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yuèzǔdàipáo lit. to go beyond the sacrificial altar and take over the kitchen (idiom); fig. to exceed one's place and meddle in other people's affairs
to take matters into one's own hands

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        Yuè/yuè, generic word for peoples or states of south China or south Asia at different his...
        yuèláiyuè, [越來越], more and more
穿         chuānyuè, to pass through/to traverse/to cross
        chāoyuè, to surpass/to exceed/to transcend
        Yuènán, Vietnam/Vietnamese
        yuèyù, [越獄], to break out of prison/to jailbreak (an iOS device etc)
        yuèguò, [越過], to cross over/to transcend/to cover distance/to overcome/to rise above
        fēiyuè, [飛越], to fly across/to fly over/to fly past/(literary) (of one's spirits) to soar
        kuàyuè, to step across/step over
        yuèjiè, to cross a border/to overstep a bound
        Yuèzhàn, [越戰], Vietnam War (1955-1975)
        zhuóyuè, outstanding/surpassing/distinguished/splendid
        yōuyuè, [優越], superior/superiority
        yúyuè, to exceed
        yuèfā, [越發], increasingly/more and more/ever more/all the more
        yuèyě, cross country
        Yuègòng, Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV)/the Vietcong
        yuèyěchē, [越野車], off-road vehicle
        yuèquán, [越權], to go beyond one's authority/arrogation
        yuèjú, cowberry/blue berry
        fānyuè, to cross/to surmount/to transcend
        yuèguǐ, [越軌], to run off the track/to step out of line/to overstep the bounds of propriety
        yuèjìng, to cross a border (usually illegally)/to sneak in or out of a country
        yuèzǔdàipáo, lit. to go beyond the sacrificial altar and take over the kitchen (idiom); fig. ...
        fānshānyuèlǐng, [翻山越嶺], to pass over mountains ridges (idiom); fig. hardships of the journey
        yuèyùfàn, [越獄犯], escaped prisoner
        pānyuè, to climb over/to get over (difficulties)/to scale/to surmount
        bùkěyúyuè, impassable/insurmountable/insuperable
        yuèwèi, offside (sports)
        yuèjí, [越級], to skip a grade/to bypass ranks/to go over the head of one's boss
        shārényuèhuò, [殺人越貨], to kill sb for his property (idiom); to murder for money
        Yuèxiù, Yuexiu district of Guangzhou city 廣州市|广州市[Guǎng zhōu shì], Guangdong
        kuàyuèshì, breakthrough/going beyond/leap-forward/unusual new development
        téngyuè, [騰越], to jump over/to vault/to soar over
        yuèdōng, to pass the winter/to overwinter/to live through the winter

        yuèzǔdàipáo, lit. to go beyond the sacrificial altar and take over the kitchen (idiom); fig. ...
        zǔ, a stand for food at sacrifice

