相 ⇒
相信 xiāngxìn, to be convinced (that sth is true)/to believe/to accept sth as true
真相 zhēnxiàng, the truth about sth/the actual facts
相当 xiāngdāng, [相當], equivalent to/appropriate/considerably/to a certain extent/fairly/quite
互相 hùxiāng, each other/mutually/mutual
相 Xiāng/xiāng/xiàng, surname Xiang, each other/one another/mutually/fret on the neck of a pipa 琵琶[pí ...
相处 xiāngchǔ, [相處], to be in contact (with sb)/to associate/to interact/to get along (well, poorly)
相同 xiāngtóng, identical/same
相关 xiāngguān, [相關], related/relevant/pertinent/to be interrelated/(statistics) correlation
相互 xiānghù, each other/mutual
相反 xiāngfǎn, opposite/contrary
相爱 xiāngài, [相愛], to love each other
相机 xiàngjī, [相機], camera (abbr. for 照相機|照相机[zhào xiàng jī])/at the opportune moment/as the circums...
相似 xiāngsì, to resemble/similar/like/resemblance/similarity
相比 xiāngbǐ, to compare
相遇 xiāngyù, to meet/to encounter/to come across
相符 xiāngfú, to match/to tally
首相 shǒuxiàng, prime minister (of Japan or UK etc)
相片 xiàngpiàn, image/photograph/CL:張|张[zhāng]
照相 zhàoxiàng, to take a photograph
长相 zhǎngxiàng, [長相], appearance/looks/profile/countenance
相对 xiāngduì, [相對], relatively/opposite/to resist/to oppose/relative/vis-a-vis/counterpart
照相机 zhàoxiàngjī, [照相機], camera/CL:個|个[gè],架[jià],部[bù],台[tái],隻|只[zhī]
相识 xiāngshí, [相識], to get to know each other/acquaintance
相见 xiāngjiàn, [相見], to see each other/to meet in person
相亲 xiāngqīn, [相親], blind date/arranged interview to evaluate a proposed marriage partner (Taiwan pr...
相连 xiānglián, [相連], to link/to join/link/connection
相伴 xiāngbàn, to accompany sb/to accompany each other
恰恰相反 相应 xiāngyìng, [相應], to correspond/answering (one another)/to agree (among the part)/corresponding/re...
相聚 xiāngjù, to meet together/to assemble
相貌 xiàngmào, appearance
刮目相看 guāmùxiāngkàn, to have a whole new level of respect for sb or sth/to sit up and take notice (of...
亮相 liàngxiàng, to strike a pose (Chinese opera)/(fig.) to make a public appearance/to come out ...
自相残杀 zìxiāngcánshā, [自相殘殺], to massacre one another (idiom); internecine strife
似曾相识 sìcéngxiāngshí, [似曾相識], déjà vu (the experience of seeing exactly the same situation a second time)/seem...
相像 xiāngxiàng, to resemble one another/to be alike/similar
相提并论 xiāngtíbìnglùn, [相提並論], to discuss two disparate things together (idiom); to mention on equal terms/to p...
相隔 xiānggé, separated by (distance or time etc)
相册 xiàngcè, [相冊], photo album
真相大白 zhēnxiàngdàbái, the whole truth is revealed (idiom); everything becomes clear
相近 xiāngjìn, close/similar to
相通 xiāngtōng, interlinked/connected/communicating/in communication/accommodating
相撞 xiāngzhuàng, collision/crash/to crash together/to collide with/to bump into
相会 xiānghuì, [相會], to meet together
相差 xiāngchà, to differ/discrepancy between
针锋相对 zhēnfēngxiāngduì, [針鋒相對], to oppose each other with equal harshness (idiom); tit for tat/measure for measu...
坦诚相待 相投 xiāngtóu, agreeing with one another/congenial
相称 xiāngchèn, [相稱], to match/to suit/mutually compatible
自相矛盾 zìxiāngmáodùn, to contradict oneself/self-contradictory/inconsistent
大相径庭 dàxiāngjìngtíng, [大相徑庭], as different as can be (idiom)/poles apart
相约 xiāngyuē, [相約], to agree (on a meeting place, date etc)/to reach agreement/to make an appointmen...
相间 xiāngjiàn, [相間], to alternate/to follow one another
相逢 xiāngféng, to meet (by chance)/to come across
相仿 xiāngfǎng, similar
相安无事 xiāngānwúshì, [相安無事], to live together in harmony
相依为命 xiāngyīwéimìng, [相依為命], mutually dependent for life (idiom); to rely upon one another for survival/inter...
