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Yìndùyáng Indian Ocean

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Word Compounds

        yìnxiàng, impression
        Yìn/yìn, surname Yin/abbr. for 印度[Yìn dù], to print/to mark/to engrave/a seal/a print/a s...
        Yìndù, India
        Yìndìān, (American) Indian/native American/indigenous peoples of the Americas
        jiǎoyìn, [腳印], footprint
        dǎyìn, to print/to seal/to stamp
        yìnjì, [印記], imprint/trace
        yìnshuā, to print/printing
        fùyìn, [複印], to photocopy/to duplicate a document
        fùyìnjiàn, [複印件], photocopy/duplicate
        Yìndìānnà, [印第安納], Indiana, US state
        yìnzhāng, seal/signet/chop/stamp/CL:方[fāng]
        fùyìnjī, [複印機], photocopier
        dǎyìnjī, [打印機], printer
        làoyìn, to brand (cattle etc)/brand/(fig.) to leave a lasting mark/to stigmatize/mark/st...
        yǐngyìn, photographic reproduction/photocopying/photo-offset
        Yìnní, Indonesia (abbr. for 印度尼西亞|印度尼西亚)
        xīnxīnxiāngyìn, two hearts beat as one (idiom); a kindred spirit
        Yìndùjiào, Hinduism/Indian religion
        yìnhuā, tax stamp
        yìnhén, molding/printed impression
        Yìndìānnàzhōu, [印第安納州], Indiana, US state
        Yìndùrén, Indian (person)/CL:個|个[gè]/Indian people
        yìnxiàngpài, impressionism
        shuǐyìn, watermark
        yìnjì, [印跡], footprint
        yìnzhèng, [印證], to seal/to confirm/to corroborate/to verify
        yìnzi, trace/impression (e.g. footprint)/abbr. of 印子錢|印子钱[yìn zi qián], usury
西         Yìndùníxīyà, [印度尼西亞], Indonesia
        yìnshuāchǎng, [印刷廠], printing house/print shop
        yìnshuājī, [印刷機], printing press
        fùyìnzhǐ, [複印紙], photocopier paper
        Yìndìānnàbōlìsī, [印第安納波利斯], Indianapolis, Indiana
        yìnzhì, [印製], to print/to produce (a publication)
        zhǐyìn, fingerprint/finger mark/thumbprint
        yìnshuāpǐn, printed products
        Yìndùyáng, Indian Ocean
        yìnfā, [印發], to publish/to print and distribute
        yìnxíng, to print and distribute/to publish
        yìnshuātǐ, [印刷體], printed style (as opposed to cursive)/typeface
        yìnshuāshù, [印刷術], printing/printing technology
        kānyìn, to set in print/to diffuse/to publish
        yóuyìn, to mimeograph
        chóngyìn, to reprint
        yìnhuāshuì, [印花稅], stamp duty
        yǐngyìnběn, a photocopy
        páiyìn, typesetting and printing
        yìnní, red ink paste used for seal
        yìnrǎn, printing and dyeing
        yìnshuāyè, [印刷業], typography/printing business
        yìnjiàn, [印鑒], seal impression/stamp/mark from a seal serving as signature
        fùyìn, to go to press/to submit for printing
        YìnŌuyǔ, [印歐語], Indo-European (language)
        yìnběn, printed book/copy
        fēngyìn, seal (on envelopes)
        yìnshuābǎn, printing plate/printed version (of a digital publication)/printing (as in "1st p...
        tàoyìn, color printing using several overlaid images
        guānyìn, official seal
        cǎiyìn, color printing/abbr. for 彩色印刷[cǎi sè yìn shuā]
        huǒyìn, branded mark/brand

