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[必要條件] bìyàotiáojiàn requirement
necessary condition (math)

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Word Compounds

        bìxū, [必須], to have to/must/compulsory/necessarily
        bìyào, necessary/essential/indispensable/required
        bùbì, need not/does not have to/not necessarily
        bì, certainly/must/will/necessarily
        bìxū, to need/to require/essential/indispensable
        hébì, there is no need/why should
        bìrán, inevitable/certain/necessity
        wèibì, not necessarily/maybe not
        bìdìng, to be bound to/to be sure to
        wùbì, [務必], must/to need to/to be sure to
        xiǎngbì, presumably/probably/in all likelihood/surely
        bìshèng, [必勝], to be certain of victory/to be bound to prevail
        bìjiāng, [必將], inevitably
        bìxūpǐn, necessity/essential (thing)
        bìbèi, [必備], essential
        bùbìyào, needless/unnecessary
        bìjīng, [必經], unavoidable/the only (road, entrance etc)
        bìbùkěshǎo, absolutely necessary/indispensable/essential
        shìbì, [勢必], to be bound to/undoubtedly will
        fēnmiǎobìzhēng, [分秒必爭], seize every minute and second (idiom); not a minute to lose/every moment counts
        bìyàoxìng, necessity
        shìzàibìxíng, [勢在必行], circumstances require action (idiom); absolutely necessary/imperative
        yǒuqiúbìyìng, [有求必應], to grant whatever is asked for/to accede to every plea
        chēdàoshānqiánbìyǒulù, [車到山前必有路], lit. When we get to the mountain, there'll be a way through. (idiom)/fig. Everyt...
        bìyàotiáojiàn, [必要條件], requirement/necessary condition (math)
        Hūbìliè, Khubilai Khan (1215-1294), grandson of Genghis Khan 成吉思汗, first Yuan dynasty emp...
        shìbìgōngqīn, [事必躬親], to attend to everything personally
        bìxiūkè, [必修課], required course/compulsory course
        bìděi, must/have to
        wùjíbìfǎn, [物極必反], when things reach an extreme, they can only move in the opposite direction (idio...
        bìxiū, a required course
        jiāobīngbìbài, [驕兵必敗], lit. an arrogant army is bound to lose (idiom)/fig. pride goes before a fall
        zìbùbìshuō, [自不必說], to not need dwell on (idiom)
        bìyóuzhīlù, the road one must follow or take/the only way
        zīzhūbìjiào, [錙銖必較], to haggle over every cent (idiom)
        yánduōbìshī, if you say too much, you're bound to slip up at some point (idiom)
        bìbùkěquē, see 必不可少[bì bù kě shǎo]

