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Yǎngguāng Yangon (Rangoon), main city of south Myanmar (Burma), the national capital until November 2005, when the capital moved to Naypyidaw 内比都 or Pyinmana 彬馬那 彬马那

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Word Compounds

        xìnyǎng, to believe in (a religion)/firm belief/conviction
        jiǔyǎng, honorific: I've long looked forward to meeting you./It's an honor to meet you at...
        yǎngmù, to admire
        Yǎng/yǎng, surname Yang, to face upward/to look up/to admire/to rely on
        yǎngwàng, to look up at/to look up to sb hopefully
        jìngyǎng, to revere/highly esteemed
        jǐngyǎng, to admire/to revere/to look up to
        yǎngzhàng, to rely on/to depend on
        yǎngwòqǐzuò, [仰臥起坐], sit-up (physical exercise)
        Yǎngguāng, Yangon (Rangoon), main city of south Myanmar (Burma), the national capital until...
        zhānyǎng, to revere/to admire
        yǎngtóu, [仰頭], to raise one's head
        yǎngwò, [仰臥], to lie supine
        yǎngshì, [仰視], to tilt one's head back to see (sth)/to look up at
        yǎngyǒng, backstroke
        rényǎngmǎfān, [人仰馬翻], to suffer a crushing defeat (idiom)/in a pitiful state/in a complete mess/to rol...
        yǎnglài, [仰賴], to rely on
        yǎngtiān, to face upwards/to look up to the sky

        guāng, light/ray/CL:道[dào]/bright/only/merely/to use up
        shíguāng, [時光], time/era/period of time
        yángguāng, [陽光], sunshine/CL:線|线[xiàn]/transparent (open to public scrutiny)
        guānglín, [光臨], (formal) to honor with one's presence/to attend
        dēngguāng, [燈光], (stage) lighting/light
        guāngmíng, light/radiance/(fig.) bright (prospects etc)/openhearted
        guāngróng, [光榮], honor and glory/glorious
        fāguāng, [發光], to shine
        yǎnguāng, gaze/insight/foresight/vision/way of looking at things
        bùguāng, not the only one/not only
线         guāngxiàn, [光線], light ray/CL:條|条[tiáo],道[dào]/light/illumination/lighting (for a photograph)
        bàoguāng, to expose (photography)/(fig.) to expose (a scandal)/(advertising) exposure/Taiw...
        jīguāng, laser
        mùguāng, sight/vision/view/gaze/look
        guāngmáng, rays of light/brilliant rays/radiance
        yuèguāng, moonlight
        shǎnguāng, [閃光], flash
        guāngcǎi, luster/splendor/radiance/brilliance
        tuōguāng, [脫光], to strip naked/to strip nude/(coll.) to find oneself a partner
        ěrguāng, a slap on the face/CL:記|记[jì]
        guāngsù, the speed of light
        guāngtóu, [光頭], shaven head/bald head/to go bareheaded/hatless
        guānghuī, [光輝], radiance/glory/brilliant/magnificent
        fēngguāng, [風光], scene/view/sight/landscape/to be well-regarded/to be well-off/grand (dialect)/im...
        guānguāng, [觀光], to tour/sightseeing/tourism
        guānggù, [光顧], to visit (as a customer)
        guānghuá, glossy/sleek/smooth
        jùguāngdēng, [聚光燈], spotlight
        xīngguāng, starlight
        guāngnián, light-year
        língguāng, [靈光], divine light (around the Buddha)/a halo/a miraculous column of light/(slang) jol...
        guāngtiānhuàrì, the full light of day (idiom)/fig. peace and prosperity/in broad daylight
        guāngmíngzhèngdà, (of a person) honorable/not devious/(of a behavior) fair and aboveboard/without ...