        dù/duó, to pass/to spend (time)/measure/limit/extent/degree of intensity/degree (angles,...
        sùdù, speed/rate/velocity/(music) tempo/CL:個|个[gè]
        dùguò, [度過], to pass/to spend (time)/to survive/to get through
        tàidu, [態度], manner/bearing/attitude/approach/CL:個|个[gè]
        jiǎodù, angle/point of view
        chéngdù, degree (level or extent)/level/CL:個|个[gè]
        Yìndù, India
        dùjià, to go on holidays/to spend one's vacation
        gāodù, height/altitude/elevation/high degree/highly/CL:個|个[gè]
        guòdù, [過度], excessive/over-/excess/going too far/extravagant/intemperate/overdue
        wēndù, [溫度], temperature/CL:個|个[gè]
        jídù, [極度], extremely
        niándù, year (e.g. school year, fiscal year)/annual
        nándù, [難度], trouble/problem
        zhìdù, system (e.g. political, adminstrative etc)/institution/CL:個|个[gè]
        shēndù, depth/(of a speech etc) profundity/advanced stage of development
        zàidù, once more/once again/one more time
        jìndù, [進度], pace/tempo/degree of progress (on project)/work schedule
        guódù, [國度], country/nation
        jìdù, quarter of a year/season (sports)
        fēngdù, [風度], elegance (for men)/elegant demeanor/grace/poise
        nóngdù, [濃度], concentration (percentage of dissolved material in a solution)/consistency/thick...
        chángdù, [長度], length
        chāodù, to surpass/to transcend/to perform religious ceremonies to help the soul find pe...
        qiángdù, [強度], strength/intensity/CL:個|个[gè]
        xiàndù, limitation/limit
        lìdù, strength/vigor/efforts/(music) dynamics
        mìdù, density/thickness
        yīdù, for a time/at one time/one time/once
        diàodù, [調度], to dispatch (vehicles, staff etc)/to schedule/to manage/dispatcher/scheduler
        kěxìndù, degree of credibility/reliability
        chúndù, [純度], purity
        zhīmíngdù, reputation/profile/familiarity in the public consciousness
        xūdù, [虛度], to fritter away (one's time)
        fúdù, width/extent/range/scope
        rèdù, [熱度], temperature/heat/short-lived enthusiasm
        Shèshìdù, [攝氏度], °C (degrees Celsius)
        qīngdù, [輕度], mild (symptoms etc)
湿         shīdù, [濕度], humidity level
        dùrì, to pass one's days/to scratch out a difficult, meager existence
        chǐdù, scale/yardstick
        wěidù, [緯度], latitude
        dàdù, magnanimous/generous (in spirit)
        édù, [額度], quota/(credit) limit
        shìdù, [適度], moderately/appropriate
        wēndùjì, [溫度計], thermometer/thermograph
        língdù, zero degree
        Yìndùjiào, Hinduism/Indian religion
        zhòngdù, serious/severe
        kuāndù, [寬度], width
        Yìndùrén, Indian (person)/CL:個|个[gè]/Indian people
        jīngdù, [經度], longitude
        dùrìrúnián, a day drags past like a year (idiom); time hangs heavy/time crawls when one is w...
        bādù, octave
        húdù, radian/arc/curve/curvature
        kèdù, marked scale/graduated scale
        hòudù, thickness
        dùliàng, measure/tolerance/breadth/magnanimity/(math.) metric
        dàfúdù, by a wide margin/substantial
        néngjiàndù, [能見度], visibility
        jiāsùdù, acceleration
西         Yìndùníxīyà, [印度尼西亞], Indonesia
        huāndù, [歡度], to merrily spend (an occasion)/to celebrate
        jīngdù, precision
        wúdù, [無度], immoderate/excessive/not knowing one's limits
        dùshu, [度數], number of degrees/reading (on a meter)/strength (alcohol, lenses etc)
        kuàdù, span/horizontal distance between vertical supports
        yuèdù, monthly
        língmǐndù, [靈敏度], (level of) sensitivity
        zhìzhīdùwài, to give no thought to/to have no regard for/to disregard
        qīngxīdù, definition/sharpness/clarity
        shěnshíduóshì, [審時度勢], to judge the hour and size up the situation/to take stock
        jìndùbiǎo, [進度表], timeline/work schedule
        qīngxiédù, [傾斜度], inclination (from the horizontal or vertical)/slope/obliquity
        núlìzhìdù, [奴隸制度], slavery
        jīngquèdù, [精確度], accuracy/precision
        qìdù, [氣度], bearing/manner/presence
        yìngdù, hardness
        tòumíngdù, transparency/(policy of) openness
        pōdù, gradient/slope
        duìbǐdù, [對比度], contrast (balance of black and white in TV screen setup)/degree of contrast
广         guǎngdù, [廣度], breadth
        Yìndùyáng, Indian Ocean
        liàngdù, brightness
        zhìdùhuà, systematization
        yòngdù, expense
        tìdù, to take the tonsure/to shave the head/tonsure (shaved head of Buddhist monk)
        chuǎiduó, to estimate/to surmise/to appraise
        wéidù, [維度], dimension (math.)/dimensionality
        guāngdù, luminosity
        kèdùpán, [刻度盤], dial (e.g. of a radio etc)
        Bǎidù, Baidu, Internet portal and search engine, www.baidu.com, listed as BIDU on NASDA...
        qūguāngdù, diopter
        xiédù, slope/gradient/inclination
        sùdùjì, [速度計], speedometer
        zìyóudù, (number of) degrees of freedom (physics and statistics)
        sèdù, saturation (color theory)
        cǔnduó, to speculate/to surmise/to wonder whether/to guess
        huīdù, grayscale
        yándù, [鹽度], salinity
        gāngdù, [剛度], stiffness
        tīdù, gradient
        wēndùbiǎo, [溫度表], thermometer
        liángdù, to measure/measurement
        shěnduó, [審度], to observe and form a judgment
        niándù, viscosity (physics)
        gāowěidù, [高緯度], high latitude (i.e. near the poles)
        dùliànghéng, measurement
        jiǎndù, [鹼度], alkalinity
        cèdù/cèduó, [測度], measure (math.), to estimate/to conjecture

