坦 ⇒
坦白 tǎnbái, honest/forthcoming/to confess
斯坦 坦克 tǎnkè, tank (military vehicle) (loanword)
坦诚 tǎnchéng, [坦誠], candid/frank/plain dealing
巴基斯坦 Bājīsītǎn, Pakistan
坦 tǎn, flat/open-hearted/level/smooth
爱因斯坦 Àiyīnsītǎn, [愛因斯坦], Albert Einstein (1879-1955), German-born theoretical physicist
斯坦福 Sītǎnfú, Stanford (University)
坦率 tǎnshuài, frank (discussion)/blunt/open
斯坦利 Sītǎnlì, Stanley (name)
哈萨克斯坦 Hāsàkèsītǎn, [哈薩克斯坦], Kazakhstan
斯坦·罗斯 泰坦尼克号 TàitǎnníkèHào, [泰坦尼克號], RMS Titanic, British passenger liner that sank in 1912
坦然 tǎnrán, calm/undisturbed
巴勒斯坦 Bālèsītǎn, Palestine
坦诚相待 舒坦 shūtan, comfortable/at ease
伊斯坦布尔 Yīsītǎnbùěr, [伊斯坦布爾], Istanbul, Turkey
坦帕 平坦 píngtǎn, level/even/smooth/flat
乌兹别克斯坦 Wūzībiékèsītǎn, [烏茲別克斯坦], Uzbekistan
史坦 泰坦 Tàitǎn, Titan (race of deities in Greek mythology, moon of Saturn etc)
弗兰克斯坦 康斯坦丁 斯坦顿 Sītǎndùn, [斯坦頓], Stanton (name)
科莉·斯坦格 坦诚相见 tǎnchéngxiāngjiàn, [坦誠相見], to trust one another fully/to treat sb with sincerity
坦桑尼亚 Tǎnsāngníyà, [坦桑尼亞], Tanzania
坦纳 波茨坦 Bōcítǎn, Potsdam, near Berlin, Germany
泰坦尼克 坦承 tǎnchéng, to confess/to admit/to come clean/calmly
斯坦菲尔德 格里肯斯坦 特里斯坦 斯坦普 布坦 斯坦佛 Sītǎnfó, Stanford (name)/Stanford University, Palo Alto, California
戈德斯坦 特拉基斯坦 布拉德·斯坦德 斯坦纳 坦妮亚 伯恩斯坦 乌瑞克冯利顿斯坦 坦荡 tǎndàng, [坦蕩], magnanimous/broad and level
君士坦丁堡 Jūnshìtǎndīngbǎo, Constantinople, capital of Byzantium
斯坦恩 斯坦·菲尔德 康斯坦斯 巴基斯坦人 弗兰肯斯坦 坦言 tǎnyán, to say candidly/to acknowledge frankly
杰克·斯坦菲尔德 坦尼亚 斯坦希尔莱斯库 图坦卡门 Tútǎnkǎmén, [圖坦卡門], Tutankhamen, king of ancient Egypt 1333-1323 BC
斯坦莉 坦吉亚 维特根斯坦 Wéitègēnsītǎn, [維特根斯坦], Wittgenstein (name)
康斯坦丝 伊斯坦堡 Yīsītǎnbǎo, Istanbul (Tw)
摩根斯坦 保罗·斯坦恩 坦尼娅 威尔·斯坦顿 尤卡坦 Yóukǎtǎn, Yucatan (Mexican province)
坦娜 斯坦得 马克·斯坦 迪坦贝 马文·伯恩斯坦 坦克车 tǎnkèchē, [坦克車], tank (armored vehicle)
歌德斯坦 塔吉克斯坦 Tǎjíkèsītǎn, Tajikistan
法兰肯斯坦 泰坦尼亚斯·英格史密斯 努苏坦·艾格拜因 麦克斯坦利 斯坦德 斯坦格 泰坦尼亚斯 利顿斯坦 斯坦利·罗斯 坦娜·布鲁姆 约翰·康斯坦丁 多尔坦 艾克·爱泼斯坦 康妮·坦波斯 弗宁坦·金 威勒斯坦 优基斯坦 斯坦顿堡 特里斯坦·德·博伊斯 海森斯坦 卡坦加 柏坦 吉尔吉斯斯坦 Jíěrjísīsītǎn, [吉爾吉斯斯坦], Kyrgyzstan
