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[史書] shǐshū history book

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        lìshǐ, [歷史], history/CL:門|门[mén],段[duàn]
        Shǐ/shǐ, surname Shi, history/annals/title of an official historian in ancient China
        yǒushǐyǐlái, [有史以來], since the beginning of history
        Shǐdìfū, Steve (male name)
        Shǐmìsī, Smith (name)
        bìngshǐ, medical history
        Shǐdìwén, Steven, Stephen (name)
        lìshǐxìng, [歷史性], historic
        shǐwúqiánlì, [史無前例], unprecedented in history
        luómànshǐ, [羅曼史], romance (loanword)/love affair
        shǐqián, prehistory
        shǐcè, [史冊], annals
        shǐshī, [史詩], an epic/poetic saga
        lìshǐxuéjiā, [歷史學家], historian
        Shǐnǔbǐ, Snoopy (comic strip pet dog)
        Shǐdìwénsī, Stephens/Stevens
西         Shǐdàixī, Stacy (name)
        biānniánshǐ, [編年史], annals/chronicle
        míngchuíqīngshǐ, lit. reputation will go down in history (idiom); fig. achievements will earn ete...
        qīngshǐ, annal/historical record/CL:筆|笔[bǐ]
        shǐxuéjiā, [史學家], historian
        shǐshí, [史實], historical fact
        shǐshū, [史書], history book
        kēxuéshǐ, [科學史], history of science
        shǐxué, [史學], historiography
        Shǐdíwēi, Joseph Stilwell (1883-1946), commander of US forces in China, Burma and India in...
        shǐliào, historical material or data
        lìshǐjù, [歷史劇], historical drama
        lìshǐxué, [歷史學], history
        Shǐnúbǐ, Snoopy (comic strip pet dog)
        jìndàishǐ, modern history (for China, from the Opium Wars until the fall of the Qing Dynast...
        Shǐtàibó, Staples Inc., US office supply store
        wénxuéshǐ, [文學史], history of literature
·         Shǐdìfū·Qiáobùsī, [史蒂夫·喬布斯], Steve Jobs (1955-2011), US co-founder and CEO of Apple, Inc.
        jiǎnshǐ, [簡史], a brief history
        shǐshīxìng, [史詩性], epic
        yěshǐ, unofficial history/history as popular legends
        yǐshǐwéijiàn, [以史為鑒], to learn from history (idiom)
        xuèlèishǐ, [血淚史], (fig.) history full of suffering/heart-rending story/CL:部[bù]
        xiàndàishǐ, [現代史], modern history
        wénshǐ, literature and history
        tōngshǐ, narrative history/comprehensive history/a history covering an extended period
        jìnxiàndàishǐ, [近現代史], modern history and contemporary history
        shǐguān, scribe/court recorder/historian/historiographer
        wénhuàshǐ, cultural history

