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[眾] Zhòng abbr. for 眾議院
>众议院[Zhòng yì yuàn], House of Representatives
zhòng many
[衆] zhòng variant of 眾

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Word Compounds

        guānzhòng, [觀眾], spectators/audience/visitors (to an exhibition etc)
        gōngzhòng, [公眾], public
        yǔzhòngbùtóng, [與眾不同], to stand out from the masses (idiom)
        Dàzhòng/dàzhòng, [大眾], Volkswagen (automobile manufacturer), the masses/the great bulk of the populatio...
        Zhòng/zhòng, [眾]/[衆], abbr. for 眾議院|众议院[Zhòng yì yuàn], House of Representatives, many/numerous/crowd/...
        mínzhòng, [民眾], populace/masses/the people
        tīngzhòng, [聽眾], audience/listeners
        zhòngrén, [眾人], everyone
        chūzhòng, [出眾], to stand out/outstanding
        zhòngduō, [眾多], numerous
        qúnzhòng, [群眾], mass/multitude/the masses
        zhòngsuǒzhōuzhī, [眾所周知]/[眾所週知], as everyone knows (idiom), see 眾所周知|众所周知[zhòng suǒ zhōu zhī]
        hézhòngguó, [合眾國], federated nation/the United States
        dāngzhòng, [當眾], in public/in front of everybody
广         dàtíngguǎngzhòng, [大庭廣眾], public place with numerous people
        zhòngyìyuán, [眾議員], member of the US House of Representatives
        zhòngshǐzhīdì, [眾矢之的], lit. target of a multitude of arrows (idiom); the butt of public criticism/attac...
        wūhézhīzhòng, [烏合之眾], mob
        Zhòngyìyuàn, [眾議院], lower house of bicameral assembly/House of Representatives (USA)/Chamber of Depu...
        zhòngmùkuíkuí, [眾目睽睽], see 萬目睽睽|万目睽睽[wàn mù kuí kuí]
        huázhòngqǔchǒng, [嘩眾取寵], sensationalism/vulgar claptrap to please the crowds/playing to the gallery/demag...
        shìzhòng, [示眾], to publicly expose
        wànzhòngyīxīn, [萬眾一心], millions of people all of one mind (idiom); the people united
        xīngshīdòngzhòng, [興師動眾], to muster large forces/to get a great number of people involved (in carrying out...
        dàzhònghuà, [大眾化], mass-oriented/to cater for the masses/popularized
        zhòngshēng, [眾生], all living things
        yúnyúnzhòngshēng, [蕓蕓眾生], every living being (Buddhism)/the mass of common people
        jùzhòng, [聚眾], to gather a crowd/to muster
        zhòngzhìchéngchéng, [眾志成城], unity of will is an impregnable stronghold (idiom)
        zhòngwàng, [眾望], people's expectations
        rénduōshìzhòng, [人多勢眾], many men, a great force (idiom); many hands provide great strength/There is safe...
        shòuzhòng, [受眾], target audience/audience
        guǎbùdízhòng, [寡不敵眾], the few are no match for the many/heavily outnumbered/facing impossible odds (id...
        zhòngshuōfēnyún, [眾說紛紜], opinions differ (idiom)
        zhòngkǒuyīcí, [眾口一詞], all of one voice/unanimous
        zhòngxīngpěngyuè, [眾星捧月], lit. all the stars cup themselves around the moon (idiom, from Analects); fig. t...
        zhòngrénshícháihuǒyàngāo, [眾人拾柴火焰高], when everybody gathers fuel, the flames are higher (idiom)/the more people, the ...

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