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[證書] zhèngshū credentials

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Word Compounds

        bǎozhèng, [保證], guarantee/to guarantee/to ensure/to safeguard/to pledge/CL:個|个[gè]
        zhèngmíng, [證明], proof/certificate/identification/testimonial/CL:個|个[gè]/to prove/to testify/to c...
        zhèngjù, [證據], evidence/proof/testimony
        zhèngrén, [證人], witness
        zhèng, [証]/[證], to admonish/variant of 證|证[zhèng], certificate/proof/to prove/to demonstrate/to ...
        zuòzhèng, [作證], to bear witness/to testify
        zhèngshí, [證實], to confirm (sth to be true)/to verify
        zhèngcí, [證詞], testimony
        shēnfènzhèng, [身份證], identity card/ID
        jiànzhèng, [見證], to be witness to/witness/evidence
        tīngzhènghuì, [聽證會], (legislative) hearing
        zhèngjiàn, [證件], certificate/papers/credentials/document/ID
        zhèngwù, [證物], exhibit (law)
        tōngxíngzhèng, [通行證], a pass (authority to enter)/a laissez-passer or safe conduct
        wùzhèng, [物證], material evidence
        qiānzhèng, [簽證], visa/certificate/to certify/CL:個|个[gè]
        xǔkězhèng, [許可證], license/authorization/permit
        zhèngshū, [證書], credentials/certificate
        yànzhèng, [驗證], to inspect and verify/experimental verification/to validate (a theory)/to authen...
        zhèngquàn, [證券], negotiable security (financial)/certificate/stocks and bonds
        wěizhèng, [偽證], perjury
        rènzhèng, [認證], to authenticate/to approve
        qǔzhèng, [取證], to collect evidence
        zhèngrénxí, [證人席], witness stand or box
        zhèngyán, [證言], testimony
        cházhèng, [查證], investigate/check out (a story)
        tiězhèng, [鐵證], ironclad evidence/conclusive proof
        jiànzhèngrén, [見證人], eyewitness (to an incident)/witness (to a legal transaction)
        jiàshǐzhèng, [駕駛證], driver's license
        zhèngmíngshū, [證明書], certificate
        lùnzhèng, [論證], to prove a point/to expound on/to demonstrate or prove (through argument)/proof
        bǎozhèngjīn, [保證金], earnest money/cash deposit/bail/margin (in derivative trading)
        qiúzhèng, [求證], to seek proof/to seek confirmation
        gōngzhèng, [公證], notarization/notarized/acknowledgement
        xuéshengzhèng, [學生證], student identity card
        jiǎzhèng, [假證], false testimony
        yìnzhèng, [印證], to seal/to confirm/to corroborate/to verify
        pángzhèng, [旁證], circumstantial evidence
        jiéhūnzhèng, [結婚證], marriage certificate
        rénzhèng, [人證], witness testimony
        gōngzhèngrén, [公證人], notary/actuary
        chūshēngzhèng, [出生證], birth certificate/CL:張|张[zhāng]
        bǎozhèngrén, [保證人], guarantor/bailor
        píngzhèng, [憑證], proof/certificate/receipt/voucher
        fǎnzhèng, [反證], disproof/rebuttal/reductio ad absurdum
        kǎozhèng, [考證], to do textual research/to make textual criticism/to verify by means of research ...
        lìzhèng, [例證], example/case in point
        zhènghūnrén, [證婚人], wedding witness
        jièshūzhèng, [借書證], library card
        tiězhèngrúshān, [鐵證如山], irrefutable evidence
        biànzhèngfǎ, [辯證法], dialectics/dialectic or Socratic method of debate
        quèzhèng, [確證], to prove/to confirm/to corroborate/convincing proof
        zhènghūn, [證婚], to be witness (at a wedding)
        biànzhèng, [辯證], to investigate/dialectical
        shízhèng, [實證], actual proof/concrete evidence/empirical
        duìzhèng, [對證], confrontation
        zànzhùzhèng, [暫住證], temporary residence permit
        zuǒzhèng, [佐證], evidence/proof/to confirm/corroboration
        xìnyòngzhèng, [信用證], letter of credit
        zhìzhèng, [質證], examination of the evidence of the opposing party in a court of law
        míngzhèng, [明證], clear proof
        yǐnzhèng, [引證], to cite/to quote/to cite as evidence
        zhèngzhāng, [證章], badge
        Zhèngjiānhuì, [證監會], China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC)/abbr. for 中國證券監督管理委員會|中国证券监督管理委员会[...
