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Word: freq index 10265
xíngdetōng practicable
will work

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        háng/xíng, row/line/commercial firm/line of business/profession/to rank (first, second etc)...
        jìnxíng, [進行], to advance/to conduct/underway/in progress/to do/to carry out/to carry on/to exe...
        xíngdòng, [行動], operation/action/CL:個|个[gè]/to move about/mobile
        bùxíng, won't do/be out of the question/be no good/not work/not be capable
        xíngwéi, [行為], action/conduct/behavior/activity
        yínháng, [銀行], bank/CL:家[jiā],個|个[gè]
        lǚxíng, to travel/journey/trip/CL:趟[tàng],次[cì],個|个[gè]
        zhíxíng, [執行], to implement/to carry out/to execute/to run
        jǔxíng, [舉行], to hold (a meeting, ceremony etc)
        fēixíng, [飛行], (of planes etc) to fly/flying/flight/aviation
        xíngli, luggage/CL:件[jiàn]
        liúxíng, (of a contagious disease etc) to spread/to propagate/(of a style of clothing, so...
        zìxíngchē, [自行車], bicycle/bike/CL:輛|辆[liàng]
        xíngshì, to execute/to handle/behavior/action/conduct
        fēixíngyuán, [飛行員], pilot/aviator
        zuìxíng, crime/offense
        yóuxíng, [遊行], march/parade/demonstration
        hángyè, [行業], industry/business
        xíngxīng, planet/CL:顆|颗[kē]
        yùnxíng, [運行], to move along one's course (of celestial bodies etc)/(fig.) to function/to be in...
        xíngzōng, [行蹤], whereabouts/(lose) track (of)
        xíngbutōng, won't work/will get (you) nowhere
        xíngchéng, journey/course of a journey/distance traveled/trajectory/itinerary/route/course ...
        fāxíng, [發行], to publish/to issue (stocks, currency etc)/to release/to distribute (a film)
        tōngxíngzhèng, [通行證], a pass (authority to enter)/a laissez-passer or safe conduct
        bùxíng, to go on foot/to walk
        lǚxíng, to fulfill (one's obligations)/to carry out (a task)/to implement (an agreement)...
        xíngzhèng, administrative/executive (attributive)
        qiángxíng, [強行], to do sth by force
        hángxíng, to sail/to fly/to navigate
        xìngxíngwéi, [性行為], sexual behavior
        xíngshǐ, [行駛], to travel along a route (of vehicles etc)
        kěxíng, feasible
        xíngzǒu, to walk
        shíxíng, [實行], to implement/to carry out/to put into practice
        tóngháng/tóngxíng, person of the same profession/of the same trade, occupation or industry, to jour...
        rénxíngdào, sidewalk
        hángtóu/xíngtou, [行頭], team leader (archaic)/shopkeeper (archaic), a person's clothing/outfit/actor's c...
        lǚxíngzhě, traveler
        píngxíng, parallel/of equal rank/simultaneous
        qiánxíng, (literary) to go forward
        xíngzhě, pedestrian/walker/itinerant monk
        xíngjìn, [行進], to advance/forward motion
        lìxíng, routine (task, procedure etc)/as usual
        zìxíng, voluntary/autonomous/by oneself/self-
        xíngdetōng, practicable/realizable/will work
        hángliè, ranks/procession
使         xíngshǐ, to exercise (a right etc)
        xínglixiāng, suitcase/baggage compartment/overhead bin/(car) trunk/boot
        hángjiā, connoisseur/expert/veteran
        xíngxiōng, [行兇], violent crime/to commit a violent act (assault or murder)
        tōngxíng, to go through/to pass through/to be in general use
贿         xínghuì, [行賄], to bribe/to give bribes
        xíngxíng, to carry out a (death) sentence/execution
        yínhángjiā, [銀行家], banker
        yánxíng, words and actions/what one says and what one does
        xíngyī, [行醫], to practice medicine (esp. in private practice)
        xíngjìng, [行徑], path/conduct/behavior
        lìxínggōngshì, routine business/usual practice/mere formality
        chūxíng, to go out somewhere (relatively short trip)/to set off on a journey (longer trip...
