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[經傳] jīngzhuàn classic work (esp. Confucian classics)

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Word Compounds

        yǐjīng, [已經], already
        céngjīng, [曾經], once/already/former/previously/ever/(past tense marker used before verb or claus...
        jīnglì, [經歷], experience/CL:個|个[gè],次[cì]/to experience/to go through
        jīngcháng, [經常], frequently/constantly/regularly/often/day-to-day/everyday/daily
        jīngguò, [經過], to pass/to go through/process/course/CL:個|个[gè]
        jīnglǐ, [經理], manager/director/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi],名[míng]
        jīngyàn, [經驗], experience/to experience
        shénjīng, [神經], nerve/mental state/(coll.) unhinged/nutjob
        Jīng/jīng, [經], surname Jing, classics/sacred book/scripture/to pass through/to undergo/to bear/...
        jīngjì, [經濟], economy/economic
        jīngjìrén, [經紀人], broker/middleman/agent/manager
        Shèngjīng, [聖經], Holy Bible/the Confucian classics/CL:本[běn],部[bù]
        jīngdiǎn, [經典], the classics/scriptures/classical/classic (example, case etc)/typical
        jīngyíng, [經營], to engage in (business etc)/to run/to operate
        shénjīngbìng, [神經病], mental disorder/neuropathy/(derog.) mental case
        zhèngjīng, [正經], decent/honorable/proper/serious/according to standards
        jīngshòu, [經受], to undergo (hardship)/to endure/to withstand
        jīngjì, [經紀], to manage (a business)/manager/broker
        wèijīng, [未經], not having undergone/without (having gone though a certain process)
        shénjīngzhì, [神經質], nervous/on edge/excitable/neurotic
        yuèjīng, [月經], menstruation/a woman's period
        jīngfèi, [經費], funds/expenditure/CL:筆|笔[bǐ]
        bùjīngyì, [不經意], not paying attention/carelessly/by accident
        zǒngjīnglǐ, [總經理], general manager/CEO
        jīngshǒu, [經手], to pass through one's hands/to handle/to deal with
        shénjīngkē, [神經科], neurology
        lìjīng, [歷經], to experience/to go through
        jīngjìxué, [經濟學], economics (as a field of study)
        jīngxiāoshāng, [經銷商], dealer/seller/distributor/broker/agency/franchise (i.e. company)/retail outlet
        jīngjìcāng, [經濟艙], economy class
        bìjīng, [必經], unavoidable/the only (road, entrance etc)
        tújīng, [途經], to pass through/via/by way of
        jīngyóu, [經由], via
        shénjīngxìng, [神經性], neural/mental/neurological
        jīngbuqǐ, [經不起], can't stand it/to be unable to bear/to be unable to resist
        yīběnzhèngjīng, [一本正經], in deadly earnest/deadpan
        jīngwén, [經文], scripture/scriptures/CL:本[běn]
        shénjīngxìtǒng, [神經系統], nervous system
        Kělánjīng, [可蘭經], Quran (Islamic scripture)
        jīngshāng, [經商], to trade/to carry out commercial activities/in business
        cáijīng, [財經], finance and economics
        shénjīngxìbāo, [神經細胞], nerve cell/neuron
        jīngdù, [經度], longitude
        shénjīngyuán, [神經元], neuron
        jīngdeqǐ, [經得起], to be able to withstand/to be able to endure
        líjīngpàndào, [離經叛道], to rebel against orthodoxy/to depart from established practices
        dōngjīng, [東經], longitude east
        mànbùjīngxīn, [漫不經心], careless/heedless/absent-minded/indifferent
        tòngjīng, [痛經], menstrual pain/dysmenorrhea
        jīngzhuàn, [經傳], classic work (esp. Confucian classics)
        shénjīngtòng, [神經痛], neuralgia (medicine)
        jīngyíngzhě, [經營者], executive/manager/transactor
        tiānjīngdìyì, [天經地義], lit. heaven's law and earth's principle (idiom); fig. right and proper/right and...
