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xiāngdéyìzhāng to bring out the best in each other (idiom)
to complement one another well

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Word Compounds

        xiāngxìn, to be convinced (that sth is true)/to believe/to accept sth as true
        zhēnxiàng, the truth about sth/the actual facts
        xiāngdāng, [相當], equivalent to/appropriate/considerably/to a certain extent/fairly/quite
        hùxiāng, each other/mutually/mutual
        Xiāng/xiāng/xiàng, surname Xiang, each other/one another/mutually/fret on the neck of a pipa 琵琶[pí ...
        xiāngchǔ, [相處], to be in contact (with sb)/to associate/to interact/to get along (well, poorly)
        xiāngtóng, identical/same
        xiāngguān, [相關], related/relevant/pertinent/to be interrelated/(statistics) correlation
        xiānghù, each other/mutual
        xiāngfǎn, opposite/contrary
        xiāngài, [相愛], to love each other
        xiàngjī, [相機], camera (abbr. for 照相機|照相机[zhào xiàng jī])/at the opportune moment/as the circums...
        xiāngsì, to resemble/similar/like/resemblance/similarity
        xiāngbǐ, to compare
        xiāngyù, to meet/to encounter/to come across
        xiāngfú, to match/to tally
        shǒuxiàng, prime minister (of Japan or UK etc)
        xiàngpiàn, image/photograph/CL:張|张[zhāng]
        zhàoxiàng, to take a photograph
        zhǎngxiàng, [長相], appearance/looks/profile/countenance
        xiāngduì, [相對], relatively/opposite/to resist/to oppose/relative/vis-a-vis/counterpart
        zhàoxiàngjī, [照相機], camera/CL:個|个[gè],架[jià],部[bù],台[tái],隻|只[zhī]
        xiāngshí, [相識], to get to know each other/acquaintance
        xiāngjiàn, [相見], to see each other/to meet in person
        xiāngqīn, [相親], blind date/arranged interview to evaluate a proposed marriage partner (Taiwan pr...
        xiānglián, [相連], to link/to join/link/connection
        xiāngbàn, to accompany sb/to accompany each other
        xiāngyìng, [相應], to correspond/answering (one another)/to agree (among the part)/corresponding/re...
        xiāngjù, to meet together/to assemble
        xiàngmào, appearance
        guāmùxiāngkàn, to have a whole new level of respect for sb or sth/to sit up and take notice (of...
        liàngxiàng, to strike a pose (Chinese opera)/(fig.) to make a public appearance/to come out ...
        zìxiāngcánshā, [自相殘殺], to massacre one another (idiom); internecine strife
        sìcéngxiāngshí, [似曾相識], déjà vu (the experience of seeing exactly the same situation a second time)/seem...
        xiāngxiàng, to resemble one another/to be alike/similar
        xiāngtíbìnglùn, [相提並論], to discuss two disparate things together (idiom); to mention on equal terms/to p...
        xiānggé, separated by (distance or time etc)
        xiàngcè, [相冊], photo album
        zhēnxiàngdàbái, the whole truth is revealed (idiom); everything becomes clear
        xiāngjìn, close/similar to
        xiāngtōng, interlinked/connected/communicating/in communication/accommodating
        xiāngzhuàng, collision/crash/to crash together/to collide with/to bump into
        xiānghuì, [相會], to meet together
        xiāngchà, to differ/discrepancy between
        zhēnfēngxiāngduì, [針鋒相對], to oppose each other with equal harshness (idiom); tit for tat/measure for measu...
        xiāngtóu, agreeing with one another/congenial
        xiāngchèn, [相稱], to match/to suit/mutually compatible
        zìxiāngmáodùn, to contradict oneself/self-contradictory/inconsistent
        dàxiāngjìngtíng, [大相徑庭], as different as can be (idiom)/poles apart
        xiāngyuē, [相約], to agree (on a meeting place, date etc)/to reach agreement/to make an appointmen...
        xiāngjiàn, [相間], to alternate/to follow one another
        xiāngféng, to meet (by chance)/to come across
仿         xiāngfǎng, similar
        xiāngānwúshì, [相安無事], to live together in harmony
        xiāngyīwéimìng, [相依為命], mutually dependent for life (idiom); to rely upon one another for survival/inter...