和睦相处 hémùxiāngchǔ, [和睦相處], to live in harmony/to get along with each other
相比之下 xiāngbǐzhīxià, by comparison
相好 xiānghǎo, to be intimate/close friend/paramour
相干 xiānggān, relevant/to have to do with/coherent (Physics: light etc)
识相 shíxiàng, [識相], sensitive/tactful
息息相关 xīxīxiāngguān, [息息相關], closely bound up (idiom); intimately related
不相上下 bùxiāngshàngxià, equally matched/about the same
心心相印 xīnxīnxiāngyìn, two hearts beat as one (idiom); a kindred spirit
老相识 代代相传 dàidàixiāngchuán, [代代相傳], passed on from generation to generation (idiom); to hand down
相继 xiāngjì, [相繼], in succession/following closely
相亲相爱 xiāngqīnxiāngài, [相親相愛], to be kind and love one another (idiom); bound by deep emotions
相扑 xiāngpū, [相撲], sumo wrestling/also pr. [xiàng pū]
相待 xiāngdài, to treat
韩相宇 照相馆 zhàoxiàngguǎn, [照相館], photo studio
相左 xiāngzuǒ, to fail to meet each other/to conflict with each other/to be at odds with
相声 xiàngsheng, [相聲], comic dialogue/sketch/crosstalk
出洋相 chūyángxiàng, to make a fool of oneself
同病相怜 tóngbìngxiānglián, [同病相憐], fellow sufferers empathize with each other (idiom); misery loves company
坦诚相见 tǎnchéngxiāngjiàn, [坦誠相見], to trust one another fully/to treat sb with sincerity
傧相 bīnxiàng, [儐相], attendant of the bride or bridegroom at a wedding
相传 xiāngchuán, [相傳], to pass on/to hand down/tradition has it that .../according to legend
相当于 xiāngdāngyú, [相當於], equivalent to
相等 xiāngděng, equal/equally/equivalent
相距 xiāngjù, distance apart/separated by a given distance
相思 xiāngsī, to yearn/to pine
相交 xiāngjiāo, to cross over (e.g. traffic)/to intersect/to make friends
变相 biànxiàng, [變相], in disguised form/covert
毫不相干 相邻 xiānglín, [相鄰], neighbor/adjacent
相助 xiāngzhù, to help one another/to come to sb's help
旗鼓相当 qígǔxiāngdāng, [旗鼓相當], lit. two armies have equivalent banners and drums (idiom); fig. evenly matched/r...
以诚相待 相对而言 相悖 相浩 上相 shàngxiàng, photogenic/(old) high official
相对论 xiāngduìlùn, [相對論], theory of relativity
相加 相俊 色相 sèxiàng, coloration/hue/sex/sex appeal
素不相识 sùbùxiāngshí, [素不相識], to be total strangers (idiom)
男傧相 nánbīnxiàng, [男儐相], best man (in a marriage)
相弼 相容 xiāngróng, compatible/consistent/to tolerate (each other)
相宇 洋相 yángxiàng, social gaffe or blunder/faux pas/see 出洋相[chū yáng xiàng]
相中 xiāngzhòng, to find to one's taste/to pick (after looking at)/Taiwan pr. [xiàng zhòng]
朝夕相处 扮相 bànxiàng, stage costume
相形见绌 xiāngxíngjiànchù, [相形見絀], to pale by comparison (idiom)
争相 zhēngxiāng, [爭相], to fall over each other in their eagerness to...
相互作用 xiānghùzuòyòng, to interact/interaction/interplay
假相 外相 wàixiàng, Foreign Minister
单口相声 dānkǒuxiàngshēng, [單口相聲], comic monologue/one-person comic sketch
相臻 相知 老相好 李相贤 单相思 dānxiāngsī, [單相思], one-sided lovesickness/unrequited longing
世代相传 shìdàixiāngchuán, [世代相傳], passed on from generation to generation (idiom); to hand down
相思病 xiāngsībìng, lovesickness
破相 pòxiàng, (of facial features) to be marred by a scar etc/to disfigure/to make a fool of o...
相去甚远 手相 shǒuxiàng, palmistry/features of a palm (in palmistry)
相互之间 相抵 xiāngdǐ, to balance up/to offset/to counterbalance
相依 xiāngyī, to be interdependent
星相 xīngxiàng, astrology and physiognomy
相关性 xiāngguānxìng, [相關性], correlation
相濡以沫 xiāngrúyǐmò, to moisten with spittle (idiom); sharing meager resources/mutual help in humble ...
相让 短兵相接 duǎnbīngxiāngjiē, lit. short-weaponed soldiery fight one another (idiom); fierce hand-to-hand infa...
