奏 ⇒
演奏 yǎnzòu, to perform on a musical instrument
节奏 jiézòu, [節奏], rhythm/tempo/musical pulse/cadence/beat
奏效 zòuxiào, to show results/effective
奏 zòu, to play music/to achieve/to present a memorial to the emperor (old)
伴奏 bànzòu, to accompany (musically)
弹奏 tánzòu, [彈奏], to play (musical instrument, esp. string)
独奏 dúzòu, [獨奏], solo
演奏会 节奏感 协奏曲 xiézòuqǔ, [協奏曲], concerto
演奏家 前奏 qiánzòu, prelude/presage
奏乐 zòuyuè, [奏樂], to perform music/to play a tune
独奏会 四重奏 sìchóngzòu, quartet (musical ensemble)
吹奏 chuīzòu, to play (wind instruments)
奏鸣曲 zòumíngqǔ, [奏鳴曲], sonata
奏响 二重奏 èrchóngzòu, duet (in music)
合奏 hézòu, to perform music (as an ensemble)
先斩后奏 xiānzhǎnhòuzòu, [先斬後奏], first decapitate then present your trophy (idiom); act first, report later
变奏曲 biànzòuqǔ, [變奏曲], variation (music)
奏章 前奏曲 qiánzòuqǔ, prelude (music)
齐奏 演奏员
效 ⇒
效果 xiàoguǒ, result/effect/efficacy/(theater) sound or visual effects
有效 yǒuxiào, effective/in effect/valid
效劳 xiàoláo, [效勞], to serve (in some capacity)/to work for
无效 wúxiào, [無效], not valid/ineffective/in vain
奏效 zòuxiào, to show results/effective
失效 shīxiào, to fail/to lose effectiveness
效力 xiàolì, effectiveness/positive effect/to serve (in some capacity)
效应 xiàoyìng, [效應], effect (scientific phenomenon)
效率 xiàolǜ, efficiency
生效 shēngxiào, to take effect/to go into effect
效忠 xiàozhōng, to vow loyalty and devotion to
效 xiào, [俲]/[傚]/[効], variant of 傚|效[xiào], variant of 效[xiào]/to imitate, variant of 效[xiào], effect/...
高效 gāoxiào, efficient/highly effective
成效 chéngxiào, effect/result
特效 tèxiào, special effect/specially good effect/especially efficacious
药效 有效率 功效 gōngxiào, efficacy
音效 yīnxiào, sound effect
见效 jiànxiào, [見效], to have the desired effect
疗效 liáoxiào, [療效], healing efficacy/healing effect
效仿 xiàofǎng, [傚仿], see 仿傚|仿效[fǎng xiào]
效命 有效期 yǒuxiàoqī, period of validity/sell-by date
行之有效 xíngzhīyǒuxiào, to be effective (idiom)
效益 xiàoyì, benefit/effectiveness/efficiency
时效 shíxiào, [時效], effectiveness for a given period of time/prescription (law)/aging (metallurgy)
绩效 jìxiào, [績效], performance/results/achievement
报效 bàoxiào, [報效], render service to repay kindness
效用 xiàoyòng, usefulness/effectiveness/(economics) utility
仿效 fǎngxiào, [仿傚], to copy/to imitate
速效 sùxiào, quick results/fast-acting
效能 xiàonéng, efficacy/effectiveness
特效药 tèxiàoyào, [特效藥], effective medicine for a specific condition/highly effective medicine
有效性 yǒuxiàoxìng, validity
音响效果 yīnxiǎngxiàoguǒ, [音響效果], sound effects
以儆效尤 yǐjǐngxiàoyóu, in order to warn against following bad examples (idiom)/as a warning to others
低效 dīxiào, inefficient/ineffective
时效性 收效甚微 卓有成效 zhuóyǒuchéngxiào, highly effective/fruitful
收效 shōuxiào, to yield results
经济效益 初见成效 效法 xiàofǎ, to imitate/to follow the example of
效验 xiàoyàn, [效驗], (desired) effect/(expected) result/effective
神效 实效 shíxiào, [實效], actual effect/practical result/efficacy
增效 长效 chángxiào, [長效], to be effective over an extended period
工效 实效性