        hémùxiāngchǔ, [和睦相處], to live in harmony/to get along with each other
        xiāngbǐzhīxià, by comparison
        xiānghǎo, to be intimate/close friend/paramour
        xiānggān, relevant/to have to do with/coherent (Physics: light etc)
        shíxiàng, [識相], sensitive/tactful
        xīxīxiāngguān, [息息相關], closely bound up (idiom); intimately related
        bùxiāngshàngxià, equally matched/about the same
        xīnxīnxiāngyìn, two hearts beat as one (idiom); a kindred spirit
        dàidàixiāngchuán, [代代相傳], passed on from generation to generation (idiom); to hand down
        xiāngjì, [相繼], in succession/following closely
        xiāngqīnxiāngài, [相親相愛], to be kind and love one another (idiom); bound by deep emotions
        xiāngpū, [相撲], sumo wrestling/also pr. [xiàng pū]
        xiāngdài, to treat
        zhàoxiàngguǎn, [照相館], photo studio
        xiāngzuǒ, to fail to meet each other/to conflict with each other/to be at odds with
        xiàngsheng, [相聲], comic dialogue/sketch/crosstalk
        chūyángxiàng, to make a fool of oneself
        tóngbìngxiānglián, [同病相憐], fellow sufferers empathize with each other (idiom); misery loves company
        tǎnchéngxiāngjiàn, [坦誠相見], to trust one another fully/to treat sb with sincerity
        bīnxiàng, [儐相], attendant of the bride or bridegroom at a wedding
        xiāngchuán, [相傳], to pass on/to hand down/tradition has it that .../according to legend
        xiāngdāngyú, [相當於], equivalent to
        xiāngděng, equal/equally/equivalent
        xiāngjù, distance apart/separated by a given distance
        xiāngsī, to yearn/to pine
        xiāngjiāo, to cross over (e.g. traffic)/to intersect/to make friends
        biànxiàng, [變相], in disguised form/covert
        xiānglín, [相鄰], neighbor/adjacent
        xiāngzhù, to help one another/to come to sb's help
        qígǔxiāngdāng, [旗鼓相當], lit. two armies have equivalent banners and drums (idiom); fig. evenly matched/r...
        shàngxiàng, photogenic/(old) high official
        xiāngduìlùn, [相對論], theory of relativity
        sèxiàng, coloration/hue/sex/sex appeal
        sùbùxiāngshí, [素不相識], to be total strangers (idiom)
        nánbīnxiàng, [男儐相], best man (in a marriage)
        xiāngróng, compatible/consistent/to tolerate (each other)
        yángxiàng, social gaffe or blunder/faux pas/see 出洋相[chū yáng xiàng]
        xiāngzhòng, to find to one's taste/to pick (after looking at)/Taiwan pr. [xiàng zhòng]
        bànxiàng, stage costume
        xiāngxíngjiànchù, [相形見絀], to pale by comparison (idiom)
        zhēngxiāng, [爭相], to fall over each other in their eagerness to...
        xiānghùzuòyòng, to interact/interaction/interplay
        wàixiàng, Foreign Minister
        dānkǒuxiàngshēng, [單口相聲], comic monologue/one-person comic sketch
        dānxiāngsī, [單相思], one-sided lovesickness/unrequited longing
        shìdàixiāngchuán, [世代相傳], passed on from generation to generation (idiom); to hand down
        xiāngsībìng, lovesickness
        pòxiàng, (of facial features) to be marred by a scar etc/to disfigure/to make a fool of o...
        shǒuxiàng, palmistry/features of a palm (in palmistry)
        xiāngdǐ, to balance up/to offset/to counterbalance
        xiāngyī, to be interdependent
        xīngxiàng, astrology and physiognomy
        xiāngguānxìng, [相關性], correlation
        xiāngrúyǐmò, to moisten with spittle (idiom); sharing meager resources/mutual help in humble ...
        duǎnbīngxiāngjiē, lit. short-weaponed soldiery fight one another (idiom); fierce hand-to-hand infa...
        xiálùxiāngféng, [狹路相逢], lit. to meet face to face on a narrow path (idiom)/fig. enemies or rivals meet f...
