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[世代相傳] shìdàixiāngchuán passed on from generation to generation (idiom); to hand down

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        shìjiè, world/CL:個|个[gè]
        qùshì, to pass away/to die
        shìjì, [世紀], century/CL:個|个[gè]
        shìshàng, on earth
        quánshìjiè, worldwide/entire world
        Shì/shì, surname Shi, life/age/generation/era/world/lifetime/epoch/descendant/noble
        guòshì, [過世], to die/to pass away
        Jiùshìzhǔ, the Savior (in Christianity)
        shìrén, people (in general)/people around the world/everyone
        shìjiān, [世間], world/earth
        zhōngshìjì, [中世紀], medieval/Middle Ages
        shìshì, affairs of life/things of the world
        shìjièdàzhàn, [世界大戰], world war
        rénshì, the world/this world/the world of the living
        fènshìjísú, [憤世嫉俗], to be cynical/to be embittered
        zàishì, to be alive
        chūshì, to be born/to come into being/to withdraw from worldly affairs
        Sūlíshì, [蘇黎世], Zurich, Switzerland
        shìdào, the ways of the world/the morals of the time
        dìsānshìjiè, Third World
        Shìmào, [世貿], World Trade Organization (WTO)/abbr. for 世界貿易組織|世界贸易组织
        yǒngshì, eternal/forever
        yǔshìgéjué, [與世隔絕], to be cut off from the rest of the world (idiom)
        Shìjièbēi, World Cup
        shìjièjí, [世界級], world-class
        shìsú, profane/secular/worldly
        zhuǎnshì, [轉世], reincarnation or transmigration (Buddhism)
        shēnshì, one's life experience/one's lot/one's past history
        shìjiā, family influential for generations/aristocratic family
        shìshì, to pass away/to die
        shìgù/shìgu, the ways of the world, sophisticated/worldly-wise
        luànshì, [亂世], the world in chaos/troubled times/(in Buddhism) the mortal world
        shìdài, for many generations/generation/era/age
        yīshì, generation/period of 30 years/one's whole lifetime/lifelong/age/era/times/the wh...
        Gàishìtàibǎo, [蓋世太保], Gestapo
        qiánshì, previous generations/previous incarnation (Buddhism)
        yīshēngyīshì, a whole lifetime (idiom); all my life
        chuàngshì, [創世], the creation (in mythology and Genesis 1-2)/the first foundational steps
        chénshì, [塵世], this mortal life/the mundane world
        wènshì, [問世], to be published/to come out
        wánshìbùgōng, to trifle without respect (idiom); to despise worldly conventions/frivolous
        juéshì, [絕世], unique/exceptional
        shìwàitáoyuán, see 桃花源[táo huā yuán]
        shìmiàn, aspects of society/the world
        rénshìjiān, [人世間], the secular world
        xiànshì, [現世], this life/to lose face/to be disgraced
        chǔshì, [處世], to conduct oneself in society
        gōngzhūyúshì, [公諸於世], to announce to the world (idiom)/to make public/to let everyone know
        hòushì, [後世], later generations
        shìjièguān, [世界觀], worldview/world outlook/Weltanschauung
        císhì, [辭世], to die/to depart this life (euphemism)/same as 去世
        jīngshìhàisú, [驚世駭俗], universally shocking/to offend the whole of society
        sānshì, the Third (of numbered kings)
        liúfāngbǎishì, (of one's name, reputation etc) to be immortalized (idiom)/to leave a mark for g...
        mòshì, last phase (of an age)
        wénmíngyúshì, [聞名於世], world-famous
        jǔshìwénmíng, [舉世聞名], world-famous (idiom)
        shìshìdàidài, for many generations
        shìchóu, feud
        shèngshì, a flourishing period/period of prosperity/a golden age
        jǔshì, [舉世], throughout the world/world ranking (e.g. first)
        yànshì, [厭世], world-weary/pessimistic
        pǔshì, ecumenical/universal
        chuánshì, [傳世], handed down from ancient times/family heirloom
        jǔshìwúshuāng, [舉世無雙], unrivaled (idiom); world number one/unique/unequaled
        shìjǐnsài, [世錦賽], world championship
        xīshì, rare
        dàqiānshìjiè, great wide world/marvelously diverse world/(Buddhism) cosmos (abbr. for 三千大千世界[s...
