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Word: freq index 12452
[通電話] tōngdiànhuà to phone sb up

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        tōngguò, [通過], by means of/through/via/to pass through/to get through/to adopt/to pass (a bill ...
        tōngzhī, to notify/to inform/notice/notification/CL:個|个[gè]
        tōng/tòng, to go through/to know well/(suffix) expert/to connect/to communicate/open/to cle...
        tōngcháng, regular/usual/normal/usually/normally
        pǔtōng, common/ordinary/general/average
        tōnghuà, [通話], to hold a conversation/to talk over the telephone/phone call
        jiāotōng, to be connected/traffic/transportation/communications/liaison
        Tōngdào/tōngdào, Tongdao Dong autonomous county in Huaihua 懷化|怀化[Huái huà], Hunan, (communication...
        tōngxùn, [通訊], communications/news story/dispatch/CL:個|个[gè]
        gōutōng, [溝通], to join/to connect/to link up/to communicate
        jiētōng, to connect/to put through
        pǔtōngrén, ordinary person/private citizen/people/the person in the street
        tōngwǎng, to lead to
        kāitōng/kāitong, [開通], to open up (windows for air, ideas for discussion, transportation routes etc), o...
        tōngxìn, to correspond (by letter etc)/to communicate/communication
        xíngbutōng, won't work/will get (you) nowhere
        tōngxíngzhèng, [通行證], a pass (authority to enter)/a laissez-passer or safe conduct
        tōngxiàng, to lead to
        tōnggào, to announce/to give notice
        kǎtōng, cartoon (loanword)
        tōngjī, [通緝], to order the arrest of sb as criminal/to list as wanted
        bùtōng, to be obstructed/to be blocked up/to be impassable/to make no sense/to be illogi...
        tōngxiāo, all night/throughout the night
        tōngbào, [通報], to inform/to notify/to announce/circular/bulletin/(scientific) journal
        tōngfēng, [通風], airy/ventilation/to ventilate/to disclose information
        jīngtōng, to be proficient in/to master (a subject)
        tōngjiān, [通姦], adultery/to commit adultery
        xíngdetōng, practicable/realizable/will work
        tōngxīnfěn, macaroni
        tōngtōng, all/entire/complete
        tōngxíng, to go through/to pass through/to be in general use
        tōngfēngkǒu, [通風口], air vent/opening for ventilation
        dǎtōng, to open access/to establish contact/to remove a block/to put through (a phone co...
        tōngyòng, to use anywhere, anytime (card, ticket etc)/to be used by everyone (language, te...
        tōngdiànhuà, [通電話], to phone sb up
        yīqiàobùtōng, [一竅不通], lit. doesn't (even) enter a single aperture (of one's head)/I don't understand a...
        tōngjīlìng, [通緝令], order for arrest/wanted circular/wanted poster
        tōngjīfàn, [通緝犯], wanted criminal/fugitive (from the law)
        liútōng, to circulate/to distribute/circulation/distribution
        xiāngtōng, interlinked/connected/communicating/in communication/accommodating
        mǎitōng, [買通], to bribe
        tōngqíngdálǐ, [通情達理], fair and reasonable (idiom); sensible/standing to reason
        chuàntōng, to collude/to collaborate/to gang up
        zuìhòutōngdié, [最後通牒], ultimatum
        tōngxiǎo, [通曉], proficient (in sth)/to understand sth through and through
        chàngtōng, [暢通], unimpeded/free-flowing/straight path/unclogged/move without obstruction
        tōngróng, flexible/to accommodate/to stretch or get around regulations/a short-term loan
        pǔpǔtōngtōng, ordinary/mediocre/nothing special
        tōnghuòpéngzhàng, [通貨膨脹], inflation
        tōngfēngguǎn, [通風管], ventilation duct
        língtōng, [靈通], fast and abundant (news)/clever/effective
        wànshìtōng, [萬事通], jack-of-all-trades/know-it-all
        tōngqì, [通氣], ventilation/aeration/to keep each other informed/to release information
        tōngdiàn, [通電], to set up an electric circuit/to electrify/to switch on/to be connected to an el...
        biàntōng, [變通], pragmatic/flexible/to act differently in different situations/to accommodate to ...
