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[音響效果] yīnxiǎngxiàoguǒ sound effects

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        shēngyīn, [聲音], voice/sound/CL:個|个[gè]
        yīnyuè, [音樂], music/CL:張|张[zhāng],曲[qǔ],段[duàn]
        yīn, sound/noise/note (of musical scale)/tone/news/syllable/reading (phonetic value o...
        lùyīn, [錄音], to record (sound)/sound recording/CL:個|个[gè]
        kǒuyīn/kǒuyin, oral speech sounds (linguistics), voice/accent
        shōuyīnjī, [收音機], radio/CL:臺|台[tái]
        yīnyuèhuì, [音樂會], concert/CL:場|场[chǎng]
        zàoyīn, rumble/noise/static (in a signal)
        sǎngyīn, voice
        yǔyīn, [語音], speech sounds/pronunciation/colloquial (rather than literary) pronunciation of a...
        fāyīn, [發音], to pronounce/pronunciation/to emit sound
        yīnyuèjiā, [音樂家], musician
        fúyīn, good news/glad tidings/gospel
        lùyīndài, [錄音帶], audio tape/CL:盤|盘[pán],盒[hé]
        yīnxiǎng, [音響], sound/acoustics/audio/hi-fi system/stereo sound system/abbr. for 組合音響|组合音响[zǔ hé...
        lùyīnjī, [錄音機], (tape) recording machine/tape recorder/CL:臺|台[tái]
        gāoyīn, high pitch/soprano/treble
        yīnliàng, sound volume
        xiéyīn, [諧音], homonym/homophone/harmonic (component of sound)
        yīnpín, [音頻], audio/sound/audio frequency/sound frequency
        yīnfú, (music) note/phonetic component of a Chinese character/phonetic symbol/phonogram
        yīndiào, [音調], pitch of voice (high or low)/pitch (of a musical note)/tone
        huíyīn, echo/reply/turn (ornament in music)
        dīyīn, bass
        tóngyīn, unison/homophone
        pèiyīn, dubbing (filmmaking)
        bōyīnyuán, [播音員], announcer/broadcaster
        yīnjié, [音節], syllable
        géyīn, soundproofing
        yīnyuèjié, [音樂節], music festival
        kuòyīnqì, [擴音器], megaphone/loudspeaker/amplifier/microphone
        yīnxiàng, audio and video/audiovisual
        bōyīn, to transmit/to broadcast
        yīnyù, vocal range/register (music)
        yīnxùn, [音訊], letters/mail/news/messages/correspondence
        yīnxiào, sound effect
        yīnyuètīng, [音樂廳], concert hall/auditorium
        jìngyīn, [靜音], quiet/silent/mute
        Bōyīn/bōyīn, Boeing (aerospace company), mordent (music)
        xiāoyīnqì, silencer
        yīnsù, speed of sound
        záyīn, [雜音], noise
        yuányīn, vowel
        nǚgāoyīn, soprano
        yīnsè, tone/timbre/sound color
        huàwàiyīn, [畫外音], voice-over/background narration
        zhòngyīn, accent (of a word)/stress (on a syllable)
        yīnzhì, [音質], tone/sound quality/timbre
        zhǔyīn, keynote/principal tone/tonic/vowel
        chāoyīnsù, supersonic
        yīnxiāng, loudspeaker box/speaker (audio equipment)/resonating chamber of a musical instru...
        dúyīn, [讀音], pronunciation/literary (rather than colloquial) pronunciation of a Chinese chara...
        yīnxìn, message
        fúyīnshū, [福音書], gospel
        bíyīn, nasal sound
        yīnjiē, [音階], musical scale
        nángāoyīn, tenor
        shōuyīn, to receive a radio signal/to make an audio recording/(of an auditorium etc) to h...
        yīngāo, pitch (music)/tone
        chànyīn, [顫音], vibrato (of stringed instrument)/trill (in phonetics)
        xiāoyīn, to silence
        zhīyīn, intimate friend/soul mate
        yǐngyīn, recorded media (CD and DVD)/sound and movies
        pīnyīn, phonetic writing/pinyin (Chinese romanization)
        huàyīn, [話音], one's speaking voice/tone/implication
        wǔyīn, five notes of pentatonic scale, roughly do, re, mi, sol, la/five classes of init...
