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Word: freq index 5401
Shǐmìsī Smith (name)

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Word Compounds

        lìshǐ, [歷史], history/CL:門|门[mén],段[duàn]
        Shǐ/shǐ, surname Shi, history/annals/title of an official historian in ancient China
        yǒushǐyǐlái, [有史以來], since the beginning of history
        Shǐdìfū, Steve (male name)
        Shǐmìsī, Smith (name)
        bìngshǐ, medical history
        Shǐdìwén, Steven, Stephen (name)
        lìshǐxìng, [歷史性], historic
        shǐwúqiánlì, [史無前例], unprecedented in history
        luómànshǐ, [羅曼史], romance (loanword)/love affair
        shǐqián, prehistory
        shǐcè, [史冊], annals
        shǐshī, [史詩], an epic/poetic saga
        lìshǐxuéjiā, [歷史學家], historian
        Shǐnǔbǐ, Snoopy (comic strip pet dog)
        Shǐdìwénsī, Stephens/Stevens
西         Shǐdàixī, Stacy (name)
        biānniánshǐ, [編年史], annals/chronicle
        míngchuíqīngshǐ, lit. reputation will go down in history (idiom); fig. achievements will earn ete...
        qīngshǐ, annal/historical record/CL:筆|笔[bǐ]
        shǐxuéjiā, [史學家], historian
        shǐshí, [史實], historical fact
        shǐshū, [史書], history book
        kēxuéshǐ, [科學史], history of science
        shǐxué, [史學], historiography
        Shǐdíwēi, Joseph Stilwell (1883-1946), commander of US forces in China, Burma and India in...
        shǐliào, historical material or data
        lìshǐjù, [歷史劇], historical drama
        lìshǐxué, [歷史學], history
        Shǐnúbǐ, Snoopy (comic strip pet dog)
        jìndàishǐ, modern history (for China, from the Opium Wars until the fall of the Qing Dynast...
        Shǐtàibó, Staples Inc., US office supply store
        wénxuéshǐ, [文學史], history of literature
·         Shǐdìfū·Qiáobùsī, [史蒂夫·喬布斯], Steve Jobs (1955-2011), US co-founder and CEO of Apple, Inc.
        jiǎnshǐ, [簡史], a brief history
        shǐshīxìng, [史詩性], epic
        yěshǐ, unofficial history/history as popular legends
        yǐshǐwéijiàn, [以史為鑒], to learn from history (idiom)
        xuèlèishǐ, [血淚史], (fig.) history full of suffering/heart-rending story/CL:部[bù]
        xiàndàishǐ, [現代史], modern history
        wénshǐ, literature and history
        tōngshǐ, narrative history/comprehensive history/a history covering an extended period
        jìnxiàndàishǐ, [近現代史], modern history and contemporary history
        shǐguān, scribe/court recorder/historian/historiographer
        wénhuàshǐ, cultural history

        mìmì, secret/CL:個|个[gè]
        mìmǎ, [密碼], secret code/ciphertext/password/PIN
        bǎomì, to keep sth confidential/to maintain secrecy
        Màiāmì, [邁阿密], Miami (Florida)
        qīnmì, [親密], intimate/close
        Mì/mì, surname Mi/name of an ancient state, secret/confidential/close/thick/dense
        jīmì, [機密], secret/classified (information)
        Shǐmìsī, Smith (name)
        jiāmì, to encrypt/encryption/to protect with a password
        mìqiè, close/familiar/intimate/closely (related)/to foster close ties/to pay close atte...
        gàomì, to inform against sb
        mìshì, a room for keeping sth hidden/secret room/hidden chamber
        jǐnmì, [緊密], inseparably close
        Luómìōu, [羅密歐], Romeo (name)
        mìfēng, to seal up
        yánmì, [嚴密], strict/tight (organization, surveillance etc)
        gàomìzhě, tell-tale/informer (esp. to police)/whistleblower/grass
        mìtàn, secret agent/detective/covert investigator
西西         Mìxīxībǐ, Mississippi
        mìmóu, [密謀], conspiracy/secret plan/to conspire
        xièmì, [洩密], to leak secrets
        mìdù, density/thickness
        jiěmì, to declassify/(computing) to decrypt/to decipher
        jīngmì, accuracy/exact/precise/refined
        juémì, [絕密], top secret
        mìyǒu, close friend
        Mìěrwòjī, [密爾沃基], Milwaukee (city)
        Mìsūlǐ, [密蘇里], Missouri
        Mìsūlǐzhōu, [密蘇里州], Missouri
        nóngmì, [濃密], thick/murky
        mìjí, concentrated/crowded together/intensive/compressed
        Mìxiēgēnzhōu, Michigan, US state
        zhōumì, careful/thorough/meticulous/dense/impenetrable
        qīnmìwújiān, [親密無間], close relation, no gap (idiom); intimate and nothing can come between
        Hànmìěrdùn, [漢密爾頓], Hamilton (name)/Hamilton, capital of Bermuda
        mìbì, [密閉], sealed/airtight
西西         Mìxīxībǐzhōu, Mississippi, US state
        hāmìguā, Hami melon (a variety of muskmelon)/honeydew melon/cantaloupe
        mìbù, to cover densely
        Tuōlèmì, Ptolemy, kings of Egypt after the partition of Alexander the Great's Empire in 3...