        yāo/yào, to demand/to request/to coerce, important/vital/to want/to ask for/will/going to...
        xūyào, to need/to want/to demand/to require/requirement/need
        bùyào, don't!/must not
        zhòngyào, important/significant/major
        zhǐyào, if only/so long as
        yāoqiú, to request/to require/requirement/to stake a claim/to ask/to demand/CL:點|点[diǎn]
        bìyào, necessary/essential/indispensable/required
        jiùyào, will/shall/to be going to
        yàoshi, (coll.) if
        yàome, [要麼], or/either one or the other
        zhǔyào, main/principal/major/primary
        tíyào, summary/abstract
        kuàiyào, almost/nearly/almost all
        jiāngyào, [將要], will/shall/to be going to
        yàobùrán, otherwise/or else/or
        wúguānjǐnyào, [無關緊要], indifferent/insignificant
        bùyàojǐn, [不要緊], unimportant/not serious/it doesn't matter/never mind/it looks all right, but
        yàobù, otherwise/or else/how about...?/either... (or...)
        shǒuyào, the most important/of chief importance
        yàomìng, to cause sb's death/very/extremely/frightening/annoying
        yàojǐn, [要緊], important/urgent
        zhìguānzhòngyào, [至關重要], extremely important/vital/crucial/essential
        zhèngyào, to be just about to/to be on the point of
        yàohài, vital part/(fig.) key point/crucial
        zhòngyàoxìng, importance
        yàodiǎn, [要點], main point/essential
        yàosài, stronghold/fort/fortification
        bùyàoliǎn, [不要臉], to have no sense of shame/shameless
        yāoxié, [要挾], to threaten/to blackmail
        yàohǎo, to be on good terms/to be close friends/striving for self-improvement
        yàosù, essential factor/key constituent
        yàoshuō, [要說], as for/when it comes to
        yàojià, [要價], asking price/to ask a price/to demand terms (in negotiations)
        bùbìyào, needless/unnecessary
        cìyào, secondary
        suǒyào, to ask for/to request/to demand
        yàofàn, major criminal
        yàoshì, important matter
        xūyào, [須要], must/have to
        jiǎnyào, [簡要], concise/brief
        jǐnyàoguāntóu, [緊要關頭], urgent and important moment (idiom); critical juncture
        yàobushì, if it were not for/but for
        yàochōng, [要衝], road hub/major crossroad
        zhāiyào, summary/abstract
        jǐnyào, [緊要], critical/crucial/vital
        yàofàn, [要飯], to beg (for food or money)
        gàiyào, outline
        yàowén, [要聞], important news story/headline
        yàodé, good/fine
        yàolǐng, [要領], main aspects/essentials/gist
        yāoyuè, [要約], to restrict/to agree to a contract/offer/bid
        yàowù, [要務], key task/important affair
        yàorén, important person
        yàoqiáng, [要強], eager to excel/eager to get ahead in life/strong-minded
        yàozhí, [要職], key job/important position
        bìyàoxìng, necessity
        yàoyuán, [要員], key participant/VIP
        màntiānyàojià, [漫天要價], to ask for sky-high prices
        zhèngyào, important political leader/government dignitary
        yàoyì, [要義], the essentials
        jiǎnmíngèyào, [簡明扼要], brief and to the point (idiom)/succinct
        yàomiànzi, see 愛面子|爱面子[ài miàn zi]
        yàodào, major road/thoroughfare/main road
        bìyàotiáojiàn, [必要條件], requirement/necessary condition (math)
        bùdéyàolǐng, [不得要領], to fail to grasp the main points
        yàojiàn, key document/important condition/criterion/requirement/requisite/cornerstone
        xiǎnyào, [顯要], prominent/eminent/important person/notable/dignitary
        yàozhàng, [要賬], to demand repayment/to collect debt
        èyào, to the point/concise
        yàobude, intolerable/unacceptable
        yàoduān, the main points
        yàozhǐ, the gist (of a text or argument)/the main points
        dàyào, abstract/gist/main points
        gāngyào, [綱要], outline/essential points
        jìyào, [紀要], minutes/written summary of a meeting
        yàozi, straw rope
        xiǎnyào, [險要], strategically situated and easy to defend/strategic location
        yàolù, important road/main thoroughfare/fig. key position
        yàolüè, roughly/outline/summary
        yàotú, [要圖], main plan/important program

        tiáo, [條], strip/item/article/clause (of law or treaty)/classifier for long thin things (ri...
        tiáojiàn, [條件], condition/circumstances/term/factor/requirement/prerequisite/qualification/CL:個|...
        tiáozi, [條子], short note/slip of paper/stripe/(slang) cop/(old) prostitute
        zhǐtiáo, [紙條], slip of paper
        shǔtiáo, [薯條], french fries/french fried potatoes/chips
        miàntiáo, [麵條], noodles
        tiáokuǎn, [條款], clause (of contract or law)/CL:項|项[xiàng]
        tiáolì, [條例], regulations/rules/code of conduct/ordinances/statutes
        tiáoyuē, [條約], treaty/pact/CL:個|个[gè]
        zìtiáo, [字條], brief note
        tiáowén, [條紋], stripe
线         xiàntiáo, [線條], line (in drawing, calligraphy etc)/the lines or contours of a three-dimensional ...
        miáotiao, [苗條], (of a woman) slim/slender/graceful
便         biàntiáo, [便條], (informal) note/CL:張|张[zhāng],個|个[gè]
        wútiáojiàn, [無條件], unconditional
        xiāotiáo, [蕭條], bleak/desolate/(economic) depression or slump
        xìntiáo, [信條], creed/article of faith
        sǐlùyītiáo, [死路一條], (idiom) dead end/road to ruin
        tiáolǐ, [條理], arrangement/order/tidiness
        jǐngjǐngyǒutiáo, [井井有條], everything clear and orderly (idiom); neat and tidy
        fātiáo, [發條], spring/coil spring (spiral spring used to power clockwork)
        Tóutiáo/tóutiáo, [頭條], Toutiao, personalized content recommendation app (abbr. for 今日頭條|今日头条[Jīn rì Tóu...
        liàntiáo, [鏈條], chain/CL:根[gēn],條|条[tiáo]
        yǒutiáobùwěn, [有條不紊], regular and thorough (idiom); methodically arranged
        tiáowén, [條文], clause/explanatory section in a document
        xīngtiáoqí, [星條旗], Stars and Stripes, the flag of the United States
        tiáojiànfǎnshè, [條件反射], conditioned reflex
        jiàotiáo, [教條], doctrine/dogma/creed/dogmatic
        jīntiáo, [金條], gold bar
        tiáotiáokuàngkuàng, [條條框框], fixed framework (idiom); restriction of social conventions and taboos (usually d...
        fēngtiáo, [封條], seal
        tiáoxíngmǎ, [條形碼], barcode
        téngtiáo, [藤條], rattan
        jiàtiáo, [假條], leave of absence request (from work or school)/excuse note/CL:張|张[zhāng]
        tiáomù, [條目], clauses and sub-clauses (in formal document)/entry (in a dictionary, encyclopedi...
        yóutiáo, [油條], youtiao (deep-fried breadstick)/CL:根[gēn]/slick and sly person
        yītiáoxīn, [一條心], to be of one mind/to think or act alike
        shōutiáo, [收條], receipt
        tiáofú, [條幅], wall scroll (for painting or calligraphy)/banner
        yītiáolóng, [一條龍], lit. one dragon/integrated chain/coordinated process
        jiètiáo, [借條], receipt for a loan/IOU
        liǔtiáo, [柳條], willow/willow branches/wicker (material for basketwork)
        zhītiáo, [枝條], branch/twig/stem
        bìyàotiáojiàn, [必要條件], requirement/necessary condition (math)
        màntiáosīlǐ, [慢條斯理], unhurried/calm/composed/leisurely
        chángtiáo, [長條], strip
        cítiáo, [詞條], dictionary entry/lexical item/term
        gāngtiáo, [鋼條], steel bar
        xiānjuétiáojiàn, [先決條件], precondition/prerequisite
        chìtiáotiáo, [赤條條], stark naked
        qiàntiáo, [欠條], IOU/certificate of indebtedness
        huítiáo, [回條], receipt/note acknowledging receipt
        bìngjiàtiáo, [病假條], sick note/medical certificate for sick leave
        báitiáo, [白條], IOU/informal document acknowledging a debt
        jiètiáo, [戒條], commandment/precept
        jiàotiáozhǔyì, [教條主義], dogmatism
        DōngtiáoYīngjī, [東條英機], Tojo Hideki (1884-1948), Japanese military leader hanged as war criminal in 1948
        tiáoguī, [條規], rule
        yǒutiáoyǒulǐ, [有條有理], everything clear and orderly (idiom); neat and tidy
        jùtiáo, [鋸條], a sawblade
        tiáomǎ, [條碼], barcode
        tiáojiànjù, [條件句], conditional clause
齿         chǐtiáo, [齒條], rack (and pinion)
        fěntiáo, [粉條], vermicelli made from mung bean starch etc
        fútiáo, [輻條], (wheel) spoke
        sāntiáo, [三條], three of a kind (poker)
        tiáoxíng, [條形], a bar/a strip

