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[陽世] yángshì world of the living

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Word Compounds

        tàiyang, [太陽], sun/CL:個|个[gè]/abbr. for 太陽穴|太阳穴[tài yáng xué]
        yángguāng, [陽光], sunshine/CL:線|线[xiàn]/transparent (open to public scrutiny)
        yángtái, [陽台]/[陽臺], variant of 陽臺|阳台[yáng tái], balcony/porch
        yáng, [陽], positive (electric.)/sun/male principle (Taoism)/Yang, opposite: 陰|阴[yīn]
        yángxìng, [陽性], positive/masculine
        tàiyángxì, [太陽系], solar system
        tàiyángnéng, [太陽能], solar energy
        shàitàiyáng, [曬太陽], to be in the sun (getting warm or sunbathing etc)/to put sth in the sun (e.g. to...
        tàiyángjìng, [太陽鏡], sunglasses
        xīyáng, [夕陽], sunset/the setting sun
        yīnyáng, [陰陽], yin and yang
        tàiyángshén, [太陽神], Sun God/Apollo
        yángwěi, [陽痿], (med.) impotence
        yángsǎn, [陽傘], parasol
        yánggāng, [陽剛], manly/masculine
        tàiyángxué, [太陽穴], temple (on the sides of human head)
        tàiyángyǎnjìng, [太陽眼鏡], sunglasses
        Hànyáng, [漢陽], Hanyang county in Hubei province/historical name Hanyang for Seoul, Korea
        Cháoyáng/cháoyáng/zhāoyáng, [朝陽], Chaoyang district in east and northeast Beijing, a county level district of Beij...
        YángguānDào, [陽關道], same as 陽關大道|阳关大道[Yáng guān Dà dào]
        zhēyáng, [遮陽], to shield from the sun
        Dōngyáng, [東陽], Dongyang county level city in Jinhua 金華|金华[Jīn huá], Zhejiang
西         xīyángxīxià, [夕陽西下], the sun sets in the west (idiom)
        yīnyángguàiqì, [陰陽怪氣], eccentric/peculiar/mystifying
        yángjiān, [陽間], the world of the living
        yànyángtiān, [豔陽天], bright sunny day/blazing hot day
        yángpíng, [陽平], evenly rising tone, the second tone of putonghua
        jiāoyáng, [驕陽], blazing sun
        Yángguān, [陽關], Yangguan or Southern Pass on the south Silk Road in Gansu, 70 km south of Dunhua...
        yángyán, [陽炎], dazzling sunlight/glare of sunlight
        yīnchāyángcuò, [陰差陽錯], (idiom) due to an unexpected turn of events
        Dānyáng, [丹陽], Danyang county level city in Zhenjiang 鎮江|镇江[Zhèn jiāng], Jiangsu
        Jīnyáng, [金陽], Jinyang county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture 涼山彞族自治州|凉山彝族自治州[Liáng shān ...
        Xiàngyáng/xiàngyáng, [向陽], Xiangyang district of Kiamusze or Jiamusi city 佳木斯[Jiā mù sī], Heilongjiang/Xian...
        yángchūnmiàn, [陽春麵], plain noodles in broth
        xiéyáng, [斜陽], setting sun
        Chóngyáng, [崇陽], Chongyang county in Xianning 咸寧|咸宁[Xián níng], Hubei
        yángchūnbáixuě, [陽春白雪], melodies of the elite in the state of Chu 楚國|楚国[Chǔ guó]/highbrow art and litera...
        Ānyángshì, [安陽市], Anyang prefecture-level city in Henan
寿         yángshòu, [陽壽], predestined lifespan
        Ānyáng, [安陽], Anyang prefecture-level city in Henan
        Máyáng, [麻陽], Mayang Miao autonomous county in Huaihua 懷化|怀化[Huái huà], Hunan
        yángjí, [陽極], anode/positive electrode/positive pole
        yángwù, [陽物], penis
        zhēyángbǎn, [遮陽板], sun visor/sunshade/sunshading board
        yángfèngyīnwéi, [陽奉陰違], outward devotion but inner opposition (idiom); to pay lip service/to agree overt...