狭路相逢 xiálùxiāngféng, [狹路相逢], lit. to meet face to face on a narrow path (idiom)/fig. enemies or rivals meet f...
韩相君 李相浩 萍水相逢 píngshuǐxiāngféng, strangers coming together by chance (idiom)
安相秀 相似性 xiāngsìxìng, resemblance/similarity
相碰 相映 相哲 文尚相 相接 xiāngjiē, to merge with/interlinking/to join with/to interlock
相劝 xiāngquàn, [相勸], to persuade/to exhort/to advise
可怜相 看相 kànxiàng, to tell fortune by reading the subject's facial features
相差无几 面相 miànxiàng, facial features/appearence/physiognomy
守望相助 shǒuwàngxiāngzhù, to keep watch and defend one another (idiom, from Mencius); to join forces to de...
兵戎相见 bīngróngxiāngjiàn, [兵戎相見], to meet on the battlefield (idiom)
竞相 jìngxiāng, [競相], competitive/eagerly/to vie
丑相 chǒuxiàng, [醜相], ugly expression/unsightly manners
三相 相联 xiānglián, [相聯], to interact/interrelated
本相 běnxiàng, original form
怪相 guàixiàng, grotesque visage/grimace
相勋 相见恨晚 xiāngjiànhènwǎn, [相見恨晚], to regret not having met earlier (idiom); It is nice to meet you finally./It fee...
环环相扣 huánhuánxiāngkòu, [環環相扣], closely linked with one another/interlocked/to interrelate
权相宇 丞相 chéngxiàng, the most senior minister of many kingdoms or dynasties (with varying roles)/prim...
傻瓜相机 shǎguāxiàngjī, [傻瓜相機], point-and-shoot camera/compact camera
血肉相连 xuèròuxiānglián, [血肉相連], one's own flesh and blood (idiom); closely related
反唇相讥 fǎnchúnxiāngjī, [反唇相譏], to answer back sarcastically (idiom)/to retort
互不相让 hùbùxiāngràng, [互不相讓], neither giving way to the other
宰相 zǎixiàng, prime minister (in feudal China)
鼎力相助 dǐnglìxiāngzhù, We are most grateful for your valuable assistance.
相映成辉 月相 yuèxiàng, phases of moon, namely: new moon 朔[shuò], first quarter or waxing moon 上弦[shàng ...
命相 mìngxiàng, horoscope
相斥 xiāngchì, mutual repulsion (e.g. electrostatic)/to repel one another
相商 相丕 凶相毕露 xiōngxiàngbìlù, [兇相畢露], show one's ferocious appearance (idiom); the atrocious features revealed/with fa...
录相机 面面相觑 miànmiànxiāngqù, [面面相覷], to look at each other in dismay (idiom)
韩相俊 交相辉映 笑脸相迎 xiàoliǎnxiāngyíng, [笑臉相迎], to welcome sb with a smiling face (idiom)
息息相通 金相洙 相辅相成 xiāngfǔxiāngchéng, [相輔相成], to complement one another (idiom)
唇齿相依 chúnchǐxiāngyī, [唇齒相依], lit. as close as lips and teeth (idiom); closely related/interdependent
崔相京 裴相镇 相春 奔走相告 bēnzǒuxiānggào, to spread the news (idiom)
相乘 xiāngchéng, to multiply (math.)/multiplication
罗相植 相得益彰 xiāngdéyìzhāng, to bring out the best in each other (idiom)/to complement one another well
凶相 xiōngxiàng, [兇相], ferocious appearance
韩相丕 尹相杰 同命相连 金相范 一脉相承 yīmàixiāngchéng, [一脈相承], traceable to the same stock (idiom); of a common origin (of trends, ideas etc)
休戚相关 xiūqīxiāngguān, [休戚相關], to share the same interests (idiom)/to be closely related/to be in the same boat
相望 xiāngwàng, to look at one another/to face each other
迈肯西相 郑相春 相持不下 xiāngchíbùxià, at a stalemate/deadlocked/in unrelenting mutual opposition
老死不相往来 相夫 首相府 罗相宇 相形之下 相敬如宾 xiāngjìngrúbīn, [相敬如賓], to treat each other as an honored guest (idiom)/mutual respect between husband a...
相控阵 相泽 相浩会 众生相 风马牛不相及 fēngmǎniúbùxiāngjí, [風馬牛不相及], to be completely unrelated to one another (idiom)/irrelevant
官相卫 官李相贤 相位差 xiàngwèichā, phase difference
解囊相助 形相 骨肉相连 gǔròuxiānglián, [骨肉相連], lit. interrelated as bones and flesh (idiom); inseparably related/closely intert...