        shìdàixiāngchuán, [世代相傳], passed on from generation to generation (idiom); to hand down
        shìxí, [世襲], succession/inheritance/hereditary
        Shìbóhuì, [世博會], World Exposition/abbr. for 世界博覽會|世界博览会[Shì jiè Bó lǎn huì], World Expo
        ShìjièYínháng, [世界銀行], World Bank
        Guānshìyīn, [觀世音], Guanyin, the Bodhisattva of Compassion or Goddess of Mercy (Sanskrit Avalokiteśv...
        shìfēngrìxià, [世風日下], public morals are degenerating with each passing day (idiom)
        shìjiāo, (long time) friend of the family
        rùshì, to engage with secular society/to involve oneself in human affairs/to join the W...
        yǔshìwúzhēng, [與世無爭], to stand aloof from worldly affairs
        bùkěyīshì, to consider oneself unexcelled in the world/to be insufferably arrogant
        miànshì, to be published (of art, literary works etc)/to come out/to take shape/to see th...
        jǔshìzhǔmù, [舉世矚目], to receive worldwide attention
        shìjìmò, [世紀末], end of the century
        huāhuāshìjiè, the teeming world/the world of sensual pleasures
        Shìwèi, [世衛], World Health Organization (WHO)/abbr. for 世界衛生組織|世界卫生组织[Shì jiè Wèi shēng Zǔ zhī...
        huǎngrúgéshì, like a thing of the previous generation/as if it were a lifetime ago
        shìqíng, worldly affairs/the ways of the world
        jiāshì, family background
        shìshì, from age to age
        jīnshì, this life/this age
        qīshìdàomíng, [欺世盜名], to fool the world and usurp a good name (idiom)
        ShìmàoZǔzhī, [世貿組織], WTO (World Trade Organization)
        yǔshìchángcí, [與世長辭], to die/to depart from the world forever
        shìxì, lineage/genealogy/family tree
        shìtàiyánliáng, [世態炎涼], the hypocrisy of the world (idiom)
        shìfēng, [世風], public morals
        wēiguānshìjiè, [微觀世界], microcosm/the microscopic world
        xiàshì, to die/future incarnation/next life/to be born/to come into the world/future gen...
        hùnshìmówáng, devil incarnate (idiom)/fiend in human form
        yángshì, [陽世], world of the living
        èrshì, the Second (of numbered kings)/second generation (e.g. Chinese Americans)
        shìtài, [世態], the ways of the world/social behavior
        shìjú, the situation (e.g. political)/the state of the world
        Shìzōng, Sejong the Great or Sejong Daewang (1397-1450), reigned 1418-1450 as fourth king...
        wǔshì, the fifth (of series of numbered kings)
        wànshì, [萬世], all ages
        ShìjièMàoyìZǔzhī, [世界貿易組織], World Trade Organization (WTO)

        dàibiǎo, representative/delegate/CL:位[wèi],個|个[gè],名[míng]/to represent/to stand for/on b...
        niándài, a decade of a century (e.g. the Sixties)/age/era/period/CL:個|个[gè]
        Shídài/shídài, [時代], Time, US weekly news magazine, age/era/epoch/period (in one's life)/CL:個|个[gè]
        dàijià, [代價], price/cost/consideration (in share dealing)
        dài, to substitute/to act on behalf of others/to replace/generation/dynasty/age/perio...
        dàitì, to replace/to take the place of
        Xiàndài/xiàndài, [現代], Hyundai, South Korean company, modern times/modern age/modern era
        dàilǐ, to act on behalf of sb in a responsible position/to act as an agent or proxy/sur...
        dàimǎ, [代碼], code
        qǔdài, to replace/to supersede/to supplant/(chemistry) substitution
        xiàndàiwǔ, [現代舞], modern dance
        dàihào, [代號], code name
        tìdài, to substitute for/to replace/to supersede
        hòudài, [後代], descendant/progeny/posterity/later ages/later generations
        gǔdài, ancient times/olden times
        jiāodài, to hand over/to explain/to make clear/to brief (sb)/to account for/to justify on...