        páihángbǎng, the charts (of best-sellers)/table of ranking
        hángdang, [行當], profession/role (acting)
        wàiháng, layman/amateur
        déxíng/déxing, morality and conduct/Taiwan pr. [dé xìng], variant of 德性[dé xing]
        bàoxíng, savage act/outrage/atrocity
        xínghǎo, to be charitable/to do a good deed
        xíngjūn, [行軍], a march (army)/to march
        zàiháng, to be adept at sth/to be an expert in a trade or profession
        xíngrén, pedestrian/traveler on foot/passer-by/official responsible for arranging audienc...
        huáxíng, to slide/to coast/to glide/(of an aircraft) to taxi
        lǚxíngshè, travel agency
        páxíng, to crawl/to creep
        xiānxíng, to precede others/in advance
        xiūxíng, to devote oneself to spiritual development (esp. Buddhism or Daoism)/to devote o...
        héngxíng, [橫行], to go on the rampage/to riot/to run amuck
        xínglǐ, [行禮], to salute/to make one's salutations
        xiànxíng, [現行], to be in effect/in force/current
        yuǎnxíng, [遠行], a long journey/far from home
        shīxíng, to put in place/to put into practice/to take effect
        fēnháng, branch of bank or store/subsidiary bank
穿         chuānxíng, to go through/to bore through/to push one's way through
        pǐnxíng, behavior/moral conduct
        shèngxíng, to be in vogue/to be prevalent
        xíngshàn, to do good works/to be merciful
        hángqíng, market price/quotation of market price/the current market situation
        xíngchē, [行車], to drive a vehicle/movement of vehicles
        xiǎoxíngxīng, asteroid/minor planet
        běnháng, one's line/one's own profession
        yīyìgūxíng, obstinately clinging to one's course (idiom)/willful/one's own way/dogmatic
        sānsīérhòuxíng, [三思而後行], think again and again before acting (idiom); consider carefully in advance
        xíngpiàn, [行騙], to cheat/to deceive
        wǒxíngwǒsù, to continue in one's own way (idiom)
        sòngxíng, to see someone off/to throw someone a send-off party
        hánghuà, [行話], jargon/language of the trade
        tèlìdúxíng, [特立獨行], to be unconventional/independence of action
        suíxíng, [隨行], to accompany
        èxíng, [惡行], evil or wicked conduct
        nèiháng, [內行], expert/adept/experienced/an expert/a professional
        gǎiháng, to change profession
        tuīxíng, to put into effect/to carry out
        xíngzhuāng, [行裝], clothes and other items packed for traveling/baggage/luggage
        yīxíng, party/delegation
        dúxíngxiá, [獨行俠], loner/single person/bachelor
        kěxíngxìng, feasibility
        jìnxíngqǔ, [進行曲], march (musical)
        shéxíng, to creep/to zigzag/to meander/to weave
        dānxíngdào, [單行道], one-way street
        lìngxíng, (to do sth) separately/as a separate action
        páiháng, to rank/ranking/seniority (among siblings)
        liúxíngbìng, epidemic disease
        fàngxíng, to let pass
        dǒngháng, to know the ropes
        ràoxíng, [繞行], detour/long way around
        zhuǎnháng, [轉行], to change profession
        xínglidài, travel bag
        chēháng/chēxíng, [車行], car-related business/car dealership/taxi company/(commercial) garage, traffic/to...
        shàngxíng, (of trains) up (i.e. towards the capital)/(of river boats) to go against the cur...
        nìxíng, to go the wrong way/to go against one-way traffic regulation
        páxíngdòngwù, [爬行動物], reptile
        fèngxíng, to pursue (a course, a policy)
        shísìhángshī, [十四行詩], sonnet
        xíngcì, to assassinate/to commit a murder
        liúxíngyǔ, [流行語], popular jargon/catchword
        xíngzhīyǒuxiào, to be effective (idiom)
        xiàxíng, (of trains) down (i.e. away from the capital)/(of river boats) to travel downstr...
        xíngzhèngbùmén, [行政部門], administrative department/administration/executive (government branch)
        xíngnáng, traveling bag/luggage
        tiānmǎxíngkōng, [天馬行空], like a heavenly steed, soaring across the skies (idiom)/(of writing, calligraphy...