埃坦 乔治·克斯坦萨 土库曼斯坦 Tǔkùmànsītǎn, [土庫曼斯坦], Turkmenistan
亚当·斯坦顿 坦途 tǎntú, highway/level road
赫坦古 伊戈尔·伊戈尔斯坦 安妮·斯坦顿 古德斯坦 斯坦利维尔森 杰西卡·坦迪 罗斯坦 丽贝卡·爱普斯坦 爱恩斯坦 和斯坦利 康斯坦 康士坦茨 坦娅 斯坦利·菲利普斯 图坦卡蒙 Tútǎnkǎméng, [圖坦卡蒙], Tutankhamen, king of ancient Egypt 1333-1323 BC
坦古拉 凯法斯坦恩 玛吉·斯坦兹 斯坦丝 卢里斯坦 古德斯坦因 欧巴迪亚·史坦 罗曼·斯坦希尔莱斯库 坦陈 tǎnchén, [坦陳], to reveal/to confess
斯坦尼斯 爱普斯坦 格特鲁德·斯坦 斯坦娜 布林斯坦 舒佛坦 托马斯·斯坦顿 史坦利 艾萨克史坦 卡桑德拉·埃德斯坦 斯坦伯勒 艾伯特·爱因斯坦 塔坦卡·里奥塔卡 艾伦·坦纳 斯坦·比尔斯 斯坦·范恩 玛坦内 卡罗琳娜·斯坦霍夫 克斯坦萨 尼拉帕坦娜萨妮 拉贾斯坦邦 Lājiǎsītǎnbāng, [拉賈斯坦邦], Rajasthan (state in India)
斯坦·波比斯 比道斯坦 斯坦福·布拉齐 坦普尔 埃斯特·布卢门伯根斯坦奥 斯坦福里 斯坦利·罗克 坦尼斯 卡坦 莉莲·伯恩斯坦 坦尼森 纳坦德 康士坦 希尔弗斯坦 阿恩斯坦 平坦坦 巴基斯斯坦 康斯坦泽·曼切丽 斯坦利干 坦伯顿 韦恩斯坦 斯坦维克 小兰肯斯坦恩 斯坦布鲁纳 康坦斯 特斯坦罗萨 鲁恩斯坦 坦奇 斯坦福来 史坦·布鲁克斯 克斯坦 阿特斯坦 马利坦 斯坦伯格 但斯坦 雅各布·埃德尔斯坦 摩根史坦利 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦 斯坦·里根斯 罗坦弗尤尔 康斯坦茨 Kāngsītǎncí, Konstanz (Germany)
佐森正朝斯坦斯多夫 坦妮亚当 斯坦干 基斯坦 斯坦因伯莱纳 斯坦兹 斯坦梅 芭芭拉·史坦威 比科莉·斯坦格 凯伦·格斯坦 斯坦伯瑞兹 沙勒姆·克里斯坦 华尔斯坦 斯坦莎 斯坦·英德斯基 瓦朗坦 泰坦瑞 哈克萨斯坦 芭芭拉·斯坦维克 福坦维京 坦桑 别克斯坦 巴斯坦 斯坦·奥布里 英格·温斯坦 路德维希·维特根斯坦 兰德斯坦 里奇登斯坦 康士坦茨·安吉尔 平基·斯坦 克力普斯坦 奥斯卡摩根施坦恩 华思坦 艾尔伯特·爱因斯坦 亚斯坦 简·萨帕斯坦 君士坦丁 瓦齐里斯坦 邓斯坦·索朗 施密特斯坦 韦兰尤坦尼 斯坦利·普 费恩斯坦 道格拉斯·坦姆林 柯瑞坦·麦克丹尼尔 欧芬斯坦 艾伯斯坦 巴巴拉·斯坦威克 斯坦利·洪贝克 爱泼斯坦 斯坦达斯 奥斯坦 卡尔·伯恩斯坦 斯坦格尔 斯坦格德 坦尼娅·格林 理查·史坦 坦尼 雷切尔·坦森斯 阿特斯坦王 卡泽斯坦 雪莉坦普尔 爱森斯坦 坦波提 斯坦·科夫曼 祖库·瑟坦博 丹·斯坦 坦坦荡荡 邓斯坦 伊斯坦尔 康斯坦丁·维什涅夫斯基 史坦尼斯拉夫斯基 斯坦·缪西尔 戈卢坦 比斯坦·罗斯 戈卢坦苏丹 安提耶坦 斯坦·香 欧坦顿 约坦 Yuētǎn, [約坦], Jotham (son of Uzziah)
奥斯坦德 施坦因伯格 斯坦斯维克 摩根斯坦利 曼哈坦 Mànhātǎn, Manhattan island/Manhattan borough of New York City/also written 曼哈頓|曼哈顿
但特里斯坦 约坦生 布卢门伯根斯坦奥 坦尼娅·麦克布莱德 波斯坦 史坦·法兰克夫斯基 比斯坦 林肯·柯尔斯坦 斯坦费尔德·特纳 黛安娜·施坦森 坦克兵 坦克师 爱弗兰克斯坦 冯利顿斯坦 弗宁坦 喀吉斯坦 吉斯卡尔·德斯坦 斯坦福维尔 巴勒斯坦人 斯坦利库布利克 贝尔坦 罗尼·坦斯 艾伦·范·斯坦森博格贝肯 塞伯坦 斯坦高英斯 斯坦博格 利坦
诚 ⇒
诚实 chéngshí, [誠實], honest/honesty/honorable/truthful
忠诚 zhōngchéng, [忠誠], devoted/loyal/fidelity/loyalty
真诚 zhēnchéng, [真誠], true/sincere/genuine
坦诚 tǎnchéng, [坦誠], candid/frank/plain dealing
虔诚 qiánchéng, [虔誠], pious/devout/sincere
开诚布公 kāichéngbùgōng, [開誠佈公]/[開誠布公], variant of 開誠布公|开诚布公[kāi chéng bù gōng], lit. deal sincerely and fairly (idiom);...
