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[單行本] dānxíngběn single volume edition

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        jiǎndān, [簡單], simple/not complicated
        Shàn/dān, [單], surname Shan, bill/list/form/single/only/sole/odd number/CL:個|个[gè]
        míngdān, [名單], list of names
        dāndú, [單獨], alone/by oneself/on one's own
        dānshēn, [單身], unmarried/single
        gūdān, [孤單], lone/lonely/loneliness
        qīngdān, [清單], list of items
        dānwèi, [單位], unit (of measure)/unit (group of people as a whole)/work unit (place of employme...
        dānzǐ/dānzi, [單子], the only son of a family/(functional programming or philosophy) monad, list of i...
        zhàngdān, [賬單], bill
        càidān, [菜單], menu/CL:份[fèn],張|张[zhāng]
        dāncí, [單詞], word/CL:個|个[gè]
        chuángdān, [床單], bed sheet/CL:條|条[tiáo],件[jiàn],張|张[zhāng],床[chuáng]
        dānchún, [單純], simple/pure/unsophisticated/merely/purely
        chuándān, [傳單], leaflet/flier/pamphlet
        dānshēnhàn, [單身漢], bachelor/unmarried man
        dìngdān, [訂單], (purchase) order
        dānyuán, [單元], unit (forming an entity)/element/(in a residential building) entrance or stairca...
        dānchē, [單車], (coll.) bike/bicycle (esp. bike-share bicycle)
        dāndān, [單單], only/merely/just
        dāngàn, [單幹], to work on one's own/to work single-handed/individual farming
        dānrén, [單人], one person/single (room, bed etc)
        hēimíngdān, [黑名單], blacklist
        chéngjìdān, [成績單], school report or transcript
        bùdān, [不單], not the only/not merely/not simply
        dāndiào, [單調], monotonous
        bǎodān, [保單], guarantee slip
        dānqīn, [單親], single parent
        dānqiāngpǐmǎ, [單槍匹馬], lit. single spear and horse (idiom); fig. single-handed/unaccompanied
        dānyī, [單一], single/only/sole
        dānchéng, [單程], one-way (ticket)
        bèidān, [被單], (bed) sheet/envelope for a padded coverlet/CL:床[chuáng]
        bǎoxiǎndān, [保險單], insurance policy (document)
        jiǎndānhuà, [簡單化], simplification/to simplify
        dāndǎ, [單打], singles (in sports)/CL:場|场[chǎng]
        dānge, [單個], single/alone/individually/an odd one
        dānxíngdào, [單行道], one-way street
        dānxiàng, [單向], unidirectional
        dānbó, [單薄], weak/frail/thin/flimsy
        dānfāngmiàn, [單方面], unilateral
        dānxìbāo, [單細胞], single-celled (organism)/unicellular
        xíngdānyǐngzhī, [形單影隻], lonely soul/solitary
        dānguǐ, [單軌], monorail
        dānjù, [單據], receipts/invoices/transaction records
        dāntǐ, [單體], monomer
        huòbùdānxíng, [禍不單行], misfortune does not come singly (idiom)/it never rains but it pours
        dānbiān, [單邊], unilateral
        dānshù, [單數], positive odd number (also written 奇數|奇数)/singular (grammar)
        dānkǒuxiàngshēng, [單口相聲], comic monologue/one-person comic sketch
        dìngdān, [定單], variant of 訂單|订单[dìng dān]
        dānxiāngsī, [單相思], one-sided lovesickness/unrequited longing
        dāndāozhírù, [單刀直入], to get straight to the point (idiom)
        dānhuángguǎn, [單簧管], clarinet
        dānxiàng, [單項], single-item
        dāngàng, [單槓], bar/bold line/horizontal bar (gymnastics event)
        dānrénchuáng, [單人床], single bed/CL:張|张[zhāng]
        cúnkuǎndān, [存款單], certificate of deposit
        tōngzhīdān, [通知單], notification/notice/ticket/receipt
        dānsè, [單色], monochrome/monochromatic/black and white
        dānzì, [單字], single Chinese character/word (in a foreign language)
        dānfāng, [單方], unilateral/one-sided/home remedy/folk prescription(same as 丹方)/single-drug presc...
