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[內核] nèihé kernel (computer science)

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Word Compounds

        nèi, [內], inside/inner/internal/within/interior
        nèixīn, [內心], heart/innermost being/(math.) incenter
        nèiróng, [內容], content/substance/details/CL:個|个[gè],項|项[xiàng]
        zhīnèi, [之內], inside/within
        nèibù, [內部], interior/inside (part, section)/internal
        nèikù, [內褲], underpants/panties/briefs
        tǐnèi, [體內], within the body/in vivo (vs in vitro)/internal to
        nèiyī, [內衣], undergarment/underwear/CL:件[jiàn]
        nèijiù, [內疚], guilty conscience/to feel a twinge of guilt
        guónèi, [國內], domestic/internal (to a country)/civil
        nèizài, [內在], inner/internal/intrinsic/innate
        zàinèi, [在內], (included) in it/among them
        shìnèi, [室內], indoor
        nèizhàn, [內戰], civil war
        nèizàng, [內臟], internal organs/viscera
        yǐnèi, [以內], within/less than
        nèimù, [內幕], inside story/non-public information/behind the scenes/internal
        nèigé, [內閣], (government) cabinet
        nèijiān, [內奸], undiscovered traitor/enemy within one's own ranks
        Nèiwùbù, [內務部], Ministry of Internal Affairs
        Wěinèiruìlā, [委內瑞拉], Venezuela
        Rìnèiwǎ, [日內瓦], Geneva, Switzerland
        Nèihuádá, [內華達], Nevada, US state
        Nèihuádázhōu, [內華達州], Nevada, US state
        nèichūxuè, [內出血], internal bleeding/internal hemorrhage
        Nèibùlāsījiā, [內布拉斯加], Nebraska, US state
        nèihán, [內涵], meaningful content/implication/connotation (semantics)/inner qualities (of a per...
        nèiqíng, [內情], inside story/inside information
        jìngnèi, [境內], within the borders/internal (to a country, province, city etc)/domestic
        Lǐyuērènèilú, [里約熱內盧], Rio de Janeiro
        nèizhèng, [內政], internal affairs (of a country)
        nèiwù, [內務], internal affairs/domestic affairs/family affairs/(trad.) affairs within the pala...
        nèikē, [內科], internal medicine/general medicine
        nèihòng, [內訌], internal strife
        nèilù, [內陸], inland/interior
        nèishāng, [內傷], internal injury/disorder of internal organs (due to improper nutrition, overexer...
        nèicún, [內存], internal storage/computer memory/random access memory (RAM)
        shìnèi, [市內], inside the city
        nèiháng, [內行], expert/adept/experienced/an expert/a professional
        Nèiluóbì, [內羅畢], Nairobi, capital of Kenya
        nèiwài, [內外], inside and outside/domestic and foreign/approximately/about
        nèihé, [內核], kernel (computer science)
        dǎngnèi, [黨內], within the party (esp. Chinese communist party)
        Xiàonèi/xiàonèi, [校內], Xiaonei (Chinese social network website), on-campus/intramural
        nèifēnmì, [內分泌], endocrine (internal secretion, e.g. hormone)
        nèikuījìng, [內窺鏡], endoscope
        Yuēhànnèisībǎo, [約翰內斯堡], Johannesburg, South Africa
        fènnèi, [分內], one's job or duty/within one's remit
        nèizhèngbùzhǎng, [內政部長], Minister of the Interior
        báinèizhàng, [白內障], cataract (ophthalmology)
        nèidìng, [內定], to select sb for a position without announcing the decision until later/to decid...
        nèiěr, [內耳], inner ear
        Jīnèiyà, [幾內亞], Guinea
        Sàinèijiāěr, [塞內加爾], Senegal
        Nèidì/nèidì, [內地], mainland China (PRC excluding Hong Kong and Macau, but including islands such as...
        Kǎnèijī, [卡內基], Carnegie (name)/Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919), Scots American steel millionaire an...
        nèirén, [內人], my wife (humble)
        nèixiàng, [內向], reserved (personality)/introverted/(economics etc) domestic-oriented
        Hénèi, [河內], Hanoi, capital of Vietnam
        guónèiwài, [國內外], domestic and international/at home and abroad
        nèiluàn, [內亂], internal disorder/civil strife/civil unrest
        nèichéng, [內城], inner castle/donjon
        nèixǐng, [內省], to reflect upon oneself/introspection
        nèiránjī, [內燃機], internal combustion engine
        Běnnèitè, [本內特], Bennett (surname)
        hǎinèi, [海內], the whole world/throughout the land/everything under the sun
        BābùyàXīnJǐnèiyà, [巴布亞新幾內亞], Papua New Guinea
        nèifēnmìxiàn, [內分泌腺], endocrine gland/gland producing internal secretion, e.g. hormone
        duìnèi, [對內], internal/national/domestic (policy)
        Hābóluónèi, [哈博羅內], Gaborone, capital of Botswana
        xiánnèizhù, [賢內助], (said of sb else's wife) a good wife
        nèidì, [內弟], wife's younger brother
        nèishì, [內室], inner room/bedroom
        nèixū, [內需], domestic demand
        niánnèi, [年內], during the current year
        Mònèi, [莫內], Taiwan equivalent of 莫奈[Mò nài]
        qínèi, [其內], included/within that
        Nèijiǎdé, [內賈德], Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (1956-), Iranian fundamentalist politician, president of Ira...
        ChìdàoJīnèiyà, [赤道幾內亞], Equatorial Guinea
        hǎinèiwài, [海內外], domestic and international/at home and abroad
        Nèiměnggǔ, [內蒙古], Inner Mongolia/abbr. for 內蒙古自治區|内蒙古自治区[Nèi měng gǔ Zì zhì qū], Inner Mongolia au...
        shìnèiyuè, [室內樂], chamber music