        zhítōng, to lead directly to
        pǔtōnghuà, [普通話], Mandarin (common language)/Putonghua (common speech of the Chinese language)/ord...
        tōngxùnlù, [通訊錄], address book/directory
        tōngguān, [通關], to clear customs/(gaming) to finish (a game, a level, a stage, etc)
        tōngsú, common/everyday/average
        tōngchàng, [通暢], unobstructed/clear
        shūtōng, to unblock/to dredge/to clear the way/to get things flowing/to facilitate/to med...
        tōnghóng, [通紅], very red/red through and through/to blush (deep red)
        tōnglíng, [通靈], to communicate with the spirits/psychic/(ears) sensitive/(information) accurate
        pūtōng, [撲通], (onom.) sound of object falling into water/plop
        liántōng, [連通], to connect/to communicate/to relate/(math.) connected
        tōnglìhézuò, to join forces/to give full cooperation
        tōngxùnyuán, [通訊員], correspondent/reporter/messenger boy
        sītōng, to have secret ties with/to be in covert communication with (the enemy etc)/to e...
        Jiāotōngbù, Ministry of Transport/Transport Department
        tōnghūn, to intermarry
广         shéntōngguǎngdà, [神通廣大], to possess great magical power/to possess remarkable abilities
        tōnglù, thoroughfare/passage/pathway/channel
        hùtōng, to intercommunicate/to interoperate
        cǐlùbùtōng, this road is blocked/fig. This method does not work./Doing this is no good.
        tōngbìng, common problem/common failing
        tōngxùnshè, [通訊社], a news service (e.g. Xinhua)
        jiāotōngfèi, [交通費], transport costs
        tōngchē, [通車], to open to traffic (e.g. new bridge, rail line etc)/(of a locality) to have a tr...
        shuǐxièbùtōng, [水洩不通], lit. not one drop can trickle through (idiom); fig. impenetrable (crowd, traffic...
        tōngqìkǒng, [通氣孔], an airvent/a louvre/airflow orifice
        Liántōng/liántōng, [聯通], China United Telecommunications Corporation/aka China Unicom or Unicom/abbr. for...
        tōngxùnwèixīng, [通訊衛星], communications satellite
        tōngxiāodádàn, [通宵達旦], overnight until daybreak (idiom); all night long/day and night
        shéntōng, remarkable ability/magical power
        guàntōng, [貫通], to link up/to thread together
        tōngdá, [通達], to understand clearly/to be sensible or reasonable/understanding
        tōngzhīdān, [通知單], notification/notice/ticket/receipt
        Dàtōng, Datong district of Huainan city 淮南市[Huái nán shì], Anhui/Datong Hui and Tu auton...
        tōnglì, to cooperate/concerted effort
        bǎishìtōng, knowledgeable person/know all
        chuàntōngyīqì, [串通一氣], to act in collusion (idiom)
        tōnghuò, [通貨], currency/exchange of goods
        tōngxìnwèixīng, [通信衛星], communications satellite
        tōngchēng, [通稱], to be generally referred to (as)/generic term
        tōngmíng, brightly lit
        tōngshùn, [通順], smooth/clear and coherent
        Fùshìtōng, Fujitsu
        tōngshāng, having trading relations (of nations or regions)
        tōngdié, diplomatic note
        Nántōng, Nantong prefecture level city in Jiangsu
        rónghuìguàntōng, [融會貫通], to master the subject via a comprehensive study of surrounding areas
        chùlèipángtōng, [觸類旁通], to comprehend (new things) by analogy
        Wǎngtōng, [網通], China Netcom (CNC), former telecommunication service provider in PRC
        Bèinàtōng, [貝納通], Benetton, clothes company
        sìtōngbādá, [四通八達], roads open in all directions (idiom); accessible from all sides
        hùtōngyǒuwú, [互通有無], mutual exchange of assistance (idiom)/to benefit from each other's strengths and...
        tōngxìndìzhǐ, mail address
        tōngpán, [通盤], across the board/comprehensive/overall/global
        tōngyóu, [通郵], to have postal communications
        tōngzhàng, [通脹], inflation
        quánqiútōng, Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) (telecommunications)
        Tōngzhōu, Tongzhou district east of Beijing, formerly Tong county/Tongzhou county level ci...
