成 ⇒
成 Chéng/chéng, surname Cheng, to succeed/to finish/to complete/to accomplish/to become/to turn ...
成为 chéngwéi, [成為], to become/to turn into
成功 Chénggōng/chénggōng, Chenggong or Chengkung town in Taitung County 臺東縣|台东县[Tái dōng Xiàn], southeast ...
变成 biànchéng, [變成], to change into/to turn into/to become
完成 wánchéng, to complete/to accomplish
造成 zàochéng, to bring about/to create/to cause
成员 chéngyuán, [成員], member
成熟 chéngshú, mature/ripe/to mature/to ripen/Taiwan pr. [chéng shóu]
当成 dàngchéng, [當成], to consider as/to take to be
达成 dáchéng, [達成], to reach (an agreement)/to accomplish
成长 chéngzhǎng, [成長], to mature/to grow/growth
成绩 chéngjì, [成績], achievement/performance records/grades/CL:項|项[xiàng],個|个[gè]
成交 chéngjiāo, to complete a contract/to reach a deal
成就 chéngjiù, accomplishment/success/achievement/CL:個|个[gè]/to achieve (a result)/to create/to...
成年人 chéngniánrén, adult person
赞成 zànchéng, [贊成], to approve/to endorse/(literary) to assist
成立 chénglì, to establish/to set up/to be tenable/to hold water
成人 chéngrén, adult
组成 zǔchéng, [組成], to form/to make up/to constitute
形成 xíngchéng, to form/to take shape
做成 成千上万 chéngqiānshàngwàn, [成千上萬], lit. by the thousands and tens of thousands (idiom); untold numbers/innumerable/...
成果 chéngguǒ, result/achievement/gain/profit/CL:個|个[gè]
成分 chéngfèn, composition/make-up/ingredient/element/component/one's social status/CL:個|个[gè]
分成 fēnchéng, to divide (into)/to split a bonus/to break into/tenths/percentage allotment
构成 gòuchéng, [構成], to constitute/to form/to compose/to make up/to configure (computing)
看成 kànchéng, to regard as
成天 chéngtiān, (coll.) all day long/all the time
扮成 合成 héchéng, to compose/to constitute/compound/synthesis/mixture/synthetic
成年 chéngnián, to grow to adulthood/fully grown/the whole year
成名 chéngmíng, to make one's name/to become famous
成本 chéngběn, (manufacturing, production etc) costs
未成年 wèichéngnián, underage
梦想成真 未成年人 wèichéngniánrén, minor (i.e. person under 18)
长大成人 成像 chéngxiàng, to form an image/imaging
成问题 制成 zhìchéng, [製成], to manufacture/to turn out (a product)
一事无成 yīshìwúchéng, [一事無成], to have achieved nothing/to be a total failure/to get nowhere
促成 cùchéng, to facilitate/to effect
成百上千 chéngbǎishàngqiān, hundreds/a large number/lit. by the hundreds and thousands
成绩单 chéngjìdān, [成績單], school report or transcript
建成 jiànchéng, to establish/to build
结成 jiéchéng, [結成], to form/to forge (alliances etc)
长成 zhǎngchéng, [長成], to grow up
成败 chéngbài, [成敗], success or failure
换成 huànchéng, [換成], to exchange (sth) for (sth else)/to replace with/to convert into
乱成一团 luànchéngyītuán, [亂成一團], in a great mess/chaotic
成效 chéngxiào, effect/result
成家 chéngjiā, to settle down and get married (of a man)/to become a recognized expert
一成不变 yīchéngbùbiàn, [一成不變], nothing much changes (idiom); always the same/stuck in a rut
成见 chéngjiàn, [成見], preconceived idea/bias/prejudice
生成 shēngchéng, to generate/to produce/generated/produced
不成 bùchéng, won't do/unable to/(at the end of a rhetorical question) can that be?
现成 xiànchéng, [現成], ready-made/readily available
成堆 成群 chéngqún, in groups/large numbers of/grouping
提成 tíchéng, to take a percentage
收成 shōuchéng, harvest
成就感 成功率 成全 chéngquán, to help sb accomplish his aim/to help sb succeed/to complete/to make whole/to ro...