吴相弼 奴才相 遥遥相对 卞相浩 金相勋 金相庆 相映成趣 xiāngyìngchéngqù, to set each other off nicely
韩魏相 脸相 liǎnxiàng, [臉相], complexion/looks/appearance of one's face
弹冠相庆 tánguānxiāngqìng, [彈冠相慶], lit. to flick dust off sb's cap (idiom); to celebrate an official appointment/to...
相持 xiāngchí, locked in a stalemate/to confront one another
相春帮 相范 相公 xiànggong, lord/master/young gentleman/male prostitute/catamite/mahjong player disqualified...
金相日 爱相宇 老相 心心相连 单相 dānxiàng, [單相], single phase (elec.)
朴相范 相熙 相纸 xiàngzhǐ, [相紙], photographic paper
相秀 相宜 xiāngyí, to be suitable or appropriate
睡相 shuìxiàng, sleeping posture
提 ⇒
提 tí, to carry (hanging down from the hand)/to lift/to put forward/to mention/to raise...
提供 tígōng, to offer/to supply/to provide/to furnish
提醒 tíxǐng, to remind/to call attention to/to warn of
提出 tíchū, to raise (an issue)/to propose/to put forward/to suggest/to post (on a website)/...
提到 tídào, to mention/to raise (a subject)/to refer to
提要 tíyào, summary/abstract
提前 tíqián, to shift to an earlier date/to do sth ahead of time/in advance
提议 tíyì, [提議], proposal/suggestion/to propose/to suggest
提高 tígāo, to raise/to increase/to improve
别提 提起 tíqǐ, to mention/to speak of/to lift/to pick up/to arouse/to raise (a topic, a heavy w...
提示 tíshì, to point out/to remind (sb of sth)/to suggest/suggestion/tip/reminder/notice
提名 tímíng, to nominate
提升 tíshēng, [提昇], to promote/to upgrade
提问 tíwèn, [提問], to question/to quiz/to grill
提取 tíqǔ, to withdraw (money)/to collect (left luggage)/to extract/to refine
前提 qiántí, premise/precondition/prerequisite
提案 tíàn, proposal/draft resolution/motion (to be debated)/to propose a bill/to make a pro...
提交 tíjiāo, to submit (a report etc)/to refer (a problem) to sb
提及 tíjí, to mention/to raise (a subject)/to bring to sb's attention
小提琴 xiǎotíqín, fiddle/violin
提早 tízǎo, ahead of schedule/sooner than planned/to bring forward (to an earlier time)
手提箱 shǒutíxiāng, suitcase
大提琴 dàtíqín, cello/violoncello/CL:把[bǎ]
提防 dīfáng, to guard against/to be vigilant/watch you don't (slip)/also pr. [tí fáng]
手提包 shǒutíbāo, (hand)bag/hold-all
马提尼 提拔 tíbá, to promote to a higher job/to select for promotion
相提并论 xiāngtíbìnglùn, [相提並論], to discuss two disparate things together (idiom); to mention on equal terms/to p...
提姆 不值一提 辛辛那提 Xīnxīnnàtí, Cincinnati, Ohio
提款机 tíkuǎnjī, [提款機], bank autoteller/ATM
阿提娅 提神 tíshén, to freshen up/to be cautious or vigilant/to watch out/stimulant to enhance menta...
奥提斯 提包 tíbāo, handbag/bag/valise
孩提 háití, (literary) infant/young child
手提 shǒutí, portable
提心吊胆 tíxīndiàodǎn, [提心吊膽], (saying) to be very scared and on edge
提倡 tíchàng, to promote/to advocate
提成 tíchéng, to take a percentage
提炼 tíliàn, [提煉], to extract (ore, minerals etc)/to refine/to purify/to process
提摩西 提个醒 史提尔 提请 tíqǐng, [提請], to propose
中提琴 zhōngtíqín, viola
普拉提 Pǔlātí, Pilates (physical fitness system)
重提 chóngtí, to raise the same topic
值得一提 zhídeyītí, to be worth mentioning
提款 tíkuǎn, to withdraw money/to take money out of the bank
爱提儿 欧提斯 柯提斯 只字不提 zhīzìbùtí, [隻字不提], not to mention (idiom); to say not one word/fig. to omit mention (of a non-perso...
史提夫 小提琴手 xiǎotíqínshǒu, violinist/fiddler
卡斯提斯 提琴 tíqín, instrument of the violin family (violin, viola, cello or double bass)/CL:把[bǎ]
赫菲斯提昂 康提 塔提斯 手提袋 蒙提 卡提娅 提法 tífǎ, wording (of a proposal)/formulation/viewpoint (on an issue)/(one of eight method...