        tōngshǐ, narrative history/comprehensive history/a history covering an extended period
        tōngzé, [通則], general rule/general principle
        tōnglì, general rule/standard practice
        tōngtǐ, [通體], (of sb or sth) whole or entire body
        tōngpiào, through ticket
        jiāotōngchē, [交通車], shuttle bus
        Tōnggǔsī, Tungus
        Tōngxiāo, Tongxiao or Tunghsiao town in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miáo lì xiàn], northwest Tai...
        tōngháng, connected by air, sea traffic or service
        cítōngliàng, magnetic flux
        sāntōng, T-joint/T-piece/T-pipe/three links

        diànhuà, [電話], telephone/CL:部[bù]/phone call/CL:通[tōng]/phone number
        dǎdiànhuà, [打電話], to make a telephone call
        diànyǐng, [電影], movie/film/CL:部[bù],片[piàn],幕[mù],場|场[chǎng]
        diànshì, [電視], television/TV/CL:臺|台[tái],個|个[gè]
        diànnǎo, [電腦], computer/CL:臺|台[tái]
        diàn, [電], electric/electricity/electrical
        diàntī, [電梯], elevator/escalator/CL:臺|台[tái],部[bù]
        diànzǐ, [電子], electronic/electron (particle physics)
        diànshìtái, [電視臺], television station/CL:個|个[gè]
        diàntái, [電臺], transmitter-receiver/broadcasting station/radio station/CL:個|个[gè],家[jiā]
        shǎndiàn, [閃電], lightning/CL:道[dào]
线         wúxiàndiàn, [無線電], wireless
        diànchí, [電池], battery/CL:節|节[jié],組|组[zǔ]
        láidiàn, [來電], incoming telegram or telephone call/your telegram, telephone call, or message/to...
        diànshìjù, [電視劇], TV play/soap opera/CL:部[bù]
        diànlì, [電力], electrical power/electricity
        diànyuán, [電源], electric power source
        diànshìjī, [電視機], television set/CL:臺|台[tái]
线         diànxiàn, [電線], wire/power cord/CL:根[gēn]
        diànjī, [電擊], electric shock
        tíngdiàn, [停電], to have a power failure/power cut
        diànyǐngyuàn, [電影院], cinema/movie theater/CL:家[jiā],座[zuò]
        diànbào, [電報], telegram/cable/telegraph/CL:封[fēng],份[fèn]
        huídiàn, [回電], to reply to a telegram/to wire back
        chōngdiàn, [充電], to recharge batteries/fig. to rest and recuperate
        fādiànjī, [發電機], electricity generator/dynamo
        diànliú, [電流], electric current
        diànchē, [電車], trolleybus/CL:輛|辆[liàng]
线         diànhuàxiàn, [電話線], telephone line/telephone wire
线         yǒuxiàndiànshì, [有線電視], cable television
        diànlǎn, [電纜], (electric) cable
        diànhuàtíng, [電話亭], telephone booth
        shǒudiàntǒng, [手電筒], flashlight/electric hand torch
        diàndòng, [電動], electric-powered/(Tw) video game
        zhìdiàn, [致電], to phone/to telegram
        diànlù, [電路], electric circuit
        diànqì, [電器], (electrical) appliance/device
        diànzǐyóuxì, [電子遊戲], computer and video games
        diàncí, [電磁], electromagnetic
簿         diànhuàbù, [電話簿], telephone directory
        tōngdiànhuà, [通電話], to phone sb up
        diànyǐngjié, [電影節], film festival/CL:屆|届[jiè]
        hédiànzhàn, [核電站], nuclear power plant
        diànjù, [電鋸], electric saw (esp. electric chain saw)
        fādiàn, [發電], to generate electricity/to send a telegram
        gōngyòngdiànhuà, [公用電話], public phone/CL:部[bù]
        xīndiàntú, [心電圖], electrocardiogram (ECG)
        léidiàn, [雷電], thunder and lightning
        diàngōng, [電工], electrician/electrical engineering/electrical work (in a house)
        diànyā, [電壓], voltage
        diàndēngpào, [電燈泡], light bulb/(slang) unwanted third guest
        bìlùdiànshì, [閉路電視], closed-circuit television
        shǒudiàn, [手電], flashlight/torch
        duàndiàn, [斷電], power cut/electric power failure
        chōngdiànqì, [充電器], battery charger
        diànhuì, [電匯], telegraphic transfer (TT)
        diànwǎng, [電網], electrical network
        jìngdiàn, [靜電], static electricity
        fādiànchǎng, [發電廠], power plant
        diànqì, [電氣], electricity/electric/electrical
        diànhuàhuìyì, [電話會議], (telephone) conference call
线         diànxiàngān/diànxiàngǎn, [電線杆]/[電線桿], electric pole/telephone pole/lamppost/CL:根[gēn], electric pole/telephone pole/la...