        hǎiyáng, ocean/CL:個|个[gè]
        yángcōng, [洋蔥], onion (Allium cepa)/bulb onion
        TàipíngYáng, Pacific Ocean
        yáng, ocean/vast/foreign/silver dollar or coin
西         Dàxīyáng, Atlantic Ocean
        yángwáwa, doll (of Western appearance)
        dàyáng, ocean/(old) silver dollar
西         xīyáng, the West (Europe and North America)/countries of the Indian Ocean (traditional)
        yángyì, brimming with/steeped in
        xúnyángjiàn, [巡洋艦], cruiser (warship)/battle cruiser
        chūyángxiàng, to make a fool of oneself
        déyìyángyáng, joyfully satisfied/to be immensely proud of oneself/proudly/an air of complacenc...
        yángzhuāng, [洋裝], Western-style dress
        Dàyángzhōu, Oceania
        yángliú, ocean current
        yángfú, Western-style clothes
        Yángjī, see 洋基隊|洋基队[Yáng jī duì]/New York Yankees (US baseball team)
        yángxiàng, social gaffe or blunder/faux pas/see 出洋相[chū yáng xiàng]
        lǎnyāngyāng, [懶洋洋], lazily
        yángguǐzi, foreign devil/term of abuse for Westerners
        yángyángdéyì, immensely pleased with oneself (idiom)/proud/complacent
        yángyù, (dialect) potato
        rèqíngyángyì, [熱情洋溢], brimming with enthusiasm (idiom); full of warmth
        yuǎndùchóngyáng, [遠渡重洋], to travel across the oceans
        yuǎnyáng, [遠洋], distant seas/the open ocean (far from the coast)
        Yìndùyáng, Indian Ocean
        Běibīngyáng, Arctic ocean
        wāngyáng, vast body of water/CL:片[piàn]
        yángmiàn, ocean surface
        Nányáng, Southeast Asia/South seas
        yángrén, foreigner/Westerner
        yánghuái, black locust tree (Robinia pseudoacacia)
        xǐqìyángyáng, [喜氣洋洋], full of joy (idiom); jubilation
        Sānyáng, Sanyō, Japanese electronics company
        yángyángzìdé, immensely pleased with oneself (idiom)/proud/complacent
        yángqín, variant of 揚琴|扬琴[yáng qín]
        hǎiyángxué, [海洋學], oceanography
        Nánbīngyáng, Southern Ocean
        chóngyáng, seas and oceans
        yángqì, [洋氣], Western style/foreign flavor/trendy/fashionable
        Dōngyáng, [東洋], Japan (old)/East Asian countries
        móyánggōng, to idle on the job
        yánghuò, [洋貨], Western goods/imported goods (in former times)
        yángchē, [洋車], rickshaw
        yángyángsǎsǎ, [洋洋灑灑], voluminous/flowing (of speeches, articles etc) (idiom)
西         xīyángjǐng, see 西洋鏡|西洋镜[xī yáng jìng]
        nuǎnyángyáng, warm/comfortably warm
        yángbáicài, cabbage (round cabbage most commonly found in Western countries)

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