诚意 chéngyì, [誠意], sincerity/good faith
诚恳 chéngkěn, [誠懇], sincere/honest/cordial
诚挚 chéngzhì, [誠摯], sincere/cordial
诚信 chéngxìn, [誠信], genuine/honest/in good faith/honesty/integrity
诚 chéng, [誠], sincere/authentic/really/truly
诚心 chéngxīn, [誠心], sincerity
坦诚相待 坦诚相见 tǎnchéngxiāngjiàn, [坦誠相見], to trust one another fully/to treat sb with sincerity
真心诚意 忠诚度 热诚 rèchéng, [熱誠], devotion/fervor
投诚 tóuchéng, [投誠], to defect/to surrender/to capitulate
以诚相待 诚心诚意 chéngxīnchéngyì, [誠心誠意], earnestly and sincerely (idiom); with all sincerity
诚惶诚恐 chénghuángchéngkǒng, [誠惶誠恐], in fear and trepidation (idiom); in reverence before your majesty (court formula...
竭诚 jiéchéng, [竭誠], wholeheartedly
诚然 chéngrán, [誠然], indeed/true! (I agree with you)
翰诚 心悦诚服 xīnyuèchéngfú, [心悅誠服], to submit cheerfully/to accept willingly (idiom)
小诚 赤诚 chìchéng, [赤誠], utterly sincere/wholly devoted
诚如 chéngrú, [誠如], it is exactly as
诚吾 李嘉诚 LǐJiāchéng, [李嘉誠], Sir Li Ka-shing (1928-), Hong Kong businessman
诚邀 心诚 金翰诚 黄志诚 张炫诚 精诚 jīngchéng, [精誠], sincerity/absolute good faith
诚笃 chéngdǔ, [誠篤], honest/sincere and serious
朴诚赫 真至诚 精诚团结
相 ⇒
相信 xiāngxìn, to be convinced (that sth is true)/to believe/to accept sth as true
真相 zhēnxiàng, the truth about sth/the actual facts
相当 xiāngdāng, [相當], equivalent to/appropriate/considerably/to a certain extent/fairly/quite
互相 hùxiāng, each other/mutually/mutual
相 Xiāng/xiāng/xiàng, surname Xiang, each other/one another/mutually/fret on the neck of a pipa 琵琶[pí ...
相处 xiāngchǔ, [相處], to be in contact (with sb)/to associate/to interact/to get along (well, poorly)
相同 xiāngtóng, identical/same
相关 xiāngguān, [相關], related/relevant/pertinent/to be interrelated/(statistics) correlation
相互 xiānghù, each other/mutual
相反 xiāngfǎn, opposite/contrary
相爱 xiāngài, [相愛], to love each other
相机 xiàngjī, [相機], camera (abbr. for 照相機|照相机[zhào xiàng jī])/at the opportune moment/as the circums...
相似 xiāngsì, to resemble/similar/like/resemblance/similarity
相比 xiāngbǐ, to compare
相遇 xiāngyù, to meet/to encounter/to come across
相符 xiāngfú, to match/to tally
首相 shǒuxiàng, prime minister (of Japan or UK etc)
相片 xiàngpiàn, image/photograph/CL:張|张[zhāng]
照相 zhàoxiàng, to take a photograph
长相 zhǎngxiàng, [長相], appearance/looks/profile/countenance
相对 xiāngduì, [相對], relatively/opposite/to resist/to oppose/relative/vis-a-vis/counterpart
照相机 zhàoxiàngjī, [照相機], camera/CL:個|个[gè],架[jià],部[bù],台[tái],隻|只[zhī]
相识 xiāngshí, [相識], to get to know each other/acquaintance
相见 xiāngjiàn, [相見], to see each other/to meet in person
相亲 xiāngqīn, [相親], blind date/arranged interview to evaluate a proposed marriage partner (Taiwan pr...