        dàilǐrén, agent
        yīdài, generation
        dàiyánrén, spokesperson
        dāngdài, [當代], the present age/the contemporary era
        xiàyīdài, the next generation
        dàikè, [代課], to teach as substitute for absent teacher
        tìdàipǐn, substitute/alternative
        qǔérdàizhī, to substitute for sb/to remove and replace
        dàishù, [代數], algebra
        dàixiè, [代謝], replacement/substitution/metabolism (biol.)
        xīnchéndàixiè, [新陳代謝], metabolism (biology)/the new replaces the old (idiom)
        xiàndàihuà, [現代化], modernization/CL:個|个[gè]
        dàilǐshāng, agent
        dàibiǎozuò, representative work (of an author or artist)
        shìdài, for many generations/generation/era/age
        dàimíngcí, [代名詞], pronoun/synonym/byword
        dàibiǎotuán, [代表團], delegation/CL:個|个[gè]
        dàidàixiāngchuán, [代代相傳], passed on from generation to generation (idiom); to hand down
        dàibiǎoxìng, representativeness/representative/typical
        dàiláo, [代勞], to do sth in place of sb else
        dàibiǎoduì, [代表隊], delegation
        Mǎěrdàifū, [馬爾代夫], the Maldives
        xiàndàirén, [現代人], modern man/Homo sapiens
        huángjīnshídài, [黃金時代], golden age
        dàigōu, [代溝], generation gap
        shìshìdàidài, for many generations
        Dàidùn, [代頓], Dayton (city in Ohio)
        jìndài, the not-very-distant past/modern times, excluding recent decades/(in the context...
        yuèzǔdàipáo, lit. to go beyond the sacrificial altar and take over the kitchen (idiom); fig. ...
        chuánzōngjiēdài, [傳宗接代], to carry on one's ancestral line
        shìdàixiāngchuán, [世代相傳], passed on from generation to generation (idiom); to hand down
        dàicí, [代詞], pronoun
        huàshídài, [劃時代], epoch-marking
        dàichēng, [代稱], alternative name/to refer to sth by another name/antonomasia
        shèngdài, [聖代], sundae (loanword)
        Wǔdài, Five Dynasties, period of history between the fall of the Tang dynasty (907) and...
        cháodài, dynasty/reign (of a king)
        lìdài, [歷代], successive generations/successive dynasties/past dynasties
        Xīnshēngdài/xīnshēngdài, Cenozoic (geological era covering the last 65m years), new generation
        Míngdài, the Ming dynasty (1368-1644)
        mòdài, final generation
        yuándàimǎ, [源代碼], source code (computing)
        gǎicháohuàndài, [改朝換代], to transition to a new dynasty or regime
        dàibǐ, [代筆], to write on behalf of sb/to ghostwrite
        gēngxīnhuàndài, [更新換代], reform and renewal/generational change
        tóngshídài, [同時代], contemporary
        dàishùxué, [代數學], algebra (as branch of math.)
        dàibàn, [代辦], to act for sb else/to act on sb's behalf/an agent/a diplomatic representative/a ...
        xiàndàipài, [現代派], modernist faction/modernists
        quánquándàibiǎo, [全權代表], a plenipotentiary (representative)
        jìndàishǐ, modern history (for China, from the Opium Wars until the fall of the Qing Dynast...
        dàishùhé, [代數和], algebraic sum
        dàihuàn, [代換], to substitute/to replace
        dàiguǎn, to administer/to manage/to hold in trust or escrow
·         Tuōmǎsī·Hādài, [托馬斯·哈代], Thomas Hardy (1840-1928), English author
        Sòngdài, Song dynasty (960-1279)
        Qīngdài, the Ch'ing or Qing dynasty (1644-1911)
        Kèlǎngdàikè, Klondike in northwest Canada
        dàishōu, to receive sth on another's behalf
        huàndài, [換代], to transition to a new dynasty or regime/to replace an older product with an upg...
        xiàndàishǐ, [現代史], modern history
        Méngdàiěr, [蒙代爾], Walter Mondale (1928-), US democratic politician, US vice-president 1977-1981 an...
