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tíyào summary

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        tí, to carry (hanging down from the hand)/to lift/to put forward/to mention/to raise...
        tígōng, to offer/to supply/to provide/to furnish
        tíxǐng, to remind/to call attention to/to warn of
        tíchū, to raise (an issue)/to propose/to put forward/to suggest/to post (on a website)/...
        tídào, to mention/to raise (a subject)/to refer to
        tíyào, summary/abstract
        tíqián, to shift to an earlier date/to do sth ahead of time/in advance
        tíyì, [提議], proposal/suggestion/to propose/to suggest
        tígāo, to raise/to increase/to improve
        tíqǐ, to mention/to speak of/to lift/to pick up/to arouse/to raise (a topic, a heavy w...
        tíshì, to point out/to remind (sb of sth)/to suggest/suggestion/tip/reminder/notice
        tímíng, to nominate
        tíshēng, [提昇], to promote/to upgrade
        tíwèn, [提問], to question/to quiz/to grill
        tíqǔ, to withdraw (money)/to collect (left luggage)/to extract/to refine
        qiántí, premise/precondition/prerequisite
        tíàn, proposal/draft resolution/motion (to be debated)/to propose a bill/to make a pro...
        tíjiāo, to submit (a report etc)/to refer (a problem) to sb
        tíjí, to mention/to raise (a subject)/to bring to sb's attention
        xiǎotíqín, fiddle/violin
        tízǎo, ahead of schedule/sooner than planned/to bring forward (to an earlier time)
        shǒutíxiāng, suitcase
        dàtíqín, cello/violoncello/CL:把[bǎ]
        dīfáng, to guard against/to be vigilant/watch you don't (slip)/also pr. [tí fáng]
        shǒutíbāo, (hand)bag/hold-all
        tíbá, to promote to a higher job/to select for promotion
        xiāngtíbìnglùn, [相提並論], to discuss two disparate things together (idiom); to mention on equal terms/to p...
        Xīnxīnnàtí, Cincinnati, Ohio
        tíkuǎnjī, [提款機], bank autoteller/ATM
        tíshén, to freshen up/to be cautious or vigilant/to watch out/stimulant to enhance menta...
        tíbāo, handbag/bag/valise
        háití, (literary) infant/young child
        shǒutí, portable
        tíxīndiàodǎn, [提心吊膽], (saying) to be very scared and on edge
        tíchàng, to promote/to advocate
        tíchéng, to take a percentage
        tíliàn, [提煉], to extract (ore, minerals etc)/to refine/to purify/to process
        tíqǐng, [提請], to propose
        zhōngtíqín, viola
        Pǔlātí, Pilates (physical fitness system)
        chóngtí, to raise the same topic
        zhídeyītí, to be worth mentioning
        tíkuǎn, to withdraw money/to take money out of the bank
        zhīzìbùtí, [隻字不提], not to mention (idiom); to say not one word/fig. to omit mention (of a non-perso...
        xiǎotíqínshǒu, violinist/fiddler
        tíqín, instrument of the violin family (violin, viola, cello or double bass)/CL:把[bǎ]
        tífǎ, wording (of a proposal)/formulation/viewpoint (on an issue)/(one of eight method...
        tíjià, [提價], to raise the price
        tígāng, [提綱], outline/synopsis/notes
        tíxié, [提攜], to lead by the hand/to guide/to support
        tídēng, [提燈], a portable lamp
        tíshěn, [提審], to commit sb for trial/to bring sb for interrogation
        tíxiāng, a suitcase/a traveling-bag
        tísù, to increase the specified cruising speed/to pick up speed/to speed up
        tíhuò, [提貨], to accept delivery of goods/to pick up goods
        Jíbùtí, Djibouti
        tíchún, [提純], to purify
        Tǎxītí, Tahiti, island of the Society Islands group in French Polynesia
        tílāmǐsū, [提拉米蘇], tiramisu (loanword)
        Ātílā, Attila (406-453), Hun emperor, known as the scourge of God
        tíqīn, [提親], to propose marriage
        tíhuòdān, [提貨單], bill of lading
        títí, calm/poised
        pútíshù, [菩提樹], pipal tree (Ficus religiosa)/bo fig tree/Bodhi tree (sacred to Buddhism and Hind...
        tíhuā, Jacquard weave (machine weaving leaving protruding pattern)
        tígāngqièlǐng, [提綱挈領], to concentrate on the main points (idiom); to bring out the essentials
        Sāiwàntísī, [塞萬提斯], Cervantes/abbr. for 米格爾·德·塞萬提斯·薩維德拉|米格尔·德·塞万提斯·萨维德拉[Mǐ gé ěr · dé · Sāi wàn tí s...
        Mǎtíníkè, [馬提尼克], Martinique (French Caribbean island)
        Bǐlātísī, Pilates (physical fitness system) (Tw)
        tíànrén, proposer
        ěrtímiànmìng, to give sincere advice (idiom)/to exhort earnestly
        Dáěrmǎtíyà, [達爾馬提亞], Dalmatia, Croatian region on the eastern coast of Adriatic Sea
        tídān, [提單], bill of lading
        Tíěr, [提爾], Tyre (Lebanon)
        Pǔlātísī, see 普拉提[Pǔ lā tí]
        Tíkèlǐtè, Tikrit
        tímótài, Timothy