        Zǐyáng, [紫陽], Ziyang County in Ankang 安康[Ān kāng], Shaanxi
        GāoYáng/Gāoyáng, [高陽], Gao Yang (1926-1992), Taiwanese historical novelist, Gaoyang county in Baoding 保...
        Luòyáng, [洛陽], Luoyang prefecture-level city in Henan, an old capital from pre-Han times
        yángshì, [陽世], world of the living
        Yángchūn, [陽春], Yangchun county level city in Yangjiang 陽江|阳江[Yáng jiāng], Guangdong
        yánglì, [陽曆], solar calendar/Western (Gregorian) calendar
        Chóngyángjié, [重陽節], Double Ninth or Yang Festival/9th day of 9th lunar month
        Luòyángzhǐguì, [洛陽紙貴], lit. paper has become expensive in Luoyang (because everyone is making a copy of...
        Hǎiyáng, [海陽], Haiyang county level city in Yantai 煙台|烟台, Shandong
        Kāiyáng, [開陽], zeta Ursae Majoris in the Big Dipper/Kaiyang county in Guiyang 貴陽|贵阳[Guì yáng], ...
        yánglízǐ, [陽離子], positive ion/cation (physics)
        tàiyángrì, [太陽日], solar day
        tàiyángdēng, [太陽燈], sunlamp

        shìjiè, world/CL:個|个[gè]
        qùshì, to pass away/to die
        shìjì, [世紀], century/CL:個|个[gè]
        shìshàng, on earth
        quánshìjiè, worldwide/entire world
        Shì/shì, surname Shi, life/age/generation/era/world/lifetime/epoch/descendant/noble
        guòshì, [過世], to die/to pass away
        Jiùshìzhǔ, the Savior (in Christianity)
        shìrén, people (in general)/people around the world/everyone
        shìjiān, [世間], world/earth
        zhōngshìjì, [中世紀], medieval/Middle Ages
        shìshì, affairs of life/things of the world
        shìjièdàzhàn, [世界大戰], world war
        rénshì, the world/this world/the world of the living
        fènshìjísú, [憤世嫉俗], to be cynical/to be embittered
        zàishì, to be alive
        chūshì, to be born/to come into being/to withdraw from worldly affairs
        Sūlíshì, [蘇黎世], Zurich, Switzerland
        shìdào, the ways of the world/the morals of the time
        dìsānshìjiè, Third World
        Shìmào, [世貿], World Trade Organization (WTO)/abbr. for 世界貿易組織|世界贸易组织
        yǒngshì, eternal/forever
        yǔshìgéjué, [與世隔絕], to be cut off from the rest of the world (idiom)
        Shìjièbēi, World Cup
        shìjièjí, [世界級], world-class
        shìsú, profane/secular/worldly
        zhuǎnshì, [轉世], reincarnation or transmigration (Buddhism)
        shēnshì, one's life experience/one's lot/one's past history
        shìjiā, family influential for generations/aristocratic family
        shìshì, to pass away/to die
        shìgù/shìgu, the ways of the world, sophisticated/worldly-wise
        luànshì, [亂世], the world in chaos/troubled times/(in Buddhism) the mortal world
        shìdài, for many generations/generation/era/age
        yīshì, generation/period of 30 years/one's whole lifetime/lifelong/age/era/times/the wh...
        Gàishìtàibǎo, [蓋世太保], Gestapo
        qiánshì, previous generations/previous incarnation (Buddhism)
        yīshēngyīshì, a whole lifetime (idiom); all my life
        chuàngshì, [創世], the creation (in mythology and Genesis 1-2)/the first foundational steps
        chénshì, [塵世], this mortal life/the mundane world
        wènshì, [問世], to be published/to come out
        wánshìbùgōng, to trifle without respect (idiom); to despise worldly conventions/frivolous
        juéshì, [絕世], unique/exceptional
        shìwàitáoyuán, see 桃花源[táo huā yuán]
        shìmiàn, aspects of society/the world
        rénshìjiān, [人世間], the secular world
        xiànshì, [現世], this life/to lose face/to be disgraced
        chǔshì, [處世], to conduct oneself in society
        gōngzhūyúshì, [公諸於世], to announce to the world (idiom)/to make public/to let everyone know
        hòushì, [後世], later generations
        shìjièguān, [世界觀], worldview/world outlook/Weltanschauung
        císhì, [辭世], to die/to depart this life (euphemism)/same as 去世
        jīngshìhàisú, [驚世駭俗], universally shocking/to offend the whole of society
        sānshì, the Third (of numbered kings)
        liúfāngbǎishì, (of one's name, reputation etc) to be immortalized (idiom)/to leave a mark for g...