        gōngdiàn, [供電], to supply electricity
线         wúxiàndiànhuà, [無線電話], radio telephony/wireless telephone
        diàndēng, [電燈], electric light/CL:盞|盏[zhǎn]
        diàntǒng, [電筒], flashlight
        nǎodiànbō, [腦電波], see 腦波|脑波[nǎo bō]
        chùdiàn, [觸電], to get an electric shock/to be electrocuted/electric shock
        nǎodiàntú, [腦電圖], electroencephalogram (EEG)
        diàncíchǎng, [電磁場], electromagnetic fields
        fàngdiàn, [放電], electrical discharge/(coll.) to lure/to entice
        diànjí, [電極], electrode
        tōngdiàn, [通電], to set up an electric circuit/to electrify/to switch on/to be connected to an el...
        diànxìn, [電信], telecommunications
        diànliàng, [電量], quantity of electric charge or current
        diànjiězhì, [電解質], electrolyte
        diànbō, [電波], electric wave/alternating current
        diànzuàn, [電鑽], electric drill
        diànyǐngpiào, [電影票], cinema ticket
        diàncíbō, [電磁波], electromagnetic wave
        chángtúdiànhuà, [長途電話], long-distance call
        diànxùn, [電訊], telecommunications/telecom
        fādiànzhàn, [發電站], electricity generating station/power station
        diànzhá, [電閘], electric switch/circuit breaker
        diànzhàn, [電站], a power station/an electricity generating plant
        diànyǐngjiè, [電影界], moviedom/the world of movies/film circles
        gāoyādiàn, [高壓電], high voltage
        diànxíng, [電刑], to torture sb using electricity/electrocution (capital punishment)
        diànbīngxiāng, [電冰箱], refrigerator/CL:個|个[gè]
        diànhuàjī, [電話機], telephone set
        diànxìnhào, [電信號], electrical signal
        shuǐdiàn, [水電], hydroelectric power/plumbing and electricity
线         wúxiàndiànbō, [無線電波], radio waves/wireless electric wave
        diànjī, [電機], electrical machinery
        diànchǎng, [電廠], electric power plant
        jiādiàn, [家電], household electric appliance/abbr. for 家用電器|家用电器
        diànguāng, [電光], electric light/lightning/electro-optical
        diànnéng, [電能], electrical energy
        diànshǎn, [電閃], lightning flashes
        zhèngdiànzǐ, [正電子], positron (antiparticle of the electron)
        diànchàngjī, [電唱機], gramophone/record player
        dǎodiàn, [導電], to conduct electricity
        hédiànchǎng, [核電廠], nuclear power plant
        dàidiàn, [帶電], to electrify/to charge/electrification/live (as in "live wire")
        cǎidiàn, [彩電], color TV
        diànhè, [電荷], electric charge
        kěshìdiànhuà, [可視電話], videophone
        diànpíng, [電瓶], accumulator/battery (for storing electricity)
        diànfēngshàn, [電風扇], electric fan/CL:架[jià],臺|台[tái]
        diànshàn, [電扇], electric fan
        diànchǎng, [電場], electric field
        jìdiànqì, [繼電器], relay (electronics)
        xùdiànchí, [蓄電池], accumulator/battery
        diànróng, [電容], capacitance
        diànchuán, [電傳], to send information using electronic means (such as fax, telegram, telex etc)/a ...