        Guānyīn, [觀音], Guanyin, the Bodhisattva of Compassion or Goddess of Mercy (Sanskrit Avalokiteśv...
        yǎowúyīnxìn, [杳無音信], to have no news whatever
        yīnyì, [音譯], transliteration (rendering phonetic value, e.g. of English words in Chinese char...
        yīnbō, sound wave
        Guānshìyīn, [觀世音], Guanyin, the Bodhisattva of Compassion or Goddess of Mercy (Sanskrit Avalokiteśv...
        yīndài, [音帶], audio tape
        fǔyīn, [輔音], consonant
        mángyīn, busy signal (telephony)
        yīnxiǎngxiàoguǒ, [音響效果], sound effects
        xīnyīn, sound of the heart/heartbeat
        yīchuídìngyīn, [一錘定音], lit. to fix the tone with a single hammer blow/fig. to make the final decision
        nánzhōngyīn, baritone
        qīngyīnyuè, [輕音樂], light music
        bāyīnhé, musical box
        nándīyīn, bass (music)/lower register male voice
        kuòyīnjī, [擴音機], amplifier/loudspeaker/hearing aid
        bànyīn, semitone
        tóngyīncí, [同音詞], homophonic words
        yīnlǜ, tuning/temperament
        hóuyīn, guttural sound/(linguistics) glottal (or laryngeal) consonant
        wěiyīn, final sound of a syllable/rhyme (e.g. in European languages)
        yúyīn, [餘音], lingering sound
        yīnsù, phoneme
        yuèyīn, [樂音], musical note/tone
        dìngyīngǔ, timpani
        yǔyīnxué, [語音學], phonetics
        yīnbiàn, [音變], phonetic change
        qīngyīn, (phonetics) voiceless sound
        yīnchā, tuning fork
        huáyīn, glissando
        mièyīnqì, [滅音器], muffler (of an internal combustion engine)
        zhèngyīn, standard pronunciation/to correct sb's pronunciation
        héyīn, harmony (pleasing combination of sounds)
        yīnwèi, phoneme
        MěiguóZhīYīn, [美國之音], Voice of America (VOA)
        yīnbiāo, [音標], phonetic symbol
        yīnyùn, [音韻], music/rhyme and rhythm/initial, 音[yīn], and final and tone, 韻|韵[yùn], of a Chine...
        tóngyīnzì, homophonic characters
齿         chǐyīn, [齒音], dental consonant
        fànyīn, overtone/a harmonic
        chúnyīn, [純音], pure tone
        héyīn, backup vocal (music)/(phonetic) contraction
        nǐyīn, [擬音], to make a sound effect/sound effect/(historical linguistics) to reconstruct the ...
        xiāngyīn, [鄉音], local accent/accent of one's native place
        yīnróng, voice and features/(sb's) appearance
        mǐmǐzhīyīn, decadent or obscene music
        yīchuídìngyīn, variant of 一錘定音|一锤定音[yī chuí dìng yīn]
        zhuóyīn, [濁音], (phonetics) voiced sound/sonant

        yǐngxiǎng, [影響], influence/effect/to influence/to affect (usually adversely)/to disturb/CL:股[gǔ]
        xiǎng, [響], echo/sound/noise/to make a sound/to sound/to ring/loud/classifier for noises
        yǐngxiǎnglì, [影響力], influence/impact
        yīnxiǎng, [音響], sound/acoustics/audio/hi-fi system/stereo sound system/abbr. for 組合音響|组合音响[zǔ hé...