        niándàixué, [年代學], chronology (the science of determining the dates of past events)
        jìnxiàndàishǐ, [近現代史], modern history and contemporary history
        Wàndài, [萬代], Bandai toy company
        shàngdài, previous generation
        qīndài, [親代], parent's generation/previous generation
        chuándài, [傳代], to pass to the next generation
        dàigòu, [代購], to buy (on behalf of sb)
        dàixíng, to act as a substitute/to act on sb's behalf
        Hàndài, [漢代], the Han dynasty (206 BC-220 AD)
        fēnghuájuédài, [風華絕代], magnificent style unmatched in his generation (idiom); peerless talent

        xiāngxìn, to be convinced (that sth is true)/to believe/to accept sth as true
        zhēnxiàng, the truth about sth/the actual facts
        xiāngdāng, [相當], equivalent to/appropriate/considerably/to a certain extent/fairly/quite
        hùxiāng, each other/mutually/mutual
        Xiāng/xiāng/xiàng, surname Xiang, each other/one another/mutually/fret on the neck of a pipa 琵琶[pí ...
        xiāngchǔ, [相處], to be in contact (with sb)/to associate/to interact/to get along (well, poorly)
        xiāngtóng, identical/same
        xiāngguān, [相關], related/relevant/pertinent/to be interrelated/(statistics) correlation
        xiānghù, each other/mutual
        xiāngfǎn, opposite/contrary
        xiāngài, [相愛], to love each other
        xiàngjī, [相機], camera (abbr. for 照相機|照相机[zhào xiàng jī])/at the opportune moment/as the circums...
        xiāngsì, to resemble/similar/like/resemblance/similarity
        xiāngbǐ, to compare
        xiāngyù, to meet/to encounter/to come across
        xiāngfú, to match/to tally
        shǒuxiàng, prime minister (of Japan or UK etc)
        xiàngpiàn, image/photograph/CL:張|张[zhāng]
        zhàoxiàng, to take a photograph
        zhǎngxiàng, [長相], appearance/looks/profile/countenance
        xiāngduì, [相對], relatively/opposite/to resist/to oppose/relative/vis-a-vis/counterpart
        zhàoxiàngjī, [照相機], camera/CL:個|个[gè],架[jià],部[bù],台[tái],隻|只[zhī]
        xiāngshí, [相識], to get to know each other/acquaintance
        xiāngjiàn, [相見], to see each other/to meet in person
        xiāngqīn, [相親], blind date/arranged interview to evaluate a proposed marriage partner (Taiwan pr...
        xiānglián, [相連], to link/to join/link/connection
        xiāngbàn, to accompany sb/to accompany each other
        xiāngyìng, [相應], to correspond/answering (one another)/to agree (among the part)/corresponding/re...
        xiāngjù, to meet together/to assemble
        xiàngmào, appearance
        guāmùxiāngkàn, to have a whole new level of respect for sb or sth/to sit up and take notice (of...
        liàngxiàng, to strike a pose (Chinese opera)/(fig.) to make a public appearance/to come out ...
        zìxiāngcánshā, [自相殘殺], to massacre one another (idiom); internecine strife
        sìcéngxiāngshí, [似曾相識], déjà vu (the experience of seeing exactly the same situation a second time)/seem...
        xiāngxiàng, to resemble one another/to be alike/similar
        xiāngtíbìnglùn, [相提並論], to discuss two disparate things together (idiom); to mention on equal terms/to p...
        xiānggé, separated by (distance or time etc)
        xiàngcè, [相冊], photo album
        zhēnxiàngdàbái, the whole truth is revealed (idiom); everything becomes clear
        xiāngjìn, close/similar to
        xiāngtōng, interlinked/connected/communicating/in communication/accommodating
        xiāngzhuàng, collision/crash/to crash together/to collide with/to bump into
        xiānghuì, [相會], to meet together
        xiāngchà, to differ/discrepancy between
        zhēnfēngxiāngduì, [針鋒相對], to oppose each other with equal harshness (idiom); tit for tat/measure for measu...
        xiāngtóu, agreeing with one another/congenial
        xiāngchèn, [相稱], to match/to suit/mutually compatible
        zìxiāngmáodùn, to contradict oneself/self-contradictory/inconsistent
        dàxiāngjìngtíng, [大相徑庭], as different as can be (idiom)/poles apart
        xiāngyuē, [相約], to agree (on a meeting place, date etc)/to reach agreement/to make an appointmen...
