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Word: freq index 43794
[東城] Dōngchéng Dongcheng district of central Beijing

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

西         dōngxī/dōngxi, [東西], east and west, thing/stuff/person/CL:個|个[gè],件[jiàn]
        Dōng/dōng, [東], surname Dong, east/host (i.e. sitting on east side of guest)/landlord
        Dōngjīng, [東京], Tokyo, capital of Japan/Tonkin (northern Vietnam during the French colonial peri...
        Āndōngní, [安東尼], Anthony (name)
        dōngbù, [東部], the east/eastern part
        fángdōng, [房東], landlord
        Dōngfāng/dōngfāng, [東方], the East/the Orient/two-character surname Dongfang, east
        Zhōngdōng, [中東], Middle East
        gǔdōng, [股東], shareholder/stockholder
        Dōngběi/dōngběi, [東北], Northeast China/Manchuria, northeast
        dōngbian, [東邊], east/east side/eastern part/to the east of
        DōngŌu, [東歐], Eastern Europe
        dōngmiàn, [東面], east side (of sth)
        dōngdōng, [東東], (coll.) thing/item/stuff
        dōngnán, [東南], southeast
        dōngshānzàiqǐ, [東山再起], lit. to return to office after living as a hermit on Mount Dongshan (idiom); fig...
西         huàidōngxi, [壞東西], bastard/scoundrel/rogue
        Yuǎndōng, [遠東], Far East (loanword)
        Dōngnányà, [東南亞], Southeast Asia
        dōngnánbù, [東南部], southeast part
西         lǎodōngxi, [老東西], (derog.) old fool/old bastard
        dōngcè, [東側], east side/east face
        Guāndōng, [關東], Northeast China/Manchuria/lit. east of Shanhai Pass 山海關|山海关[Shān hǎi guān]/Kantō...
广         Guǎngdōng, [廣東], Guangdong province (Kwangtung) in south China, short name 粵|粤[Yuè], capital Guan...
        Dōngyà, [東亞], East Asia
        dōngjiā, [東家], master (i.e. employer)/landlord/boss
        MáoZédōng, [毛澤東], Mao Zedong (1893-1976), Chinese communist leader
        DōngDé, [東德], East Germany (1945-1990)/German Democratic Republic 德意志民主共和國|德意志民主共和国[Dé yì zhì ...
        yǐdōng, [以東], to the east of (suffix)
        fùzhūdōngliú, [付諸東流], wasted effort
        DōngHǎi, [東海], East China Sea/East Sea (Chinese mythology and ancient geography)
        dōngjīng, [東經], longitude east
西         dōngbēnxīpǎo, [東奔西跑], to run this way and that (idiom); to rush about busily/to bustle about
西         dōngzhāngxīwàng, [東張西望], to look in all directions (idiom)/to glance around
        ShèngĀndōngníào, [聖安東尼奧], San Antonio, Texas
西         gèbèndōngxī, [各奔東西], to go separate ways (idiom)/to part ways with sb/Taiwan pr. [gè bēn dōng xī]
        Dāndōng, [丹東], Dandong prefecture-level city in Liaoning province 遼寧省|辽宁省 in northeast China
        DōngjīngWān, [東京灣], Tokyo Bay/former name of 北部灣|北部湾[Běi bù Wān], Gulf of Tonkin
        Jīndōng, [金東], Jindong district of Jinhua city 金華市|金华市[Jīn huá shì], Zhejiang
        fùzhīdōngliú, [付之東流], to commit to the waters (idiom); to lose sth irrevocably
        Dōngfēi, [東非], East Africa
西         dōngdǎoxīwāi, [東倒西歪], to lean unsteadily from side to side (idiom)/to sway/(of buildings etc) to lean ...
        Dōngyáng, [東陽], Dongyang county level city in Jinhua 金華|金华[Jīn huá], Zhejiang
        Dōnghàn, [東漢], Eastern or later Han dynasty, 25-220
        dōngchuāngshìfā, [東窗事發], (of a plot etc) to be exposed (idiom)/to come to light
        Shāndōng, [山東], Shandong, province in northeast China, short name 魯|鲁[Lǔ], capital Jinan 濟南|济南[J...