        píngshuǐxiāngféng, strangers coming together by chance (idiom)
        xiāngsìxìng, resemblance/similarity
        xiāngjiē, to merge with/interlinking/to join with/to interlock
        xiāngquàn, [相勸], to persuade/to exhort/to advise
        kànxiàng, to tell fortune by reading the subject's facial features
        miànxiàng, facial features/appearence/physiognomy
        shǒuwàngxiāngzhù, to keep watch and defend one another (idiom, from Mencius); to join forces to de...
        bīngróngxiāngjiàn, [兵戎相見], to meet on the battlefield (idiom)
        jìngxiāng, [競相], competitive/eagerly/to vie
        chǒuxiàng, [醜相], ugly expression/unsightly manners
        xiānglián, [相聯], to interact/interrelated
        běnxiàng, original form
        guàixiàng, grotesque visage/grimace
        xiāngjiànhènwǎn, [相見恨晚], to regret not having met earlier (idiom); It is nice to meet you finally./It fee...
        huánhuánxiāngkòu, [環環相扣], closely linked with one another/interlocked/to interrelate
        chéngxiàng, the most senior minister of many kingdoms or dynasties (with varying roles)/prim...
        shǎguāxiàngjī, [傻瓜相機], point-and-shoot camera/compact camera
        xuèròuxiānglián, [血肉相連], one's own flesh and blood (idiom); closely related
        fǎnchúnxiāngjī, [反唇相譏], to answer back sarcastically (idiom)/to retort
        hùbùxiāngràng, [互不相讓], neither giving way to the other
        zǎixiàng, prime minister (in feudal China)
        dǐnglìxiāngzhù, We are most grateful for your valuable assistance.
        yuèxiàng, phases of moon, namely: new moon 朔[shuò], first quarter or waxing moon 上弦[shàng ...
        mìngxiàng, horoscope
        xiāngchì, mutual repulsion (e.g. electrostatic)/to repel one another
        xiōngxiàngbìlù, [兇相畢露], show one's ferocious appearance (idiom); the atrocious features revealed/with fa...
        miànmiànxiāngqù, [面面相覷], to look at each other in dismay (idiom)
        xiàoliǎnxiāngyíng, [笑臉相迎], to welcome sb with a smiling face (idiom)
        xiāngfǔxiāngchéng, [相輔相成], to complement one another (idiom)
齿         chúnchǐxiāngyī, [唇齒相依], lit. as close as lips and teeth (idiom); closely related/interdependent
        bēnzǒuxiānggào, to spread the news (idiom)
        xiāngchéng, to multiply (math.)/multiplication
        xiāngdéyìzhāng, to bring out the best in each other (idiom)/to complement one another well
        xiōngxiàng, [兇相], ferocious appearance
        yīmàixiāngchéng, [一脈相承], traceable to the same stock (idiom); of a common origin (of trends, ideas etc)
        xiūqīxiāngguān, [休戚相關], to share the same interests (idiom)/to be closely related/to be in the same boat
        xiāngwàng, to look at one another/to face each other
        xiāngchíbùxià, at a stalemate/deadlocked/in unrelenting mutual opposition
        xiāngjìngrúbīn, [相敬如賓], to treat each other as an honored guest (idiom)/mutual respect between husband a...
        fēngmǎniúbùxiāngjí, [風馬牛不相及], to be completely unrelated to one another (idiom)/irrelevant
        xiàngwèichā, phase difference
        gǔròuxiānglián, [骨肉相連], lit. interrelated as bones and flesh (idiom); inseparably related/closely intert...
        xiāngyìngchéngqù, to set each other off nicely
        liǎnxiàng, [臉相], complexion/looks/appearance of one's face
        tánguānxiāngqìng, [彈冠相慶], lit. to flick dust off sb's cap (idiom); to celebrate an official appointment/to...
        xiāngchí, locked in a stalemate/to confront one another
        xiànggong, lord/master/young gentleman/male prostitute/catamite/mahjong player disqualified...
        dānxiàng, [單相], single phase (elec.)
        xiàngzhǐ, [相紙], photographic paper
        xiāngyí, to be suitable or appropriate
        shuìxiàng, sleeping posture

        dé/de/děi, to obtain/to get/to gain/to catch (a disease)/proper/suitable/proud/contented/to...