        Shīmìtè, Schmidt or Schmitt (surname)
        zhěnmì, [縝密], meticulous/careful/deliberate/delicate/fine (texture)
        Hāmì, Kumul city in Xinjiang (Chinese: Hami)
        bǎomìxìng, secrecy
        chóumì, dense
        màomì, dense (of plant growth)/lush
        mìbùkěfēn, inextricably linked (idiom)/inseparable
        mìlín, jungle
        mìbào, [密報], secret report
        mìmimámá, numerous and close together/densely packed/thickly dotted/thick/dense
        mìgào, to report secretly/to tip off
        mìtán, [密談], commune/private discussion
西         Mìkèluóníxīyà, [密克羅尼西亞], Micronesia in southwest pacific
        mìlìng, secret instruction/secret order
        zhìmì, [緻密], fine/dense/compact
        mìyuē, [密約], secret appointment
        mìshí, [密實], close (texture)/dense/densely woven
        mìdiàn, [密電], coded telegram/secret telegram
        xìmì, [細密], fine (texture)/meticulous/close (analysis)/detailed
使         mìshǐ, secret envoy
        mìjiàn, secret documents/abbr. for 機密文件|机密文件
        Mìtèlǎng, Mitterrand
        Gāomì/gāomì, Gaomi county level city in Weifang 濰坊|潍坊[Wéi fāng], Shandong, high density
        mìmámá, see 密密麻麻|密密麻麻[mì mi má má]
        Mìshān, Mishan county level city in Jixi 雞西|鸡西[Jī xī], Heilongjiang
·         Āěrfǎ·Luómìōu, [阿爾法·羅密歐], Alfa Romeo
        mìmishíshi, [密密實實], thick/concentrated
        fánmì, numerous and close together/(of hair) luxuriant/(of woods) dense/(of gunfire) in...

        Sī/sī, Slovakia/Slovak/abbr. for 斯洛伐克[Sī luò fá kè], (phonetic)/this
        Fúěrmósī, [福爾摩斯], Sherlock Holmes, 歇洛克·福爾摩斯|歇洛克·福尔摩斯[Xiē luò kè · Fú ěr mó sī]
        Éluósī, [俄羅斯], Russia
        Zhānmǔsī, James (name)/LeBron James (1984-), NBA player
        LāsīWéijiāsī, [拉斯維加斯], Las Vegas, Nevada
        Bāsī, Bath city in southwest England
        Cháěrsī, [查爾斯], Charles
        Qióngsī, [瓊斯], Jones (name)
        Dānnísī, Dennis (name)
        Àosīkǎ, [奧斯卡], (film industry) Oscar (Academy Award)/CL:屆|届[jiè]/(name) Oscar
        Dékèsàsī, [德克薩斯], Texas
        bùlǔsī, [布魯斯], blues (music) (loanword)
        Shǐmìsī, Smith (name)
        Mùsīlín, Muslim
        Lùyìsī, Louis or Lewis (name)
        Mòsīkē, Moscow, capital of Russia
        Bājīsītǎn, Pakistan
        Tuōmǎsī, [托馬斯], Thomas (male name)
        Luósī, [羅斯], Roth (name)/Kenneth Roth (1955-), executive director of Human Rights Watch 人權觀察|...
        Dálāsī, [達拉斯], Dallas
        Āmǔsītèdān, Amsterdam, capital of Netherlands
        Nísī, Nice (city in France)
        Ālāsījiā, Alaska, US state
        Bōsī, Persia
        dísīkē, disco (loanword)
        Wēinísī, Venice/Venezia
        Àosītīng, [奧斯汀], Austin or Austen (name)/Austin, Texas
        Kēlínsī, Collins (name)
        Āmǔsītèlǎng, surname Armstrong
        Láolúnsī, [勞倫斯], Lawrence (person name)
        Sīdìfēn, Stephen or Steven (name)
        Dàiwéisī, [戴維斯], Davis or Davies (name)
        Àiyīnsītǎn, [愛因斯坦], Albert Einstein (1879-1955), German-born theoretical physicist
        Mèngfēisī, Memphis (Egypt or Tennessee)
        Sītǎnfú, Stanford (University)
        Pǔlínsīdùn, [普林斯頓], Princeton, New Jersey
        wǎsī, gas (loanword)
        Lúkǎsī, [盧卡斯], Lucas (name)
        Sītǎnlì, Stanley (name)
        Kǎsītèluó, [卡斯特羅], Castro (name)/Fidel Castro or Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz (1926-), Cuban revoluti...