        jīngjìxuéjiā, [經濟學家], economist
西         xījīng, [西經], longitude west
        míngbùjiànjīngzhuàn, [名不見經傳], (lit.) name not encountered in the classics/unknown (person)/nobody
        kǔxīnjīngyíng, [苦心經營], to build up an enterprise through painstaking efforts
        jīngjìwēijī, [經濟危機], economic crisis
        niànjīng, [念經], to recite or chant Buddhist scripture
        zuògǔshénjīng, [坐骨神經], sciatic nerve
        qǔjīng, [取經], to journey to India on a quest for the Buddhist scriptures/to learn by studying ...
        zhèngérbājīng, [正兒八經], serious/earnest/real/true
        shìshénjīng, [視神經], optic nerve
        shénjīngshuāiruò, [神經衰弱], (euphemism) mental illness/psychasthenia
        yǐnjīngjùdiǎn, [引經據典], lit. to quote the classics/to quote chapter and verse (idiom)
        shēnjīngbǎizhàn, [身經百戰], lit. veteran of a hundred battles (idiom)/fig. experienced/seasoned
        nǎoshénjīng, [腦神經], cranial nerves
        jīngjiǔbùshuāi, [經久不衰], unfailing/never-ending
        jīngxiāo, [經銷], to sell/to sell on commission/to distribute
        shēngyijīng, [生意經], knack of doing business/business sense
        Gǔlánjīng, [古蘭經], Koran (Islamic scripture)/Quran
        Fójīng, [佛經], Buddhist texts/scripture
        jiāogǎnshénjīng, [交感神經], sympathetic nervous system
        zhēnjīng, [真經], sutra/Taoist treatise
        jīngbuzhù, [經不住], to be unable to bear
        jīngmài, [經脈], channel of TCM
        shìchǎngjīngjì, [市場經濟], market economy
        huāngdànbùjīng, [荒誕不經], absurd/preposterous/ridiculous
        Yìjīng, [易經], The Book of Changes ("I Ching")
        xíngjīng, [行經], to pass by/menstruation
        jiǔjīngkǎoyàn, [久經考驗], well tested (idiom); seasoned/veteran
        jīngshǒurén, [經手人], the person in charge/agent/broker
        jīngyànzhǔyì, [經驗主義], empiricism
        sòngjīng, [誦經], to chant the sutras
        luójīng, [羅經], compass/same as 羅盤|罗盘
        jīngxuè, [經血], menstruation (TCM)
        céngjīngcānghǎi, [曾經滄海], lit. having crossed the vast ocean (idiom)/fig. widely experienced in the viciss...
        jīngluò, [經絡], energy channels/meridian (TCM)/(dialect) trick/tactic
        jīngshū, [經書], classic books in Confucianism/scriptures/sutras
        zhèngjīngbābǎi, [正經八百], very serious/solemn
        jīngjìzuòwù, [經濟作物], cash crop (economics)
        bǎojīngfēngshuāng, [飽經風霜], weather-beaten/having experienced the hardships of life
        jīngwěi, [經緯], warp and woof/longitude and latitude/main points
        cǎndànjīngyíng, [慘淡經營], to manage by painstaking effort (idiom)
        jīngjìtèqū, [經濟特區], special economic zone
        jīngjìjiè, [經濟界], economic circles
        jīngmào, [經貿], trade
线         jīngwěixiàn, [經緯線], lines of latitude and longitude/warp and woof
        jīngguǎn, [經管], to be in charge of
线         jīngxiàn, [經線], warp/line of longitude/meridian (geography)
        jīngjiǔ, [經久], long-lasting/durable
        jìhuàjīngjì, [計劃經濟], planned economy
        bǎojīngcāngsāng, [飽經滄桑], having lived through many changes
        mòshāoshénjīng, [末梢神經], peripheral nerve
        ShānhǎiJīng, [山海經], Classic of Mountain and Sea, probably compiled c. 500 BC-200 BC, contains wide r...
        jīngjìjīchǔ, [經濟基礎], socio-economic base/economic foundation
        Liùjīng, [六經], Six Classics, namely: Book of Songs 詩經|诗经[Shī jīng], Book of History 尚書|尚书[Shàng...
        shénjīngyuán, [神經原], neuron/also written 神經元|神经元
        guómínjīngjì, [國民經濟], national economy
        jīngniánlěiyuè, [經年累月], for years/over the years
        rìjīng, [日經], Nikkei, abbr. for Nikkei Shimbun 日本經濟新聞|日本经济新闻[Rì běn Jīng jì Xīn wén]/abbr. for...