        xiāngjiàn, [相間], to alternate/to follow one another
        xiāngféng, to meet (by chance)/to come across
仿         xiāngfǎng, similar
        xiāngānwúshì, [相安無事], to live together in harmony
        xiāngyīwéimìng, [相依為命], mutually dependent for life (idiom); to rely upon one another for survival/inter...
        hémùxiāngchǔ, [和睦相處], to live in harmony/to get along with each other
        xiāngbǐzhīxià, by comparison
        xiānghǎo, to be intimate/close friend/paramour
        xiānggān, relevant/to have to do with/coherent (Physics: light etc)
        shíxiàng, [識相], sensitive/tactful
        xīxīxiāngguān, [息息相關], closely bound up (idiom); intimately related
        bùxiāngshàngxià, equally matched/about the same
        xīnxīnxiāngyìn, two hearts beat as one (idiom); a kindred spirit
        dàidàixiāngchuán, [代代相傳], passed on from generation to generation (idiom); to hand down
        xiāngjì, [相繼], in succession/following closely
        xiāngqīnxiāngài, [相親相愛], to be kind and love one another (idiom); bound by deep emotions
        xiāngpū, [相撲], sumo wrestling/also pr. [xiàng pū]
        xiāngdài, to treat
        zhàoxiàngguǎn, [照相館], photo studio
        xiāngzuǒ, to fail to meet each other/to conflict with each other/to be at odds with
        xiàngsheng, [相聲], comic dialogue/sketch/crosstalk
        chūyángxiàng, to make a fool of oneself
        tóngbìngxiānglián, [同病相憐], fellow sufferers empathize with each other (idiom); misery loves company
        tǎnchéngxiāngjiàn, [坦誠相見], to trust one another fully/to treat sb with sincerity
        bīnxiàng, [儐相], attendant of the bride or bridegroom at a wedding
        xiāngchuán, [相傳], to pass on/to hand down/tradition has it that .../according to legend
        xiāngdāngyú, [相當於], equivalent to
        xiāngděng, equal/equally/equivalent
        xiāngjù, distance apart/separated by a given distance
        xiāngsī, to yearn/to pine
        xiāngjiāo, to cross over (e.g. traffic)/to intersect/to make friends
        biànxiàng, [變相], in disguised form/covert
        xiānglín, [相鄰], neighbor/adjacent
        xiāngzhù, to help one another/to come to sb's help
        qígǔxiāngdāng, [旗鼓相當], lit. two armies have equivalent banners and drums (idiom); fig. evenly matched/r...
        shàngxiàng, photogenic/(old) high official
        xiāngduìlùn, [相對論], theory of relativity
        sèxiàng, coloration/hue/sex/sex appeal
        sùbùxiāngshí, [素不相識], to be total strangers (idiom)
        nánbīnxiàng, [男儐相], best man (in a marriage)
        xiāngróng, compatible/consistent/to tolerate (each other)
        yángxiàng, social gaffe or blunder/faux pas/see 出洋相[chū yáng xiàng]
        xiāngzhòng, to find to one's taste/to pick (after looking at)/Taiwan pr. [xiàng zhòng]
        bànxiàng, stage costume
        xiāngxíngjiànchù, [相形見絀], to pale by comparison (idiom)
        zhēngxiāng, [爭相], to fall over each other in their eagerness to...
        xiānghùzuòyòng, to interact/interaction/interplay
        wàixiàng, Foreign Minister
        dānkǒuxiàngshēng, [單口相聲], comic monologue/one-person comic sketch
        dānxiāngsī, [單相思], one-sided lovesickness/unrequited longing
        shìdàixiāngchuán, [世代相傳], passed on from generation to generation (idiom); to hand down
        xiāngsībìng, lovesickness
        pòxiàng, (of facial features) to be marred by a scar etc/to disfigure/to make a fool of o...
        shǒuxiàng, palmistry/features of a palm (in palmistry)
        xiāngdǐ, to balance up/to offset/to counterbalance
        xiāngyī, to be interdependent
        xīngxiàng, astrology and physiognomy
        xiāngguānxìng, [相關性], correlation
        xiāngrúyǐmò, to moisten with spittle (idiom); sharing meager resources/mutual help in humble ...
