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mìjí concentrated
crowded together

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        mìmì, secret/CL:個|个[gè]
        mìmǎ, [密碼], secret code/ciphertext/password/PIN
        bǎomì, to keep sth confidential/to maintain secrecy
        Màiāmì, [邁阿密], Miami (Florida)
        qīnmì, [親密], intimate/close
        Mì/mì, surname Mi/name of an ancient state, secret/confidential/close/thick/dense
        jīmì, [機密], secret/classified (information)
        Shǐmìsī, Smith (name)
        jiāmì, to encrypt/encryption/to protect with a password
        mìqiè, close/familiar/intimate/closely (related)/to foster close ties/to pay close atte...
        gàomì, to inform against sb
        mìshì, a room for keeping sth hidden/secret room/hidden chamber
        jǐnmì, [緊密], inseparably close
        Luómìōu, [羅密歐], Romeo (name)
        mìfēng, to seal up
        yánmì, [嚴密], strict/tight (organization, surveillance etc)
        gàomìzhě, tell-tale/informer (esp. to police)/whistleblower/grass
        mìtàn, secret agent/detective/covert investigator
西西         Mìxīxībǐ, Mississippi
        mìmóu, [密謀], conspiracy/secret plan/to conspire
        xièmì, [洩密], to leak secrets
        mìdù, density/thickness
        jiěmì, to declassify/(computing) to decrypt/to decipher
        jīngmì, accuracy/exact/precise/refined
        juémì, [絕密], top secret
        mìyǒu, close friend
        Mìěrwòjī, [密爾沃基], Milwaukee (city)
        Mìsūlǐ, [密蘇里], Missouri
        Mìsūlǐzhōu, [密蘇里州], Missouri
        nóngmì, [濃密], thick/murky
        mìjí, concentrated/crowded together/intensive/compressed
        Mìxiēgēnzhōu, Michigan, US state
        zhōumì, careful/thorough/meticulous/dense/impenetrable
        qīnmìwújiān, [親密無間], close relation, no gap (idiom); intimate and nothing can come between
        Hànmìěrdùn, [漢密爾頓], Hamilton (name)/Hamilton, capital of Bermuda
        mìbì, [密閉], sealed/airtight
西西         Mìxīxībǐzhōu, Mississippi, US state
        hāmìguā, Hami melon (a variety of muskmelon)/honeydew melon/cantaloupe
        mìbù, to cover densely
        Tuōlèmì, Ptolemy, kings of Egypt after the partition of Alexander the Great's Empire in 3...
        Shīmìtè, Schmidt or Schmitt (surname)
        zhěnmì, [縝密], meticulous/careful/deliberate/delicate/fine (texture)
        Hāmì, Kumul city in Xinjiang (Chinese: Hami)
        bǎomìxìng, secrecy
        chóumì, dense
        màomì, dense (of plant growth)/lush
        mìbùkěfēn, inextricably linked (idiom)/inseparable
        mìlín, jungle
        mìbào, [密報], secret report
        mìmimámá, numerous and close together/densely packed/thickly dotted/thick/dense
        mìgào, to report secretly/to tip off
        mìtán, [密談], commune/private discussion
西         Mìkèluóníxīyà, [密克羅尼西亞], Micronesia in southwest pacific
        mìlìng, secret instruction/secret order
        zhìmì, [緻密], fine/dense/compact
        mìyuē, [密約], secret appointment
        mìshí, [密實], close (texture)/dense/densely woven
        mìdiàn, [密電], coded telegram/secret telegram
        xìmì, [細密], fine (texture)/meticulous/close (analysis)/detailed
使         mìshǐ, secret envoy
        mìjiàn, secret documents/abbr. for 機密文件|机密文件
        Mìtèlǎng, Mitterrand
        Gāomì/gāomì, Gaomi county level city in Weifang 濰坊|潍坊[Wéi fāng], Shandong, high density
        mìmámá, see 密密麻麻|密密麻麻[mì mi má má]
        Mìshān, Mishan county level city in Jixi 雞西|鸡西[Jī xī], Heilongjiang
·         Āěrfǎ·Luómìōu, [阿爾法·羅密歐], Alfa Romeo
        mìmishíshi, [密密實實], thick/concentrated
        fánmì, numerous and close together/(of hair) luxuriant/(of woods) dense/(of gunfire) in...