        dānjí, [單極], unipolar/monopole (physics)
        tíhuòdān, [提貨單], bill of lading
        dānjià, [單價], unit price
        píngdān, [憑單], bill of warrant (certificate, allowing one to collect money or valuables)
        dāndāofùhuì, [單刀赴會], lit. to go among enemies with only one's sword (idiom)/fig. to go alone into ene...
        dānyuánfáng, [單元房], apartment
        dānbǎi, [單擺], simple pendulum (physics)
        huídān, [回單], receipt
        nándān, [男單], men's singles (in tennis, badminton etc)
        dānxíng, [單行], to come individually/to treat separately/separate edition/one-way traffic
        dānyǎnpí, [單眼皮], single eyelid
        dānchuán, [單傳], to have only one heir in a generation (of a family, clan etc)/to be learned from...
        dānjī, [單擊], to click (using a mouse or other pointing device)
        dānrì, [單日], on a single day
        shēnbàodān, [申報單], declaration form
        dānníngsuān, [單寧酸], tannic acid (loanword)
        bàodān, [報單], a tax declaration form/a tax return
        dānxíngběn, [單行本], single volume edition/offprint
线         dānxíngxiàn, [單行線], one-way road
        tídān, [提單], bill of lading
        dānxiàng, [單相], single phase (elec.)
        dānbèitǐ, [單倍體], haploid (single chromosome)
        bàojiàdān, [報價單], quotation/price list/written estimate of price
        dānyǎn, [單眼], ommatidium (single component of insect's compound eye)/one eye (i.e. one's left ...

        háng/xíng, row/line/commercial firm/line of business/profession/to rank (first, second etc)...
        jìnxíng, [進行], to advance/to conduct/underway/in progress/to do/to carry out/to carry on/to exe...
        xíngdòng, [行動], operation/action/CL:個|个[gè]/to move about/mobile
        bùxíng, won't do/be out of the question/be no good/not work/not be capable
        xíngwéi, [行為], action/conduct/behavior/activity
        yínháng, [銀行], bank/CL:家[jiā],個|个[gè]
        lǚxíng, to travel/journey/trip/CL:趟[tàng],次[cì],個|个[gè]
        zhíxíng, [執行], to implement/to carry out/to execute/to run
        jǔxíng, [舉行], to hold (a meeting, ceremony etc)
        fēixíng, [飛行], (of planes etc) to fly/flying/flight/aviation
        xíngli, luggage/CL:件[jiàn]
        liúxíng, (of a contagious disease etc) to spread/to propagate/(of a style of clothing, so...
        zìxíngchē, [自行車], bicycle/bike/CL:輛|辆[liàng]
        xíngshì, to execute/to handle/behavior/action/conduct
        fēixíngyuán, [飛行員], pilot/aviator
        zuìxíng, crime/offense
        yóuxíng, [遊行], march/parade/demonstration
        hángyè, [行業], industry/business
        xíngxīng, planet/CL:顆|颗[kē]
        yùnxíng, [運行], to move along one's course (of celestial bodies etc)/(fig.) to function/to be in...
        xíngzōng, [行蹤], whereabouts/(lose) track (of)
        xíngbutōng, won't work/will get (you) nowhere
        xíngchéng, journey/course of a journey/distance traveled/trajectory/itinerary/route/course ...
        fāxíng, [發行], to publish/to issue (stocks, currency etc)/to release/to distribute (a film)
        tōngxíngzhèng, [通行證], a pass (authority to enter)/a laissez-passer or safe conduct
        bùxíng, to go on foot/to walk
        lǚxíng, to fulfill (one's obligations)/to carry out (a task)/to implement (an agreement)...
