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Word: freq index 55576
[衝垮] chōngkuǎ to burst
to break through
to topple

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Word Compounds

        chōng/chòng, [沖]/[衝], (of water) to dash against/to mix with water/to infuse/to rinse/to flush/to deve...
        chōnglàng, [衝浪], to surf/surfing
        chōngdòng, [衝動], to have an urge/to be impetuous/impulse/urge
        chōngtū, [衝突], conflict/to conflict/clash of opposing forces/collision (of interests)/contentio...
        chōngjī, [沖擊]/[衝擊], variant of 衝擊|冲击[chōng jī], to attack/to batter/(of waves) to pound against/shoc...
        màichōng, [脈衝], pulse (physics)
        chōngxǐ, [沖洗], to rinse/to wash/to develop (photographic film)
        chōngcì, [衝刺], to sprint/to spurt/to dash/big effort
        chōngpò, [衝破], breakthrough/to overcome an obstacle quickly
        chōngzhuàng, [衝撞], to collide/jerking motion/to impinge/to offend/to provoke
        chōngjībō, [衝擊波], shock wave/blast wave
        chōngzǒu, [沖走], to flush away
        chōngfēngqiāng, [衝鋒槍], submachine gun
        chōngtiān, [沖天], to soar/to rocket
        chōngfēng, [衝鋒], to charge/to assault/assault
        chōngjīlì, [衝擊力], force of impact or thrust
        Chōngshéng, [沖繩], Okinawa, Japan
        fǔchōng, [俯衝], to dive down fast/to swoop down
        huǎnchōng, [緩衝], buffer/to cushion/to adjust to sharp changes
        chōngzǎo, [沖澡], to take a shower
        chōngliáng, [沖涼], (dialect) to take a shower
        yàochōng, [要衝], road hub/major crossroad
        héngchōngzhízhuàng, [橫衝直撞], lit. bashing sideways and colliding straight on (idiom); to push through shoving...
        nùqìchōngchōng, [怒氣沖沖], spitting anger (idiom); in a rage
        chòngjìn, [衝勁], dynamism/drive
        duìchōng, [對沖], hedging (finance)
        chōngshuā, [沖刷], to cleanse/to scrub/to scour/to wash down/to erode/to wash away
        chōnghūntóunǎo, [沖昏頭腦]/[衝昏頭腦], lit. to be muddled in the brain (idiom); fig. excited and unable to act rational...
        chōngdàn, [沖淡], to dilute
        chōngfēngxiànzhèn, [衝鋒陷陣], to charge and break through enemy lines
        qìchōngchōng, [氣沖沖], furious/enraged
        huǎnchōngqì, [緩衝器], buffer (computer science)
        shǒudāngqíchōng, [首當其衝], to bear the brunt
        chōnglì, [衝力], impulse
        chòngyā, [沖壓], to stamp/to press (sheet metal)/Taiwan pr. [chōng yā]
        nùfàchōngguān, [怒髮衝冠], lit. hair stands up in anger and tips off one's hat (idiom)/fig. seething in ang...
        ChōngshéngDǎo, [沖繩島], Okinawa Island
        měngchōng, [猛衝], to charge forward
        xìngchōngchōng, [興沖沖], full of joy and expectations/animatedly
        chōngjì, [沖劑], medicine to be taken after being mixed with water (or other liquid)
        chōngkuǎ, [衝垮], to burst/to break through/to topple
        Chōngshéngxiàn, [沖繩縣], Okinawa prefecture, Japan
        chōngshā, [衝殺], to charge
        chòngchuáng, [衝床], stamping press (metalworking)
        chōngjī, [沖積], to alluviate/alluviation/alluvial
        chōngchéng, [衝程], stroke (of a piston)
        ChénChōng, [陳沖], Joan Chen (1961-), Chinese born American actress
        nùchōngchōng, [怒沖沖], furiously

        kuǎ, to collapse/to break or wear down/to defeat
        dǎkuǎ, to defeat/to strike down/to destroy
        kuǎtái, [垮臺], to fall from power/to collapse/demise
        lèikuǎ, to collapse/to be worn out/to break down
        yākuǎ, [壓垮], to cause sth to collapse under the weight/(fig.) to overwhelm
        chōngkuǎ, [衝垮], to burst/to break through/to topple

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