        duǎnbīngxiāngjiē, lit. short-weaponed soldiery fight one another (idiom); fierce hand-to-hand infa...
        xiálùxiāngféng, [狹路相逢], lit. to meet face to face on a narrow path (idiom)/fig. enemies or rivals meet f...
        píngshuǐxiāngféng, strangers coming together by chance (idiom)
        xiāngsìxìng, resemblance/similarity
        xiāngjiē, to merge with/interlinking/to join with/to interlock
        xiāngquàn, [相勸], to persuade/to exhort/to advise
        kànxiàng, to tell fortune by reading the subject's facial features
        miànxiàng, facial features/appearence/physiognomy
        shǒuwàngxiāngzhù, to keep watch and defend one another (idiom, from Mencius); to join forces to de...
        bīngróngxiāngjiàn, [兵戎相見], to meet on the battlefield (idiom)
        jìngxiāng, [競相], competitive/eagerly/to vie
        chǒuxiàng, [醜相], ugly expression/unsightly manners
        xiānglián, [相聯], to interact/interrelated
        běnxiàng, original form
        guàixiàng, grotesque visage/grimace
        xiāngjiànhènwǎn, [相見恨晚], to regret not having met earlier (idiom); It is nice to meet you finally./It fee...
        huánhuánxiāngkòu, [環環相扣], closely linked with one another/interlocked/to interrelate
        chéngxiàng, the most senior minister of many kingdoms or dynasties (with varying roles)/prim...
        shǎguāxiàngjī, [傻瓜相機], point-and-shoot camera/compact camera
        xuèròuxiānglián, [血肉相連], one's own flesh and blood (idiom); closely related
        fǎnchúnxiāngjī, [反唇相譏], to answer back sarcastically (idiom)/to retort
        hùbùxiāngràng, [互不相讓], neither giving way to the other
        zǎixiàng, prime minister (in feudal China)
        dǐnglìxiāngzhù, We are most grateful for your valuable assistance.
        yuèxiàng, phases of moon, namely: new moon 朔[shuò], first quarter or waxing moon 上弦[shàng ...
        mìngxiàng, horoscope
        xiāngchì, mutual repulsion (e.g. electrostatic)/to repel one another
        xiōngxiàngbìlù, [兇相畢露], show one's ferocious appearance (idiom); the atrocious features revealed/with fa...
        miànmiànxiāngqù, [面面相覷], to look at each other in dismay (idiom)
        xiàoliǎnxiāngyíng, [笑臉相迎], to welcome sb with a smiling face (idiom)
        xiāngfǔxiāngchéng, [相輔相成], to complement one another (idiom)
齿         chúnchǐxiāngyī, [唇齒相依], lit. as close as lips and teeth (idiom); closely related/interdependent
        bēnzǒuxiānggào, to spread the news (idiom)
        xiāngchéng, to multiply (math.)/multiplication
        xiāngdéyìzhāng, to bring out the best in each other (idiom)/to complement one another well
        xiōngxiàng, [兇相], ferocious appearance
        yīmàixiāngchéng, [一脈相承], traceable to the same stock (idiom); of a common origin (of trends, ideas etc)
        xiūqīxiāngguān, [休戚相關], to share the same interests (idiom)/to be closely related/to be in the same boat
        xiāngwàng, to look at one another/to face each other
        xiāngchíbùxià, at a stalemate/deadlocked/in unrelenting mutual opposition
        xiāngjìngrúbīn, [相敬如賓], to treat each other as an honored guest (idiom)/mutual respect between husband a...
        fēngmǎniúbùxiāngjí, [風馬牛不相及], to be completely unrelated to one another (idiom)/irrelevant
        xiàngwèichā, phase difference
        gǔròuxiānglián, [骨肉相連], lit. interrelated as bones and flesh (idiom); inseparably related/closely intert...
        xiāngyìngchéngqù, to set each other off nicely
        liǎnxiàng, [臉相], complexion/looks/appearance of one's face
        tánguānxiāngqìng, [彈冠相慶], lit. to flick dust off sb's cap (idiom); to celebrate an official appointment/to...
        xiāngchí, locked in a stalemate/to confront one another
        xiànggong, lord/master/young gentleman/male prostitute/catamite/mahjong player disqualified...
        dānxiàng, [單相], single phase (elec.)