        chuán/zhuàn, [傳], to pass on/to spread/to transmit/to infect/to transfer/to circulate/to conduct (...
        chuántǒng, [傳統], tradition/traditional/convention/conventional/CL:個|个[gè]
        chuánshuō, [傳說], legend/folklore/to repeat from mouth to mouth/they say that...
        chuánqí, [傳奇], legendary/fantasy saga/romance/short stories of the Tang and Song Dynasty
        xuānchuán, [宣傳], to disseminate/to give publicity to/propaganda/CL:個|个[gè]
        chuánsòng, [傳送], to convey/to deliver
        chuánbō, [傳播], to disseminate/to propagate/to spread
        yíchuán, [遺傳], heredity/to inherit (a trait)/to pass on (to one's offspring)
        chuánrǎn, [傳染], to infect/contagious
        chuándá, [傳達], to pass on/to convey/to relay/to transmit/transmission
        chuányán, [傳言], rumor/hearsay
        chuándì, [傳遞], to transmit/to pass on to sb else/(math.) transitive
        chuánqiú, [傳球], pass (in soccer)/to feed (ball)
        chuánlái, [傳來], (of a sound) to come through/to be heard/(of news) to arrive
        chuánzhēn, [傳真], fax/facsimile
        chuándān, [傳單], leaflet/flier/pamphlet
        chuánwén, [傳聞], rumor
        chuánpiào, [傳票], summons/subpoena/voucher
        chuánshū, [傳輸], to transmit/transmission
        chuánchū, [傳出], to transmit outwards/to disseminate/efferent (nerve)
        liúchuán, [流傳], to spread/to circulate/to hand down
        chuánhuàn, [傳喚], a summons (to the police)/subpoena
        chuánxùn, [傳訊], to summon (a witness)/to subpoena
        chuángǎnqì, [傳感器], sensor/transducer
        zìzhuàn, [自傳], autobiography
        chuánjiàoshì, [傳教士], missionary
        chuánrǎnbìng, [傳染病], infectious disease/contagious disease/pestilence
        yáochuán, [謠傳], rumor
        chuánhuà, [傳話], to pass on a story/to communicate a message
        chuánméi, [傳媒], media
        yánguīzhèngzhuàn, [言歸正傳], to return to the topic (idiom)/to get back to the main point
        chuánshòu, [傳授], to impart/to pass on/to teach
        chuánkāi, [傳開], (of news) to spread/to get around
        zhuànjì, [傳記], biography/CL:篇[piān],部[bù]
        chuánhū, [傳呼], to notify sb of a call/to call sb to the phone
        chuánjiào, [傳教], to preach/missionary/to evangelize
        xuānchuáncè, [宣傳冊], commercial brochure/advertising pamphlet/flyer
        chuánzhēnjī, [傳真機], fax machine
        chuánbiàn, [傳遍], to spread widely
        yíchuánxué, [遺傳學], genetics
        chuánrǎnxìng, [傳染性], infectious/epidemic
        wàichuán/wàizhuàn, [外傳], to tell others (a secret)/to divulge to an outsider/to be rumored, unofficial bi...
        chuándào, [傳道], to lecture on doctrine/to expound the wisdom of ancient sages/to preach/a sermon
        chuánhuí, [傳回], to send back
        chuánjiābǎo, [傳家寶], family heirloom
        chuánchéng, [傳承], to pass on (to future generations)/passed on (from former times)/a continued tra...
        chuánsòngdài, [傳送帶], conveyor belt/transmission belt
        chuánhūjī, [傳呼機], pager/beeper
        chuándǎo, [傳導], to conduct (heat, electricity etc)
        dàidàixiāngchuán, [代代相傳], passed on from generation to generation (idiom); to hand down
        zǔchuán, [祖傳], passed on from ancestors/handed down from generation to generation
        shīchuán, [失傳], (of skills etc) to die out/lost/extinct
        xiāngchuán, [相傳], to pass on/to hand down/tradition has it that .../according to legend
        zhèngzhuàn, [正傳], main subject of long novel/true biography
        chuánrén, [傳人], to teach/to impart/a disciple/descendant
        chuánlìng, [傳令], to transmit an order
        chuándòng, [傳動], drive (transmission in an engine)
        chuánxiāo, [傳銷], multi-level marketing
        míngbùxūchuán, [名不虛傳], lit. name is not in vain (idiom); a fully justified reputation/enjoys a well-des...