        xíngzhèng, administrative/executive (attributive)
        qiángxíng, [強行], to do sth by force
        hángxíng, to sail/to fly/to navigate
        xìngxíngwéi, [性行為], sexual behavior
        xíngshǐ, [行駛], to travel along a route (of vehicles etc)
        kěxíng, feasible
        xíngzǒu, to walk
        shíxíng, [實行], to implement/to carry out/to put into practice
        tóngháng/tóngxíng, person of the same profession/of the same trade, occupation or industry, to jour...
        rénxíngdào, sidewalk
        hángtóu/xíngtou, [行頭], team leader (archaic)/shopkeeper (archaic), a person's clothing/outfit/actor's c...
        lǚxíngzhě, traveler
        píngxíng, parallel/of equal rank/simultaneous
        qiánxíng, (literary) to go forward
        xíngzhě, pedestrian/walker/itinerant monk
        xíngjìn, [行進], to advance/forward motion
        lìxíng, routine (task, procedure etc)/as usual
        zìxíng, voluntary/autonomous/by oneself/self-
        xíngdetōng, practicable/realizable/will work
        hángliè, ranks/procession
使         xíngshǐ, to exercise (a right etc)
        xínglixiāng, suitcase/baggage compartment/overhead bin/(car) trunk/boot
        hángjiā, connoisseur/expert/veteran
        xíngxiōng, [行兇], violent crime/to commit a violent act (assault or murder)
        tōngxíng, to go through/to pass through/to be in general use
贿         xínghuì, [行賄], to bribe/to give bribes
        xíngxíng, to carry out a (death) sentence/execution
        yínhángjiā, [銀行家], banker
        yánxíng, words and actions/what one says and what one does
        xíngyī, [行醫], to practice medicine (esp. in private practice)
        xíngjìng, [行徑], path/conduct/behavior
        lìxínggōngshì, routine business/usual practice/mere formality
        chūxíng, to go out somewhere (relatively short trip)/to set off on a journey (longer trip...
        páihángbǎng, the charts (of best-sellers)/table of ranking
        hángdang, [行當], profession/role (acting)
        wàiháng, layman/amateur
        déxíng/déxing, morality and conduct/Taiwan pr. [dé xìng], variant of 德性[dé xing]
        bàoxíng, savage act/outrage/atrocity
        xínghǎo, to be charitable/to do a good deed
        xíngjūn, [行軍], a march (army)/to march
        zàiháng, to be adept at sth/to be an expert in a trade or profession
        xíngrén, pedestrian/traveler on foot/passer-by/official responsible for arranging audienc...
        huáxíng, to slide/to coast/to glide/(of an aircraft) to taxi
        lǚxíngshè, travel agency
        páxíng, to crawl/to creep
        xiānxíng, to precede others/in advance
        xiūxíng, to devote oneself to spiritual development (esp. Buddhism or Daoism)/to devote o...