        juéde, [覺得], to think/to feel
        jìde, [記得], to remember
        dédào, to get/to obtain/to receive
        zhíde, to be worth/to deserve
        bùdébù, have no choice or option but to/cannot but/have to/can't help it/can't avoid
        huòdé, [獲得], to obtain/to receive/to get
        yíngdé, [贏得], to win/to gain
        Bǐdé, Peter (name)
        qǔdé, to acquire/to get/to obtain
        yīngdé, [應得], to deserve
        xiǎnde, [顯得], to seem/to look/to appear
        dézhī, to find out/to know/to learn about
        défēn, to score
        dǒngde, to understand/to know/to comprehend
        xiǎode, [曉得], to know
        fēiděi, (followed by a verb phrase, then – optionally – 不可, or 不行 etc) must
        déle/déliǎo, all right!/that's enough!, (emphatically, in rhetorical questions) possible
使         shǐde, usable/workable/feasible/doable/to make/to cause
        láidejí, [來得及], there's still time/able to do sth in time
        bùdé, must not/may not/not to be allowed/cannot
        rènde, [認得], to recognize/to remember sth (or sb) on seeing it/to know
        guàibude, no wonder!/so that's why!
        miǎnde, so as not to/so as to avoid
        nándé, [難得], seldom/rare/hard to come by
        déchū, to obtain (results)/to arrive at (a conclusion)
        déyì, proud of oneself/pleased with oneself/complacent
        bùdéliǎo, desperately serious/disastrous/extremely/exceedingly
        déyǐ, able to/so that sb can/enabling/in order to/finally in a position to/with sth in...
        déchěng, to prevail/to have one's way/to get away with it
        láide, [來得], to emerge (from a comparison)/to come out as/to be competent or equal to
        dézhǔ, recipient (of an award)/winner (in a competition)
        dézuì/dézui, to commit an offense/to violate the law/excuse me! (formal)/see also 得罪[dé zui],...
        lǎndé, [懶得], not to feel like (doing sth)/disinclined to
        kàndéjiàn, [看得見], can see/visible
        bùdéyǐ, to act against one's will/to have no alternative but to/to have to/to have no ch...
        xíngdetōng, practicable/realizable/will work
        déjiù, to be saved
        détǐ, [得體], appropriate to the occasion/fitting
        hènbude, wishing one could do sth/to hate to be unable/itching to do sth
        shòudeliǎo, to put up with/to endure
        débùdào, cannot get/cannot obtain
        shěbude, [捨不得], to hate to do sth/to hate to part with/to begrudge
        débìng, to fall ill/to contract a disease
        huòdézhě, [獲得者], recipient
        hédelái, [合得來], to get along well/compatible/also written 和得來|和得来[hé de lái]
        tiānxiǎode, [天曉得], Heaven knows!
        délì, able/capable/competent/efficient
        duódé, [奪得], to take (after a struggle)/to wrest/to seize/to capture/to win (a trophy)
        bābude, (coll.) to be eager for/to long for/to look forward to
        jiànbudérén, [見不得人], shameful
        suǒdé, what one acquires/one's gains
        bódé, to win/to gain
        dédàng, [得當], appropriate/suitable
        qiúzhībùdé, lit. seek but fail to get (idiom); fig. exactly what one’s been looking for
        chēngdeshàng, [稱得上], can be counted as
        pòbùdéyǐ, to have no alternative (idiom); compelled by circumstances/forced into sth
        xìndeguò, [信得過], trustworthy/reliable
        décùnjìnchǐ, [得寸進尺], lit. win an inch, want a foot (idiom); fig. not satisfied with small gains/give ...
        shěde, [捨得], to be willing to part with sth
        déshǒu, to go smoothly/to come off/to succeed
        déyì, to derive benefit
        guòdéqù, [過得去], lit. can pass through (an opening)/fig. can get by (in life)/tolerably well/not ...
        rúyúdéshuǐ, [如魚得水], like a fish back in water (idiom); glad to be back in one's proper surroundings
        Dékèsàsī, [得克薩斯], Texas, US state
        kàodezhù, reliable/trustworthy
        bùjiànde, [不見得], not necessarily/not likely
        duìdeqǐ, [對得起], not to let sb down/to treat sb fairly/be worthy of
        zìmíngdéyì, [自鳴得意], to think highly of oneself
        xīnānlǐdé, to have a clear conscience/to have no qualms about sth
        LuódéDǎo, [羅得島], Rhode Island, US state/Rhodes, an island of Greece
        déshèng, [得勝], to triumph over an opponent
        dǎdehuǒrè, [打得火熱], to carry on intimately with (idiom); ardent relationship (esp. between lovers)/b...