        chéngxíng, to embark on a journey
        xíngjì, [行跡], tracks/traces/movements
        liúxíngxìng, (of a disease) epidemic/qualities that make sth popular or fashionable
        huòbùdānxíng, [禍不單行], misfortune does not come singly (idiom)/it never rains but it pours
        yínhángyè, [銀行業], banking
        bìngxíng, [並行], to proceed in parallel/side by side (of two processes, developments, thoughts et...
        fāxíngrén, [發行人], publisher/issuer
        xíngxiāo, [行銷], to sell/marketing
        zhīháng, subbranch of a bank
        gèhánggèyè, [各行各業], every trade/all professions/all walks of life
        hángzhǎng, [行長], bank president
        rénxínghéngdào, [人行橫道], pedestrian crossing
        lǚxíngdài, travel bag
        shìzàibìxíng, [勢在必行], circumstances require action (idiom); absolutely necessary/imperative
        bùxíngjiē, car-free zone/pedestrian street
        xíngyúnliúshuǐ, [行雲流水], lit. moving clouds and flowing water (idiom)/fig. very natural and flowing style...
        fǎnqídàoérxíngzhī, to do the very opposite/to act in a diametrically opposite way
        bùxūcǐxíng, [不虛此行], the trip has not been made in vain/the trip has been well worthwhile/it's been a...
        cùnbùnánxíng, [寸步難行], unable to move a single step (idiom)/to be in an (extremely) difficult situation
        xíngzhèngqū, [行政區], administrative district
        zìlǐhángjiān, [字裡行間], between the words and the lines (idiom); implied meaning/connotations
        fēngxíng, [風行], to become fashionable/to catch on/to be popular
        zūnxíng, to follow/to obey/compliance
        ShìjièYínháng, [世界銀行], World Bank
        lǚxíngtuán, [旅行團], tour group
        dúduànzhuānxíng, [獨斷專行], to decide and act alone (idiom); to take arbitrary action/a law unto oneself
        Shuǐxíngxiá, [水行俠], Aquaman, DC comic book superhero (Tw)
        dàxíngqídào, rampant/very popular
        yīshízhùxíng, clothing, food, housing and transport (idiom); people's basic needs
        yīyányīxíng, every word and action (idiom)
        xíngsècōngcōng, hurried/in a haste
        shēntǐlìxíng, [身體力行], to practice what one preaches (idiom)
        shāngháng, trading company
        zìxíngqíshì, to act as one thinks fit/to have one's own way
        mànxíng, to walk slowly
        xíngjiāng, [行將], ready to start on sth/about to act
        xíngqǐ, to beg/to ask for alms
        xínggōng, [行宮], temporary imperial residence
        yìnxíng, to print and distribute/to publish
线         píngxíngxiàn, [平行線], parallel lines
        xínglijià, luggage rack
        xíngjīng, [行經], to pass by/menstruation
        línxíng, [臨行], on leaving/on the point of departure
        xiànxíngfàn, [現行犯], criminal caught red-handed
        xíngjūnchuáng, [行軍床], camp bed/bivouac
        cíxíng, [辭行], to say goodbye/leave-taking/farewells
        kǔxíng, ascetic practice
        héngxíngbàdào, [橫行霸道], to oppress/to rule as a despot/to tyrannize
        hángshāng, traveling salesman/itinerant trader/hawker/peddler
        qièshíkěxíng, [切實可行], feasible
        hángjiālǐshǒu, [行家裡手], connoisseur/expert
        jiànxíng, [餞行], to give a farewell dinner
        shìxíng, [試行], to try out/to test
        liànglìérxíng, to assess one's capabilities and act accordingly (idiom); to act within one's co...
        léilìfēngxíng, [雷厲風行], pass like thunder and move like the wind (idiom); swift and decisive reaction
        jíxíngjūn, [急行軍], rapid advance/forced march
        shòuxíng, [獸行], brutal act/bestiality
        xínglù, to travel/transport
        xiānxíngzhě, forerunner
        wǔxíng, five phases of Chinese philosophy: wood 木, fire 火, earth 土, metal 金, water 水
        gèxíngqíshì, each one does what he thinks is right (idiom)/each goes his own way
        huáxíngdào, taxiway (at airport)
        yīmùshíháng, ten lines at a glance (idiom)/to read very rapidly
        dàoxíngnìshī, to go against the tide (idiom); to do things all wrong/to try to turn back histo...
