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Word: freq index 38366
jiāǒu happily married couple

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Word Compounds

        zuìjiā, optimum/optimal/peak/best (athlete, movie etc)
        Jiā/jiā, surname Jia, beautiful/fine/good
        jiārén, beautiful woman
        jiālì, [佳麗], beauty
        jiāyáo, [佳餚], fine food/delicacies/delicious food
        jiāzuò, masterpiece/fine piece of writing
        jiāniàng, [佳釀], excellent wine
        shàngjiā, excellent/outstanding/great
        jiājié, [佳節], festive day/holiday
        qiànjiā, suboptimal/subpar/not good enough
        jiāqī, wedding day/day of tryst
        jiāǒu, happily married couple
        Kāngjiā, Kongka (brand)
        jiājìng, the most pleasant or enjoyable stage
        Jiājiéshì, [佳潔士], Crest (brand)
        jiāhuà, [佳話], story or deed that captures the imagination and is spread far and wide
        jiājì, [佳績], good result/success

        ǒuxiàng, idol
        ǒuěr, [偶爾], occasionally/once in a while/sometimes
        wánǒu, toy figurine/action figure/stuffed animal/doll/(fig.) sb's plaything
        ǒu, accidental/image/pair/mate
        ǒurán, incidentally/occasional/occasionally/by chance/randomly
        mùǒu, puppet
        pèiǒu, consort/mate/spouse
        ǒuyù, a chance encounter/to meet accidentally
        ǒushù, [偶數], even number
        jiāǒu, happily married couple
        sàngǒu, [喪偶], bereaved of one's spouse (literary)
        ǒuránxìng, chance/fortuity/serendipity
        duìǒu, [對偶], dual/duality/antithesis/coupled phrases (as rhetorical device)/spouse
        rèdiànǒu, [熱電偶], thermocouple
        wúdúyǒuǒu, [無獨有偶], not alone but in pairs (idiom, usually derog.); not a unique occurrence/it's not...
        zéǒu, [擇偶], to choose a spouse
        ǒurén, idol (i.e. statue for worship)

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