        rìguāng, sunlight
        guāngliàng, bright
        shǎnguāngdēng, [閃光燈], flash bulb (photography)
        rìguāngyù, sunbathing
        róngguānghuànfā, [容光煥發], face glowing (idiom); looking radiant/all smiles
        guānghuán, [光環], halo/ring of light
        zhúguāng, [燭光], candle light/candle-lit (vigil etc)/candela, unit of luminous intensity (cd)
        jīngguāng, nothing left (money, food etc)/all finished/bright and shiny/radiant/glorious
        shǔguāng, dawn/fig. the dawn of a new era
        guāngyīn, [光陰], time available
        guāngguāng, bright/shiny/smooth/naked/bald/penniless
        yíngguāng, [熒光], fluorescence/fluorescent
        shǎnguāngdiǎn, [閃光點], lit. flash point/crucial point/essential point
        Guāngzé/guāngzé, [光澤], Guangze county in Nanping 南平[Nán píng] Fujian, luster/gloss
        liàngguāng, light/beam of light/gleam of light/light reflected from an object
        jièguāng, excuse me (i.e. let me through, please)/reflected glory/to benefit from sb else'...
        guāngshù, light beam
        fǎnguāng, to reflect light
        qióngguāngdàn, [窮光蛋], poor wretch/pauper/destitute man/poverty-stricken peasant/penniless good-for-not...
        guāngxué, [光學], optics/optical (instrument)
        guāngzhào, illumination
        huǒguāng, flame/blaze
        guāngpǔ, [光譜], spectrum
        chūnguāng, scenes of springtime/the radiance of spring/(fig.) a sight of sth sexy or erotic...
        róngguāng, [榮光], glory
        guāngpán, [光盤], compact disc/CD or DVD/CD ROM/CL:片[piàn],張|张[zhāng]
        wēiguāng, glimmer
        guāngyuán, light source
        Dàoguāng, reign name of Qing emperor (1821-1850)
        guāngcǎiduómù, [光彩奪目], dazzling/brilliant
        zhèngdàguāngmíng, just and honorable
        shǎngguāng, [賞光], to do sb the honor (of attending etc)/to put in an appearance/to show up
        guāngzǐ, photon (particle physics)
        guāngdié, optical disc/compact disc/CD/CD-ROM/CL:片[piàn],張|张[zhāng]
        guānggùn, gangster/hoodlum/a single person/bachelor
        běijíguāng, [北極光], Northern lights/aurora borealis
        pāoguāng, [拋光], to polish/to burnish
        guāngxiān, [光纖], optical fiber/fiber optics
        guānguāngkè, [觀光客], tourist
        mùguāngduǎnqiǎn, [目光短淺], to be shortsighted
        guāngshì, solely/just
        jīguāngqì, laser
        guāngjǐng, circumstances/scene/about/probably
耀         guāngyào, dazzling/brilliant
        qīngguāngyǎn, glaucoma
        Yǎngguāng, Yangon (Rangoon), main city of south Myanmar (Burma), the national capital until...
        guāngjié, [光潔], bright and clean
        jíguāng, [極光], aurora (astronomy)
        diànguāng, [電光], electric light/lightning/electro-optical
        bàoguāng, exposure
        guāngbō, light wave
        yànguāng, [驗光], optometry/to examine the eyes
        guāngmínglěiluò, open and candid (idiom); straightforward and upright
        fāyángguāngdà, [發揚光大], to develop and promote/to carry forward/to bring to great height of development
        yīsǎoérguāng, [一掃而光], to clear off/to make a clean sweep of
        guāngquān, aperture/diaphragm/halo/aureole
        yíngguāngdēng, [熒光燈], fluorescent lamp/neon lamp
        guāngyǐng, light and shadow/sunlight and shade
        fǎnguāngjìng, [反光鏡], reflector (typically concave, as in a torch)/mirror (typically plane or convex)
        yúguāng, [餘光], (out of) the corner of one's eyes/peripheral vision/residual light/light of the ...
        yóuguāng, glossy/gleaming/shiny (due to greasiness)/slick/greasy/oily
        bèiguāng, to be in a poor light/to do sth with one's back to the light/to stand in one's o...
