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HSK 6 word: freq index 4474
chāoyuè to surpass
to exceed
to transcend

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Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        chāo, to exceed/to overtake/to surpass/to transcend/to pass/to cross/ultra-/super-
        chāojí, [超級], super-/ultra-/hyper-
        chāoguò, [超過], to surpass/to exceed/to outstrip
        Chāorén/chāorén, Superman, comic book superhero, superhuman/exceptional
        chāoshì, supermarket/abbr. for 超級市場|超级市场/CL:家[jiā]
        chāoyuè, to surpass/to exceed/to transcend
        chāochū, to exceed/to overstep/to go too far/to encroach
        chāosù, to exceed the speed limit/to speed/high-speed
        chāomó, supermodel
        chāodù, to surpass/to transcend/to perform religious ceremonies to help the soul find pe...
        chāoshēngbō, [超聲波], ultrasound (scan)
        gāochāo, excellent/superlative
        chāofán, out of the ordinary/exceedingly (good)
        chāozhòng, overweight (baggage, freight)
        chāoshēng, [超聲], ultrasonic/ultrasound
        chāofùhè, [超負荷], excess load/an overload/overloaded
        chāoqián, to be ahead of one's time/to surpass or outdo one's predecessors/to be ahead of ...
        chāobiāo, [超標], to cross the limit/to be over the accepted norm/excessive
        chāoshí, [超時], to exceed the time limit/(to work) overtime/(computing) timeout
        chāoqún, surpassing/preeminent/outstanding
        chāoxīnxīng, supernova
        chāozài, [超載], to overload
        chāotuō, [超脫], to stand aloof/to be detached from/to transcend worldliness/untrammeled/unconven...
        chāochē, [超車], to overtake (another car)
        chāoyīnsù, supersonic
        gǎnchāo, [趕超], to overtake
        chāojíshìchǎng, [超級市場], supermarket
        chūchāo, trade surplus/favorable balance of trade
        chāojídàguó, [超級大國], superpower
        chāoxiànshízhǔyì, [超現實主義], surrealism
        chāozhī, to overspend
        chāoduǎnqún, miniskirt
        chāoshēng, to exceed the stipulated limit of a birth-control policy/to be reincarnated/to b...
        chāoduǎnbō, ultra short wave (radio)/UHF
        chāoé, [超額], above quota
        rùchāo, trade deficit/import surplus
        chāodǎotǐ, [超導體], superconductor
        chāodǎo, [超導], superconductor/superconductivity (physics)
        chāolíng, [超齡], too old/overage/(of a young person's behavior or attributes) beyond one's years/...
        chāojué, [超絕], surpassing/excelling/preeminent/unique
        YīngChāo, Premier League/England Premier Soccer League
        chāoélìrùn, [超額利潤], superprofit/excess profit

        Yuè/yuè, generic word for peoples or states of south China or south Asia at different his...
        yuèláiyuè, [越來越], more and more
穿         chuānyuè, to pass through/to traverse/to cross
        chāoyuè, to surpass/to exceed/to transcend
        Yuènán, Vietnam/Vietnamese
        yuèyù, [越獄], to break out of prison/to jailbreak (an iOS device etc)
        yuèguò, [越過], to cross over/to transcend/to cover distance/to overcome/to rise above
        fēiyuè, [飛越], to fly across/to fly over/to fly past/(literary) (of one's spirits) to soar
        kuàyuè, to step across/step over
        yuèjiè, to cross a border/to overstep a bound
        Yuèzhàn, [越戰], Vietnam War (1955-1975)
        zhuóyuè, outstanding/surpassing/distinguished/splendid
        yōuyuè, [優越], superior/superiority
        yúyuè, to exceed
        yuèfā, [越發], increasingly/more and more/ever more/all the more
        yuèyě, cross country
        Yuègòng, Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV)/the Vietcong
        yuèyěchē, [越野車], off-road vehicle
        yuèquán, [越權], to go beyond one's authority/arrogation
        yuèjú, cowberry/blue berry
        fānyuè, to cross/to surmount/to transcend
        yuèguǐ, [越軌], to run off the track/to step out of line/to overstep the bounds of propriety
        yuèjìng, to cross a border (usually illegally)/to sneak in or out of a country
        yuèzǔdàipáo, lit. to go beyond the sacrificial altar and take over the kitchen (idiom); fig. ...
        fānshānyuèlǐng, [翻山越嶺], to pass over mountains ridges (idiom); fig. hardships of the journey
        yuèyùfàn, [越獄犯], escaped prisoner
        pānyuè, to climb over/to get over (difficulties)/to scale/to surmount
        bùkěyúyuè, impassable/insurmountable/insuperable
        yuèwèi, offside (sports)
        yuèjí, [越級], to skip a grade/to bypass ranks/to go over the head of one's boss
        shārényuèhuò, [殺人越貨], to kill sb for his property (idiom); to murder for money
        Yuèxiù, Yuexiu district of Guangzhou city 廣州市|广州市[Guǎng zhōu shì], Guangdong
        kuàyuèshì, breakthrough/going beyond/leap-forward/unusual new development
        téngyuè, [騰越], to jump over/to vault/to soar over
        yuèdōng, to pass the winter/to overwinter/to live through the winter

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