打成 铸成 zhùchéng, [鑄成], to cast in metal/(fig.) to forge/to fashion
养成 yǎngchéng, [養成], to cultivate/to raise/to form (a habit)/to acquire
打成一片 dǎchéngyīpiàn, to merge/to integrate/to become as one/to unify together
大功告成 dàgōnggàochéng, successfully accomplished (project or goal)/to be highly successful
赞成票 zànchéngpiào, [贊成票], approval/affirmative vote
泰成 心想事成 xīnxiǎngshìchéng, to have one's wishes come true/wish you the best!
成婚 chénghūn, to get married
成型 chéngxíng, to become shaped/to become formed
成品 chéngpǐn, finished goods/a finished product
成千 chéngqiān, thousands
胸有成竹 xiōngyǒuchéngzhú, to plan in advance (idiom)/a card up one's sleeve/forewarned is forearmed
酿成 niàngchéng, [釀成], to form gradually/to lead to
成份 chéngfèn, composition/make-up/ingredient/element/component/one's social status/same as 成分
成百 顺理成章 shùnlǐchéngzhāng, [順理成章], logical/only to be expected/rational and clearly structured (of text)
事业有成 shìyèyǒuchéng, [事業有成], to be successful in business/professional success
水到渠成 shuǐdàoqúchéng, lit. where water flows, a canal is formed (idiom)/fig. when conditions are right...
成心 chéngxīn, intentional/deliberate/on purpose
成仁 chéngrén, to die for a good cause
编成 biānchéng, [編成], to organize/to put together/to edit
功成名就 gōngchéngmíngjiù, to win success and recognition (idiom)
成衣 chéngyī, ready-made clothes
一举成名 木已成舟 mùyǐchéngzhōu, lit. the timber has been turned into a boat already (idiom)/fig. what is done ca...
落成 luòchéng, to complete a construction project
金日成 JīnRìchéng, Kim Il Sung (1912-1994) Great Leader of North Korea
朴成泰 成龙 ChéngLóng/chénglóng, [成龍], Jackie Chan (1954-), kungfu film and Cantopop star, to succeed in life/to become...
一气呵成 yīqìhēchéng, [一氣呵成], to do something at one go/to flow smoothly
成文 chéngwén, written/statutory
点石成金 diǎnshíchéngjīn, [點石成金], to touch base matter and turn it to gold (idiom); fig. to turn crude writing int...
成吉思汗 Chéngjísīhán, Genghis Khan (1162-1227), founder and ruler of the Mongol Empire
墨守成规 mòshǒuchéngguī, [墨守成規], hidebound by convention (idiom)
成因 chéngyīn, cause/factor/cause of formation
成百万 成群结队 chéngqúnjiéduì, [成群結隊], making up a group, forming a troupe (idiom); in large numbers/as a large crowd
恼羞成怒 nǎoxiūchéngnù, [惱羞成怒], to fly into a rage out of humiliation/to be ashamed into anger (idiom)
速成 sùchéng, crash (course)/accelerated (process)/quick (fix)/instant (success)/to achieve in...
成千上百 组成部分 zǔchéngbùfèn, [組成部分], part/component/ingredient/constituent
坐享其成 zuòxiǎngqíchéng, to reap where one has not sown (idiom)
成亲 chéngqīn, [成親], to get married
成行 chéngxíng, to embark on a journey
成器 chéngqì, to make sth of oneself/to become a person who is worthy of respect
成套 chéngtào, forming a complete set/complementing one another
成活 chénghuó, to survive
成语 chéngyǔ, [成語], Chinese set expression, typically of 4 characters, often alluding to a story or ...
成功者 老成 lǎochéng, mature/experienced/sophisticated
有志者事竟成 yǒuzhìzhěshìjìngchéng, a really determined person will find a solution (idiom); where there's a will, t...
弄巧成拙 nòngqiǎochéngzhuō, to overreach oneself/to try to be clever and end up with egg on one's face
修成 成倍 成泰 半成品 bànchéngpǐn, semi-manufactured goods/semifinished articles/semifinished products
康成旭 自学成才 zìxuéchéngcái, [自學成才], a self-made genius
成真 chéngzhēn, to come true
成才 chéngcái, to make sth of oneself/to become a person who is worthy of respect
众志成城 zhòngzhìchéngchéng, [眾志成城], unity of will is an impregnable stronghold (idiom)
合成纤维 héchéngxiānwéi, [合成纖維], synthetic fiber
作成 成万 成规 chéngguī, [成規], established rules/the beaten track
成宇 成俊 成家立业 chéngjiālìyè, [成家立業], to get married and start a career (idiom)/to settle down/to establish oneself
郑泰成 成贤 集成 jíchéng, integrated (as in integrated circuit)
集成电路 jíchéngdiànlù, [集成電路], integrated circuit/IC
朴成元 马到成功 mǎdàochénggōng, [馬到成功], to win instant success (idiom)
大成 生成器 八成 bāchéng, eighty percent/most probably/most likely
反目成仇 fǎnmùchéngchóu, to become enemies (idiom); to fall out with sb
火成岩 huǒchéngyán, igneous rock (geology)/volcanic rock
平成 Píngchéng, Heisei, Japanese era name, corresponding to the reign (1989-2019) of emperor Aki...