西         dōngxīfāng, [東西方], east and west/east to west
        Dōngchéng, [東城], Dongcheng district of central Beijing
西         dōngbēnxīzǒu, [東奔西走], to run this way and that (idiom); to rush about busily/to bustle about/to hopsco...
        Dōngchéngqū, [東城區], Dongcheng district of central Beijing
        xiàngdōng, [向東], eastwards
        zuòdōng, [做東], to act as host
        Dōnghé, [東河], Donghe or Tungho township in Taitung County 臺東縣|台东县[Tái dōng Xiàn], southeast Ta...
        Dōngzhèngjiào, [東正教], Eastern Orthodox Church
        Dōnghú, [東湖], Donghu district of Nanchang city 南昌市, Jiangxi
        DōngtiáoYīngjī, [東條英機], Tojo Hideki (1884-1948), Japanese military leader hanged as war criminal in 1948
西         dōngxīnánběi, [東西南北], east west south north
        Dōngzhī, [東芝], Toshiba, Japanese electronics company
        Dōngyíng, [東營], Dongying prefecture-level city in Shandong
        Jiāngdōng, [江東], Jiangdong district of Ningbo city 寧波市|宁波市[Níng bō shì], Zhejiang
        Dōngpíng, [東平], Dongping county in Tai'an 泰安[Tài ān], Shandong
        Dōngxīng, [東興], Dongxing district of Neijiang city 內江市|内江市[Nèi jiāng shì], Sichuan/Dongxing coun...
        Jiāngdōngqū, [江東區], Jiangdong district of Ningbo city 寧波市|宁波市[Níng bō shì], Zhejiang
        DōngfāngHángkōng, [東方航空], China Eastern Airlines
        Dàdōng, [大東], Dadong district of Shenyang city 瀋陽市|沈阳市, Liaoning
        JìnDōng, [近東], Near East
        zuòdōng, [作東], to host (a dinner)/to treat/to pick up the check
        Dōngyáng, [東洋], Japan (old)/East Asian countries
        Dōngmíng, [東明], Dongming county in Heze 菏澤|菏泽[Hé zé], Shandong
        Dōngyíng, [東瀛], East China Sea/Japan
        Dōngbǎo, [東寶], Dongbao district of Jingmen city 荊門市|荆门市[Jīng mén shì], Hubei
        Dōngān, [東安], Dongan county in Yongzhou 永州[Yǒng zhōu], Hunan/Dong'an district of Mudanjiang ci...
        Dōngshān, [東山], Dongshan county in Zhangzhou 漳州[Zhāng zhōu], Fujian/Tungshan township in Tainan ...
        dōngdàozhǔ, [東道主], host/official host (e.g. venue for games or a conference)
        fúrúDōngHǎi, [福如東海], may your happiness be as immense as the East Sea (idiom)
        Pǔlǔdōng, [普魯東], Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865), French socialist philosopher
        èrfángdōng, [二房東], sublandlord/tenant who sublets
        Dōnghéqū, [東河區], Donghe district of Baotou city 包頭市|包头市[Bāo tóu shì], Inner Mongolia
        Dōngdìwèn, [東帝汶], East Timor (officially Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste)
        Pǔdōng, [浦東], Pudong, subprovincial district of Shanghai
        Chéngdōngqū, [城東區], east city district/Chengdong district of Xining city 西寧市|西宁市[Xī níng shì], Qingh...
        Dōngguǎn, [東莞], Dongguan prefecture-level city in Guangdong 廣東省|广东省[Guǎng dōng shěng]
        Dōngguō, [東郭], two-character surname Dongguo
        Dōngjiāng, [東江], Dongjiang River
        SūDōngpō, [蘇東坡], Su Dongpo, another name for Su Shi 蘇軾|苏轼 (1037-1101), northern Song writer and c...