        xiàngzhǐ, [相紙], photographic paper
        xiāngyí, to be suitable or appropriate
        shuìxiàng, sleeping posture

        chuán/zhuàn, [傳], to pass on/to spread/to transmit/to infect/to transfer/to circulate/to conduct (...
        chuántǒng, [傳統], tradition/traditional/convention/conventional/CL:個|个[gè]
        chuánshuō, [傳說], legend/folklore/to repeat from mouth to mouth/they say that...
        chuánqí, [傳奇], legendary/fantasy saga/romance/short stories of the Tang and Song Dynasty
        xuānchuán, [宣傳], to disseminate/to give publicity to/propaganda/CL:個|个[gè]
        chuánsòng, [傳送], to convey/to deliver
        chuánbō, [傳播], to disseminate/to propagate/to spread
        yíchuán, [遺傳], heredity/to inherit (a trait)/to pass on (to one's offspring)
        chuánrǎn, [傳染], to infect/contagious
        chuándá, [傳達], to pass on/to convey/to relay/to transmit/transmission
        chuányán, [傳言], rumor/hearsay
        chuándì, [傳遞], to transmit/to pass on to sb else/(math.) transitive
        chuánqiú, [傳球], pass (in soccer)/to feed (ball)
        chuánlái, [傳來], (of a sound) to come through/to be heard/(of news) to arrive
        chuánzhēn, [傳真], fax/facsimile
        chuándān, [傳單], leaflet/flier/pamphlet
        chuánwén, [傳聞], rumor
        chuánpiào, [傳票], summons/subpoena/voucher
        chuánshū, [傳輸], to transmit/transmission
        chuánchū, [傳出], to transmit outwards/to disseminate/efferent (nerve)
        liúchuán, [流傳], to spread/to circulate/to hand down
        chuánhuàn, [傳喚], a summons (to the police)/subpoena
        chuánxùn, [傳訊], to summon (a witness)/to subpoena
        chuángǎnqì, [傳感器], sensor/transducer
        zìzhuàn, [自傳], autobiography
        chuánjiàoshì, [傳教士], missionary
        chuánrǎnbìng, [傳染病], infectious disease/contagious disease/pestilence
        yáochuán, [謠傳], rumor
        chuánhuà, [傳話], to pass on a story/to communicate a message
        chuánméi, [傳媒], media
        yánguīzhèngzhuàn, [言歸正傳], to return to the topic (idiom)/to get back to the main point
        chuánshòu, [傳授], to impart/to pass on/to teach
        chuánkāi, [傳開], (of news) to spread/to get around
        zhuànjì, [傳記], biography/CL:篇[piān],部[bù]
        chuánhū, [傳呼], to notify sb of a call/to call sb to the phone
        chuánjiào, [傳教], to preach/missionary/to evangelize
        xuānchuáncè, [宣傳冊], commercial brochure/advertising pamphlet/flyer
        chuánzhēnjī, [傳真機], fax machine
        chuánbiàn, [傳遍], to spread widely
        yíchuánxué, [遺傳學], genetics
        chuánrǎnxìng, [傳染性], infectious/epidemic
        wàichuán/wàizhuàn, [外傳], to tell others (a secret)/to divulge to an outsider/to be rumored, unofficial bi...
        chuándào, [傳道], to lecture on doctrine/to expound the wisdom of ancient sages/to preach/a sermon
        chuánhuí, [傳回], to send back
        chuánjiābǎo, [傳家寶], family heirloom
        chuánchéng, [傳承], to pass on (to future generations)/passed on (from former times)/a continued tra...
        chuánsòngdài, [傳送帶], conveyor belt/transmission belt
        chuánhūjī, [傳呼機], pager/beeper
        chuándǎo, [傳導], to conduct (heat, electricity etc)
        dàidàixiāngchuán, [代代相傳], passed on from generation to generation (idiom); to hand down
        zǔchuán, [祖傳], passed on from ancestors/handed down from generation to generation
        shīchuán, [失傳], (of skills etc) to die out/lost/extinct
        xiāngchuán, [相傳], to pass on/to hand down/tradition has it that .../according to legend
        zhèngzhuàn, [正傳], main subject of long novel/true biography
        chuánrén, [傳人], to teach/to impart/a disciple/descendant
        chuánlìng, [傳令], to transmit an order
        chuándòng, [傳動], drive (transmission in an engine)
        chuánxiāo, [傳銷], multi-level marketing
        míngbùxūchuán, [名不虛傳], lit. name is not in vain (idiom); a fully justified reputation/enjoys a well-des...