        jí, to gather/to collect/collected works/classifier for sections of a TV series etc:...
        jízhōng, to concentrate/to centralize/to focus/centralized/concentrated/to put together
        shōují, to gather/to collect
        jítuán, [集團], group/bloc/corporation/conglomerate
        jíhé, to gather/to assemble/set (math.)
        jùjí, to assemble/to gather
        zhàojí, to convene/to gather
        jíhuì, [集會], to gather/assembly/meeting/CL:個|个[gè],次[cì]
        jítǐ, [集體], collective (decision)/joint (effort)/a group/a team/en masse/as a group
        sōují, to gather/to collect
        cǎijí, [採集], to gather/to collect/to harvest
        jízhōngyíng, [集中營], concentration camp
        chóují, [籌集], to collect money/to raise funds
        jízhuāngxiāng, [集裝箱], container (for shipping)
        mùjí, to raise/to collect
        jíjié, [集結], to assemble/to concentrate/to mass/to build up/to marshal
        jíshì, market/bazaar/fair
        jiāojí, intersection (symbol ∩) (set theory)
        mìjí, concentrated/crowded together/intensive/compressed
        xùjí, [續集], sequel/next episode (of TV series etc)
        huìjí, [匯集]/[彙集], to collect/to compile/to converge/also written 彙集|汇集[huì jí], to collect/to comp...
        yǐngjí, photo album/CL:本[běn]/(TV) series
        shījí, [詩集], poetry anthology
        jíxùn, [集訓], to train together/to practice as a group
        yúnjí, [雲集], to gather (in a crowd)/to converge/to swarm
        jízī, [集資], to raise money/to accumulate funds
        shìjí, fair/market (in a public place)/small town
        jíjǐn, [集錦], best of the best/collection of the best (of sth)
        zhēngjí, [徵集], to collect/to recruit
        jítuánjūn, [集團軍], army grouping/collective army
        diàojí, [調集], to summon/to muster/to assemble
        bǎigǎnjiāojí, all sorts of feelings well up in one's heart
        zhāojí, to recruit/to gather together (volunteers)
        quánjí, omnibus/complete works (of a writer or artist)
        jíyóu, [集郵], stamp collecting/philately
        xuǎnjí, [選集], anthology
        jíjù, to assemble/to gather
        zhàojírén, convener
        jíhélùn, [集合論], set theory (math.)
        wénjí, collected works
        zǐjí, subset
        jíchéng, integrated (as in integrated circuit)
        jíchéngdiànlù, [集成電路], integrated circuit/IC
广         jísīguǎngyì, [集思廣益], collecting opinions is of wide benefit (idiom); to pool wisdom for mutual benefi...
        jiūjí, [糾集], to gather together/to muster
        jísàndì, distribution center
        jíyóucè, [集郵冊], stamp album/CL:本[běn]
        níngjí, to concentrate/to gather/(biology) to agglutinate
        jízhèn, [集鎮], town
        jíquán, [集權], centralized power (history), e.g. under an Emperor or party
        gǎnjí, [趕集], to go to market/to go to a fair
        zhōngyāngjíquán, [中央集權], centralized state power
        qíjí, [齊集], to gather/to assemble
        jíjū, community/living together
        cóngjí, [叢集], to crowd together/to pile up/to cluster/(book) collection/series
        jísàn, to collect for distribution
        jítǐzhǔyì, [集體主義], collectivism
        jízi, anthology/selected writing
        jícuì, treasury
        xiǎojítuán, [小集團], faction/clique
        huìjí, [會集], to come together/to assemble
        dìtújí, [地圖集], collection of maps/atlas

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