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[臨近] línjìn close to

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Word Compounds

        guānglín, [光臨], (formal) to honor with one's presence/to attend
        miànlín, [面臨], to face sth/to be confronted with
        línshí, [臨時], as the time draws near/at the last moment/temporary/interim/ad hoc
        láilín, [來臨], to approach/to come closer
        jiànglín, [降臨], to descend/to arrive/to come
        línchuáng, [臨床], clinical
        lín, [臨], to face/to overlook/to arrive/to be (just) about to/just before
        línsǐ, [臨死], facing death/at death's door
        línzhōng, [臨終], approaching one's end/with one foot in the grave
        bīnlín, [瀕臨], on the edge of/(fig.) on the verge of/close to
        línjìn, [臨近], close to/approaching
        línshígōng, [臨時工], day laborer/temporary work
        líntóu, [臨頭], to befall/to be imminent
        lìlín, [蒞臨], to arrive (esp. of notable person)/to visit (more formal than 光臨|光临[guāng lín])
        línbié, [臨別], on parting/facing separation
        línzǒu, [臨走], before leaving/on departure
        línjiè, [臨界], critical/boundary
        shēnlínqíjìng, [身臨其境], (idiom) to experience it for oneself/to actually *be* there (as opposed to readi...
        jūgāolínxià, [居高臨下], to live high and look down (idiom)/to overlook/to tower above/to occupy the high...
        jiàlín, [駕臨], to grace sb with one's presence/your arrival (honorific)/your esteemed presence
        qīnlín, [親臨], to go in person
        línjièdiǎn, [臨界點], critical point/boundary point
        línchǎn, [臨產], to face childbirth/about to give birth/refers esp. to the onset of regular contr...
        línmó, [臨摹], to copy (a model of calligraphy or painting etc)
        línwēi, [臨危], dying (from illness)/facing death/on one's deathbed
        línmén, [臨門], to arrive home/facing one's home/home-coming/(soccer) facing the goalmouth
        línxíng, [臨行], on leaving/on the point of departure
        línpén, [臨盆], at childbirth/in labor
        líndào, [臨到], to befall
        línchǎng, [臨場], to be at the scene (sitting for an exam, performing, competing, giving direction...
        shuāngxǐlínmén, [雙喜臨門], two simultaneous happy events in the family
        línjiē, [臨街], facing the street
        línxíng, [臨刑], facing execution
        bīnglínchéngxià, [兵臨城下], soldiers at the city walls (idiom); fig. at a critical juncture
        línzhàn, [臨戰], just before the contest/on the eve of war
        Línxià, [臨夏], Linxia Hui autonomous prefecture 臨夏回族自治州|临夏回族自治州[Lín xià Huí zú zì zhì zhōu], Ga...
        Línhé, [臨河], Linhe district of Bayan Nur city 巴彥淖爾市|巴彦淖尔市[Bā yàn nào ěr shì], Inner Mongolia
        Línchéng, [臨城], Lincheng county in Xingtai 邢台[Xíng tái], Hebei
        Línhǎi/línhǎi, [臨海], Linhai county level city in Taizhou 台州[Tāi zhōu], Zhejiang, to overlook the sea/...
        Línān, [臨安], Lin'an county level city in Hangzhou 杭州[Háng zhōu], Zhejiang

        zuìjìn, recently/soon/nearest
        fùjìn, (in the) vicinity/nearby/neighboring/next to
        jìn, near/close to/approximately
        jiējìn, to approach/to get close to
        kàojìn, near/to approach
        qīnjìn, [親近], intimate/to get close to
        jìnlái, [近來], recently/lately
        jiāngjìn, [將近], almost/nearly/close to
        jìnhu, close to/intimate
        jìnqī, near in time/in the near future/very soon/recent
        línjìn, [臨近], close to/approaching
        zǒujìn, to approach/to draw near to
        bījìn, to press on towards/to close in on/to approach/to draw near
        xiāngjìn, close/similar to
        jìnlù, shortcut
        jìnqīn, [近親], close relative/near relation
        jìnkuàng, [近況], recent developments/current situation
        jìnzàizhǐchǐ, to be almost within reach/to be close at hand
        línjìn, [鄰近], neighboring/adjacent/near/vicinity
        tiējìn, [貼近], to press close to/to snuggle close/intimate
        jìnzàiyǎnqián, right under one's nose/right in front of one's eyes/close at hand/imminent
        xīnjìn, newly
        jìnsì, similar/about the same as/approximately/approximation
        píngyìjìnrén, amiable and approachable (idiom); easy-going/modest and unassuming/(of writing) ...
        jìnzhào, recent photo
        jìnshì, [近視], shortsighted/nearsighted/myopia
        còujìn, [湊近], to approach/to lean close to
        jìnrì, in the past few days/recently/in the last few days
        jìnhǎi, coastal waters/offshore
        jìnniánlái, [近年來], for the past few years
        bùjìnrénqíng, not amenable to reason/unreasonable
        jiùjìn, nearby/in a close neighborhood
        jígōngjìnlì, seeking instant benefit (idiom); shortsighted vision, looking only for fast retu...
        jìndài, the not-very-distant past/modern times, excluding recent decades/(in the context...
        pòjìn, to approach/to press in
        jìndào, shortcut/a quicker method
        jījìn, [幾近], to be on the brink of/to be on the verge of
        jìnlín, [近鄰], close neighbor
        jìnjiāo, suburbs/outskirts
        yuǎnjìn, [遠近], far and near/distance
        jìnchù, [近處], nearby
        āijìn, to approach/to get close to/to sneak up on/near to
        jìnshuǐlóutái, [近水樓臺], lit. a pavilion near the water (idiom); fig. using one's proximity to the powerf...
        jìndàishǐ, modern history (for China, from the Opium Wars until the fall of the Qing Dynast...
        jìnnián, recent year(s)
        JìnDōng, [近東], Near East
        jìnshuǐlóutáixiāndéyuè, [近水樓臺先得月], the pavilion closest to the water enjoys moonlight first (idiom)/to benefit from...
        ānnǎijìn, analgin (loanword)
        jìnxiàndàishǐ, [近現代史], modern history and contemporary history

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