        chuánsòng, [傳頌], to eulogize/to pass on praise
        chuánshén, [傳神], vivid/lifelike
        yíchuánxìng, [遺傳性], hereditary/inherited/genetic
        jīngzhuàn, [經傳], classic work (esp. Confucian classics)
        chuányuè, [傳閱], to read and pass on/to pass on for perusal
        míngbùjiànjīngzhuàn, [名不見經傳], (lit.) name not encountered in the classics/unknown (person)/nobody
        chuánshì, [傳世], handed down from ancient times/family heirloom
        chuánchàng, [傳唱], to pass on a song
        chuánzōngjiēdài, [傳宗接代], to carry on one's ancestral line
        chuánrù, [傳入], to import/transmitted inwards/afferent
        jùchuán, [據傳], it is rumored that .../it is reported that ...
        shìdàixiāngchuán, [世代相傳], passed on from generation to generation (idiom); to hand down
        shèngchuán, [盛傳], widely spread/widely rumored/stories abound/(sb's exploits are) widely circulate...
        chuánqíng, [傳情], to pass on amorous feelings/to send one's love to sb
        diànchuán, [電傳], to send information using electronic means (such as fax, telegram, telex etc)/a ...
        chuánshēngqì, [傳聲器], microphone
        yíchuánwùzhì, [遺傳物質], genetic material
        xuānchuánhuà, [宣傳畫], propaganda poster/advertising hoarding
        yánchuán, [言傳], to convey in words
        zhēnchuán, [真傳], authentic tradition/handed-down teachings or techniques
        chuánrǎnyuán, [傳染源], source of an infection
        fēngchuán, [風傳], it is rumored that
        Xuānchuánbù, [宣傳部], Propaganda Department
        chuányáng, [傳揚], to spread (by word of mouth)
        zhuànlüè, [傳略], biographical sketch
        chuánshēngtǒng, [傳聲筒], loudhailer/megaphone/one who parrots sb/mouthpiece
线         chuánshūxiàn, [傳輸線], transmission line
        méimùchuánqíng, [眉目傳情], to make sheep eyes at/to cast amorous glances at
        yánchuánshēnjiào, [言傳身教], to teach by words and example (idiom)
        chuándáshì, [傳達室], reception office/janitor's office
        yǐéchuáné, [以訛傳訛], to spread falsehoods/to increasingly distort the truth/to pile errors on top of ...
        lìzhuàn, [立傳], to record sb's achievements in writing/to write a biography enhancing the subjec...
        chuánzhǒng, [傳種], to reproduce/to propagate
        chuánsòng, [傳誦], widely known/on everyone's lips
        ZuǒZhuàn, [左傳], Zuo Zhuan or Tsochuan, Mr Zuo's Annals or Mr Zuo's commentary on 春秋[Chūn qiū], e...
        mìchuán, [祕傳], to hand down secret knowledge from generation to generation within a school or f...
        chuánbù, [傳布], to spread/to hand down/to disseminate
        dānchuán, [單傳], to have only one heir in a generation (of a family, clan etc)/to be learned from...
        yíchuángōngchéng, [遺傳工程], genetic engineering
        díchuán, [嫡傳], handed down in a direct line from the founder
        chuánzhēndiànbào, [傳真電報], phototelegram
        chuándòngzhóu, [傳動軸], drive shaft
        xiǎozhuàn, [小傳], sketch biography/profile
        chuánshūlǜ, [傳輸率], transmission rate
        chuándòngdài, [傳動帶], transmission belt
        shùbēilìzhuàn, [樹碑立傳], lit. to erect a stele and write a biography (idiom)/to monumentalize/to glorify/...
        kǒuchuán, [口傳], orally transmitted
        jiébàopínchuán, [捷報頻傳], victory reports pour in (idiom); news of success in an endless stream
        chuándài, [傳代], to pass to the next generation
        chuánrè, [傳熱], heat transfer/heat transmission

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