提价 tíjià, [提價], to raise the price
克里斯提娜 提纲 tígāng, [提綱], outline/synopsis/notes
拉提摩 米那斯提力斯 塔提亚娜 提携 tíxié, [提攜], to lead by the hand/to guide/to support
提灯 tídēng, [提燈], a portable lamp
提审 tíshěn, [提審], to commit sb for trial/to bring sb for interrogation
穆提 辛辛纳提 莫提 提箱 tíxiāng, a suitcase/a traveling-bag
史提 马提尔 提速 tísù, to increase the specified cruising speed/to pick up speed/to speed up
迪克史提尔 手提式 桑提尼 提格 葛兰·卡斯提斯 莫提斯 帕提 希尔提乌斯 史密提 提托 帕提亚 贝提 塔图提克 马提 盖提 提货 tíhuò, [提貨], to accept delivery of goods/to pick up goods
加马提尼 吉布提 Jíbùtí, Djibouti
雅提娜 提纯 tíchún, [提純], to purify
提克 提娜 提奥 艾米丽·考斯提奇 提芬 塔希提 Tǎxītí, Tahiti, island of the Society Islands group in French Polynesia
塞勒姆盖提 提雅玛 提帕洛 提拉米苏 tílāmǐsū, [提拉米蘇], tiramisu (loanword)
阿提拉 Ātílā, Attila (406-453), Hun emperor, known as the scourge of God
小提姆 提亲 tíqīn, [提親], to propose marriage
提姆·伍兹 阿那卡斯提亚 里普提尔克斯 史提芬 德拉提 提货单 tíhuòdān, [提貨單], bill of lading
提提 títí, calm/poised
吉恩·巴提斯 提莉 安提贡纳斯 波提且利 艾菲亚提 奥斯提亚 丹提 皮提亚 塞提 菩提树 pútíshù, [菩提樹], pipal tree (Ficus religiosa)/bo fig tree/Bodhi tree (sacred to Buddhism and Hind...
马提尼克岛 杜赫提 纳斯提亚 米那斯提 波尔提 阿斯提诺 值得一提的是 克里门提娜 瑟恩·提贝 科提斯 切斯提亚 因提 提奥·斯托勒 提哇纳 兹罗提 卡斯门提斯 提花 tíhuā, Jacquard weave (machine weaving leaving protruding pattern)
纳斯提亚·柳金 安提培特 伊姆提·西迪克 莫里亚提 阿提卡 卡斯提格里安 方提斯 莱蒂提亚 波提切利 安提克 提款单 柯提 艾维斯·卡斯提洛 康提拉 卡斯提隆 斯库提 邦提 桑德拉·凯提普顿 提名奖 马提欧 达提斯 莫提斯叶 哈比提 比尔·卡斯提根 史提威 梅莉莎·布斯提 阿提 拉里·缪提 亚·拉提摩 艾提斯芬奇 欧提兹 提芙妮 提普 提摩 亚勒汉卓卡斯提 波瓦加提夫波森 艾提尔 史提芬·杰拉德 提示符 提亚 艾伯提克 提尔曼 斯提 卡斯帕·提斯特 蒙提派森 提诺 布提·哈林 艾提诺纳瓦 辛纳提 塞伦盖提 普鲁提斯 塔西提 小提克 威廉·科斯提根 斯提根 阿提卡斯·诺伊尔 坎提纳 亚当史提夫 金提子 萨普提米亚斯 卢西尔斯·萨普提米亚斯 安娜斯提亚 提丽 提纲挈领 tígāngqièlǐng, [提綱挈領], to concentrate on the main points (idiom); to bring out the essentials
迈吉提 格雷提尔 提米·哈里森 萨鲁斯提奥 盖提斯堡 卡斯提罗 柯提斯·史密斯 塞万提斯 Sāiwàntísī, [塞萬提斯], Cervantes/abbr. for 米格爾·德·塞萬提斯·薩維德拉|米格尔·德·塞万提斯·萨维德拉[Mǐ gé ěr · dé · Sāi wàn tí s...
