将 ⇒
将 jiāng/jiàng/qiāng, [將], will/shall/to use/to take/to checkmate/just a short while ago/(introduces object...
将军 Jiāngjūn/jiāngjūn, [將軍], Chiangchun township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tái nán xiàn], Taiwan, general/high...
即将 jíjiāng, [即將], on the eve of/to be about to/to be on the verge of
将来 jiānglái, [將來], in the future/future/the future/CL:個|个[gè]
将要 jiāngyào, [將要], will/shall/to be going to
上将 shàngjiàng, [上將], general/admiral/air chief marshal
将近 jiāngjìn, [將近], almost/nearly/close to
必将 bìjiāng, [必將], inevitably
准将 zhǔnjiàng, [準將], brigadier general/commodore
终将 少将 shàojiàng, [少將], major general/rear admiral/air vice marshal
麻将 májiàng, [麻將], mahjong/CL:副[fù]
将士 jiàngshì, [將士], officers and soldiers
败将 将领 jiànglǐng, [將領], high-ranking military officer
健将 战将 大将 dàjiàng, [大將], a general or admiral
老将 lǎojiàng, [老將], lit. old general/commander-in-chief 將帥|将帅, the equivalent of king in Chinese che...
名将 míngjiàng, [名將], famous general
激将法 jījiàngfǎ, [激將法], indirect, psychological method of getting sb to do as one wishes (e.g. questioni...
运动健将 干将 gànjiàng, [幹將], capable person
过关斩将 guòguānzhǎnjiàng, [過關斬將], to surmount all difficulties (on the way to success) (idiom)/abbr. for 過五關斬六將|过五...
中将 zhōngjiàng, [中將], lieutenant general/vice admiral/air marshal
门将 ménjiàng, [門將], official gatekeeper/goalkeeper (soccer, hockey etc)
大将军 dàjiāngjūn, [大將軍], important general/generalissimo
爱将 àijiàng, [愛將], trusted lieutenant
猛将 měngjiàng, [猛將], fierce general/valiant military leader/fig. brave individual
行将 xíngjiāng, [行將], ready to start on sth/about to act
恩将仇报 ēnjiāngchóubào, [恩將仇報], to bite the hand that feeds one (idiom)
残兵败将 cánbīngbàijiàng, [殘兵敗將], ruined army, defeated general (idiom); scattered remnants
强将 将心比心 jiāngxīnbǐxīn, [將心比心], to put oneself in sb else's shoes (idiom)
主将 zhǔjiàng, [主將], commander-in-chief (military)/star player (sports)/key figure (in an organizatio...
女将 nǚjiàng, [女將], female general/(fig.) woman who is a leading figure in her area of expertise
将门 将令 jiànglìng, [將令], (old) (military) a command/an order
悍将 将校 调兵遣将 diàobīngqiǎnjiàng, [調兵遣將], to move an army and send a general (idiom); to deploy an army/to send a team on ...
过五关斩六将 guòwǔguānzhǎnliùjiàng, [過五關斬六將], lit. to cross five passes and slay six generals (idiom)/fig. to surmount all dif...
点将 diǎnjiàng, [點將], to appoint a general (in theater)/fig. to appoint sb for a task
武将 wǔjiàng, [武將], general/military leader/fierce man
将就 jiāngjiu, [將就], to accept (a bit reluctantly)/to put up with
福将 将官 jiàngguān, [將官], general
小将 xiǎojiàng, [小將], (in classical literature) young military officer of high rank for his age/(durin...
大厦将倾 dàshàjiāngqīng, [大廈將傾], great mansion on the verge of collapse (idiom); hopeless situation
将军肚 jiāngjūndù, [將軍肚], potbelly
精兵强将 虎将 hǔjiàng, [虎將], valiant general
要 ⇒
要 yāo/yào, to demand/to request/to coerce, important/vital/to want/to ask for/will/going to...
需要 xūyào, to need/to want/to demand/to require/requirement/need
不要 bùyào, don't!/must not
重要 zhòngyào, important/significant/major
只要 zhǐyào, if only/so long as
要求 yāoqiú, to request/to require/requirement/to stake a claim/to ask/to demand/CL:點|点[diǎn]
还要 必要 bìyào, necessary/essential/indispensable/required
就要 jiùyào, will/shall/to be going to
要是 yàoshi, (coll.) if
要么 yàome, [要麼], or/either one or the other
主要 zhǔyào, main/principal/major/primary
提要 tíyào, summary/abstract
快要 kuàiyào, almost/nearly/almost all
将要 jiāngyào, [將要], will/shall/to be going to
要不然 yàobùrán, otherwise/or else/or
无关紧要 wúguānjǐnyào, [無關緊要], indifferent/insignificant
不要紧 bùyàojǐn, [不要緊], unimportant/not serious/it doesn't matter/never mind/it looks all right, but
要不 yàobù, otherwise/or else/how about...?/either... (or...)