        dǎxiǎng, [打響], to start shooting or firing/to win an initial success/to succeed (of a plan)
        xiǎngwěishé, [響尾蛇], rattlesnake
        xiǎngyìng, [響應], to respond to/answer/CL:個|个[gè]
        fǎnxiǎng, [反響], repercussions/reaction/echo
        qiāoxiǎng, [敲響], to sound a bell/to raise the alarm
        shēngxiǎng, [聲響], sound/noise
        xiǎngshēng, [響聲], noise
        xiǎngliàng, [響亮], loud and clear/resounding
        jiāoxiǎngyuè, [交響樂], symphony
        huíxiǎng, [回響]/[迴響], variant of 迴響|回响[huí xiǎng], to echo/to reverberate/to respond/echo/response/rea...
        bùtóngfánxiǎng, [不同凡響], lit. not a common chord (idiom); outstanding/brilliant/out of the common run
        jùxiǎng, [巨響], loud sound
        jiāoxiǎngqǔ, [交響曲], symphony
        jiāoxiǎngyuètuán, [交響樂團], symphony orchestra
        fánxiǎng, [凡響], ordinary tones/everyday harmony/common chord
        xiǎngdāngdāng, [響噹噹], resounding/loud/well known/famous
        bùshēngbùxiǎng, [不聲不響], wordless and silent (idiom); without speaking/taciturn
        xiǎngchè, [響徹], to resound/to resonate
        jiāoxiǎng, [交響], symphony, symphonic
        yīnxiǎngxiàoguǒ, [音響效果], sound effects

        xiàoguǒ, result/effect/efficacy/(theater) sound or visual effects
        yǒuxiào, effective/in effect/valid
        xiàoláo, [效勞], to serve (in some capacity)/to work for
        wúxiào, [無效], not valid/ineffective/in vain
        zòuxiào, to show results/effective
        shīxiào, to fail/to lose effectiveness
        xiàolì, effectiveness/positive effect/to serve (in some capacity)
        xiàoyìng, [效應], effect (scientific phenomenon)
        xiàolǜ, efficiency
        shēngxiào, to take effect/to go into effect
        xiàozhōng, to vow loyalty and devotion to
        xiào, [俲]/[傚]/[効], variant of 傚|效[xiào], variant of 效[xiào]/to imitate, variant of 效[xiào], effect/...
        gāoxiào, efficient/highly effective
        chéngxiào, effect/result
        tèxiào, special effect/specially good effect/especially efficacious
        gōngxiào, efficacy
        yīnxiào, sound effect
        jiànxiào, [見效], to have the desired effect
        liáoxiào, [療效], healing efficacy/healing effect
仿         xiàofǎng, [傚仿], see 仿傚|仿效[fǎng xiào]
        yǒuxiàoqī, period of validity/sell-by date
        xíngzhīyǒuxiào, to be effective (idiom)
        xiàoyì, benefit/effectiveness/efficiency
        shíxiào, [時效], effectiveness for a given period of time/prescription (law)/aging (metallurgy)
        jìxiào, [績效], performance/results/achievement
        bàoxiào, [報效], render service to repay kindness
        xiàoyòng, usefulness/effectiveness/(economics) utility
仿         fǎngxiào, [仿傚], to copy/to imitate
        sùxiào, quick results/fast-acting
        xiàonéng, efficacy/effectiveness
        tèxiàoyào, [特效藥], effective medicine for a specific condition/highly effective medicine
        yǒuxiàoxìng, validity
        yīnxiǎngxiàoguǒ, [音響效果], sound effects
        yǐjǐngxiàoyóu, in order to warn against following bad examples (idiom)/as a warning to others
        dīxiào, inefficient/ineffective
        zhuóyǒuchéngxiào, highly effective/fruitful
        shōuxiào, to yield results
        xiàofǎ, to imitate/to follow the example of
        xiàoyàn, [效驗], (desired) effect/(expected) result/effective
        shíxiào, [實效], actual effect/practical result/efficacy
        chángxiào, [長效], to be effective over an extended period

        rúguǒ, if/in case/in the event that
        jiēguǒ/jiéguǒ, [結果], to bear fruit/CL:個|个[gè], outcome/result/conclusion/in the end/as a result/to ki...