        zēngguāng, to add luster/to add glory
        guāngnéng, light energy (e.g. solar)
        guānghuá, [光華], brilliance/splendor/magnificence
        guāngxiān, [光鮮], bright and neat
        guāngguàilùlí, [光怪陸離], monstrous and multicolored/grotesque and variegated
        cǎiguāng, [採光], lighting/day lighting
        lèiguāng, [淚光], glistening teardrops
        móguāng, to polish
        guāngqì, [光氣], phosgene CÓCl, a poisonous gas/carbonyl chloride
        guānghézuòyòng, photosynthesis
        yuǎnguāngdēng, [遠光燈], high beam (headlights)
        guānglǎn, [光纜], optical cable
        guāngdiàn, [光電], photoelectric
        zǐwàiguāng, ultraviolet light
        guāngtūtū, [光禿禿], bald/bare
        guāngzhù, light beam/light pillar (atmospheric optics)
        guāngpǔyí, [光譜儀], spectrometer/spectrograph
        zhēngguāng, [爭光], to win an honor/to strive to win a prize
        gǎnguāng, light-sensitive
        Guāngfù/guāngfù, [光復], Guangfu or Kuangfu township in Hualien County 花蓮縣|花莲县[Huā lián Xiàn], east Taiwa...
        rìguāngdēng, [日光燈], fluorescent light
        línguāng, phosphorescence
        shǔmùcùnguāng, short-sighted
        guāngróngbǎng, [光榮榜], honor roll
        tòuguāng, transparent/translucent
        sèguāng, colored light
        yínguāng, [銀光], silvery light/bright white light/shining white light
        bōguāng, gleaming reflection of waves in sunlight
        kějiànguāng, [可見光], visible light/light in optical spectrum
        Lánguāng, [藍光], Blu-ray (disc format)
        guāngmiàn, [光麵], plain noodles in broth
        liúguāngyìcǎi, lit. flowing light and overflowing color/brilliant lights and vibrant colors (id...
        wǔguāngshísè, bright and multicolored/of rich variety/(fig.) dazzling/glitzy
        guāngpǔfēnxī, [光譜分析], spectral analysis
        nìguāng, backlighting (lighting design)
        guāngdù, luminosity
        Guāngzhōu, Guangzhou, old name for Huangchuan 潢川[Huáng chuān] in Xinyang 信陽|信阳, Henan/Gwang...
        guāngbǐ, [光筆], light pen
        sǎnguāng/sànguāng, astigmatism/see also 散光[sàn guāng], to diffuse light/see also 散光[sǎn guāng]
        guāngbiāo, [光標], cursor (computing)
        piānzhènguāng, polarization of light/polarized light
        zhānguāng, to bask in the light/fig. to benefit from association with sb or sth/reflected g...
耀         guāngzōngyàozǔ, to bring honor to one's ancestors
        qūguāngdù, diopter
        zhéguāng, [摺光], refraction, refraction
        bàoguāngbiǎo, light meter/exposure meter
        yíngguāngpíng, [熒光屏], fluorescent screen/TV screen
        guāngdà, splendid/magnificent/abbr. for 中國光大銀行|中国光大银行[Zhōng guó Guāng dà Yín háng], China...
        guāngbān, facula (astronomy)
        yèguāngdàn, [曳光彈], tracer ammunition/tracer
        guāngdǎoxiānwéi, [光導纖維], optical fiber
        fúguānglüèyǐng, flickering light and passing shadows (idiom)/blurred scenery/cursory/superficial
        tāoguāngyǎnghuì, [韜光養晦], to conceal one's strengths and bide one's time (idiom)/to hide one's light under...
        shēngguāng, to emit light
        guāngfúshè, [光輻射], light radiation
        chūnguāngmíngmèi, lovely spring sunshine
        dāoguāngxuèyǐng, massacre
        Dōngguāng, [東光], Dongguang county in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州[Cāng zhōu], Hebei
        yóuguāngguāng, glossy/gleaming/shiny (due to greasiness)/slick/greasy/oily
        xiáguāng, multicolored sunlight of sunrise or sunset
        piānguāng, polarized light
        guāngqū, [光驅], CD or DVD Drive/abbr. for 光盤驅動器|光盘驱动器
        húguāng, arc light

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