成十 成亿万 速成班 sùchéngbān, intensive course/crash course
成材 chéngcái, to make sth of oneself/to become a person who is worthy of respect/(of a tree) t...
学有所成 成竹在胸 chéngzhúzàixiōng, see 胸有成竹[xiōng yǒu chéng zhú]
成双成 功败垂成 gōngbàichuíchéng, [功敗垂成], to fail within sight of success (idiom); last-minute failure/to fall at the last...
成员国 chéngyuánguó, [成員國], member country
韩成宇 合成器 héchéngqì, synthesizer
成哲 成山 成片 chéngpiàn, (of a large number of things) to form an expanse/to cover an area
成灾 chéngzāi, [成災], disastrous/to turn into a disaster
不成方圆 成色 chéngsè, relative purity of silver or gold/purity in carat weight/quality/fineness
成虫 chéngchóng, [成蟲], imago (adult, sexually mature insect, the final stage of its development)
浑然天成 húnrántiānchéng, [渾然天成], to resemble nature itself/of the highest quality (idiom)
望子成龙 wàngzǐchénglóng, [望子成龍], lit. to hope one's son becomes a dragon (idiom); fig. to long for one' s child t...
泛滥成灾 fànlànchéngzāi, [泛濫成災], lit. to flood (idiom)/fig. rampant/in plague proportions
功成身退 成人式 相映成辉 卓有成效 zhuóyǒuchéngxiào, highly effective/fruitful
成气候 成熟期 成本价 成箱 急于求成 jíyúqiúchéng, [急於求成], anxious for quick results (idiom); to demand instant success/impatient for resul...
成成千上万 成百上千万 一失足成千古恨 yīshīzúchéngqiāngǔhèn, a single slip may cause everlasting sorrow (idiom)
泣不成声 成年累月 chéngniánlěiyuè, year in, year out (idiom)
成册 成名作 chéngmíngzuò, work that makes one's name
总成绩 相辅相成 xiāngfǔxiāngchéng, [相輔相成], to complement one another (idiom)
战成 织成 初见成效 成团 三五成群 sānwǔchéngqún, in groups of three or four (idiom)
成方 成都 Chéngdū, Chengdu subprovincial city and capital of Sichuan province 四川 in southwest China
成鱼 金成一 笑成 金成植 姜成谟 于平成 朴成 成人之美 成贤娥 连成一片 改成 gǎichéng, to convert/to turn into (sth else)/to adapt (a story to another medium)
无心插柳柳成荫 慧成 成上亿 责成 zéchéng, [責成], to give sb a task
约定俗成 yuēdìngsúchéng, [約定俗成], established by popular usage (idiom); common usage agreement/customary conventio...
成千万 上成 大器晚成 dàqìwǎnchéng, lit. it takes a long time to make a big pot (idiom); fig. a great talent matures...
成人版 国成 成批 chéngpī, in batches/in bulk
成数千 收回成命 学成 成城 成吉 成事 成例 成田 Chéngtián, Narita (Japanese surname and place name)
康昌成 成飞 成风 成药 chéngyào, [成藥], patent medicine/medicine already made up
成交额 李成宰 李成哲 形不成 成东勋 朴成顺 金成秀 金成洙 成永佩 合成染料 成几千 数成千上万 梅成 成处男 成天美 成活率 chénghuólǜ, survival rate/rate of success
阴毛留成 成疾 韩成俊 车开成 成几十亿 成成 谈成先 成千成万 chéngqiānchéngwàn, [成千成萬], lit. by the thousands and tens of thousands (idiom); untold numbers/innumerable/...
现成饭 凌成 联成 要弄成 成建制 绿树成荫 lǜshùchéngyìn, [綠樹成蔭], (of an area) to have trees with shade-giving foliage/(of a road) to be tree-line...