        Dísīní, Disney (company name, surname)/also written 迪士尼[Dí shì ní]
        sàkèsī, [薩克斯], sax/saxophone
        sàsī, [薩斯], SARS/Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
        Kǎluòsī, Carlos (name)
        Kèláosī, [克勞斯], Claus or Klaus (name)
        Hāsàkèsītǎn, [哈薩克斯坦], Kazakhstan
        Léikèsī, Rex (name)
        Fúkèsī, Fox (media company)/Focus (car manufactured by Ford)
西         fǎxīsī, fascist (loanword)
        Yīsīlán, [伊斯蘭], Islam
        xiēsīdǐlǐ, hysteria (loanword)/hysterical
        Sībādá, [斯巴達], Sparta
        Xiūsīdùn, [休斯頓], Houston
        Wēnsīdùn, [溫斯頓], Winston (name)
        Kèlǐsītuōfú, (Warren) Christopher
        Luósīfú, [羅斯福], Roosevelt (name)/Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919), US President 1901-1909/Franklin...
        Kēlínsī, Corinth (city of ancient Greece)
        Nèibùlāsījiā, [內布拉斯加], Nebraska, US state
        Hànsī, [漢斯], Hans (name)/Reims (city in France)
        Wéinàsī, [維納斯], Venus (mythology, Roman goddess of love)
        Sāibāsīdìān, Sebastian (name)
        Bùlǐsītuō, Bristol
        Zhòusī, Zeus
        Fúsītè, Foster or Forster (name)/Stephen Collins Foster (1826-1864), American composer
        Sīdàlín, Joseph Stalin (1879-1953), Soviet dictator
        Shènglùyìsī, [聖路易斯], St Louis, large city in eastern Missouri
        Dàogélāsī, Douglas (name)
        Cháěrsīdùn, [查爾斯頓], Charleston
        Lánsī, [蘭斯], Reims (city in France)
        Sāngdésī, Sanders (name)/Bernie Sanders, United States Senator from Vermont and 2016 Presi...
        Bōsīníyà, [波斯尼亞], Bosnia
        Kānsàsīzhōu, [堪薩斯州], Kansas, US state
        Bèisī/bèisī, [貝斯], Bes, a minor god of ancient Egypt, bass (loanword)/bass guitar
        Àosīdīng, [奧斯丁], Austin or Austen (name)/Austin, Texas/also written 奧斯汀
        Āngésī, Angus, a traditional county of Scotland, now a "council area"
        Àisījīmó, [愛斯基摩], Eskimo/Inuit
        Sīdégēěrmó, [斯德哥爾摩], Stockholm, capital of Sweden
        Sīkǎotè, Scott (name)
        Bùdápèisī, [布達佩斯], Budapest, capital of Hungary
        Bùlǎngkèsī, The Bronx, borough of New York City/Bronx County (coextensive with The Bronx)/al...
        Lánsīluòtè, [蘭斯洛特], Lancelot (name)
        Niǔkǎsīěr, [紐卡斯爾], Newcastle (place name)
        Bùlǔtúsī, [布魯圖斯], Brutus (name)/Marcus Junius Brutus (85-42 BC), late Roman Republic politician wh...
        Yàdāngsī, [亞當斯], Adams
        Sībīnsè, [斯賓塞], Spencer or Spence (name)
        Bālèsītǎn, Palestine
        Yīsīlánjiào, [伊斯蘭教], Islam
        Láisītè, [萊斯特], Lester or Leicester (name)/Leicester, English city in East Midlands
        Fēiníkèsī, Phoenix, capital of Arizona/also 鳳凰城|凤凰城[Fèng huáng chéng]
        Mànchèsītè, [曼徹斯特], Manchester
        Méisī, Metz (city in France)
        Bùlǐsītuōěr, [布里斯托爾], Bristol port city in southwest England
        BùyínuòsīÀilìsī, [布宜諾斯艾利斯], Buenos Aires, capital of Argentina
        GēsīdáLíjiā, [哥斯達黎加], Costa Rica
        sīwén, refined/educate/cultured/intellectual/polite/gentle
        Lùyìsīānnàzhōu, Louisiana, US state
        Fóluólúnsī, [佛羅倫斯], Florence, city in Italy (Tw)
        Dékèsàsī, [得克薩斯], Texas, US state
        Dígēngsī, Dickens (name)/Charles Dickens (1812-1870), great English novelist
        Yīsītǎnbùěr, [伊斯坦布爾], Istanbul, Turkey
        Nàbùlèsī, Napoli, capital of Campania region of Italy/Naples
        Xiūsīdūn, Houston, Texas
        Sīnuò, [斯諾], Snow (name)/Edgar Snow (1905-1972), American journalist, reported from China 192...