相连 xiānglián, [相連], to link/to join/link/connection
相伴 xiāngbàn, to accompany sb/to accompany each other
恰恰相反 相应 xiāngyìng, [相應], to correspond/answering (one another)/to agree (among the part)/corresponding/re...
相聚 xiāngjù, to meet together/to assemble
相貌 xiàngmào, appearance
刮目相看 guāmùxiāngkàn, to have a whole new level of respect for sb or sth/to sit up and take notice (of...
亮相 liàngxiàng, to strike a pose (Chinese opera)/(fig.) to make a public appearance/to come out ...
自相残杀 zìxiāngcánshā, [自相殘殺], to massacre one another (idiom); internecine strife
似曾相识 sìcéngxiāngshí, [似曾相識], déjà vu (the experience of seeing exactly the same situation a second time)/seem...
相像 xiāngxiàng, to resemble one another/to be alike/similar
相提并论 xiāngtíbìnglùn, [相提並論], to discuss two disparate things together (idiom); to mention on equal terms/to p...
相隔 xiānggé, separated by (distance or time etc)
相册 xiàngcè, [相冊], photo album
真相大白 zhēnxiàngdàbái, the whole truth is revealed (idiom); everything becomes clear
相近 xiāngjìn, close/similar to
相通 xiāngtōng, interlinked/connected/communicating/in communication/accommodating
相撞 xiāngzhuàng, collision/crash/to crash together/to collide with/to bump into
相会 xiānghuì, [相會], to meet together
相差 xiāngchà, to differ/discrepancy between
针锋相对 zhēnfēngxiāngduì, [針鋒相對], to oppose each other with equal harshness (idiom); tit for tat/measure for measu...
坦诚相待 相投 xiāngtóu, agreeing with one another/congenial
相称 xiāngchèn, [相稱], to match/to suit/mutually compatible
自相矛盾 zìxiāngmáodùn, to contradict oneself/self-contradictory/inconsistent
大相径庭 dàxiāngjìngtíng, [大相徑庭], as different as can be (idiom)/poles apart
相约 xiāngyuē, [相約], to agree (on a meeting place, date etc)/to reach agreement/to make an appointmen...
相间 xiāngjiàn, [相間], to alternate/to follow one another
相逢 xiāngféng, to meet (by chance)/to come across
相仿 xiāngfǎng, similar
相安无事 xiāngānwúshì, [相安無事], to live together in harmony
相依为命 xiāngyīwéimìng, [相依為命], mutually dependent for life (idiom); to rely upon one another for survival/inter...
和睦相处 hémùxiāngchǔ, [和睦相處], to live in harmony/to get along with each other
相比之下 xiāngbǐzhīxià, by comparison
相好 xiānghǎo, to be intimate/close friend/paramour
相干 xiānggān, relevant/to have to do with/coherent (Physics: light etc)
识相 shíxiàng, [識相], sensitive/tactful
息息相关 xīxīxiāngguān, [息息相關], closely bound up (idiom); intimately related
不相上下 bùxiāngshàngxià, equally matched/about the same
心心相印 xīnxīnxiāngyìn, two hearts beat as one (idiom); a kindred spirit
老相识 代代相传 dàidàixiāngchuán, [代代相傳], passed on from generation to generation (idiom); to hand down
相继 xiāngjì, [相繼], in succession/following closely
相亲相爱 xiāngqīnxiāngài, [相親相愛], to be kind and love one another (idiom); bound by deep emotions
相扑 xiāngpū, [相撲], sumo wrestling/also pr. [xiàng pū]
相待 xiāngdài, to treat
韩相宇 照相馆 zhàoxiàngguǎn, [照相館], photo studio
相左 xiāngzuǒ, to fail to meet each other/to conflict with each other/to be at odds with
相声 xiàngsheng, [相聲], comic dialogue/sketch/crosstalk
出洋相 chūyángxiàng, to make a fool of oneself
同病相怜 tóngbìngxiānglián, [同病相憐], fellow sufferers empathize with each other (idiom); misery loves company
坦诚相见 tǎnchéngxiāngjiàn, [坦誠相見], to trust one another fully/to treat sb with sincerity
傧相 bīnxiàng, [儐相], attendant of the bride or bridegroom at a wedding
相传 xiāngchuán, [相傳], to pass on/to hand down/tradition has it that .../according to legend
相当于 xiāngdāngyú, [相當於], equivalent to
相等 xiāngděng, equal/equally/equivalent
相距 xiāngjù, distance apart/separated by a given distance
相思 xiāngsī, to yearn/to pine
相交 xiāngjiāo, to cross over (e.g. traffic)/to intersect/to make friends
变相 biànxiàng, [變相], in disguised form/covert
毫不相干 相邻 xiānglín, [相鄰], neighbor/adjacent
相助 xiāngzhù, to help one another/to come to sb's help
旗鼓相当 qígǔxiāngdāng, [旗鼓相當], lit. two armies have equivalent banners and drums (idiom); fig. evenly matched/r...