        héngxíng, [橫行], to go on the rampage/to riot/to run amuck
        xínglǐ, [行禮], to salute/to make one's salutations
        xiànxíng, [現行], to be in effect/in force/current
        yuǎnxíng, [遠行], a long journey/far from home
        shīxíng, to put in place/to put into practice/to take effect
        fēnháng, branch of bank or store/subsidiary bank
穿         chuānxíng, to go through/to bore through/to push one's way through
        pǐnxíng, behavior/moral conduct
        shèngxíng, to be in vogue/to be prevalent
        xíngshàn, to do good works/to be merciful
        hángqíng, market price/quotation of market price/the current market situation
        xíngchē, [行車], to drive a vehicle/movement of vehicles
        xiǎoxíngxīng, asteroid/minor planet
        běnháng, one's line/one's own profession
        yīyìgūxíng, obstinately clinging to one's course (idiom)/willful/one's own way/dogmatic
        sānsīérhòuxíng, [三思而後行], think again and again before acting (idiom); consider carefully in advance
        xíngpiàn, [行騙], to cheat/to deceive
        wǒxíngwǒsù, to continue in one's own way (idiom)
        sòngxíng, to see someone off/to throw someone a send-off party
        hánghuà, [行話], jargon/language of the trade
        tèlìdúxíng, [特立獨行], to be unconventional/independence of action
        suíxíng, [隨行], to accompany
        èxíng, [惡行], evil or wicked conduct
        nèiháng, [內行], expert/adept/experienced/an expert/a professional
        gǎiháng, to change profession
        tuīxíng, to put into effect/to carry out
        xíngzhuāng, [行裝], clothes and other items packed for traveling/baggage/luggage
        yīxíng, party/delegation
        dúxíngxiá, [獨行俠], loner/single person/bachelor
        kěxíngxìng, feasibility
        jìnxíngqǔ, [進行曲], march (musical)
        shéxíng, to creep/to zigzag/to meander/to weave
        dānxíngdào, [單行道], one-way street
        lìngxíng, (to do sth) separately/as a separate action
        páiháng, to rank/ranking/seniority (among siblings)
        liúxíngbìng, epidemic disease
        fàngxíng, to let pass
        dǒngháng, to know the ropes
        ràoxíng, [繞行], detour/long way around
        zhuǎnháng, [轉行], to change profession
        xínglidài, travel bag
        chēháng/chēxíng, [車行], car-related business/car dealership/taxi company/(commercial) garage, traffic/to...
        shàngxíng, (of trains) up (i.e. towards the capital)/(of river boats) to go against the cur...
        nìxíng, to go the wrong way/to go against one-way traffic regulation
        páxíngdòngwù, [爬行動物], reptile
        fèngxíng, to pursue (a course, a policy)
        shísìhángshī, [十四行詩], sonnet
        xíngcì, to assassinate/to commit a murder
        liúxíngyǔ, [流行語], popular jargon/catchword
        xíngzhīyǒuxiào, to be effective (idiom)
        xiàxíng, (of trains) down (i.e. away from the capital)/(of river boats) to travel downstr...
        xíngzhèngbùmén, [行政部門], administrative department/administration/executive (government branch)
        xíngnáng, traveling bag/luggage
        tiānmǎxíngkōng, [天馬行空], like a heavenly steed, soaring across the skies (idiom)/(of writing, calligraphy...
        chéngxíng, to embark on a journey
        xíngjì, [行跡], tracks/traces/movements
        liúxíngxìng, (of a disease) epidemic/qualities that make sth popular or fashionable
        huòbùdānxíng, [禍不單行], misfortune does not come singly (idiom)/it never rains but it pours
        yínhángyè, [銀行業], banking
        bìngxíng, [並行], to proceed in parallel/side by side (of two processes, developments, thoughts et...
        fāxíngrén, [發行人], publisher/issuer
        xíngxiāo, [行銷], to sell/marketing
        zhīháng, subbranch of a bank
        gèhánggèyè, [各行各業], every trade/all professions/all walks of life
        hángzhǎng, [行長], bank president
        rénxínghéngdào, [人行橫道], pedestrian crossing
        lǚxíngdài, travel bag
        shìzàibìxíng, [勢在必行], circumstances require action (idiom); absolutely necessary/imperative
        bùxíngjiē, car-free zone/pedestrian street
        xíngyúnliúshuǐ, [行雲流水], lit. moving clouds and flowing water (idiom)/fig. very natural and flowing style...
        fǎnqídàoérxíngzhī, to do the very opposite/to act in a diametrically opposite way
        bùxūcǐxíng, [不虛此行], the trip has not been made in vain/the trip has been well worthwhile/it's been a...