        chuánsòng, [傳頌], to eulogize/to pass on praise
        chuánshén, [傳神], vivid/lifelike
        yíchuánxìng, [遺傳性], hereditary/inherited/genetic
        jīngzhuàn, [經傳], classic work (esp. Confucian classics)
        chuányuè, [傳閱], to read and pass on/to pass on for perusal
        míngbùjiànjīngzhuàn, [名不見經傳], (lit.) name not encountered in the classics/unknown (person)/nobody
        chuánshì, [傳世], handed down from ancient times/family heirloom
        chuánchàng, [傳唱], to pass on a song
        chuánzōngjiēdài, [傳宗接代], to carry on one's ancestral line
        chuánrù, [傳入], to import/transmitted inwards/afferent
        jùchuán, [據傳], it is rumored that .../it is reported that ...
        shìdàixiāngchuán, [世代相傳], passed on from generation to generation (idiom); to hand down
        shèngchuán, [盛傳], widely spread/widely rumored/stories abound/(sb's exploits are) widely circulate...
        chuánqíng, [傳情], to pass on amorous feelings/to send one's love to sb
        diànchuán, [電傳], to send information using electronic means (such as fax, telegram, telex etc)/a ...
        chuánshēngqì, [傳聲器], microphone
        yíchuánwùzhì, [遺傳物質], genetic material
        xuānchuánhuà, [宣傳畫], propaganda poster/advertising hoarding
        yánchuán, [言傳], to convey in words
        zhēnchuán, [真傳], authentic tradition/handed-down teachings or techniques
        chuánrǎnyuán, [傳染源], source of an infection
        fēngchuán, [風傳], it is rumored that
        Xuānchuánbù, [宣傳部], Propaganda Department
        chuányáng, [傳揚], to spread (by word of mouth)
        zhuànlüè, [傳略], biographical sketch
        chuánshēngtǒng, [傳聲筒], loudhailer/megaphone/one who parrots sb/mouthpiece
线         chuánshūxiàn, [傳輸線], transmission line
        méimùchuánqíng, [眉目傳情], to make sheep eyes at/to cast amorous glances at
        yánchuánshēnjiào, [言傳身教], to teach by words and example (idiom)
        chuándáshì, [傳達室], reception office/janitor's office
        yǐéchuáné, [以訛傳訛], to spread falsehoods/to increasingly distort the truth/to pile errors on top of ...
        lìzhuàn, [立傳], to record sb's achievements in writing/to write a biography enhancing the subjec...
        chuánzhǒng, [傳種], to reproduce/to propagate
        chuánsòng, [傳誦], widely known/on everyone's lips
        ZuǒZhuàn, [左傳], Zuo Zhuan or Tsochuan, Mr Zuo's Annals or Mr Zuo's commentary on 春秋[Chūn qiū], e...
        mìchuán, [祕傳], to hand down secret knowledge from generation to generation within a school or f...
        chuánbù, [傳布], to spread/to hand down/to disseminate
        dānchuán, [單傳], to have only one heir in a generation (of a family, clan etc)/to be learned from...
        yíchuángōngchéng, [遺傳工程], genetic engineering
        díchuán, [嫡傳], handed down in a direct line from the founder
        chuánzhēndiànbào, [傳真電報], phototelegram
        chuándòngzhóu, [傳動軸], drive shaft
        xiǎozhuàn, [小傳], sketch biography/profile
        chuánshūlǜ, [傳輸率], transmission rate
        chuándòngdài, [傳動帶], transmission belt
        shùbēilìzhuàn, [樹碑立傳], lit. to erect a stele and write a biography (idiom)/to monumentalize/to glorify/...
        kǒuchuán, [口傳], orally transmitted
        jiébàopínchuán, [捷報頻傳], victory reports pour in (idiom); news of success in an endless stream
        chuándài, [傳代], to pass to the next generation
        chuánrè, [傳熱], heat transfer/heat transmission

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