成键 道成仙 总成 要改成 成植胜 成桑田 申成禄 在礼成 成萨拉迈 成妮可·基德曼 帅成 成大川 礼成 梁成慈 成万上亿 那成真 成查普曼 易容成 言之成理 成千百万 成人节 成上百 明成高 杭成辉 郑日成 成瑞德 边熙成 聚沙成塔 jùshāchéngtǎ, sand grains accumulate to make a tower a tower (idiom); by gathering small amoun...
包伯·成 门开成 连成 相映成趣 xiāngyìngchéngqù, to set each other off nicely
成数百 张贤成 凝成 成美圆 成文法 chéngwénfǎ, statute
杰叫成 合成橡胶 héchéngxiàngjiāo, [合成橡膠], synthetic rubber
存成 成胜利 成几百亿 斯改成 成交价 chéngjiāojià, [成交價], sale price/negotiated price/price reached in an auction
成金达莱 成基永 成元 成基 孙成 成亚力 成姬 成庶 成尼 赫成 少年老成 shàoniánlǎochéng, accomplished though young/lacking youthful vigor
成瑛 成约 成慈 成淑 成说 chéngshuō, [成說], accepted theory or formulation
李成 成谟 赵成河 马成淑 合成酶 合成词 héchéngcí, [合成詞], compound word
明青成 成交量
行 ⇒
行 háng/xíng, row/line/commercial firm/line of business/profession/to rank (first, second etc)...
进行 jìnxíng, [進行], to advance/to conduct/underway/in progress/to do/to carry out/to carry on/to exe...
行动 xíngdòng, [行動], operation/action/CL:個|个[gè]/to move about/mobile
不行 bùxíng, won't do/be out of the question/be no good/not work/not be capable
行为 xíngwéi, [行為], action/conduct/behavior/activity
银行 yínháng, [銀行], bank/CL:家[jiā],個|个[gè]
旅行 lǚxíng, to travel/journey/trip/CL:趟[tàng],次[cì],個|个[gè]
执行 zhíxíng, [執行], to implement/to carry out/to execute/to run
举行 jǔxíng, [舉行], to hold (a meeting, ceremony etc)
飞行 fēixíng, [飛行], (of planes etc) to fly/flying/flight/aviation
行李 xíngli, luggage/CL:件[jiàn]
流行 liúxíng, (of a contagious disease etc) to spread/to propagate/(of a style of clothing, so...
自行车 zìxíngchē, [自行車], bicycle/bike/CL:輛|辆[liàng]
行事 xíngshì, to execute/to handle/behavior/action/conduct
飞行员 fēixíngyuán, [飛行員], pilot/aviator
罪行 zuìxíng, crime/offense
游行 yóuxíng, [遊行], march/parade/demonstration
行业 hángyè, [行業], industry/business
行星 xíngxīng, planet/CL:顆|颗[kē]
运行 yùnxíng, [運行], to move along one's course (of celestial bodies etc)/(fig.) to function/to be in...
行踪 xíngzōng, [行蹤], whereabouts/(lose) track (of)
行不通 xíngbutōng, won't work/will get (you) nowhere
行程 xíngchéng, journey/course of a journey/distance traveled/trajectory/itinerary/route/course ...
发行 fāxíng, [發行], to publish/to issue (stocks, currency etc)/to release/to distribute (a film)
通行证 tōngxíngzhèng, [通行證], a pass (authority to enter)/a laissez-passer or safe conduct
步行 bùxíng, to go on foot/to walk
履行 lǚxíng, to fulfill (one's obligations)/to carry out (a task)/to implement (an agreement)...
行政 xíngzhèng, administrative/executive (attributive)
强行 qiángxíng, [強行], to do sth by force
航行 hángxíng, to sail/to fly/to navigate
性行为 xìngxíngwéi, [性行為], sexual behavior
行驶 xíngshǐ, [行駛], to travel along a route (of vehicles etc)
可行 kěxíng, feasible
行走 xíngzǒu, to walk
实行 shíxíng, [實行], to implement/to carry out/to put into practice
同行 tóngháng/tóngxíng, person of the same profession/of the same trade, occupation or industry, to jour...
人行道 rénxíngdào, sidewalk
行头 hángtóu/xíngtou, [行頭], team leader (archaic)/shopkeeper (archaic), a person's clothing/outfit/actor's c...