        diànchuīfēng, [電吹風], hair dryer
        diàndù, [電鍍], electroplating/electroplated
        diànxìnjú, [電信局], central office/telecommunications office
        diànmán, [電鰻], electric eel
        diànzǐyǎn, [電子眼], electronic eye
        diànlú, [電爐], electric stove/hot plate
        diànshìtǎ, [電視塔], TV tower
        diàndòngjī, [電動機], electric motor
        shǎndiànzhàn, [閃電戰], blitzkrieg/blitz
        fēngchídiànchè, [風馳電掣], fast as lightning
        jíchéngdiànlù, [集成電路], integrated circuit/IC
        diànjiě, [電解], electrolysis
        dǎodiànxìng, [導電性], conductivity (elec.)
        diànyǎn, [電眼], beautiful, expressive eyes
        diànliáo, [電療], electrotherapy
        diànzǔ, [電阻], (electrical) resistance
        diànróngqì, [電容器], capacitor
        diànlí, [電離], ion/ionized (e.g. gas)
        guāngdiàn, [光電], photoelectric
        diànlícéng, [電離層], ionosphere
线         diànyuánxiàn, [電源線], power cable (of an appliance etc)
        diànzǐguǎn, [電子管], valve (electronics)/vacuum tube
        diànhú, [電弧], electric arc
        jiāyòngdiànqì, [家用電器], domestic electric appliance
        diànzǐqìjiàn, [電子器件], electric equipment
        diànlíng, [電鈴], electric bell
        diànrètǎn, [電熱毯], electric blanket
        diàngǎn, [電感], inductance
        diànbàng, [電棒], (coll.) flashlight/(Tw) stun baton/hair iron
        diànbàojú, [電報局], telegraph office
        lòudiàn, [漏電], to leak electricity/(fig.) (coll.) to unintentionally arouse romantic interest (...
        diànyǒng, [電泳], electrophoresis
        shèdiàn, [射電], radio wave (astronomy)
        jīdiàn, [機電], machinery and power-generating equipment/electromechanical
        diànbiǎo, [電表], power meter/ammeter/amperemeter/wattmeter/kilowatt-hour meter
        diànzǐxué, [電子學], electronics
        diànrè, [電熱], electrical heating
        diànjià, [電價], price of electricity
        diànhuǒhuā, [電火花], electric spark
        diànpíngchē, [電瓶車], battery-powered vehicle
        diànqìhuà, [電氣化], electrification
        hédiàn, [核電], nuclear power
        zhíliúdiàn, [直流電], direct current
        hèdiàn, [賀電], congratulatory telegram
        diànhuàxué, [電化學], electrochemistry
        diànmén, [電門], electric switch
        shuǐdiànzhàn, [水電站], hydroelectric power plant
        shūdiàn, [輸電], electricity transmission/to transmit electricity
        biàndiànzhàn, [變電站], (transformer) substation
        jiāoliúdiàn, [交流電], alternating current
        diànzǐqín, [電子琴], electronic keyboard (music)
        mìdiàn, [密電], coded telegram/secret telegram
        fùdiàn, [負電], negative electric charge
        diàncítiě, [電磁鐵], electromagnet
        diànhàn, [電焊], electric welding
        diànbàojī, [電報機], telegraph
        shuǐlìfādiàn, [水力發電], hydroelectricity
        rèdiànǒu, [熱電偶], thermocouple
        diànniǔ, [電鈕], push button (electric switch)
        diànlàotie, [電烙鐵], electric iron/electric soldering iron
        zhèngdiàn, [正電], positive charge (electricity)
        diànzǐshù, [電子束], beam of electrons
        diàngān/diàngǎn, [電杆]/[電桿], electric pole/telephone pole, electric pole/telegraph pole
        diànxué, [電學], electrical engineering
        diànhuàwǎng, [電話網], telephone network
        diànfànbāo, [電飯煲], rice cooker
        rèdiàn, [熱電], pyroelectric
        wàidiàn, [外電], reports from foreign news agencies
        chuánzhēndiànbào, [傳真電報], phototelegram
        yādiàn, [壓電], piezoelectricity (physics)
        fādiànliàng, [發電量], (generated) electrical energy
        yàndiàn, [唁電], a telegram of condolence
        diànliúbiǎo, [電流表], ammeter
        diànzǐyún, [電子雲], electron cloud
        diànkòng, [電控], electric control
        pèidiànzhàn, [配電站], power distribution substation
        wēidiànnǎo, [微電腦], microcomputer
        wēidiànzǐ, [微電子], microelectronics
        diàngōnglǜ, [電功率], electric power (measured in watts)
        diànfànguō, [電飯鍋], electric rice cooker
        diànwèi, [電位], electric potential/voltage

        huà, [話]/[諙], dialect/language/spoken words/speech/talk/words/conversation/what sb said/CL:種|种...