        jiàn, item/component/classifier for events, things, clothes etc
        shìjiàn, event/happening/incident/CL:個|个[gè]
        wénjiàn, document/file/CL:份[fèn]
        ànjiàn, case/instance/CL:宗[zōng],樁|桩[zhuāng],起[qǐ]
        tiáojiàn, [條件], condition/circumstances/term/factor/requirement/prerequisite/qualification/CL:個|...
        yóujiàn, [郵件], mail/post/email
        zhèngjiàn, [證件], certificate/papers/credentials/document/ID
        ruǎnjiàn, [軟件], (computer) software
        língjiàn, part/component
        xìnjiàn, letter (sent by mail)
        bùjiàn, part/component
        fùyìnjiàn, [複印件], photocopy/duplicate
        wútiáojiàn, [無條件], unconditional
        wénjiànjiā, [文件夾], folder/file (paper)
        wùjiàn, object
        yìngjiàn, hardware
        pèijiàn, component/part/fitting/accessory/replacement part
        yuánjiàn, the original/original document/master copy
        fùjiàn, enclosure/attachment (email)/appendix
        yuánjiàn, element/component
        tiáojiànfǎnshè, [條件反射], conditioned reflex
        zǔjiàn, [組件], module/unit/component/assembly
        língbùjiàn, spare part/component
        jījiàn, [機件], component (mechanics)
稿         gǎojiàn, piece of writing submitted for publication/manuscript/article
        kuàijiàn, express delivery/express mail or luggage
        bìyàotiáojiàn, [必要條件], requirement/necessary condition (math)
        dàjiàn, large/bulky/big-ticket item
        yàojiàn, key document/important condition/criterion/requirement/requisite/cornerstone
        xiānjuétiáojiàn, [先決條件], precondition/prerequisite
        diànzǐqìjiàn, [電子器件], electric equipment
        zhùjiàn, [鑄件], casting/foundry goods
        bèijiàn, [備件], spare parts
        hóngtóuwénjiàn, [紅頭文件], red-letterhead document, an official document with the name of the issuing gover...
        qìjiàn, device/component
        chāojiàn, duplicate (copy)
        mìjiàn, secret documents/abbr. for 機密文件|机密文件
        tiáojiànjù, [條件句], conditional clause
        gùjiàn, firmware
        hánjiàn, letters/correspondence
        jiànshǔ, [件數], item count (of a consignment etc)
        gòujiàn, [構件], member/component/part

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