        Dōngguāng, [東光], Dongguang county in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州[Cāng zhōu], Hebei
        Dōngpō, [東坡], Dongpo District of Meishan City 眉山市[Méi shān Shì], Sichuan
        chuándōng, [船東], ship owner
        dōngdào, [東道], host
        ShāndōngShěng, [山東省], Shandong, province in northeast China, short name 魯|鲁[Lǔ], capital Jinan 濟南|济南[J...
        Bādōng, [巴東], Badong county in Enshi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 恩施土家族苗族自治州[Ēn shī Tǔ...

        chéngshì, city/town/CL:座[zuò]
        chéng, city walls/city/town/CL:座[zuò],道[dào],個|个[gè]
        chéngbǎo, castle/rook (chess piece)
        Fèichéng, [費城], Philadelphia, Pennsylvania/abbr. for 費拉德爾菲亞|费拉德尔菲亚[Fèi lā dé ěr fēi yà]
        Hànchéng, [漢城], Hanseong, former name of Seoul (capital of South Korea), replaced in 2005 with 首...
        chéngzhèn, [城鎮], town/cities and towns
        jìnchéng, [進城], to go to town/to enter a big city (to live or work)
        chéngwài, outside of a city
        Yánhúchéng, [鹽湖城], Salt Lake City, capital of Utah
        chéngqiáng, [城牆], city wall
西         Mòxīgēchéng, Mexico City, capital of Mexico
        Chángchéng, [長城], the Great Wall
        jiàzhíliánchéng, [價值連城], invaluable/priceless
        chéngmén, [城門], city gate
        Shāngchéng/shāngchéng, see 商城縣|商城县[Shāng chéng xiàn], shopping center/department store
        chéngqū, [城區], city district/urban area
        shèngchéng, [聖城], Holy City
        hùchénghé, [護城河], moat
        Qiáozhìchéng, [喬治城], Georgetown/(the spelling 喬治敦|乔治敦 is more common)
        chéngjiāo, suburbs/outskirts of a city
        quánchéng, whole city
        gǔchéng, ancient city
        mǎnchéngfēngyǔ, [滿城風雨], lit. wind and rain through the town (idiom); fig. a big scandal/an uproar/the ta...
        Wéichéng/wéichéng, [圍城], Fortress Besieged, 1947 novel by Qian Zhongshu 錢鐘書|钱钟书, filmed as a TV serial, s...
        chéngfǔ, subtle/shrewd/sophisticated
        chéngchí, city
        biānchéng, [邊城], border town/remote town
        Shānchéng, Shancheng district of Hebi city 鶴壁市|鹤壁市[Hè bì shì], Henan
        Lǎochéngqū/lǎochéngqū, [老城區], Laocheng district of Luoyang City 洛陽市|洛阳市[Luò yáng shì], Henan, old city distric...
        zhòngzhìchéngchéng, [眾志成城], unity of will is an impregnable stronghold (idiom)
        Shíchéng, Shicheng county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州, Jiangxi
        Xiàchéngqū, [下城區], Xiacheng district of Hangzhou city 杭州市[Háng zhōu shì], Zhejiang
        Nánchéng, Nancheng county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Jiangxi
        WànlǐChángchéng, [萬里長城], the Great Wall
        dàchéngshì, major city/metropolis
        Dàchéng, Dacheng county in Langfang 廊坊[Láng fáng], Hebei/Tacheng township in Changhua cou...
