etc)/to catch a ball thrown by sb
        zúqiúduì, [足球隊], soccer team
        fāqiú, [發球], to serve the ball/to tee off
        qiúxié, athletic shoes
        lěiqiú, [壘球], softball
        táiqiú, billiards
        bǎnqiú, cricket (ball game)
        gāoěrfūqiúchǎng, [高爾夫球場], golf course
        pīngpāngqiú, table tennis/ping-pong/table tennis ball/CL:個|个[gè]
        qiúmén, [球門], goalmouth (in soccer)
        qiúxīng, sports star (ball sport)
        xuěqiú, snowball
        jìnqiú, [進球], to score a goal/goal (sport)
        shuǐqiú, water polo
        páiqiú, volleyball/CL:個|个[gè]
        yùnqiú, [運球], to dribble (basketball, soccer etc)
        zúqiúsài, [足球賽], soccer match/soccer competition
        fáqiú, [罰球], penalty shot/penalty kick (in sports)
        tánqiú, [彈球], to play marbles
        shuǐjīngqiú, crystal ball (in Western magic)
        zúqiúchǎng, [足球場], football field/soccer field
        bìqiú, squash (sport)
        lánqiúchǎng, [籃球場], basketball court
        rèqìqiú, [熱氣球], hot air balloon
        táiqiúzhuō, billiards table
        bànqiú, hemisphere
        wǎngqiúchǎng, [網球場], tennis court
        quánqiúxìng, global/worldwide
        qiúpāi, racket
        qiútǐ, [球體], spheroid
        quánqiúhuà, globalization
        pútaoqiújūn, staphylococcus
        yǔmáoqiú, shuttlecock/badminton/CL:個|个[gè]
        mǎqiú, [馬球], polo
        diǎnqiú, [點球], penalty kick
        yuánqiú, [圓球], ball/sphere/globe
        píqiú, ball (made of rubber, leather etc)
        Běibànqiú, Northern Hemisphere
        qiúdào, fairway (golf)/lane (ten-pin bowling)
        Nánbànqiú, Southern Hemisphere
        dìqiúyí, [地球儀], globe
        liànqiújūn, [鏈球菌], streptococcus (genus of bacteria)
        báixuèqiú, white blood cell/leukocyte
        lánbǎnqiú, [籃板球], rebound (basketball)
        bōliqiú, marbles
        qiúxíng, spherical/ball-shaped
        dìgǔnqiú, [地滾球], ten-pin bowling/bowling ball/(baseball etc) ground ball
        qiúzhuàng, [球狀], sphere
西         xībànqiú, Western Hemisphere
        qiútái, [球檯], table (for games using balls)
        shǒuqiú, team handball
        qiúlèi, [球類], ball sports
        cābiānqiú, [擦邊球], lit. to hit a ball or shuttlecock on the sideline/fig. to skirt the line legally...
        wǎngqiúsài, [網球賽], tennis match/tennis competition/CL:場|场[chǎng]
        hóngxuèqiú, [紅血球], erythrocyte/red blood cell
        xuèqiú, blood corpuscle/hemocyte
        qiúguǎn, [球館], (sports) arena
        qiújūn, coccus (spherical bacteria pathogen)
        jiǎoqiú, corner kick (in soccer)/free strike in hockey
        rènyìqiú, free kick
        xiānrénqiú, ball cactus
        téngqiú, sepak takraw (sport)
        bīngqiúchǎng, [冰球場], ice hockey rink
        méiqiú, charcoal briquette
        qiānqiú, [鉛球], shot put (athletics event)
        wèishēngqiú, [衛生球], mothball
        Liúqiú, Ryūkyū/refers to the Ryūkyū Islands 琉球群島|琉球群岛[Liú qiú Qún dǎo] stretching from J...
        kòuqiú, to smash a ball/to spike
        róngqiú, [絨球], pompon
        qiúwǎng, [球網], net (for ball games)
        qiúdànbái, globulin
        pīngpāngqiúpāi, ping-pong paddle
        pīngpāngqiútái, [乒乓球檯], table-tennis table
        xiǎoqiú, sports such as ping-pong and badminton that use small balls/see also 大球[dà qiú]
        rùqiú, to score a goal/goal
        xiāoqiú, (sport) to chop/to cut
        quánqiútōng, Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) (telecommunications)
        yuèqiúchē, [月球車], moon buggy
        tiěqiú, [鐵球], kung fu balls
        wūlóngqiú, [烏龍球], own goal (ball sports)
        huílìqiú, jai alai/cesta punta (sports)/ball used in this sport

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