        tāndéwúyàn, [貪得無厭], avaricious and insatiable (idiom); greedy and never satisfied
        déshī, gains and losses/success and failure/merits and demerits
        zìdéqílè, [自得其樂], to find amusement in one's own way/to enjoy oneself quietly
        bùdéérzhī, unknown/unable to find out
        déjiǎng, [得獎], to win a prize
        xīndé, what one has learned (through experience, reading etc)/knowledge/insight/underst...
        zhídeyītí, to be worth mentioning
        zhǐdé, to have no alternative but to/to be obliged to
        ShèngBǐdébǎo, [聖彼得堡], Saint Petersburg (city in Russia)
        déxīnyìngshǒu, [得心應手], lit. what the heart wishes, the hand accomplishes (idiom) skilled at the job/ent...
        zǒngděi, [總得], must/have to/be bound to
        yàodé, good/fine
        ShèngBǐdé, [聖彼得], Saint Peter
        shìdéqífǎn, [適得其反], to produce the opposite of the desired result
        Dékèsàsīzhōu, [得克薩斯州], Texas, US state
        DéMéiyīn, Des Moines, capital of Iowa
        shěngde, to avoid/so as to save (money or time)
        déyìyángyáng, joyfully satisfied/to be immensely proud of oneself/proudly/an air of complacenc...
        Huòhuádé, [霍華得], Howard (name)
        jīngdeqǐ, [經得起], to be able to withstand/to be able to endure
        gǎndéjí, [趕得及], there is still time (to do sth)/to be able to do sth in time/to be able to make ...
        liǎode, exceptional/outstanding/dreadful/appalling
        BǐdéPān, Peter Pan, the novel character
        qiúdé, to ask for sth and receive it/to try to obtain/to look for and obtain
        chūnfēngdéyì, [春風得意], flushed with success/proud of one's success (in exams, promotion etc)/as pleased...
        shīérfùdé, [失而復得], to lose sth and then regain it (idiom)
        bùkěduōdé, hard to come by/rare
        yángyángdéyì, immensely pleased with oneself (idiom)/proud/complacent
        suǒdéshuì, [所得稅], income tax
        yījǔliǎngdé, [一舉兩得], one move, two gains (idiom); two birds with one stone
        zhēngdé, [爭得], to obtain by an effort/to strive to get sth
        démíng, to get one's name/named (after sth)
        gèdéqísuǒ, each in the correct place/each is provided for
        bùyóude, can't help/cannot but
        chīdexiāo, to be able to endure (exertion, fatigue etc)/to be able to afford
        dézhì, [得誌], to accomplish one's ambition/a dream come true/to enjoy success
        bùdéyǐérwéizhī, [不得已而為之], to have no other choice/to be the last resort
        débùchángshī, [得不償失], the gains do not make up for the losses (idiom)
        déshì, [得勢], to win power/to get authority/to become dominant
        chīdekāi, [吃得開], to be popular/to be getting on well/much in demand
        Lìyǎdé, Riyadh, capital of Saudi Arabia
        kūxiàobùdé, lit. not to know whether to laugh or cry (idiom)/both funny and extremely embarr...
        bùdéyàolǐng, [不得要領], to fail to grasp the main points
        déguòqiěguò, [得過且過], satisfied just to get through (idiom); to muddle through/without high ambitions,...
        gùbude, [顧不得], unable to change sth/unable to deal with
        yíránzìdé, happy and content (idiom)
        dékòng, to have leisure time
        bǎisībùdéqíjiě, see 百思不解[bǎi sī bù jiě]
        gòudé, [購得], to purchase/to acquire
        Fódéjiǎo, Cape Verde
        Zhàdé, Chad
        déxī, to learn about/to be informed
        bìděi, must/have to
        huàndéhuànshī, to worry about personal gains and losses
        xiǎngdekāi, [想得開], to not take to heart/to be free of worried thoughts/to adopt a lighthearted pers...
        yàobude, intolerable/unacceptable
        bùdérénxīn, not to enjoy popular support/to be unpopular
        suànbùdé, not count as
        yángyángzìdé, immensely pleased with oneself (idiom)/proud/complacent
        kuīde, [虧得], fortunately/luckily/(sarcastic) fancy that, how fortunate!