        ShuāngchéngJì, [雙城記], A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens 查爾斯·狄更斯|查尔斯·狄更斯[Chá ěr sī · Dí gēng sī]
        huánchéng, [環城], encircling the city (of walls, ring road etc)/around the city
        BānámǎChéng, [巴拿馬城], Panama City
        Dōngchéng, [東城], Dongcheng district of central Beijing
        Mǎnchéng, [滿城], Mancheng county in Baoding 保定[Bǎo dìng], Hebei
        nèichéng, [內城], inner castle/donjon
        Zǐjìnchéng, the Forbidden City/the Imperial Palace in Beijing/same as 故宮|故宫[Gù gōng]
        Dōngchéngqū, [東城區], Dongcheng district of central Beijing
        Chéngběiqū, [城北區], north city district/Chengbei district of Xining city 西寧市|西宁市[Xī níng shì], Qingh...
        xiǎochéng, small town
        shěngchéng, provincial capital
        Gōngchéng, [宮城], Miyagi prefecture in the north of Japan's main island Honshū 本州[Běn zhōu]
        jīngchéng, capital of a country
        dūchéng, capital city
        Xīnchéng, Xincheng or Hsincheng township in Hualien County 花蓮縣|花莲县[Huā lián Xiàn], east Ta...
        luóchéng, [羅城], a second wall built around a city wall
        chéngxiāng, [城鄉], city and countryside
        Huángchéng, Imperial City, inner part of Beijing, with the Forbidden City at its center
        Shuǐchéng, Shuicheng county in Liupanshui 六盤水|六盘水[Liù pán shuǐ], Guizhou
        lǎochéng, old town/old district of a city
        Báichéng, Baicheng prefecture-level city in Jilin province 吉林省 in northeast China
        Hánchéng, [韓城], Hancheng city and county in Shaanxi
        Kǎsēnchéng, Carson City, capital of Nevada
        kōngchéngjì, [空城計], the empty city stratagem (in which Zhuge Liang presents himself as unperturbed w...
        xiànchéng, [縣城], county seat/county town
        bīnglínchéngxià, [兵臨城下], soldiers at the city walls (idiom); fig. at a critical juncture
        chéngzhǐ, townsite
        túchéng, to massacre everyone in a captured city
        Yǒngchéng, Yongcheng county level city in Shangqiu 商丘[Shāng qiū], Henan
        chénglóu, [城樓], city gate tower
        wèixīngchéng, [衛星城], "satellite" town/edge city/exurb
        Lóngchéng, [龍城], Longcheng district of Chaoyang city 朝陽市|朝阳市, Liaoning
        Mànchéng, Manchester, England/Manchester City football club
        Chéngzhōngqū, [城中區], city central district/Chengzhong district of Liuzhou city 柳州市[Liǔ zhōu shì], Gua...
        míngchéng, famous city
        Xuěchéng, Syracuse, New York
        Línchéng, [臨城], Lincheng county in Xingtai 邢台[Xíng tái], Hebei
        Chéngdōngqū, [城東區], east city district/Chengdong district of Xining city 西寧市|西宁市[Xī níng shì], Qingh...
西         Chéngxīqū, [城西區], west city district/Chengxi district of Xining city 西寧市|西宁市[Xī níng shì], Qinghai
        Gǔchéng, Gucheng county in Xiangfan 襄樊[Xiāng fán], Hubei
        Móchéng, Mo i Rana (city in Nordland, Norway)
        Wǎchéng, another name for Mandalay 曼德勒, Myanmar's second city
        wèichéng, [衛城], citadel/defensive city/acropolis
        Méngchéng, Mengcheng county in Bozhou 亳州[Bó zhōu], Anhui
西         Xīchéngqū, [西城區], Xicheng district of central Beijing
        xiōngwúchéngfǔ, [胸無城府], open and candid (idiom); not hiding anything/ingenuous
        Hǎichéng, Haicheng county level city in Anshan 鞍山[Ān shān], Liaoning
        Tǎchéng, Tarbaghatay or Tacheng city in Tacheng prefecture 塔城地區|塔城地区[Tǎ chéng dì qū], Xin...
        Cíchéng, Ibaraki prefecture in northeast Japan
        Shàngchéngqū, [上城區], Shangcheng district of Hangzhou city 杭州市[Háng zhōu shì], Zhejiang
        chéngguǎn, local government bylaw enforcement officer/city management (abbr. for 城市管理行政執法局|...

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