        biànzhèng, [辨證], to investigate
        jūliúzhèng, [居留證], residence permit
        zhèngjiāosuǒ, [證交所], stock exchange
        shízhèngzhǔyì, [實證主義], positivism/empiricism
        yǒujiàzhèngquàn, [有價證券], securities/collateral (for loan)
        zhǔnkǎozhèng, [准考證], (exam) admission ticket
        piàozhèng, [票證], a ticket/a pass (e.g. to enter a building)
        zhèngzhào, [證照], professional certification/certificate/ID or passport photo

        Shū/shū, [書], abbr. for 書經|书经[Shū jīng], book/letter/document/CL:本[běn],冊|册[cè],部[bù]/to write
        túshūguǎn, [圖書館], library/CL:家[jiā],個|个[gè]
        dúshū, [讀書], to read a book/to study/to attend school
        mìshū, [秘書], secretary
        shūdiàn, [書店], bookstore/CL:家[jiā]
        jiāoshū, [教書], to teach (in a school)
        shūmiàn, [書面], in writing/written
        wénshū, [文書], document/official correspondence/secretary/secretariat
        shūdāizi, [書呆子], bookworm/pedant/bookish fool
        shūfáng, [書房], study (room)/studio/CL:間|间[jiān]
        zhèngshū, [證書], credentials/certificate
        yíshū, [遺書], posthumous writing/testament/suicide note/ancient literature
        shūjí, [書籍], books/works
        túshū, [圖書], books (in a library or bookstore)/CL:本[běn],冊|册[cè],部[bù]
        qíngshū, [情書], love letter
        niànshū, [念書], to read/to study
        shūmíng, [書名], name of a book/reputation as calligrapher
        shūbāo, [書包], schoolbag/satchel/bookbag/CL:個|个[gè],隻|只[zhī]
        shūběn, [書本], book/CL:本[běn]
        shuōmíngshū, [說明書], (technical) manual/(book of) directions/synopsis (of a play or film)/specificati...
        shūzhuō, [書桌], desk/CL:張|张[zhāng]
        chàngxiāoshū, [暢銷書], best-seller/best-selling book/blockbuster
        shūxiě, [書寫], to write
        qǐngyuànshū, [請願書], petition
        shūjià, [書架], bookshelf/CL:個|个[gè]
        jiàokēshū, [教科書], textbook/CL:本[běn]
        xiéyìshū, [協議書], contract/protocol
        shēnqǐngshū, [申請書], application/application form/petition (to higher authorities)
        mìshūzhǎng, [秘書長], secretary-general
        dìngshūjī, [訂書機], stapler/stapling machine/bookbinding machine/CL:臺|台[tái]
        bǎikēquánshū, [百科全書], encyclopedia/CL:本[běn],集[jí]
        qǐsùshū, [起訴書], indictment (law)/statement of charges (law)
        zhèngmíngshū, [證明書], certificate
        shūfǎ, [書法], calligraphy/handwriting/penmanship
        shūkān, [書刊], books and publications
        shūpíng, [書評], book review/book notice
        shūyè, [書頁], page of a book
        shūxìn, [書信], letter/epistle
        cángshū, [藏書], to collect books/library collection
        shūji, [書記], secretary (chief official of a branch of a socialist or communist party)/clerk/s...
        zìbáishū, [自白書], confession
        shūqiān, [書籤], bookmark/CL:張|张[zhāng]
        jiùshū, [舊書], second-hand book/old book/ancient book
        fúyīnshū, [福音書], gospel
        shūkù, [書庫], a store room for books/fig. an erudite person/the Bibliotheca and Epitome of pse...