        cùnbùnánxíng, [寸步難行], unable to move a single step (idiom)/to be in an (extremely) difficult situation
        xíngzhèngqū, [行政區], administrative district
        zìlǐhángjiān, [字裡行間], between the words and the lines (idiom); implied meaning/connotations
        fēngxíng, [風行], to become fashionable/to catch on/to be popular
        zūnxíng, to follow/to obey/compliance
        ShìjièYínháng, [世界銀行], World Bank
        lǚxíngtuán, [旅行團], tour group
        dúduànzhuānxíng, [獨斷專行], to decide and act alone (idiom); to take arbitrary action/a law unto oneself
        Shuǐxíngxiá, [水行俠], Aquaman, DC comic book superhero (Tw)
        dàxíngqídào, rampant/very popular
        yīshízhùxíng, clothing, food, housing and transport (idiom); people's basic needs
        yīyányīxíng, every word and action (idiom)
        xíngsècōngcōng, hurried/in a haste
        shēntǐlìxíng, [身體力行], to practice what one preaches (idiom)
        shāngháng, trading company
        zìxíngqíshì, to act as one thinks fit/to have one's own way
        mànxíng, to walk slowly
        xíngjiāng, [行將], ready to start on sth/about to act
        xíngqǐ, to beg/to ask for alms
        xínggōng, [行宮], temporary imperial residence
        yìnxíng, to print and distribute/to publish
线         píngxíngxiàn, [平行線], parallel lines
        xínglijià, luggage rack
        xíngjīng, [行經], to pass by/menstruation
        línxíng, [臨行], on leaving/on the point of departure
        xiànxíngfàn, [現行犯], criminal caught red-handed
        xíngjūnchuáng, [行軍床], camp bed/bivouac
        cíxíng, [辭行], to say goodbye/leave-taking/farewells
        kǔxíng, ascetic practice
        héngxíngbàdào, [橫行霸道], to oppress/to rule as a despot/to tyrannize
        hángshāng, traveling salesman/itinerant trader/hawker/peddler
        qièshíkěxíng, [切實可行], feasible
        hángjiālǐshǒu, [行家裡手], connoisseur/expert
        jiànxíng, [餞行], to give a farewell dinner
        shìxíng, [試行], to try out/to test
        liànglìérxíng, to assess one's capabilities and act accordingly (idiom); to act within one's co...
        léilìfēngxíng, [雷厲風行], pass like thunder and move like the wind (idiom); swift and decisive reaction
        jíxíngjūn, [急行軍], rapid advance/forced march
        shòuxíng, [獸行], brutal act/bestiality
        xínglù, to travel/transport
        xiānxíngzhě, forerunner
        wǔxíng, five phases of Chinese philosophy: wood 木, fire 火, earth 土, metal 金, water 水
        gèxíngqíshì, each one does what he thinks is right (idiom)/each goes his own way
        huáxíngdào, taxiway (at airport)
        yīmùshíháng, ten lines at a glance (idiom)/to read very rapidly
        dàoxíngnìshī, to go against the tide (idiom); to do things all wrong/to try to turn back histo...
        xíngzhèngqūyù, [行政區域], administrative area
        Yāngháng/yāngháng, abbr. for various central banks, notably 中國人民銀行|中国人民银行[Zhōng guó Rén mín Yín hán...
        dānxíng, [單行], to come individually/to treat separately/separate edition/one-way traffic
        zànxíng, [暫行], provisional
        xìngxíng, sexual activity
        Zhōngháng, abbr. for 中國銀行|中国银行[Zhōng guó Yín háng]
        xíngjiǔlìng, to play a drinking game
        xíngchuán, to sail a boat/to navigate
        dānxíngběn, [單行本], single volume edition/offprint
        yánxíngyīzhì, (idiom) one's actions are in keeping with what one says
线         dānxíngxiàn, [單行線], one-way road
        bìngxíngbùbèi, [並行不悖], to run in parallel without hindrance/not mutually exclusive/two processes can be...
        dàixíng, to act as a substitute/to act on sb's behalf
        xíngwén, writing style (formal)/to send an official written communication
        lìngxíngjìnzhǐ, lit. if he orders you go, he forbids you stop (idiom); fig. to demand exact comp...