        diànhuà, [電話], telephone/CL:部[bù]/phone call/CL:通[tōng]/phone number
        dǎdiànhuà, [打電話], to make a telephone call
        shuōhuà, [說話], to speak/to say/to talk/to gossip/to tell stories/talk/word
        tánhuà, [談話], to talk (with sb)/to have a conversation/talk/conversation/CL:次[cì]
        shíhuà, [實話], truth
        shuōshíhuà, [說實話], to speak the truth/truth to tell/frankly
        xiàohuà, [笑話], joke/jest/CL:個|个[gè]/to laugh at/to mock
        jiǎnghuà, [講話], a speech/to speak/to talk/to address/CL:個|个[gè]
        fèihuà, [廢話], nonsense/rubbish/superfluous words/You don't say!/No kidding! (gently sarcastic)
        dehuà, [的話], if (coming after a conditional clause)
        huàtí, [話題], subject (of a talk or conversation)/topic
        tōnghuà, [通話], to hold a conversation/to talk over the telephone/phone call
        duìhuà, [對話], dialogue/CL:個|个[gè]
        tīnghuà, [聽話], to do what one is told/obedient
        huǎnghuà, [謊話], lie
        shíhuàshíshuō, [實話實說], to tell the truth/to tell it as it is
        shuōláihuàcháng, [說來話長], start explaining and it's a long story (idiom); complicated and not easy to expr...
        shénhuà, [神話], legend/fairy tale/myth/mythology
        tónghuà, [童話], children's fairy tales
        zānghuà, [髒話], profanity/obscene language/speaking rudely
        huàshuō, [話說], It is said that ... (at the start of a narrative)/to discuss/to recount
        guǐhuà, [鬼話], lie/false words/nonsense/CL:篇[piān]
        huàihuà, [壞話], unpleasant talk/malicious words
        pìhuà, [屁話], shit/nonsense
        wènhuà, [問話], questioning (a suspect)/interrogation
        huànjùhuàshuō, [換句話說], in other words
        chánghuàduǎnshuō, [長話短說], to make a long story short (idiom)
        hǎohuà, [好話], friendly advice/words spoken on sb's behalf/a good word/kind words/words that so...
线         diànhuàxiàn, [電話線], telephone line/telephone wire
        huíhuà, [回話], to reply
        huàyǔ, [話語], words/speech/utterance/discourse
        húhuà, [胡話], nonsense/ridiculous talk/hogwash
        wúhuàkěshuō, [無話可說], to have nothing to say (idiom)
        cūhuà, [粗話], vulgar language (esp. scatological insults)/uncultured speech
        diànhuàtíng, [電話亭], telephone booth
        huàtǒng, [話筒], microphone/(telephone) receiver/handset
        shǎhuà, [傻話], foolish talk/nonsense
簿         diànhuàbù, [電話簿], telephone directory
        tōngdiànhuà, [通電話], to phone sb up
        chuánhuà, [傳話], to pass on a story/to communicate a message
        xīnlihuà, [心裡話], (to express one's) true feelings/what is on one's mind/secret mind
        xiánhuà, [閒話], casual conversation/chat/gossip/to talk about (whatever comes to mind)
        huàjù, [話劇], stage play/modern drama/CL:臺|台[tái],部[bù]
        gōngyòngdiànhuà, [公用電話], public phone/CL:部[bù]
        fēnghuà, [瘋話], crazy talk/ravings/nonsense
        jiǎhuà, [假話], a lie/untrue statement/misstatement
        qiāoqiaohuà, [悄悄話], whisperings/private words/confidences/sweet nothings
        bùxiànghuà, [不像話], unreasonable/shocking/outrageous
        xiànghuà, [像話], proper
        diànhuàhuìyì, [電話會議], (telephone) conference call
线         wúxiàndiànhuà, [無線電話], radio telephony/wireless telephone
        súhuàshuō, [俗話說], as the proverb says/as they say...