以诚相待 相对而言 相悖 相浩 上相 shàngxiàng, photogenic/(old) high official
相对论 xiāngduìlùn, [相對論], theory of relativity
相加 相俊 色相 sèxiàng, coloration/hue/sex/sex appeal
素不相识 sùbùxiāngshí, [素不相識], to be total strangers (idiom)
男傧相 nánbīnxiàng, [男儐相], best man (in a marriage)
相弼 相容 xiāngróng, compatible/consistent/to tolerate (each other)
相宇 洋相 yángxiàng, social gaffe or blunder/faux pas/see 出洋相[chū yáng xiàng]
相中 xiāngzhòng, to find to one's taste/to pick (after looking at)/Taiwan pr. [xiàng zhòng]
朝夕相处 扮相 bànxiàng, stage costume
相形见绌 xiāngxíngjiànchù, [相形見絀], to pale by comparison (idiom)
争相 zhēngxiāng, [爭相], to fall over each other in their eagerness to...
相互作用 xiānghùzuòyòng, to interact/interaction/interplay
假相 外相 wàixiàng, Foreign Minister
单口相声 dānkǒuxiàngshēng, [單口相聲], comic monologue/one-person comic sketch
相臻 相知 老相好 李相贤 单相思 dānxiāngsī, [單相思], one-sided lovesickness/unrequited longing
世代相传 shìdàixiāngchuán, [世代相傳], passed on from generation to generation (idiom); to hand down
相思病 xiāngsībìng, lovesickness
破相 pòxiàng, (of facial features) to be marred by a scar etc/to disfigure/to make a fool of o...
相去甚远 手相 shǒuxiàng, palmistry/features of a palm (in palmistry)
相互之间 相抵 xiāngdǐ, to balance up/to offset/to counterbalance
相依 xiāngyī, to be interdependent
星相 xīngxiàng, astrology and physiognomy
相关性 xiāngguānxìng, [相關性], correlation
相濡以沫 xiāngrúyǐmò, to moisten with spittle (idiom); sharing meager resources/mutual help in humble ...
相让 短兵相接 duǎnbīngxiāngjiē, lit. short-weaponed soldiery fight one another (idiom); fierce hand-to-hand infa...
狭路相逢 xiálùxiāngféng, [狹路相逢], lit. to meet face to face on a narrow path (idiom)/fig. enemies or rivals meet f...
韩相君 李相浩 萍水相逢 píngshuǐxiāngféng, strangers coming together by chance (idiom)
安相秀 相似性 xiāngsìxìng, resemblance/similarity
相碰 相映 相哲 文尚相 相接 xiāngjiē, to merge with/interlinking/to join with/to interlock
相劝 xiāngquàn, [相勸], to persuade/to exhort/to advise
可怜相 看相 kànxiàng, to tell fortune by reading the subject's facial features
相差无几 面相 miànxiàng, facial features/appearence/physiognomy
守望相助 shǒuwàngxiāngzhù, to keep watch and defend one another (idiom, from Mencius); to join forces to de...
兵戎相见 bīngróngxiāngjiàn, [兵戎相見], to meet on the battlefield (idiom)
竞相 jìngxiāng, [競相], competitive/eagerly/to vie
丑相 chǒuxiàng, [醜相], ugly expression/unsightly manners
三相 相联 xiānglián, [相聯], to interact/interrelated
本相 běnxiàng, original form
怪相 guàixiàng, grotesque visage/grimace
相勋 相见恨晚 xiāngjiànhènwǎn, [相見恨晚], to regret not having met earlier (idiom); It is nice to meet you finally./It fee...
环环相扣 huánhuánxiāngkòu, [環環相扣], closely linked with one another/interlocked/to interrelate
权相宇 丞相 chéngxiàng, the most senior minister of many kingdoms or dynasties (with varying roles)/prim...
傻瓜相机 shǎguāxiàngjī, [傻瓜相機], point-and-shoot camera/compact camera
血肉相连 xuèròuxiānglián, [血肉相連], one's own flesh and blood (idiom); closely related
反唇相讥 fǎnchúnxiāngjī, [反唇相譏], to answer back sarcastically (idiom)/to retort
互不相让 hùbùxiāngràng, [互不相讓], neither giving way to the other
宰相 zǎixiàng, prime minister (in feudal China)
鼎力相助 dǐnglìxiāngzhù, We are most grateful for your valuable assistance.