安提培 那·提姆 亚提 斯克提·麦克格拉夫 安克提 肖恩·科斯提根 提布斯 麦克纳提 安迪·提蒙斯 提姆卡 雷欧提斯 提雅斯 赛伦提默 萨茹阿斯瓦提 布根提诺 吉提马特 小提瑟 科斯提根 欧提斯哈里斯 安东·马提欧 提芬妮 波伊提尔 西提斯贝 泽斯廷提 萨提科伊 沃伦·比提 巴沙扎·盖提 马尼提 提摩西·赖瑞 阿提娅约 达斯提弗赖伊 范提 劳伦斯·缪提 提摩西·达顿 提泰妮娅 提姆兰汉 约瑟夫·普拉提 亚提娜 波提加 威尔康提 和瓦尔瑞·马提诺夫 约翰·帕提 提特德 恩提科 迈克那提 提姆·麦克维 最多可提 提伦斯 麦琪·提比斯 布雷提格尼 约翰·托马斯·帕提 雷·提 戴提亚 马提尼克 Mǎtíníkè, [馬提尼克], Martinique (French Caribbean island)
彼拉提斯 Bǐlātísī, Pilates (physical fitness system) (Tw)
考斯提奇 艾提安·洛朗 瓦尔瑞·马提诺夫 柯提斯比 阿提克斯·芬奇 布提拉 斯高提 托勒密·奥利提斯 卡提耶 布伦南提 朱丽亚·阿提娅 大卫提 提斯特 葛提斯堡 伍登·提丝 凯特琳提 华伦比提 梅丽莎·布斯提 提莉桑姆 阿鲁提克 达斯提 阿提拉王 金提 提斯卡 库提 安提贝 提案人 tíànrén, proposer
但提摩西 纳扎·戴提亚 阿提米 提贝里亚斯 克罗斯提尼 艾斯提尔山 阿斯提 巴提斯 耳提面命 ěrtímiànmìng, to give sincere advice (idiom)/to exhort earnestly
罗伯特·欧提兹 圣马提奥 汤米提普 史提文森 巴托洛卡斯提 萨尔马提亚 达尔马提亚 Dáěrmǎtíyà, [達爾馬提亞], Dalmatia, Croatian region on the eastern coast of Adriatic Sea
提姆·布鲁菲 蒙提切罗 克里斯提 提莫西 多·提阿莫·桑切斯特·莫阿里斯 波亚提 斯科提 桑德拉凯提普顿 卡斯帕·提斯 梅格提根 史提夫多 提里恩 拉斯提摩 提姆·莫兰 尼克提 蒙提·派森 卡普提诺 阿奇巴尔德·维奇提 普拉迪亚·欧提兹 提戈 马提诺夫 迪安提 提尔堡 提尔尼 哈提斯堡 米尼提 提米 塞凡提斯 提姆·戴根 摩提斯 伊拉斯提斯·富罗 麦克那提 提单 tídān, [提單], bill of lading
所提 切提 提尼 提尔 Tíěr, [提爾], Tyre (Lebanon)
斯帕尼提 斯克提·汤玛斯·麦克格拉夫 奥提茨 杰克·范伦提 阿瑞提乌姆 凡提 昆丁塔伦提诺 提伯欧 汤米·科斯提根 唐提 比斯提 提西 若热·马提 布莱恩提 斯帕盖提 圣·德维提 坦波提 卡赛提 莱提 迈克尔·马提诺 普拉提斯 Pǔlātísī, see 普拉提[Pǔ lā tí]
艾斯提本 凯伦·韦提尔 马提松 马提撒 提姆布可图 拉斯提·布里吉斯 提克里特 Tíkèlǐtè, Tikrit
希拉·康提 提珀普斯 帕提尔 提波特 提姆·罗斯 史提夫·杰拉德 奥瑞斯提亚 欧斯提安 拉丝普提亚 玛提 安提耶坦 杰西·科斯提根 阿提克 卡普列提 提姆·麦弗雷 特利·提特 埃皮克提 安提戈涅 弗洛伊德·提尔门 约瑟夫·汉拉提 提摩太 tímótài, Timothy
蒙提祖玛 鲍比·欧提兹 丁提 小提米 普罗提亚 格提 阿提克斯·诺伊尔 露易丝提 安提普洛里福提 泰德提 浮士提诺 小提西 泽维尔·柯提斯·史密斯 安提戈都 拉夫尔提 让·巴普提斯 布斯提 博兹佩提 苏里奥提斯 欧普提 丹提摩尔 艾伯特·卡斯提罗 斯提詹 卡提娅·戴瑞沃克 拉斐提 艾米特·提尔 科马提 杰克·拉斐提 提姆图斯·凯普斯 范伦提诺 史提夫·利维 德斯提尼
并 ⇒
并 bìng, [並]/[併]/[竝], and/furthermore/also/together with/(not) at all/simultaneously/to combine/to joi...