旅行者 lǚxíngzhě, traveler
平行 píngxíng, parallel/of equal rank/simultaneous
前行 qiánxíng, (literary) to go forward
行者 xíngzhě, pedestrian/walker/itinerant monk
行进 xíngjìn, [行進], to advance/forward motion
执行官 例行 lìxíng, routine (task, procedure etc)/as usual
自行 zìxíng, voluntary/autonomous/by oneself/self-
行得通 xíngdetōng, practicable/realizable/will work
行列 hángliè, ranks/procession
行使 xíngshǐ, to exercise (a right etc)
行李箱 xínglixiāng, suitcase/baggage compartment/overhead bin/(car) trunk/boot
行家 hángjiā, connoisseur/expert/veteran
行凶 xíngxiōng, [行兇], violent crime/to commit a violent act (assault or murder)
通行 tōngxíng, to go through/to pass through/to be in general use
行贿 xínghuì, [行賄], to bribe/to give bribes
行刑 xíngxíng, to carry out a (death) sentence/execution
银行家 yínhángjiā, [銀行家], banker
言行 yánxíng, words and actions/what one says and what one does
行医 xíngyī, [行醫], to practice medicine (esp. in private practice)
行径 xíngjìng, [行徑], path/conduct/behavior
例行公事 lìxínggōngshì, routine business/usual practice/mere formality
出行 chūxíng, to go out somewhere (relatively short trip)/to set off on a journey (longer trip...
排行榜 páihángbǎng, the charts (of best-sellers)/table of ranking
行当 hángdang, [行當], profession/role (acting)
外行 wàiháng, layman/amateur
德行 déxíng/déxing, morality and conduct/Taiwan pr. [dé xìng], variant of 德性[dé xing]
暴行 bàoxíng, savage act/outrage/atrocity
行好 xínghǎo, to be charitable/to do a good deed
行军 xíngjūn, [行軍], a march (army)/to march
旅行车 在行 zàiháng, to be adept at sth/to be an expert in a trade or profession
行人 xíngrén, pedestrian/traveler on foot/passer-by/official responsible for arranging audienc...
滑行 huáxíng, to slide/to coast/to glide/(of an aircraft) to taxi
飞行器 旅行社 lǚxíngshè, travel agency
爬行 páxíng, to crawl/to creep
先行 xiānxíng, to precede others/in advance
修行 xiūxíng, to devote oneself to spiritual development (esp. Buddhism or Daoism)/to devote o...
横行 héngxíng, [橫行], to go on the rampage/to riot/to run amuck
行礼 xínglǐ, [行禮], to salute/to make one's salutations
行乐 都行 我行 现行 xiànxíng, [現行], to be in effect/in force/current
远行 yuǎnxíng, [遠行], a long journey/far from home
施行 shīxíng, to put in place/to put into practice/to take effect
分行 fēnháng, branch of bank or store/subsidiary bank
穿行 chuānxíng, to go through/to bore through/to push one's way through
品行 pǐnxíng, behavior/moral conduct
盛行 shèngxíng, to be in vogue/to be prevalent
行善 xíngshàn, to do good works/to be merciful
行情 hángqíng, market price/quotation of market price/the current market situation
飞行物 行车 xíngchē, [行車], to drive a vehicle/movement of vehicles
小行星 xiǎoxíngxīng, asteroid/minor planet
行程表 本行 běnháng, one's line/one's own profession
此行 一意孤行 yīyìgūxíng, obstinately clinging to one's course (idiom)/willful/one's own way/dogmatic
三思而后行 sānsīérhòuxíng, [三思而後行], think again and again before acting (idiom); consider carefully in advance
行骗 xíngpiàn, [行騙], to cheat/to deceive
我行我素 wǒxíngwǒsù, to continue in one's own way (idiom)
送行 sòngxíng, to see someone off/to throw someone a send-off party
行话 hánghuà, [行話], jargon/language of the trade
特立独行 tèlìdúxíng, [特立獨行], to be unconventional/independence of action
随行 suíxíng, [隨行], to accompany
拍卖行 恶行 èxíng, [惡行], evil or wicked conduct
内行 nèiháng, [內行], expert/adept/experienced/an expert/a professional
改行 gǎiháng, to change profession
推行 tuīxíng, to put into effect/to carry out
行装 xíngzhuāng, [行裝], clothes and other items packed for traveling/baggage/luggage
一行 yīxíng, party/delegation
独行侠 dúxíngxiá, [獨行俠], loner/single person/bachelor
可行性 kěxíngxìng, feasibility
进行曲 jìnxíngqǔ, [進行曲], march (musical)
蛇行 shéxíng, to creep/to zigzag/to meander/to weave
单行道 dānxíngdào, [單行道], one-way street
另行 lìngxíng, (to do sth) separately/as a separate action
流行歌曲 排行 páiháng, to rank/ranking/seniority (among siblings)
流行病 liúxíngbìng, epidemic disease
放行 fàngxíng, to let pass
懂行 dǒngháng, to know the ropes
旅行包 行会 绕行 ràoxíng, [繞行], detour/long way around
转行 zhuǎnháng, [轉行], to change profession
行李袋 xínglidài, travel bag
车行 chēháng/chēxíng, [車行], car-related business/car dealership/taxi company/(commercial) garage, traffic/to...