        xíngzhèngqūyù, [行政區域], administrative area
        Yāngháng/yāngháng, abbr. for various central banks, notably 中國人民銀行|中国人民银行[Zhōng guó Rén mín Yín hán...
        dānxíng, [單行], to come individually/to treat separately/separate edition/one-way traffic
        zànxíng, [暫行], provisional
        xìngxíng, sexual activity
        Zhōngháng, abbr. for 中國銀行|中国银行[Zhōng guó Yín háng]
        xíngjiǔlìng, to play a drinking game
        xíngchuán, to sail a boat/to navigate
        dānxíngběn, [單行本], single volume edition/offprint
        yánxíngyīzhì, (idiom) one's actions are in keeping with what one says
线         dānxíngxiàn, [單行線], one-way road
        bìngxíngbùbèi, [並行不悖], to run in parallel without hindrance/not mutually exclusive/two processes can be...
        dàixíng, to act as a substitute/to act on sb's behalf
        xíngwén, writing style (formal)/to send an official written communication
        lìngxíngjìnzhǐ, lit. if he orders you go, he forbids you stop (idiom); fig. to demand exact comp...

        dé/de/děi, to obtain/to get/to gain/to catch (a disease)/proper/suitable/proud/contented/to...
        juéde, [覺得], to think/to feel
        jìde, [記得], to remember
        dédào, to get/to obtain/to receive
        zhíde, to be worth/to deserve
        bùdébù, have no choice or option but to/cannot but/have to/can't help it/can't avoid
        huòdé, [獲得], to obtain/to receive/to get
        yíngdé, [贏得], to win/to gain
        Bǐdé, Peter (name)
        qǔdé, to acquire/to get/to obtain
        yīngdé, [應得], to deserve
        xiǎnde, [顯得], to seem/to look/to appear
        dézhī, to find out/to know/to learn about
        défēn, to score
        dǒngde, to understand/to know/to comprehend
        xiǎode, [曉得], to know
        fēiděi, (followed by a verb phrase, then – optionally – 不可, or 不行 etc) must
        déle/déliǎo, all right!/that's enough!, (emphatically, in rhetorical questions) possible
使         shǐde, usable/workable/feasible/doable/to make/to cause
        láidejí, [來得及], there's still time/able to do sth in time
        bùdé, must not/may not/not to be allowed/cannot
        rènde, [認得], to recognize/to remember sth (or sb) on seeing it/to know
        guàibude, no wonder!/so that's why!
        miǎnde, so as not to/so as to avoid
        nándé, [難得], seldom/rare/hard to come by
        déchū, to obtain (results)/to arrive at (a conclusion)
        déyì, proud of oneself/pleased with oneself/complacent
        bùdéliǎo, desperately serious/disastrous/extremely/exceedingly
        déyǐ, able to/so that sb can/enabling/in order to/finally in a position to/with sth in...
        déchěng, to prevail/to have one's way/to get away with it
        láide, [來得], to emerge (from a comparison)/to come out as/to be competent or equal to
        dézhǔ, recipient (of an award)/winner (in a competition)
        dézuì/dézui, to commit an offense/to violate the law/excuse me! (formal)/see also 得罪[dé zui],...
        lǎndé, [懶得], not to feel like (doing sth)/disinclined to
        kàndéjiàn, [看得見], can see/visible
        bùdéyǐ, to act against one's will/to have no alternative but to/to have to/to have no ch...
        xíngdetōng, practicable/realizable/will work
        déjiù, to be saved
        détǐ, [得體], appropriate to the occasion/fitting
        hènbude, wishing one could do sth/to hate to be unable/itching to do sth
        shòudeliǎo, to put up with/to endure
        débùdào, cannot get/cannot obtain
        shěbude, [捨不得], to hate to do sth/to hate to part with/to begrudge
        débìng, to fall ill/to contract a disease
        huòdézhě, [獲得者], recipient
        hédelái, [合得來], to get along well/compatible/also written 和得來|和得来[hé de lái]
        tiānxiǎode, [天曉得], Heaven knows!