并且 bìngqiě, [並且], and/besides/moreover/furthermore/in addition
并非 bìngfēi, [並非], really isn't
合并 hébìng, [合並]/[合併], variant of 合併|合并[hé bìng], to merge/to annex
并非如此 并肩 bìngjiān, [並肩], alongside/shoulder to shoulder/side by side/abreast
并发症 bìngfāzhèng, [併發症], complications (undesired side-effect of medical procedure)
并肩作战 并不 bìngbù, [並不], not at all/emphatically not
相提并论 xiāngtíbìnglùn, [相提並論], to discuss two disparate things together (idiom); to mention on equal terms/to p...
并购 bìnggòu, [併購], merger and acquisition (M and A)/acquisition/to take over
吞并 tūnbìng, [吞併], to annex
一并 yībìng, [一並]/[一併], variant of 一併|一并, to lump together/to treat along with all the others, to lump t...
并未 并排 bìngpái, [並排], side by side/abreast
并存 bìngcún, [並存], to exist at the same time/to coexist
兼并 jiānbìng, [兼併], to annex/to take over/to acquire
并列 bìngliè, [並列], to stand side by side/to be juxtaposed
并驾齐驱 bìngjiàqíqū, [並駕齊驅], to run neck and neck/to keep pace with/to keep abreast of/on a par with one anot...
并入 bìngrù, [並入]/[併入], to merge into/to incorporate in, to merge into/to incorporate in
齐头并进 qítóubìngjìn, [齊頭並進], to go forward together (idiom); to undertake simultaneous tasks/going hand in ha...
并非易事 并行 bìngxíng, [並行], to proceed in parallel/side by side (of two processes, developments, thoughts et...
并发 bìngfā, [併發], to be complicated by/to erupt simultaneously
并用 并购案 并重 bìngzhòng, [並重], to lay equal stress on/to pay equal attention to
并拢 火并 并进 bìngjìn, [並進], to advance together
声情并茂 shēngqíngbìngmào, [聲情並茂], (of a singer etc) excellent in voice and expression (idiom)
并吞 bìngtūn, [併吞], to swallow up/to annex/to merge
并称 bìngchēng, [並稱], joint name/combined name
归并 guībìng, [歸併], to put together/to add/to merge
携手并肩 xiéshǒubìngjiān, [攜手並肩], hand in hand and shoulder to shoulder
兼容并蓄 购并 并联 bìnglián, [並聯], parallel connection
并行不悖 bìngxíngbùbèi, [並行不悖], to run in parallel without hindrance/not mutually exclusive/two processes can be...
兼容并包 jiānróngbìngbāo, [兼容並包], to include and monopolize many things/all-embracing
论 ⇒
讨论 tǎolùn, [討論], to discuss/to talk over/CL:個|个[gè]
无论 wúlùn, [無論], no matter what or how/regardless of whether...
谈论 tánlùn, [談論], to discuss/to talk about
理论 lǐlùn, [理論], theory/CL:個|个[gè]/to argue/to take notice of
无论如何 wúlùnrúhé, [無論如何], whatever the case/in any event/no matter what/by all possible means
不论 bùlùn, [不論], whatever/no matter what (who, how etc)/regardless of/not to discuss
评论 pínglùn, [評論], to comment on/to discuss/comment/commentary/CL:篇[piān]
结论 jiélùn, [結論], conclusion/verdict/CL:個|个[gè]/to conclude/to reach a verdict
论文 lùnwén, [論文], paper/treatise/thesis/CL:篇[piān]/to discuss a paper or thesis (old)
争论 zhēnglùn, [爭論], to argue/to debate/to contend/argument/contention/controversy/debate/CL:次[cì],場|...
无论是 辩论 biànlùn, [辯論], debate/argument/to argue over/CL:場|场[chǎng],次[cì]
论 Lún/lùn, [論], abbr. for 論語|论语[Lún yǔ], The Analects (of Confucius), opinion/view/theory/doctri...
言论 yánlùn, [言論], expression of opinion/views/remarks/arguments
议论 yìlùn, [議論], to comment/to talk about/to discuss/discussion/CL:個|个[gè]
定论 dìnglùn, [定論], final conclusion/accepted argument
不论是 论坛 lùntán, [論壇], forum (for discussion)
推论 tuīlùn, [推論], to infer/inference/corollary/reasoned conclusion
相提并论 xiāngtíbìnglùn, [相提並論], to discuss two disparate things together (idiom); to mention on equal terms/to p...
评论家 pínglùnjiā, [評論家], critic/reviewer
舆论 yúlùn, [輿論], public opinion
论点 lùndiǎn, [論點], argument/line of reasoning/thesis/point (of discussion)
下结论 无神论 wúshénlùn, [無神論], atheism
论者 长篇大论 讨论会 tǎolùnhuì, [討論會], symposium/discussion forum
论据 lùnjù, [論據], grounds (for an argument)/contention/thesis
另当别论 lìngdāngbiélùn, [另當別論], to treat differently/another cup of tea
评头论足 píngtóulùnzú, [評頭論足], lit. to assess the head and discuss the feet (idiom); minute criticism of a woma...