        mòshì, last phase (of an age)
        wénmíngyúshì, [聞名於世], world-famous
        jǔshìwénmíng, [舉世聞名], world-famous (idiom)
        shìshìdàidài, for many generations
        shìchóu, feud
        shèngshì, a flourishing period/period of prosperity/a golden age
        jǔshì, [舉世], throughout the world/world ranking (e.g. first)
        yànshì, [厭世], world-weary/pessimistic
        pǔshì, ecumenical/universal
        chuánshì, [傳世], handed down from ancient times/family heirloom
        jǔshìwúshuāng, [舉世無雙], unrivaled (idiom); world number one/unique/unequaled
        shìjǐnsài, [世錦賽], world championship
        xīshì, rare
        dàqiānshìjiè, great wide world/marvelously diverse world/(Buddhism) cosmos (abbr. for 三千大千世界[s...
        shìdàixiāngchuán, [世代相傳], passed on from generation to generation (idiom); to hand down
        shìxí, [世襲], succession/inheritance/hereditary
        Shìbóhuì, [世博會], World Exposition/abbr. for 世界博覽會|世界博览会[Shì jiè Bó lǎn huì], World Expo
        ShìjièYínháng, [世界銀行], World Bank
        Guānshìyīn, [觀世音], Guanyin, the Bodhisattva of Compassion or Goddess of Mercy (Sanskrit Avalokiteśv...
        shìfēngrìxià, [世風日下], public morals are degenerating with each passing day (idiom)
        shìjiāo, (long time) friend of the family
        rùshì, to engage with secular society/to involve oneself in human affairs/to join the W...
        yǔshìwúzhēng, [與世無爭], to stand aloof from worldly affairs
        bùkěyīshì, to consider oneself unexcelled in the world/to be insufferably arrogant
        miànshì, to be published (of art, literary works etc)/to come out/to take shape/to see th...
        jǔshìzhǔmù, [舉世矚目], to receive worldwide attention
        shìjìmò, [世紀末], end of the century
        huāhuāshìjiè, the teeming world/the world of sensual pleasures
        Shìwèi, [世衛], World Health Organization (WHO)/abbr. for 世界衛生組織|世界卫生组织[Shì jiè Wèi shēng Zǔ zhī...
        huǎngrúgéshì, like a thing of the previous generation/as if it were a lifetime ago
        shìqíng, worldly affairs/the ways of the world
        jiāshì, family background
        shìshì, from age to age
        jīnshì, this life/this age
        qīshìdàomíng, [欺世盜名], to fool the world and usurp a good name (idiom)
        ShìmàoZǔzhī, [世貿組織], WTO (World Trade Organization)
        yǔshìchángcí, [與世長辭], to die/to depart from the world forever
        shìxì, lineage/genealogy/family tree
        shìtàiyánliáng, [世態炎涼], the hypocrisy of the world (idiom)
        shìfēng, [世風], public morals
        wēiguānshìjiè, [微觀世界], microcosm/the microscopic world
        xiàshì, to die/future incarnation/next life/to be born/to come into the world/future gen...
        hùnshìmówáng, devil incarnate (idiom)/fiend in human form
        yángshì, [陽世], world of the living
        èrshì, the Second (of numbered kings)/second generation (e.g. Chinese Americans)
        shìtài, [世態], the ways of the world/social behavior
        shìjú, the situation (e.g. political)/the state of the world
        Shìzōng, Sejong the Great or Sejong Daewang (1397-1450), reigned 1418-1450 as fourth king...
        wǔshì, the fifth (of series of numbered kings)
        wànshì, [萬世], all ages
        ShìjièMàoyìZǔzhī, [世界貿易組織], World Trade Organization (WTO)

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