        délì, able/capable/competent/efficient
        duódé, [奪得], to take (after a struggle)/to wrest/to seize/to capture/to win (a trophy)
        bābude, (coll.) to be eager for/to long for/to look forward to
        jiànbudérén, [見不得人], shameful
        suǒdé, what one acquires/one's gains
        bódé, to win/to gain
        dédàng, [得當], appropriate/suitable
        qiúzhībùdé, lit. seek but fail to get (idiom); fig. exactly what one’s been looking for
        chēngdeshàng, [稱得上], can be counted as
        pòbùdéyǐ, to have no alternative (idiom); compelled by circumstances/forced into sth
        xìndeguò, [信得過], trustworthy/reliable
        décùnjìnchǐ, [得寸進尺], lit. win an inch, want a foot (idiom); fig. not satisfied with small gains/give ...
        shěde, [捨得], to be willing to part with sth
        déshǒu, to go smoothly/to come off/to succeed
        déyì, to derive benefit
        guòdéqù, [過得去], lit. can pass through (an opening)/fig. can get by (in life)/tolerably well/not ...
        rúyúdéshuǐ, [如魚得水], like a fish back in water (idiom); glad to be back in one's proper surroundings
        Dékèsàsī, [得克薩斯], Texas, US state
        kàodezhù, reliable/trustworthy
        bùjiànde, [不見得], not necessarily/not likely
        duìdeqǐ, [對得起], not to let sb down/to treat sb fairly/be worthy of
        zìmíngdéyì, [自鳴得意], to think highly of oneself
        xīnānlǐdé, to have a clear conscience/to have no qualms about sth
        LuódéDǎo, [羅得島], Rhode Island, US state/Rhodes, an island of Greece
        déshèng, [得勝], to triumph over an opponent
        dǎdehuǒrè, [打得火熱], to carry on intimately with (idiom); ardent relationship (esp. between lovers)/b...
        tāndéwúyàn, [貪得無厭], avaricious and insatiable (idiom); greedy and never satisfied
        déshī, gains and losses/success and failure/merits and demerits
        zìdéqílè, [自得其樂], to find amusement in one's own way/to enjoy oneself quietly
        bùdéérzhī, unknown/unable to find out
        déjiǎng, [得獎], to win a prize
        xīndé, what one has learned (through experience, reading etc)/knowledge/insight/underst...
        zhídeyītí, to be worth mentioning
        zhǐdé, to have no alternative but to/to be obliged to
        ShèngBǐdébǎo, [聖彼得堡], Saint Petersburg (city in Russia)
        déxīnyìngshǒu, [得心應手], lit. what the heart wishes, the hand accomplishes (idiom) skilled at the job/ent...
        zǒngděi, [總得], must/have to/be bound to
        yàodé, good/fine
        ShèngBǐdé, [聖彼得], Saint Peter
        shìdéqífǎn, [適得其反], to produce the opposite of the desired result
        Dékèsàsīzhōu, [得克薩斯州], Texas, US state
        DéMéiyīn, Des Moines, capital of Iowa
        shěngde, to avoid/so as to save (money or time)
        déyìyángyáng, joyfully satisfied/to be immensely proud of oneself/proudly/an air of complacenc...
        Huòhuádé, [霍華得], Howard (name)
        jīngdeqǐ, [經得起], to be able to withstand/to be able to endure
        gǎndéjí, [趕得及], there is still time (to do sth)/to be able to do sth in time/to be able to make ...
        liǎode, exceptional/outstanding/dreadful/appalling
        BǐdéPān, Peter Pan, the novel character
        qiúdé, to ask for sth and receive it/to try to obtain/to look for and obtain
        chūnfēngdéyì, [春風得意], flushed with success/proud of one's success (in exams, promotion etc)/as pleased...
        shīérfùdé, [失而復得], to lose sth and then regain it (idiom)
        bùkěduōdé, hard to come by/rare
        yángyángdéyì, immensely pleased with oneself (idiom)/proud/complacent
        suǒdéshuì, [所得稅], income tax
        yījǔliǎngdé, [一舉兩得], one move, two gains (idiom); two birds with one stone
        zhēngdé, [爭得], to obtain by an effort/to strive to get sth
        démíng, to get one's name/named (after sth)
        gèdéqísuǒ, each in the correct place/each is provided for
        bùyóude, can't help/cannot but
        chīdexiāo, to be able to endure (exertion, fatigue etc)/to be able to afford
        dézhì, [得誌], to accomplish one's ambition/a dream come true/to enjoy success
        bùdéyǐérwéizhī, [不得已而為之], to have no other choice/to be the last resort
        débùchángshī, [得不償失], the gains do not make up for the losses (idiom)
        déshì, [得勢], to win power/to get authority/to become dominant
        chīdekāi, [吃得開], to be popular/to be getting on well/much in demand
        Lìyǎdé, Riyadh, capital of Saudi Arabia
        kūxiàobùdé, lit. not to know whether to laugh or cry (idiom)/both funny and extremely embarr...