首要 shǒuyào, the most important/of chief importance
要命 yàomìng, to cause sb's death/very/extremely/frightening/annoying
要紧 yàojǐn, [要緊], important/urgent
至关重要 zhìguānzhòngyào, [至關重要], extremely important/vital/crucial/essential
正要 zhèngyào, to be just about to/to be on the point of
要害 yàohài, vital part/(fig.) key point/crucial
重要性 zhòngyàoxìng, importance
要点 yàodiǎn, [要點], main point/essential
要塞 yàosài, stronghold/fort/fortification
不要脸 bùyàoliǎn, [不要臉], to have no sense of shame/shameless
要挟 yāoxié, [要挾], to threaten/to blackmail
要好 yàohǎo, to be on good terms/to be close friends/striving for self-improvement
要素 yàosù, essential factor/key constituent
要说 yàoshuō, [要說], as for/when it comes to
要价 yàojià, [要價], asking price/to ask a price/to demand terms (in negotiations)
不必要 bùbìyào, needless/unnecessary
次要 cìyào, secondary
索要 suǒyào, to ask for/to request/to demand
要犯 yàofàn, major criminal
要事 yàoshì, important matter
须要 xūyào, [須要], must/have to
简要 jiǎnyào, [簡要], concise/brief
紧要关头 jǐnyàoguāntóu, [緊要關頭], urgent and important moment (idiom); critical juncture
要不是 yàobushì, if it were not for/but for
要冲 yàochōng, [要衝], road hub/major crossroad
摘要 zhāiyào, summary/abstract
紧要 jǐnyào, [緊要], critical/crucial/vital
要饭 yàofàn, [要飯], to beg (for food or money)
概要 gàiyào, outline
要闻 yàowén, [要聞], important news story/headline
要得 yàodé, good/fine
要领 yàolǐng, [要領], main aspects/essentials/gist
要约 yāoyuè, [要約], to restrict/to agree to a contract/offer/bid
要务 yàowù, [要務], key task/important affair
要人 yàorén, important person
要强 yàoqiáng, [要強], eager to excel/eager to get ahead in life/strong-minded
机要 要职 yàozhí, [要職], key job/important position
必要性 bìyàoxìng, necessity
要员 yàoyuán, [要員], key participant/VIP
漫天要价 màntiānyàojià, [漫天要價], to ask for sky-high prices
政要 zhèngyào, important political leader/government dignitary
要义 yàoyì, [要義], the essentials
简明扼要 jiǎnmíngèyào, [簡明扼要], brief and to the point (idiom)/succinct
要面子 yàomiànzi, see 愛面子|爱面子[ài miàn zi]
要道 yàodào, major road/thoroughfare/main road
必要条件 bìyàotiáojiàn, [必要條件], requirement/necessary condition (math)
不得要领 bùdéyàolǐng, [不得要領], to fail to grasp the main points
要件 yàojiàn, key document/important condition/criterion/requirement/requisite/cornerstone
显要 xiǎnyào, [顯要], prominent/eminent/important person/notable/dignitary
主要矛盾 要案 要账 yàozhàng, [要賬], to demand repayment/to collect debt
扼要 èyào, to the point/concise
要不得 yàobude, intolerable/unacceptable
至关紧要 要端 yàoduān, the main points
要旨 yàozhǐ, the gist (of a text or argument)/the main points
大要 dàyào, abstract/gist/main points
纲要 gāngyào, [綱要], outline/essential points
要不了 纪要 jìyào, [紀要], minutes/written summary of a meeting
要子 yàozi, straw rope
险要 xiǎnyào, [險要], strategically situated and easy to defend/strategic location
记要 击中要害 需要量 大案要案 要健怡 要信 要选 要路 yàolù, important road/main thoroughfare/fig. key position
要蔓 要略 yàolüè, roughly/outline/summary
要则 要图 yàotú, [要圖], main plan/important program
要亮 要弄成 要改成 要聪明 要发飚 备要 要念陶 要进球 要力挺