上行 shàngxíng, (of trains) up (i.e. towards the capital)/(of river boats) to go against the cur...
发行量 逆行 nìxíng, to go the wrong way/to go against one-way traffic regulation
执行者 人行 爬行动物 páxíngdòngwù, [爬行動物], reptile
奉行 fèngxíng, to pursue (a course, a policy)
十四行诗 shísìhángshī, [十四行詩], sonnet
行刺 xíngcì, to assassinate/to commit a murder
流行语 liúxíngyǔ, [流行語], popular jargon/catchword
行之有效 xíngzhīyǒuxiào, to be effective (idiom)
下行 xiàxíng, (of trains) down (i.e. away from the capital)/(of river boats) to travel downstr...
行政部门 xíngzhèngbùmén, [行政部門], administrative department/administration/executive (government branch)
行囊 xíngnáng, traveling bag/luggage
旅行家 行李舱 天马行空 tiānmǎxíngkōng, [天馬行空], like a heavenly steed, soaring across the skies (idiom)/(of writing, calligraphy...
成行 chéngxíng, to embark on a journey
该行 行规 行迹 xíngjì, [行跡], tracks/traces/movements
再行 流行性 liúxíngxìng, (of a disease) epidemic/qualities that make sth popular or fashionable
祸不单行 huòbùdānxíng, [禍不單行], misfortune does not come singly (idiom)/it never rains but it pours
银行业 yínhángyè, [銀行業], banking
并行 bìngxíng, [並行], to proceed in parallel/side by side (of two processes, developments, thoughts et...
发行人 fāxíngrén, [發行人], publisher/issuer
行销 xíngxiāo, [行銷], to sell/marketing
支行 zhīháng, subbranch of a bank
电器行 各行各业 gèhánggèyè, [各行各業], every trade/all professions/all walks of life
行长 hángzhǎng, [行長], bank president
人行横道 rénxínghéngdào, [人行橫道], pedestrian crossing
旅行袋 lǚxíngdài, travel bag
势在必行 shìzàibìxíng, [勢在必行], circumstances require action (idiom); absolutely necessary/imperative
步行街 bùxíngjiē, car-free zone/pedestrian street
天行道 行云流水 xíngyúnliúshuǐ, [行雲流水], lit. moving clouds and flowing water (idiom)/fig. very natural and flowing style...
反其道而行之 fǎnqídàoérxíngzhī, to do the very opposite/to act in a diametrically opposite way
不虚此行 bùxūcǐxíng, [不虛此行], the trip has not been made in vain/the trip has been well worthwhile/it's been a...