        bùdéyàolǐng, [不得要領], to fail to grasp the main points
        déguòqiěguò, [得過且過], satisfied just to get through (idiom); to muddle through/without high ambitions,...
        gùbude, [顧不得], unable to change sth/unable to deal with
        yíránzìdé, happy and content (idiom)
        dékòng, to have leisure time
        bǎisībùdéqíjiě, see 百思不解[bǎi sī bù jiě]
        gòudé, [購得], to purchase/to acquire
        Fódéjiǎo, Cape Verde
        Zhàdé, Chad
        déxī, to learn about/to be informed
        bìděi, must/have to
        huàndéhuànshī, to worry about personal gains and losses
        xiǎngdekāi, [想得開], to not take to heart/to be free of worried thoughts/to adopt a lighthearted pers...
        yàobude, intolerable/unacceptable
        bùdérénxīn, not to enjoy popular support/to be unpopular
        suànbùdé, not count as
        yángyángzìdé, immensely pleased with oneself (idiom)/proud/complacent
        kuīde, [虧得], fortunately/luckily/(sarcastic) fancy that, how fortunate!
        déyìménshēng, [得意門生], favorite pupil
        YàdélǐyàHǎi, [亞得里亞海], Adriatic Sea
        kàndeqǐ, to show respect for/to think highly of
        qíkāidéshèng, [旗開得勝], lit. to win a victory on raising the flag (idiom); fig. to start on sth and have...
        fàndezháo, [犯得著], worthwhile (often in rhetorical questions, implying not worthwhile)/also written...
        duōláoduōdé, [多勞多得], work more and get more
        zhēngdé, to obtain (permission etc)
        huòdéxìng, [獲得性], acquired (i.e. not inborn)
        jìdélìyì, vested interest
        huádelái, [划得來], worth it/it pays to
        xiāngdéyìzhāng, to bring out the best in each other (idiom)/to complement one another well
        rèdekuài, [熱得快], immersion heater/electric heater for liquid
        détiāndúhòu, [得天獨厚], blessed by heaven (idiom)/enjoying exceptional advantages/favored by nature
        yǐndé, index (loanword)
        Déróng, [得榮], Dêrong county (Tibetan: sde rong rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture ...
        déchǒng, [得寵], to be a favorite/favor
        défǎ, (doing sth) in the right way/suitable/properly
        zěnmedéliǎo, [怎麼得了], how can this be?/what's to be done?/what an awful mess!
        jìnshuǐlóutáixiāndéyuè, [近水樓臺先得月], the pavilion closest to the water enjoys moonlight first (idiom)/to benefit from...
        láibudé, [來不得], cannot allow (to be present)/cannot admit
        zìdé, contented/pleased with one's position
        shǔdezháo, [數得著], to be considered as outstanding or special/to be reckoned with/notable
        zhǎngde, [長得], to look (pretty, the same etc)
        bùdéjìn, [不得勁], awkward/unhandy/be indisposed/not feel well
        Méngdéwéidìyà, [蒙得維的亞], Montevideo, capital of Uruguay
        biànde, [變得], to become
        déshù, [得數], (math.) numerical answer/solution

        tōngguò, [通過], by means of/through/via/to pass through/to get through/to adopt/to pass (a bill ...
        tōngzhī, to notify/to inform/notice/notification/CL:個|个[gè]
        tōng/tòng, to go through/to know well/(suffix) expert/to connect/to communicate/open/to cle...
        tōngcháng, regular/usual/normal/usually/normally
        pǔtōng, common/ordinary/general/average
        tōnghuà, [通話], to hold a conversation/to talk over the telephone/phone call
        jiāotōng, to be connected/traffic/transportation/communications/liaison
        Tōngdào/tōngdào, Tongdao Dong autonomous county in Huaihua 懷化|怀化[Huái huà], Hunan, (communication...