相映成辉 月相 yuèxiàng, phases of moon, namely: new moon 朔[shuò], first quarter or waxing moon 上弦[shàng ...
命相 mìngxiàng, horoscope
相斥 xiāngchì, mutual repulsion (e.g. electrostatic)/to repel one another
相商 相丕 凶相毕露 xiōngxiàngbìlù, [兇相畢露], show one's ferocious appearance (idiom); the atrocious features revealed/with fa...
录相机 面面相觑 miànmiànxiāngqù, [面面相覷], to look at each other in dismay (idiom)
韩相俊 交相辉映 笑脸相迎 xiàoliǎnxiāngyíng, [笑臉相迎], to welcome sb with a smiling face (idiom)
息息相通 金相洙 相辅相成 xiāngfǔxiāngchéng, [相輔相成], to complement one another (idiom)
唇齿相依 chúnchǐxiāngyī, [唇齒相依], lit. as close as lips and teeth (idiom); closely related/interdependent
崔相京 裴相镇 相春 奔走相告 bēnzǒuxiānggào, to spread the news (idiom)
相乘 xiāngchéng, to multiply (math.)/multiplication
罗相植 相得益彰 xiāngdéyìzhāng, to bring out the best in each other (idiom)/to complement one another well
凶相 xiōngxiàng, [兇相], ferocious appearance
韩相丕 尹相杰 同命相连 金相范 一脉相承 yīmàixiāngchéng, [一脈相承], traceable to the same stock (idiom); of a common origin (of trends, ideas etc)
休戚相关 xiūqīxiāngguān, [休戚相關], to share the same interests (idiom)/to be closely related/to be in the same boat
相望 xiāngwàng, to look at one another/to face each other
迈肯西相 郑相春 相持不下 xiāngchíbùxià, at a stalemate/deadlocked/in unrelenting mutual opposition
老死不相往来 相夫 首相府 罗相宇 相形之下 相敬如宾 xiāngjìngrúbīn, [相敬如賓], to treat each other as an honored guest (idiom)/mutual respect between husband a...
相控阵 相泽 相浩会 众生相 风马牛不相及 fēngmǎniúbùxiāngjí, [風馬牛不相及], to be completely unrelated to one another (idiom)/irrelevant
官相卫 官李相贤 相位差 xiàngwèichā, phase difference
解囊相助 形相 骨肉相连 gǔròuxiānglián, [骨肉相連], lit. interrelated as bones and flesh (idiom); inseparably related/closely intert...
吴相弼 奴才相 遥遥相对 卞相浩 金相勋 金相庆 相映成趣 xiāngyìngchéngqù, to set each other off nicely
韩魏相 脸相 liǎnxiàng, [臉相], complexion/looks/appearance of one's face
弹冠相庆 tánguānxiāngqìng, [彈冠相慶], lit. to flick dust off sb's cap (idiom); to celebrate an official appointment/to...
相持 xiāngchí, locked in a stalemate/to confront one another
相春帮 相范 相公 xiànggong, lord/master/young gentleman/male prostitute/catamite/mahjong player disqualified...
金相日 爱相宇 老相 心心相连 单相 dānxiàng, [單相], single phase (elec.)
朴相范 相熙 相纸 xiàngzhǐ, [相紙], photographic paper
相秀 相宜 xiāngyí, to be suitable or appropriate
睡相 shuìxiàng, sleeping posture
见 ⇒
见 jiàn/xiàn, [見], to see/to meet/to appear (to be sth)/to interview, to appear/also written 現|现[xi...
看见 kànjiàn, [看見], to see/to catch sight of
再见 zàijiàn, [再見], goodbye/see you again later
见到 jiàndào, [見到], to see
见面 jiànmiàn, [見面], to meet/to see each other/CL:次[cì]
意见 yìjiàn, [意見], idea/opinion/suggestion/objection/complaint/CL:點|点[diǎn],條|条[tiáo]
听见 tīngjiàn, [聽見], to hear
见鬼 jiànguǐ, [見鬼], curse it!/to hell with it!
不见 bùjiàn, [不見], not to see/not to meet/to have disappeared/to be missing
遇见 yùjiàn, [遇見], to meet
见见 会见 huìjiàn, [會見], to meet with (sb who is paying a visit)/CL:次[cì]
想见 xiǎngjiàn, [想見], to infer/to gather
见识 jiànshi, [見識], to gain first-hand knowledge of sth/to experience for oneself/knowledge/experien...
回见 huíjiàn, [回見], See you later!