        hédàn, [核彈], nuclear warhead
        hé, [覈], pit/stone/nucleus/nuclear/to examine/to check/to verify, variant of 核[hé]/to inv...
        héxīn, core/nucleus
        héwǔqì, nuclear weapon
        hécígòngzhèn, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
        héduì, [核對], to check/to verify/to audit/to examine
        héshí, [核實], to verify/to check
        héchá, to examine/to inspect
        hétao, walnut/CL:個|个[gè],棵[kē]
        hédiànzhàn, [核電站], nuclear power plant
        shěnhé, [審核], to audit/to investigate thoroughly
        hénéng, nuclear energy
        hézǐ, nuclear/nucleus
        fèijiéhé, [肺結核], tuberculosis/TB
        kǎohé, to examine/to check up on/to assess/to review/appraisal/review/evaluation
        héfǎnyìngduī, [核反應堆], nuclear reactor
        hédàntóu, [核彈頭], nuclear reentry vehicle/nuclear warhead
        dìhé, core of the earth (geology)
        héwǔ, nuclear weapon
        nèihé, [內核], kernel (computer science)
        héfúshè, [核輻射], nuclear radiation
        hézhǔn, to authorize/to investigate then ratify
        hérén, nucleolus (within nucleus of cell)
        hébàozhà, nuclear explosion
        hézhuāngzhì, [核裝置], nuclear device
        xìbāohé, [細胞核], nucleus (of cell)
        shānhétao, hickory
        hédiànchǎng, [核電廠], nuclear power plant
        jiéhé, [結核], tuberculosis/consumption/nodule
        yuánzǐhé, atomic nucleus
        fùhé, [復核], to reconsider/to reexamine/to review (e.g. a report prior to accepting it)
        hésuān, nucleic acid/RNA or DNA
        héwùlǐ, nuclear physics
        hésuàn, to calculate/accounting
        hédǎodàn, [核導彈], nuclear missile
        hétánghésuān, ribonucleic acid (RNA)
        héfǎnyìng, [核反應], nuclear reaction
        hédònglì, [核動力], nuclear power
        hédiàn, [核電], nuclear power
        hétaorén, walnut kernel
        héránliào, nuclear fuel
        hélièbiàn, [核裂變], atomic fission/nuclear fission/fission
        héjìshù, [核技術], nuclear technology
        jiéhébìng, [結核病], tuberculosis
        héshìyàn, [核試驗], nuclear test
        hékuòsàn, [核擴散], nuclear proliferation
        héwēishè, [核威懾], nuclear deterrence
        cháhé, to check
        jīhé, to audit/to verify/to examine/auditing
        héhuángsù, [核黃素], riboflavin (vitamin B)
        héwǔkù, [核武庫], nuclear arsenal
        hégōngchéng, nuclear engineering
        hétáng, ribose

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