        běn, root/stem/origin/source/this/the current/original/inherent/originally/classifier...
        gēnběn, fundamental/basic/root/simply/absolutely (not)/(not) at all/CL:個|个[gè]
        běnlái, [本來], original/originally/at first/it goes without saying/of course
        Rìběn, Japan
        jīběn, basic/fundamental/main/elementary
        jùběn, [劇本], script for play, opera, movie etc/screenplay/scenario
        běndì, local/this locality
        běnrén, the person himself/I (humble form used in speeches)/oneself/myself/in person/per...
        běnshēn, itself/in itself/per se
        yàngběn, [樣本], sample/specimen
        yuánběn, originally/original
        běnshì/běnshi, source material/original story, ability/skill
        jīběnshang, basically/on the whole
        bǐjìběn, [筆記本], notebook (stationery)/CL:本[běn]/notebook (computing)
        bǎnběn, version/edition/release
        běnnéng, instinct
        běnzhì, [本質], essence/nature/innate character/intrinsic quality
        běnxìng, natural instincts/nature/inherent quality
        chéngběn, (manufacturing, production etc) costs
        běnyì, original idea/real intention/etymon
        Běnjiémíng, [本傑明], Benjamin (person name)
        fùběn, copy/duplicate/transcript/(in online games) instance
        běnsè/běnshǎi, inherent qualities/natural qualities/distinctive character/true qualities, natur...
        běntǔ, one's native country/native/local/metropolitan territory
        zhàngběn, [賬本], account book
        běnzi, book/notebook/edition/CL:本[běn]
        běnlǐng, [本領], skill/ability/capability/CL:項|项[xiàng],個|个[gè]
        běnshì, this city/our city
        shūběn, [書本], book/CL:本[běn]
        zīběn, [資本], capital (economics)
        biāoběn, [標本], specimen/sample/the root cause and symptoms of a disease
        běnyuè, this month/the current month
        jìshìběn, [記事本], notebook/paper notepad/laptop computer
        zīběnzhǔyì, [資本主義], capitalism
        běnbù, headquarters/head office
        dàběnyíng, [大本營], headquarters/base camp
        Mòěrběn, [墨爾本], Melbourne, Australia
        kèběn, [課本], textbook/CL:本[běn]
        Běnzhōu, Honshū, the main island of Japan
        běnguó, [本國], one's own country
        běnfèn, (to play) one's part/one's role/one's duty/(to stay within) one's bounds/dutiful...
        běnqián, [本錢], capital/(fig.) asset/advantage/the means (to do sth)
        wénběn, version/text
        běnháng, one's line/one's own profession
        rìjìběn, [日記本], diary (book)
        Běntián, Honda (Japanese name)
        zīběnjiā, [資本家], capitalist
        yīběnzhèngjīng, [一本正經], in deadly earnest/deadpan
        Shānběn, Yamamoto (Japanese surname)
        Gēběnhāgēn, Copenhagen or København, capital of Denmark
        běnláimiànmù, [本來面目], true colors/true features
        jiǎoběn, [腳本], script
        Lǐsīběn, Lisbon, capital of Portugal
        běnjiè, [本屆], current/this year
        fùběn, [複本], copy
        lǎoběn, capital/assets/savings/nest egg/(fig.) reputation/laurels (to rest upon)/old edi...
        biànběnjiālì, [變本加厲], lit. change to more severe (idiom); to become more intense (esp. of shortcoming)...
        jīběngōng, basic skills/fundamentals
        chāoběn, handwritten copy
·         Běn·Lādēng, Osama bin Laden (1957-2011), leader of Al Qaeda
        běnkē, undergraduate course/undergraduate (attributive)
        yuányuánběnběn, from beginning to end/in its entirety/in accord with fact/literal
        běnzhe, [本著], based on.../in conformance with../taking as one's main principle
        xuèběn, hard-earned capital
        běnzhí, [本職], one's job
        běntǐ, [本體], main part/torso/the thing in itself/noumenon (object of purely intellectual perc...