        Shū/shū, [書], abbr. for 書經|书经[Shū jīng], book/letter/document/CL:本[běn],冊|册[cè],部[bù]/to write
        túshūguǎn, [圖書館], library/CL:家[jiā],個|个[gè]
        dúshū, [讀書], to read a book/to study/to attend school
        mìshū, [秘書], secretary
        shūdiàn, [書店], bookstore/CL:家[jiā]
        jiāoshū, [教書], to teach (in a school)
        shūmiàn, [書面], in writing/written
        wénshū, [文書], document/official correspondence/secretary/secretariat
        shūdāizi, [書呆子], bookworm/pedant/bookish fool
        shūfáng, [書房], study (room)/studio/CL:間|间[jiān]
        zhèngshū, [證書], credentials/certificate
        yíshū, [遺書], posthumous writing/testament/suicide note/ancient literature
        shūjí, [書籍], books/works
        túshū, [圖書], books (in a library or bookstore)/CL:本[běn],冊|册[cè],部[bù]
        qíngshū, [情書], love letter
        niànshū, [念書], to read/to study
        shūmíng, [書名], name of a book/reputation as calligrapher
        shūbāo, [書包], schoolbag/satchel/bookbag/CL:個|个[gè],隻|只[zhī]
        shūběn, [書本], book/CL:本[běn]
        shuōmíngshū, [說明書], (technical) manual/(book of) directions/synopsis (of a play or film)/specificati...
        shūzhuō, [書桌], desk/CL:張|张[zhāng]
        chàngxiāoshū, [暢銷書], best-seller/best-selling book/blockbuster
        shūxiě, [書寫], to write
        qǐngyuànshū, [請願書], petition
        shūjià, [書架], bookshelf/CL:個|个[gè]
        jiàokēshū, [教科書], textbook/CL:本[běn]
        xiéyìshū, [協議書], contract/protocol
        shēnqǐngshū, [申請書], application/application form/petition (to higher authorities)
        mìshūzhǎng, [秘書長], secretary-general
        dìngshūjī, [訂書機], stapler/stapling machine/bookbinding machine/CL:臺|台[tái]
        bǎikēquánshū, [百科全書], encyclopedia/CL:本[běn],集[jí]
        qǐsùshū, [起訴書], indictment (law)/statement of charges (law)
        zhèngmíngshū, [證明書], certificate
        shūfǎ, [書法], calligraphy/handwriting/penmanship
        shūkān, [書刊], books and publications
        shūpíng, [書評], book review/book notice
        shūyè, [書頁], page of a book
        shūxìn, [書信], letter/epistle
        cángshū, [藏書], to collect books/library collection
        shūji, [書記], secretary (chief official of a branch of a socialist or communist party)/clerk/s...
        zìbáishū, [自白書], confession
        shūqiān, [書籤], bookmark/CL:張|张[zhāng]
        jiùshū, [舊書], second-hand book/old book/ancient book
        fúyīnshū, [福音書], gospel
        shūkù, [書庫], a store room for books/fig. an erudite person/the Bibliotheca and Epitome of pse...
        dìngshūjī, [釘書機], stapler
        tiānshū, [天書], imperial edict/heavenly book (superstition)/obscure or illegible writing/double ...
        dúshūrén, [讀書人], scholar/intellectual
        dúshūhuì, [讀書會], study group
        quánshū, [全書], entire book/unabridged book/entire multi-volume work/comprehensive volume
        shūguì, [書櫃], bookcase
        shūmù, [書目], booklist/bibliography/title catalogue/CL:本[běn]
        cānkǎoshū, [參考書], reference book
        jièshūzhèng, [借書證], library card
稿         shūgǎo, [書稿], manuscript of a book
        gǔshū, [古書], ancient book/old book
        wěituōshū, [委託書], commission/proxy/power of attorney/authorization/warrant
        yínshū, [淫書], obscene book/pornography
        bèishū, [背書], to repeat a lesson/to learn by heart/to endorse a check
        shǐshū, [史書], history book
        cóngshū, [叢書], a series of books/a collection of books
        huǐguòshū, [悔過書], written repentance
        jìnshū, [禁書], banned book
        shūshēng, [書生], scholar/intellectual/egghead
        shūhuì, [書會], calligraphy society/village school (old)/literary society (old)
        shūjuàn, [書卷], volume/scroll
        yìdìngshū, [議定書], protocol/treaty
        shàngshū, [上書], to write a letter (to the authorities)/to present a petition
        shūbào, [書報], papers and books
        yīshū, [醫書], medical book
        yìxiàngshū, [意向書], letter of intent (LOI) (commerce)
        báipíshū, [白皮書], white paper (e.g. containing proposals for new legislation)/white book
        dìngshūzhēn, [訂書針], staple
        zhànshū, [戰書], written war challenge
        shēngmíngshū, [聲明書], statement
        qìngzhúnánshū, [罄竹難書], so many that the bamboo slats have been exhausted/innumerable crimes (idiom)/see...
        zhùshū, [著書], to write a book
        pìnshū, [聘書], letter of appointment/contract
        shūjǐ, [書脊], spine of a book
        xiánshū, [閒書], light reading
        zǒngshūji, [總書記], general secretary (of the Communist Party)
        huángshū, [黃書], pornographic book
        shūhuà, [書畫], painting and calligraphy
        shūyuàn, [書院], academy of classical learning (Tang Dynasty - Qing Dynasty)
        shuōshū, [說書], folk art consisting of storytelling to music
        cǎoshū, [草書], grass script/cursive script (Chinese calligraphic style)
        jīngshū, [經書], classic books in Confucianism/scriptures/sutras
        xuèshū, [血書], letter written in one's own blood, expressing determination, hatred, last wishes...
        juémìngshū, [絕命書], suicide note
        guóshū, [國書], credentials (of a diplomat)/documents exchanged between nations/national or dyna...
        shūzhāi, [書齋], study (room)
        shūjú, [書局], bookstore/publishing house
        shūchú, [書櫥], bookcase
        shǒushū, [手書], to write personally/personal letter
        dànshū, [但書], proviso/qualifying clause
        shūfǎjiā, [書法家], calligrapher
        lèishū, [類書], reference book consisting of material quoted from many sources, arranged by cate...
        jiāoshūjiàng, [教書匠], hack teacher/pedagogue
        gōngjùshū, [工具書], reference book (such as dictionary, almanac, gazetteer etc)
        shūjiǎn, [書簡], (literary) letter
        zhēnshū, [真書], regular script (Chinese calligraphic style)
        Hóngbǎoshū, [紅寶書], the "Little Red Book" of selected writings of Mao Zedong (refers to 毛主席語錄|毛主席语录[...
        zìshū, [字書], character book (i.e. school primer)
        chàngyìshū, [倡議書], written proposal/document outlining an initiative
        shūxiāng, [書香], literary reputation
        shūpí, [書皮], book cover/book jacket
        wěirènshū, [委任書], letter of appointment
        shūmiànyǔ, [書面語], written language
        fènbǐjíshū, [奮筆疾書], to write at a tremendous speed
        zhàoshū, [詔書], edict/written imperial order

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