        tōngxùn, [通訊], communications/news story/dispatch/CL:個|个[gè]
        gōutōng, [溝通], to join/to connect/to link up/to communicate
        jiētōng, to connect/to put through
        pǔtōngrén, ordinary person/private citizen/people/the person in the street
        tōngwǎng, to lead to
        kāitōng/kāitong, [開通], to open up (windows for air, ideas for discussion, transportation routes etc), o...
        tōngxìn, to correspond (by letter etc)/to communicate/communication
        xíngbutōng, won't work/will get (you) nowhere
        tōngxíngzhèng, [通行證], a pass (authority to enter)/a laissez-passer or safe conduct
        tōngxiàng, to lead to
        tōnggào, to announce/to give notice
        kǎtōng, cartoon (loanword)
        tōngjī, [通緝], to order the arrest of sb as criminal/to list as wanted
        bùtōng, to be obstructed/to be blocked up/to be impassable/to make no sense/to be illogi...
        tōngxiāo, all night/throughout the night
        tōngbào, [通報], to inform/to notify/to announce/circular/bulletin/(scientific) journal
        tōngfēng, [通風], airy/ventilation/to ventilate/to disclose information
        jīngtōng, to be proficient in/to master (a subject)
        tōngjiān, [通姦], adultery/to commit adultery
        xíngdetōng, practicable/realizable/will work
        tōngxīnfěn, macaroni
        tōngtōng, all/entire/complete
        tōngxíng, to go through/to pass through/to be in general use
        tōngfēngkǒu, [通風口], air vent/opening for ventilation
        dǎtōng, to open access/to establish contact/to remove a block/to put through (a phone co...
        tōngyòng, to use anywhere, anytime (card, ticket etc)/to be used by everyone (language, te...
        tōngdiànhuà, [通電話], to phone sb up
        yīqiàobùtōng, [一竅不通], lit. doesn't (even) enter a single aperture (of one's head)/I don't understand a...
        tōngjīlìng, [通緝令], order for arrest/wanted circular/wanted poster
        tōngjīfàn, [通緝犯], wanted criminal/fugitive (from the law)
        liútōng, to circulate/to distribute/circulation/distribution
        xiāngtōng, interlinked/connected/communicating/in communication/accommodating
        mǎitōng, [買通], to bribe
        tōngqíngdálǐ, [通情達理], fair and reasonable (idiom); sensible/standing to reason
        chuàntōng, to collude/to collaborate/to gang up
        zuìhòutōngdié, [最後通牒], ultimatum
        tōngxiǎo, [通曉], proficient (in sth)/to understand sth through and through
        chàngtōng, [暢通], unimpeded/free-flowing/straight path/unclogged/move without obstruction
        tōngróng, flexible/to accommodate/to stretch or get around regulations/a short-term loan
        pǔpǔtōngtōng, ordinary/mediocre/nothing special
        tōnghuòpéngzhàng, [通貨膨脹], inflation
        tōngfēngguǎn, [通風管], ventilation duct
        língtōng, [靈通], fast and abundant (news)/clever/effective
        wànshìtōng, [萬事通], jack-of-all-trades/know-it-all
        tōngqì, [通氣], ventilation/aeration/to keep each other informed/to release information
        tōngdiàn, [通電], to set up an electric circuit/to electrify/to switch on/to be connected to an el...
        biàntōng, [變通], pragmatic/flexible/to act differently in different situations/to accommodate to ...
        zhítōng, to lead directly to
        pǔtōnghuà, [普通話], Mandarin (common language)/Putonghua (common speech of the Chinese language)/ord...
        tōngxùnlù, [通訊錄], address book/directory
        tōngguān, [通關], to clear customs/(gaming) to finish (a game, a level, a stage, etc)
        tōngsú, common/everyday/average
        tōngchàng, [通暢], unobstructed/clear
        shūtōng, to unblock/to dredge/to clear the way/to get things flowing/to facilitate/to med...
        tōnghóng, [通紅], very red/red through and through/to blush (deep red)
        tōnglíng, [通靈], to communicate with the spirits/psychic/(ears) sensitive/(information) accurate
        pūtōng, [撲通], (onom.) sound of object falling into water/plop
        liántōng, [連通], to connect/to communicate/to relate/(math.) connected
        tōnglìhézuò, to join forces/to give full cooperation
        tōngxùnyuán, [通訊員], correspondent/reporter/messenger boy
        sītōng, to have secret ties with/to be in covert communication with (the enemy etc)/to e...