        déyìménshēng, [得意門生], favorite pupil
        YàdélǐyàHǎi, [亞得里亞海], Adriatic Sea
        kàndeqǐ, to show respect for/to think highly of
        qíkāidéshèng, [旗開得勝], lit. to win a victory on raising the flag (idiom); fig. to start on sth and have...
        fàndezháo, [犯得著], worthwhile (often in rhetorical questions, implying not worthwhile)/also written...
        duōláoduōdé, [多勞多得], work more and get more
        zhēngdé, to obtain (permission etc)
        huòdéxìng, [獲得性], acquired (i.e. not inborn)
        jìdélìyì, vested interest
        huádelái, [划得來], worth it/it pays to
        xiāngdéyìzhāng, to bring out the best in each other (idiom)/to complement one another well
        rèdekuài, [熱得快], immersion heater/electric heater for liquid
        détiāndúhòu, [得天獨厚], blessed by heaven (idiom)/enjoying exceptional advantages/favored by nature
        yǐndé, index (loanword)
        Déróng, [得榮], Dêrong county (Tibetan: sde rong rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture ...
        déchǒng, [得寵], to be a favorite/favor
        défǎ, (doing sth) in the right way/suitable/properly
        zěnmedéliǎo, [怎麼得了], how can this be?/what's to be done?/what an awful mess!
        jìnshuǐlóutáixiāndéyuè, [近水樓臺先得月], the pavilion closest to the water enjoys moonlight first (idiom)/to benefit from...
        láibudé, [來不得], cannot allow (to be present)/cannot admit
        zìdé, contented/pleased with one's position
        shǔdezháo, [數得著], to be considered as outstanding or special/to be reckoned with/notable
        zhǎngde, [長得], to look (pretty, the same etc)
        bùdéjìn, [不得勁], awkward/unhandy/be indisposed/not feel well
        Méngdéwéidìyà, [蒙得維的亞], Montevideo, capital of Uruguay
        biànde, [變得], to become
        déshù, [得數], (math.) numerical answer/solution

        lìyì, benefit/(in sb's) interest/CL:個|个[gè]
        yǒuyì, useful/beneficial/profitable
        shòuyì, to benefit from/profit
        shōuyì, earnings/profit
        quányì, [權益], rights/interests/rights and benefits
        rìyì, day by day/more and more/increasingly/more and more with each passing day
        gōngyì, public good/public welfare
        yìchu, [益處], benefit
        Yì/yì, surname Yi, benefit/profit/advantage/beneficial/to increase/to add/all the more
        déyì, to derive benefit
        huòyì, [獲益], to profit from sth/to get benefit
        wúyì, [無益], no good/not good for/not beneficial
        liángshīyìyǒu, [良師益友], good teacher and helpful friend (idiom); mentor
        shòuyìfěiqiǎn, [受益匪淺], to benefit (from)
        xiàoyì, benefit/effectiveness/efficiency
        duōduōyìshàn, the more the better
        lǎodāngyìzhuàng, [老當益壯], old but vigorous (idiom); hale and hearty despite the years
        yìzhì, to grow the intellect/Alpinia oxyphylla, a type of ginger (Chinese medicine)
广         jísīguǎngyì, [集思廣益], collecting opinions is of wide benefit (idiom); to pool wisdom for mutual benefi...
寿         yánniányìshòu, [延年益壽], to make life longer/to promise longevity/(this product will) extend your life
        jīngyìqiújīng, to perfect sth that is already outstanding (idiom); constantly improving
        yìyǒu, helpful friend/wise companion
        dàyǒubìyì, bringing great benefits (idiom); very useful/of great service/to help greatly/to...
        túláowúyì, [徒勞無益], futile endeavor (idiom)
        bìyì, benefit/advantage/profit/to be a benefit to
        zēngyì, to increase/gain (electronics)/(gaming) buff
        jìdélìyì, vested interest
        xiāngdéyìzhāng, to bring out the best in each other (idiom)/to complement one another well
        shōuyìlǜ, earnings rate/earnings yield (finance)
        yìchóng, [益蟲], beneficial insect

        biǎozhāng, to honor/to commend/to cite (in dispatches)
        zhāng, clear/conspicuous/manifest
        xiāngdéyìzhāng, to bring out the best in each other (idiom)/to complement one another well

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