        yāo/yào, to demand/to request/to coerce, important/vital/to want/to ask for/will/going to...
        xūyào, to need/to want/to demand/to require/requirement/need
        bùyào, don't!/must not
        zhòngyào, important/significant/major
        zhǐyào, if only/so long as
        yāoqiú, to request/to require/requirement/to stake a claim/to ask/to demand/CL:點|点[diǎn]
        bìyào, necessary/essential/indispensable/required
        jiùyào, will/shall/to be going to
        yàoshi, (coll.) if
        yàome, [要麼], or/either one or the other
        zhǔyào, main/principal/major/primary
        tíyào, summary/abstract
        kuàiyào, almost/nearly/almost all
        jiāngyào, [將要], will/shall/to be going to
        yàobùrán, otherwise/or else/or
        wúguānjǐnyào, [無關緊要], indifferent/insignificant
        bùyàojǐn, [不要緊], unimportant/not serious/it doesn't matter/never mind/it looks all right, but
        yàobù, otherwise/or else/how about...?/either... (or...)
        shǒuyào, the most important/of chief importance
        yàomìng, to cause sb's death/very/extremely/frightening/annoying
        yàojǐn, [要緊], important/urgent
        zhìguānzhòngyào, [至關重要], extremely important/vital/crucial/essential
        zhèngyào, to be just about to/to be on the point of
        yàohài, vital part/(fig.) key point/crucial
        zhòngyàoxìng, importance
        yàodiǎn, [要點], main point/essential
        yàosài, stronghold/fort/fortification
        bùyàoliǎn, [不要臉], to have no sense of shame/shameless
        yāoxié, [要挾], to threaten/to blackmail
        yàohǎo, to be on good terms/to be close friends/striving for self-improvement
        yàosù, essential factor/key constituent
        yàoshuō, [要說], as for/when it comes to
        yàojià, [要價], asking price/to ask a price/to demand terms (in negotiations)
        bùbìyào, needless/unnecessary
        cìyào, secondary
        suǒyào, to ask for/to request/to demand
        yàofàn, major criminal
        yàoshì, important matter
        xūyào, [須要], must/have to
        jiǎnyào, [簡要], concise/brief
        jǐnyàoguāntóu, [緊要關頭], urgent and important moment (idiom); critical juncture
        yàobushì, if it were not for/but for
        yàochōng, [要衝], road hub/major crossroad
        zhāiyào, summary/abstract
        jǐnyào, [緊要], critical/crucial/vital
        yàofàn, [要飯], to beg (for food or money)
        gàiyào, outline
        yàowén, [要聞], important news story/headline
        yàodé, good/fine
        yàolǐng, [要領], main aspects/essentials/gist
        yāoyuè, [要約], to restrict/to agree to a contract/offer/bid
        yàowù, [要務], key task/important affair
        yàorén, important person
        yàoqiáng, [要強], eager to excel/eager to get ahead in life/strong-minded
        yàozhí, [要職], key job/important position
        bìyàoxìng, necessity
        yàoyuán, [要員], key participant/VIP
        màntiānyàojià, [漫天要價], to ask for sky-high prices
        zhèngyào, important political leader/government dignitary
        yàoyì, [要義], the essentials
        jiǎnmíngèyào, [簡明扼要], brief and to the point (idiom)/succinct
        yàomiànzi, see 愛面子|爱面子[ài miàn zi]
        yàodào, major road/thoroughfare/main road
        bìyàotiáojiàn, [必要條件], requirement/necessary condition (math)
        bùdéyàolǐng, [不得要領], to fail to grasp the main points
        yàojiàn, key document/important condition/criterion/requirement/requisite/cornerstone
        xiǎnyào, [顯要], prominent/eminent/important person/notable/dignitary
        yàozhàng, [要賬], to demand repayment/to collect debt
        èyào, to the point/concise
        yàobude, intolerable/unacceptable
        yàoduān, the main points
        yàozhǐ, the gist (of a text or argument)/the main points
        dàyào, abstract/gist/main points
        gāngyào, [綱要], outline/essential points
        jìyào, [紀要], minutes/written summary of a meeting
        yàozi, straw rope
        xiǎnyào, [險要], strategically situated and easy to defend/strategic location
        yàolù, important road/main thoroughfare/fig. key position
        yàolüè, roughly/outline/summary
        yàotú, [要圖], main plan/important program

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