        Gélāsīgē, Glasgow, Scotland
        LáosīLáisī, [勞斯萊斯], Rolls-Royce
        Sīpíěrbógé, [斯皮爾伯格], Steven Spielberg (1946-), US film director
        Wéiěrniǔsī, [維爾紐斯], Vilnius, capital of Lithuania
        Sītèēn, Stern (name)
        Wēilìsī, Willis (name)
        Pàsīkǎ, Pascal (name)/Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), French mathematician
        Wūzībiékèsītǎn, [烏茲別克斯坦], Uzbekistan
        Sīdìwén, Steven (name)/Simon Stevin (1548-1620), Flemish engineer and mathematician, play...
        Àosīwēixīn, [奧斯威辛], Auschwitz (concentration camp)
        Nánsīlāfū, Yugoslavia, 1943-1992
        Mǐěrsī, [米爾斯], Mills (name)
        Gēsīlā, Godzilla
        hǎisī, Hayes (Microcomputer)
        āsīpǐlín, aspirin (loanword)/also written 阿司匹林
        Huòbùsī, Hobbs (name)
        Wēisīkāngxīngzhōu, Wisconsin, US state
        Bùjiālèsītè, Bucharest, capital of Romania
        Kèláisīlè, [克萊斯勒], Chrysler
        Sīluòfákè, Slovakia (officially, since 1993, the Slovak Republic)
        Lǐsīběn, Lisbon, capital of Portugal
        Sīlāfū, Slavic
        Dátèmáosī, [達特茅斯], Dartmouth (place name)
        Huòjīnsī, Hawkins (name)/also written 霍金
        Shǐdìwénsī, Stephens/Stevens
        Mǎdájiāsījiā, [馬達加斯加], Madagascar
        Sītǎndùn, [斯坦頓], Stanton (name)
        Āsīlán, [阿斯蘭], Aslan (from the Narnia chronicles)
        Yīsītè, Istres (French town)
        Pǔluówéidēngsī, [普羅維登斯], Providence, capital of Rhode Island
        Fèilìkèsī, [費利克斯], Felix
        Kǎokèsī, Cox (surname)
        Sàipǔlùsī, Cyprus
        Wēisīkāngxīng, Wisconsin, US state
        Lābāsī, La Paz, administrative capital of Bolivia
        Jiālājiāsī, Caracas, capital of Venezuela
        Pòsī, Perth, capital of Western Australia/also written 帕斯
        Sīpǔlínfēiěrdé, [斯普林菲爾德], Springfield
        Dékèsàsīzhōu, [得克薩斯州], Texas, US state
        Bānkèsī, Banks (surname)/Banksy (UK artist)
        Yīsīlánbǎo, [伊斯蘭堡], Islamabad, capital of Pakistan
        Sīlǐlánkǎ, [斯里蘭卡], Sri Lanka/(formerly) Ceylon
        Sīdàlíngélè, Stalingrad, former name of Volvograd 伏爾加格勒|伏尔加格勒 (1925-1961)
        Bākèsī, Bacchus, Greek god of wine
        Hóngdūlāsī, Honduras
        Luójiésī, [羅傑斯], Rogers
        Bóēnsī, Burns (name)/Nicholas Burns (1956-), US diplomat, Under-secretary at US State De...
        JiékèSīluòfákè, Republic of Czechoslovakia (1918-1992)
        Míngníābōlìsī, Minneapolis, a nameplace in the USA, notably in Minnesota
        Shītèláosī, [施特勞斯], Strauss (name)/Johann Strauss (1825-1899), Austrian composer/Richard Strauss (18...
        Tuōěrsītài, [托爾斯泰], Tolstoy (name)/Count Lev Nikolayevich Tostoy (1828-1910), great Russian novelist...
        Āiwénsī, Evans/Ivins/Ivens
        Āruìsī, Ares, Greek god of war/Mars
        Yuēhànnèisībǎo, [約翰內斯堡], Johannesburg, South Africa
        Jínísī, Guinness (name)
        Pǔlìmáosī, Plymouth