        Jiāotōngbù, Ministry of Transport/Transport Department
        tōnghūn, to intermarry
广         shéntōngguǎngdà, [神通廣大], to possess great magical power/to possess remarkable abilities
        tōnglù, thoroughfare/passage/pathway/channel
        hùtōng, to intercommunicate/to interoperate
        cǐlùbùtōng, this road is blocked/fig. This method does not work./Doing this is no good.
        tōngbìng, common problem/common failing
        tōngxùnshè, [通訊社], a news service (e.g. Xinhua)
        jiāotōngfèi, [交通費], transport costs
        tōngchē, [通車], to open to traffic (e.g. new bridge, rail line etc)/(of a locality) to have a tr...
        shuǐxièbùtōng, [水洩不通], lit. not one drop can trickle through (idiom); fig. impenetrable (crowd, traffic...
        tōngqìkǒng, [通氣孔], an airvent/a louvre/airflow orifice
        Liántōng/liántōng, [聯通], China United Telecommunications Corporation/aka China Unicom or Unicom/abbr. for...
        tōngxùnwèixīng, [通訊衛星], communications satellite
        tōngxiāodádàn, [通宵達旦], overnight until daybreak (idiom); all night long/day and night
        shéntōng, remarkable ability/magical power
        guàntōng, [貫通], to link up/to thread together
        tōngdá, [通達], to understand clearly/to be sensible or reasonable/understanding
        tōngzhīdān, [通知單], notification/notice/ticket/receipt
        Dàtōng, Datong district of Huainan city 淮南市[Huái nán shì], Anhui/Datong Hui and Tu auton...
        tōnglì, to cooperate/concerted effort
        bǎishìtōng, knowledgeable person/know all
        chuàntōngyīqì, [串通一氣], to act in collusion (idiom)
        tōnghuò, [通貨], currency/exchange of goods
        tōngxìnwèixīng, [通信衛星], communications satellite
        tōngchēng, [通稱], to be generally referred to (as)/generic term
        tōngmíng, brightly lit
        tōngshùn, [通順], smooth/clear and coherent
        Fùshìtōng, Fujitsu
        tōngshāng, having trading relations (of nations or regions)
        tōngdié, diplomatic note
        Nántōng, Nantong prefecture level city in Jiangsu
        rónghuìguàntōng, [融會貫通], to master the subject via a comprehensive study of surrounding areas
        chùlèipángtōng, [觸類旁通], to comprehend (new things) by analogy
        Wǎngtōng, [網通], China Netcom (CNC), former telecommunication service provider in PRC
        Bèinàtōng, [貝納通], Benetton, clothes company
        sìtōngbādá, [四通八達], roads open in all directions (idiom); accessible from all sides
        hùtōngyǒuwú, [互通有無], mutual exchange of assistance (idiom)/to benefit from each other's strengths and...
        tōngxìndìzhǐ, mail address
        tōngpán, [通盤], across the board/comprehensive/overall/global
        tōngyóu, [通郵], to have postal communications
        tōngzhàng, [通脹], inflation
        quánqiútōng, Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) (telecommunications)
        Tōngzhōu, Tongzhou district east of Beijing, formerly Tong county/Tongzhou county level ci...
        tōngshǐ, narrative history/comprehensive history/a history covering an extended period
        tōngzé, [通則], general rule/general principle
        tōnglì, general rule/standard practice
        tōngtǐ, [通體], (of sb or sth) whole or entire body
        tōngpiào, through ticket
        jiāotōngchē, [交通車], shuttle bus
        Tōnggǔsī, Tungus
        Tōngxiāo, Tongxiao or Tunghsiao town in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miáo lì xiàn], northwest Tai...
        tōngháng, connected by air, sea traffic or service
        cítōngliàng, magnetic flux
        sāntōng, T-joint/T-piece/T-pipe/three links

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