        xiàoguǒ, result/effect/efficacy/(theater) sound or visual effects
        hòuguǒ, [後果], consequences/aftermath
        píngguǒ, [蘋果], apple/CL:個|个[gè],顆|颗[kē]
        shuǐguǒ, fruit/CL:個|个[gè]
        tángguǒ, candy/CL:粒[lì]
        guǒzhī, fruit juice
        guǒrán, really/sure enough/as expected/if indeed
        guǒ, [菓], fruit/result/resolute/indeed/if really, variant of 果[guǒ]/fruit
        chéngguǒ, result/achievement/gain/profit/CL:個|个[gè]
        yīnguǒ, karma/cause and effect
        guǒdòng, [果凍], gelatin dessert
        jiānguǒ, [堅果], nut
        guǒjiàng, [果醬], jam
        guǒzi, fruit
        Yǔguǒ, Hugo (name)/Victor Hugo (1802-1885), French writer
        guǒrén, fruit kernel
        jiāngguǒ, [漿果], berry
        mángguǒ, mango (loanword)
        guǒyuán, [果園], orchard
        guǒzhēn, really/as expected/sure enough/if indeed.../if it's really...
        Gāngguǒ, [剛果], Congo
        guǒshí, [果實], fruit (produced by a plant)/(fig.) fruits (of success etc)/results/gains
        wúhuāguǒ, [無花果], fig (Ficus carica)
        guǒduàn, [果斷], firm/decisive
        zìshíqíguǒ, to eat one's own fruit (idiom); fig. suffering the consequences of one's own act...
        kǔguǒ, lit. bitter fruit/fig. painful consequence
        èguǒ, [惡果], evil consequence/retribution (in Buddhism)
        sōngguǒ, pine cone/strobile/strobilus
        píngguǒjiàng, [蘋果醬], apple sauce/apple jam
        bīnguǒ, [賓果], bingo (loanword)
        yāoguǒ, cashew nuts
        guǒyíng, [果蠅], fruit fly
        gānguǒ, [乾果], dried fruit/dry fruits (nuts etc)
        guǒròu, pulp
        guǒtáng, fructose
        guǒgǎn, courageous/resolute and daring
        guǒjiǔ, fruit wine
        shuòguǒ, [碩果], major achievement/great work/triumphant success
        qiányīnhòuguǒ, [前因後果], cause and effects (idiom); entire process of development
        sōngguǒxiàn, pineal body
        yīnxiǎngxiàoguǒ, [音響效果], sound effects
        guǒzhījī, [果汁機], blender (device)/juicer
        wèiguǒ, to fail to eventuate/(verb suffix) to be unsuccessful in ...ing
        guāguǒ, fruit (plural sense)/melons and fruit
        cǎoguǒ, black cardamom/(dialect) strawberry
        guǒshù, [果樹], fruit tree/CL:棵[kē]
        guǒzilù, fruit drink
        shíbùguǒfù, lit. food not filling the stomach (idiom)/fig. poverty-stricken
        HuāguǒShān, Mount Huaguo in Jiangsu, featured in 西遊記|西游记[Xī yóu Jì], tourist destination/(al...
        guǒnóng, [果農], fruit farmer
        guǒfǔ, candied fruit
·         Wéikèduō·Yǔguǒ, [維克多·雨果], Victor Hugo (1802-1885), French writer
        guǒbùqírán, just as expected/told you so
        guǒlǐng, [果嶺], green (golf) (loanword)
        guǒpí, (fruit) peel
        jiáguǒ, [莢果], seed pod/legume
        shuǐguǒdāo, paring knife/fruit knife/CL:把[bǎ]
        guǒpǐn, fruit
        guǒmù, fruit tree
        mǐguǒ, rice cracker
        guǒjiāo, [果膠], pectin
        GāngguǒHé, [剛果河], Congo River
        bǎixiāngguǒ, passion fruit
        GāngguǒMínzhǔGònghéguó, [剛果民主共和國], Democratic Republic of Congo
        Guǒgēlǐ, Nikolai Gogol (1809-1852), Russian author and dramatist
        shuòguǒlěilěi, [碩果累累], heavily laden with fruit/fertile (of trees)/many noteworthy achievements

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