见证 jiànzhèng, [見證], to be witness to/witness/evidence
梦见 mèngjiàn, [夢見], to dream about (sth or sb)/to see in a dream
预见 yùjiàn, [預見], to foresee/to predict/to forecast/to envision/foresight/intuition/vision
偏见 piānjiàn, [偏見], prejudice
常见 chángjiàn, [常見], commonly seen/common/to see sth frequently
罕见 hǎnjiàn, [罕見], rare/rarely seen
显而易见 xiǎnéryìjiàn, [顯而易見], clearly and easy to see (idiom); obviously/clearly/it goes without saying
起见 qǐjiàn, [起見], motive/purpose/(sth) being the motive or purpose
碰见 pèngjiàn, [碰見], to run into/to meet (unexpectedly)/to bump into
相见 xiāngjiàn, [相見], to see each other/to meet in person
少见 shǎojiàn, [少見], rare/not familiar (to the speaker)/sth rarely experience/hard to see
视而不见 shìérbùjiàn, [視而不見], to turn a blind eye to/to ignore
一见钟情 yījiànzhōngqíng, [一見鐘情], love at first sight (idiom)
撞见 zhuàngjiàn, [撞見], to meet by accident
看得见 kàndéjiàn, [看得見], can see/visible
瞧见 qiáojiàn, [瞧見], to see
见解 jiànjiě, [見解], opinion/view/understanding
开门见山 kāiménjiànshān, [開門見山], lit. to open the door and see the mountain; fig. to get right to the point (idio...
见不得人 jiànbudérén, [見不得人], shameful
远见 yuǎnjiàn, [遠見], vision
接见 jiējiàn, [接見], to receive sb/to grant an interview
可见 kějiàn, [可見], it can clearly be seen (that this is the case)/it is (thus) clear/clear/visible
见面会 jiànmiànhuì, [見面會], meet and greet
成见 chéngjiàn, [成見], preconceived idea/bias/prejudice
引见 yǐnjiàn, [引見], to introduce (sb)/(esp.) to present to the emperor
参见 cānjiàn, [參見], to refer to/see also/compare (cf.)/to pay respect to
见证人 jiànzhèngrén, [見證人], eyewitness (to an incident)/witness (to a legal transaction)
主见 zhǔjiàn, [主見], one's own view/having definite opinions
不见得 bùjiànde, [不見得], not necessarily/not likely
见效 jiànxiào, [見效], to have the desired effect
高见 gāojiàn, [高見], wise opinion/brilliant idea (honorific)
政见 zhèngjiàn, [政見], political views
前所未见 qiánsuǒwèijiàn, [前所未見], unprecedented/never seen before
见谅 jiànliàng, [見諒], please forgive me
见分晓 随处可见 见地 jiàndì, [見地], opinion/view/insight
眼见为实 yǎnjiànwéishí, [眼見為實], seeing is believing
固执己见 gùzhíjǐjiàn, [固執己見], to persist in one's views
拜见 bàijiàn, [拜見], to pay a formal visit/to call to pay respects/to meet one's senior or superior
眼见 yǎnjiàn, [眼見], to see with one's own eyes/very soon
一针见血 yīzhēnjiànxiě, [一針見血], lit. to draw blood on the first prick (idiom)/fig. to hit the nail on the head
见外 jiànwài, [見外], to regard sb as an outsider
见死不救 见怪 jiànguài, [見怪], to mind/to take offense
见好 见习 jiànxí, [見習], to learn on the job/to be on probation
司空见惯 sīkōngjiànguàn, [司空見慣], a common occurrence (idiom)
见报 jiànbào, [見報], to appear in the news/in the papers
召见 zhàojiàn, [召見], call in (one's subordinates)/summon (an envoy of a foreign country) to an interv...
坦诚相见 tǎnchéngxiāngjiàn, [坦誠相見], to trust one another fully/to treat sb with sincerity
所见所闻 suǒjiànsuǒwén, [所見所聞], what one hears and sees (idiom)
小巫见大巫 xiǎowūjiàndàwū, [小巫見大巫], lit. minor magician in the presence of a great one (idiom)/fig. to pale into ins...
见怪不怪 jiànguàibùguài, [見怪不怪], to keep one's calm in the face of the unexpected/not to wonder at strange sights
瞥见 piējiàn, [瞥見], to glimpse
己见 jǐjiàn, [己見], one's own viewpoint
求见 见义勇为 jiànyìyǒngwéi, [見義勇為], to see what is right and act courageously (idiom, from Analects); to stand up br...