谬论 miùlùn, [謬論], misconception/fallacy
论证 lùnzhèng, [論證], to prove a point/to expound on/to demonstrate or prove (through argument)/proof
进化论 jìnhuàlùn, [進化論], Darwin's theory of evolution
社论 shèlùn, [社論], editorial (in a newspaper)/CL:篇[piān]
品头论足 pǐntóulùnzú, [品頭論足], lit. to assess the head and discuss the feet (idiom); minute criticism of a woma...
论断 lùnduàn, [論斷], to infer/to judge/inference/judgment/conclusion
就事论事 jiùshìlùnshì, [就事論事], to discuss sth on its own merits/to judge the matter as it stands
争论不休 议论纷纷 yìlùnfēnfēn, [議論紛紛], to discuss spiritedly (idiom)/tongues are wagging
论调 lùndiào, [論調], argument/view (sometimes derogatory)
博弈论 bóyìlùn, [博弈論], game theory
相对论 xiāngduìlùn, [相對論], theory of relativity
悖论 bèilùn, [悖論], paradox (logic)
高谈阔论 gāotánkuòlùn, [高談闊論], to harangue/loud arrogant talk/to spout
理论家 lǐlùnjiā, [理論家], theorist/theoretician
论题 lùntí, [論題], topic
论述 lùnshù, [論述], treatise/discourse/exposition
辩论会 评论员 怀疑论 集合论 jíhélùn, [集合論], set theory (math.)
平心而论 píngxīnérlùn, [平心而論], to be honest, ...
理论课 数论 shùlùn, [數論], number theory (math.)
论战 lùnzhàn, [論戰], to debate/to contend/polemics
论理 lùnlǐ, [論理], normally/as things should be/by rights/to reason things out/logic
论处 量子论 liàngzǐlùn, [量子論], quantum theory (physics)
政论 zhènglùn, [政論], political commentary
论及 lùnjí, [論及], to make reference to/to write about
一概而论 yīgàiérlùn, [一概而論], to lump different matters together (idiom)
高论 gāolùn, [高論], enlightening remarks (honorific)/brilliant views
论资排辈 控制论 kòngzhìlùn, [控制論], control theory (math.)/cybernetics
公论 gōnglùn, [公論], public opinion
决定论 juédìnglùn, [決定論], determinism
方法论 fāngfǎlùn, [方法論], methodology/Discours de la méthode by René Descartes 笛卡兒|笛卡儿[Dí kǎ ér], 1637
宿命论 sùmìnglùn, [宿命論], fatalism/fatalistic
三段论 sānduànlùn, [三段論], syllogism (deduction in logic)
论罪 论争 lùnzhēng, [論爭], argument/debate/controversy
论说 论著 lùnzhù, [論著], treatise/study
符号论 导论 dǎolùn, [導論], introduction
政论家 机械论 资本论 Zīběnlùn, [資本論], Das Kapital (1867) by Karl Marx 卡爾·馬克思|卡尔·马克思[Kǎ ěr · Mǎ kè sī]
本体论 běntǐlùn, [本體論], ontology
认识论 rènshilùn, [認識論], epistemology (in philosophy, the theory of how we know things)
评论界 盖棺论定 gàiguānlùndìng, [蓋棺論定], don't pass judgment on a person's life until the lid is on the coffin (idiom)
论语 Lúnyǔ, [論語], The Analects of Confucius 孔子[Kǒng zǐ]
存在论 概论 gàilùn, [概論], outline/introduction/survey/general discussion
议论声 唯心论 wéixīnlùn, [唯心論], philosophy of idealism, the doctrine that external reality is a product of consc...
立论 lìlùn, [立論], proposition/argument
概率论 gàilǜlùn, [概率論], probability (math.)
量子场论 liàngzǐchǎnglùn, [量子場論], quantum field theory
论说文 争论点 zhēnglùndiǎn, [爭論點], contention
专论 序论 奇谈怪论 qítánguàilùn, [奇談怪論], strange tales and absurd arguments (idiom)/unreasonable remarks
有神论 yǒushénlùn, [有神論], theism (the belief in the existence of God)
论坛会 讲论 jiǎnglùn, [講論], to discuss
论文集 怪论 多元论 duōyuánlùn, [多元論], pluralism, philosophical doctrine that the universe consists of different substa...