        dìngshūjī, [釘書機], stapler
        tiānshū, [天書], imperial edict/heavenly book (superstition)/obscure or illegible writing/double ...
        dúshūrén, [讀書人], scholar/intellectual
        dúshūhuì, [讀書會], study group
        quánshū, [全書], entire book/unabridged book/entire multi-volume work/comprehensive volume
        shūguì, [書櫃], bookcase
        shūmù, [書目], booklist/bibliography/title catalogue/CL:本[běn]
        cānkǎoshū, [參考書], reference book
        jièshūzhèng, [借書證], library card
稿         shūgǎo, [書稿], manuscript of a book
        gǔshū, [古書], ancient book/old book
        wěituōshū, [委託書], commission/proxy/power of attorney/authorization/warrant
        yínshū, [淫書], obscene book/pornography
        bèishū, [背書], to repeat a lesson/to learn by heart/to endorse a check
        shǐshū, [史書], history book
        cóngshū, [叢書], a series of books/a collection of books
        huǐguòshū, [悔過書], written repentance
        jìnshū, [禁書], banned book
        shūshēng, [書生], scholar/intellectual/egghead
        shūhuì, [書會], calligraphy society/village school (old)/literary society (old)
        shūjuàn, [書卷], volume/scroll
        yìdìngshū, [議定書], protocol/treaty
        shàngshū, [上書], to write a letter (to the authorities)/to present a petition
        shūbào, [書報], papers and books
        yīshū, [醫書], medical book
        yìxiàngshū, [意向書], letter of intent (LOI) (commerce)
        báipíshū, [白皮書], white paper (e.g. containing proposals for new legislation)/white book
        dìngshūzhēn, [訂書針], staple
        zhànshū, [戰書], written war challenge
        shēngmíngshū, [聲明書], statement
        qìngzhúnánshū, [罄竹難書], so many that the bamboo slats have been exhausted/innumerable crimes (idiom)/see...
        zhùshū, [著書], to write a book
        pìnshū, [聘書], letter of appointment/contract
        shūjǐ, [書脊], spine of a book
        xiánshū, [閒書], light reading
        zǒngshūji, [總書記], general secretary (of the Communist Party)
        huángshū, [黃書], pornographic book
        shūhuà, [書畫], painting and calligraphy
        shūyuàn, [書院], academy of classical learning (Tang Dynasty - Qing Dynasty)
        shuōshū, [說書], folk art consisting of storytelling to music
        cǎoshū, [草書], grass script/cursive script (Chinese calligraphic style)
        jīngshū, [經書], classic books in Confucianism/scriptures/sutras
        xuèshū, [血書], letter written in one's own blood, expressing determination, hatred, last wishes...
        juémìngshū, [絕命書], suicide note
        guóshū, [國書], credentials (of a diplomat)/documents exchanged between nations/national or dyna...
        shūzhāi, [書齋], study (room)
        shūjú, [書局], bookstore/publishing house
        shūchú, [書櫥], bookcase
        shǒushū, [手書], to write personally/personal letter
        dànshū, [但書], proviso/qualifying clause
        shūfǎjiā, [書法家], calligrapher
        lèishū, [類書], reference book consisting of material quoted from many sources, arranged by cate...
        jiāoshūjiàng, [教書匠], hack teacher/pedagogue
        gōngjùshū, [工具書], reference book (such as dictionary, almanac, gazetteer etc)
        shūjiǎn, [書簡], (literary) letter
        zhēnshū, [真書], regular script (Chinese calligraphic style)
        Hóngbǎoshū, [紅寶書], the "Little Red Book" of selected writings of Mao Zedong (refers to 毛主席語錄|毛主席语录[...
        zìshū, [字書], character book (i.e. school primer)
        chàngyìshū, [倡議書], written proposal/document outlining an initiative
        shūxiāng, [書香], literary reputation
        shūpí, [書皮], book cover/book jacket
        wěirènshū, [委任書], letter of appointment
        shūmiànyǔ, [書面語], written language
        fènbǐjíshū, [奮筆疾書], to write at a tremendous speed
        zhàoshū, [詔書], edict/written imperial order

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