初见 重见天日 chóngjiàntiānrì, [重見天日], to see the light again (idiom); delivered from oppression
约见 yuējiàn, [約見], to arrange an interview/an appointment (with the foreign ambassador)
能见度 néngjiàndù, [能見度], visibility
见面礼 jiànmiànlǐ, [見面禮], gift given to sb when meeting them for the first time
只见 相形见绌 xiāngxíngjiànchù, [相形見絀], to pale by comparison (idiom)
先见之明 xiānjiànzhīmíng, [先見之明], foresight
见多识广 jiànduōshíguǎng, [見多識廣], experienced and knowledgeable (idiom)
名不见经传 míngbùjiànjīngzhuàn, [名不見經傳], (lit.) name not encountered in the classics/unknown (person)/nobody
预见性 晋见 jìnjiàn, [晉見], to have an audience with
一见如故 yījiànrúgù, [一見如故], familiarity at first sight
见长 jiàncháng, [見長], to be good at sth/one's forte
拨云见日 bōyúnjiànrì, [撥雲見日], lit. to dispel the clouds and see the sun (idiom); fig. to restore justice
一见倾心 yījiànqīngxīn, [一見傾心], love at first sight
窥见 清晰可见 屡见不鲜 lǚjiànbùxiān, [屢見不鮮], a common occurrence (idiom)
见世面 见方 jiànfāng, [見方], a (10 meter) square/a square of given side
远见卓识 yuǎnjiànzhuóshí, [遠見卓識], visionary and sagacious (idiom)
立竿见影 lìgānjiànyǐng, [立竿見影], lit. set up a pole and see the shadow (idiom); fig. instant effect/quick results
寻短见 xúnduǎnjiàn, [尋短見], to commit suicide
捉襟见肘 zhuōjīnjiànzhǒu, [捉襟見肘], lit. pulling on the lapels exposes the elbows (idiom)/strapped for cash/unable t...
见闻 jiànwén, [見聞], what one has seen and heard/knowledge/one's experience
望见 wàngjiàn, [望見], to espy/to spot
见仁见智 jiànrénjiànzhì, [見仁見智], opinions differ (idiom)
常见病 君不见 兵戎相见 bīngróngxiāngjiàn, [兵戎相見], to meet on the battlefield (idiom)
日见 见异思迁 jiànyìsīqiān, [見異思遷], to change at once on seeing sth different (idiom); loving fads and novelty/never...
相见恨晚 xiāngjiànhènwǎn, [相見恨晚], to regret not having met earlier (idiom); It is nice to meet you finally./It fee...
见习生 jiànxíshēng, [見習生], apprentice/probationer/cadet
常见于 可见光 kějiànguāng, [可見光], visible light/light in optical spectrum
见天 jiàntiān, [見天], (coll.) every day
自寻短见 百闻不如一见 bǎiwénbùrúyījiàn, [百聞不如一見], seeing once is better than hearing a hundred times (idiom); seeing for oneself i...
瞅见 chǒujiàn, [瞅見], to see
各持己见 gèchíjǐjiàn, [各持己見], each sticks to his own opinion (idiom); chacun son gout
各抒己见 gèshūjǐjiàn, [各抒己見], everyone gives their own view
闹意见 初见成效 见所未见 见笑 jiànxiào, [見笑], to mock/to be ridiculed/to incur ridicule through one's poor performance (humble...
由此可见 yóucǐkějiàn, [由此可見], from this, it can be seen that...
可见度 可见一斑 真知灼见 zhēnzhīzhuójiàn, [真知灼見], penetrating insight
创见 chuàngjiàn, [創見], an original idea
智者见智 喜闻乐见 xǐwénlèjiàn, [喜聞樂見], to love to hear and see (idiom)/well received/to one's liking
仁者见仁 低头不见抬头见 见缝插针 jiànfèngchāzhēn, [見縫插針], lit. to see a gap and stick in a needle (idiom); fig. to make use of every secon...
意见箱 yìjiànxiāng, [意見箱], suggestion box
私见 见风转舵 jiànfēngzhuǎnduò, [見風轉舵], lit. see the wind and set the helm (idiom); fig. to act pragmatically/to be flex...
朝见 cháojiàn, [朝見], to have an audience (with the Emperor)
进见 人见人 门户之见 ménhùzhījiàn, [門戶之見], sectarian bias/parochialism
以小见大 短见 duǎnjiàn, [短見], short-sighted/suicide
国见升 显见 xiǎnjiàn, [顯見], obvious/clearly visible
见高低 见习期 伏见之 管见 guǎnjiàn, [管見], my limited view (lit. view through a thin tube)/my limited understanding/my opin...
照见 见义勇为者 浅见 qiǎnjiàn, [淺見], shallow opinion/humble opinion
见教 jiànjiào, [見教], I have been enlightened by your teaching (humble)
见珂 见状 jiànzhuàng, [見狀], upon seeing this, .../in response, ...
见于 只见树木不见森林 zhǐjiànshùmùbùjiànsēnlín, [只見樹木不見森林], unable to see the wood for the trees/fig. only able to see isolated details, and...