        dàibiǎo, representative/delegate/CL:位[wèi],個|个[gè],名[míng]/to represent/to stand for/on b...
        niándài, a decade of a century (e.g. the Sixties)/age/era/period/CL:個|个[gè]
        Shídài/shídài, [時代], Time, US weekly news magazine, age/era/epoch/period (in one's life)/CL:個|个[gè]
        dàijià, [代價], price/cost/consideration (in share dealing)
        dài, to substitute/to act on behalf of others/to replace/generation/dynasty/age/perio...
        dàitì, to replace/to take the place of
        Xiàndài/xiàndài, [現代], Hyundai, South Korean company, modern times/modern age/modern era
        dàilǐ, to act on behalf of sb in a responsible position/to act as an agent or proxy/sur...
        dàimǎ, [代碼], code
        qǔdài, to replace/to supersede/to supplant/(chemistry) substitution
        xiàndàiwǔ, [現代舞], modern dance
        dàihào, [代號], code name
        tìdài, to substitute for/to replace/to supersede
        hòudài, [後代], descendant/progeny/posterity/later ages/later generations
        gǔdài, ancient times/olden times
        jiāodài, to hand over/to explain/to make clear/to brief (sb)/to account for/to justify on...
        dàilǐrén, agent
        yīdài, generation
        dàiyánrén, spokesperson
        dāngdài, [當代], the present age/the contemporary era
        xiàyīdài, the next generation
        dàikè, [代課], to teach as substitute for absent teacher
        tìdàipǐn, substitute/alternative
        qǔérdàizhī, to substitute for sb/to remove and replace
        dàishù, [代數], algebra
        dàixiè, [代謝], replacement/substitution/metabolism (biol.)
        xīnchéndàixiè, [新陳代謝], metabolism (biology)/the new replaces the old (idiom)
        xiàndàihuà, [現代化], modernization/CL:個|个[gè]
        dàilǐshāng, agent
        dàibiǎozuò, representative work (of an author or artist)
        shìdài, for many generations/generation/era/age
        dàimíngcí, [代名詞], pronoun/synonym/byword
        dàibiǎotuán, [代表團], delegation/CL:個|个[gè]
        dàidàixiāngchuán, [代代相傳], passed on from generation to generation (idiom); to hand down
        dàibiǎoxìng, representativeness/representative/typical
        dàiláo, [代勞], to do sth in place of sb else
        dàibiǎoduì, [代表隊], delegation
        Mǎěrdàifū, [馬爾代夫], the Maldives
        xiàndàirén, [現代人], modern man/Homo sapiens
        huángjīnshídài, [黃金時代], golden age
        dàigōu, [代溝], generation gap
        shìshìdàidài, for many generations
        Dàidùn, [代頓], Dayton (city in Ohio)
        jìndài, the not-very-distant past/modern times, excluding recent decades/(in the context...
        yuèzǔdàipáo, lit. to go beyond the sacrificial altar and take over the kitchen (idiom); fig. ...
        chuánzōngjiēdài, [傳宗接代], to carry on one's ancestral line
        shìdàixiāngchuán, [世代相傳], passed on from generation to generation (idiom); to hand down
        dàicí, [代詞], pronoun
        huàshídài, [劃時代], epoch-marking
        dàichēng, [代稱], alternative name/to refer to sth by another name/antonomasia
        shèngdài, [聖代], sundae (loanword)
        Wǔdài, Five Dynasties, period of history between the fall of the Tang dynasty (907) and...
        cháodài, dynasty/reign (of a king)
        lìdài, [歷代], successive generations/successive dynasties/past dynasties
        Xīnshēngdài/xīnshēngdài, Cenozoic (geological era covering the last 65m years), new generation
        Míngdài, the Ming dynasty (1368-1644)
        mòdài, final generation
        yuándàimǎ, [源代碼], source code (computing)
        gǎicháohuàndài, [改朝換代], to transition to a new dynasty or regime
        dàibǐ, [代筆], to write on behalf of sb/to ghostwrite
        gēngxīnhuàndài, [更新換代], reform and renewal/generational change
        tóngshídài, [同時代], contemporary
        dàishùxué, [代數學], algebra (as branch of math.)
        dàibàn, [代辦], to act for sb else/to act on sb's behalf/an agent/a diplomatic representative/a ...
        xiàndàipài, [現代派], modernist faction/modernists
        quánquándàibiǎo, [全權代表], a plenipotentiary (representative)
        jìndàishǐ, modern history (for China, from the Opium Wars until the fall of the Qing Dynast...
        dàishùhé, [代數和], algebraic sum
        dàihuàn, [代換], to substitute/to replace
        dàiguǎn, to administer/to manage/to hold in trust or escrow
·         Tuōmǎsī·Hādài, [托馬斯·哈代], Thomas Hardy (1840-1928), English author
        Sòngdài, Song dynasty (960-1279)
        Qīngdài, the Ch'ing or Qing dynasty (1644-1911)
        Kèlǎngdàikè, Klondike in northwest Canada
        dàishōu, to receive sth on another's behalf
        huàndài, [換代], to transition to a new dynasty or regime/to replace an older product with an upg...
        xiàndàishǐ, [現代史], modern history
        Méngdàiěr, [蒙代爾], Walter Mondale (1928-), US democratic politician, US vice-president 1977-1981 an...
        niándàixué, [年代學], chronology (the science of determining the dates of past events)
        jìnxiàndàishǐ, [近現代史], modern history and contemporary history
        Wàndài, [萬代], Bandai toy company
        shàngdài, previous generation
        qīndài, [親代], parent's generation/previous generation
        chuándài, [傳代], to pass to the next generation
        dàigòu, [代購], to buy (on behalf of sb)
        dàixíng, to act as a substitute/to act on sb's behalf
        Hàndài, [漢代], the Han dynasty (206 BC-220 AD)
        fēnghuájuédài, [風華絕代], magnificent style unmatched in his generation (idiom); peerless talent

        yuèzǔdàipáo, lit. to go beyond the sacrificial altar and take over the kitchen (idiom); fig. ...
        páo, kitchen

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