        zhàoběnxuānkē, a wooden word-by-word reading
        Sōngběn, Matsumoto (Japanese surname and place name)
        kuīběn, [虧本], to make a loss
        Rìběnrén, Japanese person or people
        BěnLādēng, (Osama) bin Laden (1957-2011), leader of Al Qaeda
·         Běnjiémíng·Fùlánkèlín, [本傑明·富蘭克林], Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), American writer, scientist, inventor, politician ...
        běnqī, the current period/this term (usually in finance)
        lánběn, [藍本], blueprint/source material on which later works (books, movies etc) are based
        běnjiā, a member of the same clan/a distant relative with the same family name
        běnmòdàozhì, lit. to invert root and branch (idiom); fig. confusing cause and effect/to stres...
        zhìběn, to take radical measures/to get to the root (of a problem etc)
        cǎoběn, grass/herb
        běnjīn, capital/principal
        péiběn, [賠本], loss/to sustain losses
        Gōngběn, [宮本], Miyamoto (Japanese surname)
        běnlì, principal and interest/capital and profit
        běnxiàng, original form
        běnbào, [本報], this newspaper
        běnběn, notebook computer (diminutive)/laptop
        xuèběnwúguī, [血本無歸], to lose everything one invested (idiom)/to lose one's shirt
        běnyuán, origin/source
        Běnnèitè, [本內特], Bennett (surname)
        gòuběn, [夠本], to break even/to get one's money's worth
        Hèběn, Hepburn (name)
        fànběn, [範本], model (example worthy of being imitated)/template
        yìběn, [譯本], translation (translated version of a text)
        Jíběnsī, Gibbons (name)
        dúběn, [讀本], reader/an instructional book
        RìběnHǎi, Sea of Japan
        Qiáoběn, [橋本], Hashimoto (Japanese surname and place name)
        Téngběn, Fujimoto (Japanese surname)
        shǒuchāoběn, manuscript copy of a book (before the printing press)
        zhèngběn, original (of a document)/reserved copy (of a library book)
        cǎoběnzhíwù, herbaceous plant
        yǐngyìnběn, a photocopy
        jīběnfǎ, basic law (constitutional document)
        běnkēshēng, undergraduate student
        běnyì, [本義], original meaning/literal sense
        gǔběn, capital stock/investment
稿         gǎoběn, manuscript (of a book etc)/sketch (of a design etc)
        běntǔhuà, to localize/localization
        hùkǒuběn, [戶口本], household register/household registration booklet/residence certificate
        Zīběnlùn, [資本論], Das Kapital (1867) by Karl Marx 卡爾·馬克思|卡尔·马克思[Kǎ ěr · Mǎ kè sī]
        běnmíng, original name/real name/personal name
        běnzì, original form of a Chinese character
        běntǐlùn, [本體論], ontology
        jīběndiǎn, [基本點], basis point (finance), abbr. to 基點|基点[jī diǎn]
        běnběnzhǔyì, [本本主義], book worship/bookishness
        yìnběn, printed book/copy
        běnxī, principal and interest (on a loan)
        duìběn, [對本], (a return) equal to the capital/100 percent profit
        zēngdìngběn, [增訂本], revised and enlarged edition
        kāiběn, [開本], book format, similar to in-4°, in-8° etc (a 16-kai format 16開|16开[shí liù kāi] i...
        dānxíngběn, [單行本], single volume edition/offprint
        běnyīng, [本應], should have/ought to have
        běnxiāng, [本鄉], home village/one's native place
        běnwèi, standard/one's own department or unit
        běntí, [本題], the subject under discussion/the point at issue
        jiàoběn, textbook
        liànxíběn, [練習本], exercise book/workbook/CL:本[běn]
        píngzhuāngběn, [平裝本], paperback (book)

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