寸步难行 cùnbùnánxíng, [寸步難行], unable to move a single step (idiom)/to be in an (extremely) difficult situation
行政区 xíngzhèngqū, [行政區], administrative district
总行 大行星 字里行间 zìlǐhángjiān, [字裡行間], between the words and the lines (idiom); implied meaning/connotations
风行 fēngxíng, [風行], to become fashionable/to catch on/to be popular
遵行 zūnxíng, to follow/to obey/compliance
世界银行 ShìjièYínháng, [世界銀行], World Bank
旅行团 lǚxíngtuán, [旅行團], tour group
独断专行 dúduànzhuānxíng, [獨斷專行], to decide and act alone (idiom); to take arbitrary action/a law unto oneself
水行侠 Shuǐxíngxiá, [水行俠], Aquaman, DC comic book superhero (Tw)
大行其道 dàxíngqídào, rampant/very popular
衣食住行 yīshízhùxíng, clothing, food, housing and transport (idiom); people's basic needs
一言一行 yīyányīxíng, every word and action (idiom)
行色匆匆 xíngsècōngcōng, hurried/in a haste
身体力行 shēntǐlìxíng, [身體力行], to practice what one preaches (idiom)
商行 shāngháng, trading company
行车道 流行色 自行其是 zìxíngqíshì, to act as one thinks fit/to have one's own way
太行 慢行 mànxíng, to walk slowly
谨言慎行 苦行僧 行将 xíngjiāng, [行將], ready to start on sth/about to act
行乞 xíngqǐ, to beg/to ask for alms
行宫 xínggōng, [行宮], temporary imperial residence
印行 yìnxíng, to print and distribute/to publish
平行线 píngxíngxiàn, [平行線], parallel lines
行李架 xínglijià, luggage rack
环行 行经 xíngjīng, [行經], to pass by/menstruation
飞行服 临行 línxíng, [臨行], on leaving/on the point of departure
现行犯 xiànxíngfàn, [現行犯], criminal caught red-handed
行军床 xíngjūnchuáng, [行軍床], camp bed/bivouac
辞行 cíxíng, [辭行], to say goodbye/leave-taking/farewells
苦行 kǔxíng, ascetic practice
横行霸道 héngxíngbàdào, [橫行霸道], to oppress/to rule as a despot/to tyrannize
行商 hángshāng, traveling salesman/itinerant trader/hawker/peddler
开行 行李车 飞行日 切实可行 qièshíkěxíng, [切實可行], feasible
行家里手 hángjiālǐshǒu, [行家裡手], connoisseur/expert
饯行 jiànxíng, [餞行], to give a farewell dinner
试行 shìxíng, [試行], to try out/to test
发行部 千里之行始于足下 量力而行 liànglìérxíng, to assess one's capabilities and act accordingly (idiom); to act within one's co...
雷厉风行 léilìfēngxíng, [雷厲風行], pass like thunder and move like the wind (idiom); swift and decisive reaction
横行无忌 急行军 jíxíngjūn, [急行軍], rapid advance/forced march
代理行 非行 畅行无阻 兽行 shòuxíng, [獸行], brutal act/bestiality
行路 xínglù, to travel/transport
先行者 xiānxíngzhě, forerunner
五行 wǔxíng, five phases of Chinese philosophy: wood 木, fire 火, earth 土, metal 金, water 水
行方便 各行其道 言必行 欺行霸市 各行其是 gèxíngqíshì, each one does what he thinks is right (idiom)/each goes his own way
滑行道 huáxíngdào, taxiway (at airport)
一目十行 yīmùshíháng, ten lines at a glance (idiom)/to read very rapidly
让行 真行 倒行逆施 dàoxíngnìshī, to go against the tide (idiom); to do things all wrong/to try to turn back histo...
金行 各行 行政处 关才行 行政区域 xíngzhèngqūyù, [行政區域], administrative area
央行 Yāngháng/yāngháng, abbr. for various central banks, notably 中國人民銀行|中国人民银行[Zhōng guó Rén mín Yín hán...
银行界 单行 dānxíng, [單行], to come individually/to treat separately/separate edition/one-way traffic
外行星 易行 武行 千里之行 行政诉讼 强行军 纪行 暂行 zànxíng, [暫行], provisional
性行 xìngxíng, sexual activity
行健 行道树 空行 步行机 行必果 中行 Zhōngháng, abbr. for 中國銀行|中国银行[Zhōng guó Yín háng]
秽行 行酒令 xíngjiǔlìng, to play a drinking game
行劫 平行面 澳门特别行政区 行色 行船 xíngchuán, to sail a boat/to navigate
行营 单行本 dānxíngběn, [單行本], single volume edition/offprint
言行一致 yánxíngyīzhì, (idiom) one's actions are in keeping with what one says
单行线 dānxíngxiàn, [單行線], one-way road
北行 并行不悖 bìngxíngbùbèi, [並行不悖], to run in parallel without hindrance/not mutually exclusive/two processes can be...
简单易行 行包 运行图 代行 dàixíng, to act as a substitute/to act on sb's behalf
行文 xíngwén, writing style (formal)/to send an official written communication
也行 令行禁止 lìngxíngjìnzhǐ, lit. if he orders you go, he forbids you stop (idiom); fig. to demand exact comp...
银行法 行为人 外行话