        dāhuà, [搭話], to talk/to get into conversation with/to send word
        hánghuà, [行話], jargon/language of the trade
        pǔtōnghuà, [普通話], Mandarin (common language)/Putonghua (common speech of the Chinese language)/ord...
        xùnhuà, [訓話], to admonish subordinates
        qiàopihuà, [俏皮話], witticism/wisecrack/sarcastic remark/double entendre
        fǎnhuà, [反話], irony/ironic remark
        xiànghuà, [象話], proper/also written 像話|像话
        chángtúdiànhuà, [長途電話], long-distance call
        huàfèi, [話費], call charge
        kōnghuà, [空話], empty talk/bunk/malicious gossip
        zhíhuà, [直話], straight talk/straightforward words
        bùzàihuàxià, [不在話下], to be nothing difficult/to be a cinch
        cháhuàhuì, [茶話會], tea party
        súhuà, [俗話], common saying/proverb
        kètàohuà, [客套話], conventional greeting/polite formula
        chāhuà, [插話], to interrupt (sb speaking)/interruption/digression
        huàbié, [話別], to say good-bye/to bid sb farewell
        tàohuà, [套話], polite phrase/conventional greetings/cliché/to try to worm facts out of sb
        diànhuàjī, [電話機], telephone set
        bùhuàjī, [步話機], walkie-talkie
        chǒuhuà, [醜話], ugly talk/vulgarity/obscenity
        huìhuà, [會話], conversation/CL:個|个[gè],次[cì]
        huàtóu, [話頭], subject (under discussion)/thread (of an argument)
        báihuà, [白話], spoken language/vernacular
        qìhuà, [氣話], angry words/sth said in the moment of anger
        èrhuàbùshuō, [二話不說], not saying anything further (idiom); not raising any objection/without demur
        fēngliánghuà, [風涼話], sneering/sarcasm/cynical remarks
        kěshìdiànhuà, [可視電話], videophone
        huàxiázi, [話匣子], phonograph or radio (old term)/chatterbox/talkative person
        fèihuà, [費話], to talk at length/to waste one's breath/variant of 廢話|废话[fèi huà]
        huàyīn, [話音], one's speaking voice/tone/implication
        liúhuà, [留話], to leave word/to leave a message
        yīxíhuà, [一席話], the content of a conversation/words/remarks
        huàbùtóujī, [話不投機], the conversation is disagreeable (idiom)
        qínghuà, [情話], terms of endearment/words of love
        hēihuà, [黑話], argot/bandits' secret jargon/malicious words
        dáhuà, [答話], to reply/to answer
        huàzhōngyǒuhuà, [話中有話], overtones in conversation/things indirectly implied from what is said
        nàoxiàohuà, [鬧笑話], to make a fool of oneself
        kèqihuà, [客氣話], words of politeness/politesse/decorous talking/talk with propriety
        mènghuà, [夢話], talking in one's sleep/words spoken during sleep/fig. speech bearing no relation...
        huàbǐng, [話柄], a pretext for gossip/a matter for derision
        tǔhuà, [土話], vernacular/slang/dialect/patois
        hòuhuà, [後話], something to be taken up later in speech or writing
        Zhōngguóhuà, [中國話], (spoken) Chinese language
        guàihuà, [怪話], ridiculous talk/preposterous remark
        guānhuà, [官話], "officialese"/bureaucratic language/Mandarin
        duìhuàkuàng, [對話框], dialog box (computing)
        huàchá, [話茬], tone of voice/topic/subject under discussion
        jiāhuà, [佳話], story or deed that captures the imagination and is spread far and wide
        èrhuàméishuō, [二話沒說], see 二話不說|二话不说[èr huà bù shuō]
        dàbáihuà, [大白話], colloquial speech
        diànhuàwǎng, [電話網], telephone network
        huàméi, [話梅], plum candy/preserved plum
        èrhuà, [二話], objection/differing opinion
        huàfēng, [話鋒], topic under discussion/thread of discussion
        huàwùyuán, [話務員], phone operator
        báihuàwén, [白話文], writings in the vernacular

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