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[經營者] jīngyíngzhě executive

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        yǐjīng, [已經], already
        céngjīng, [曾經], once/already/former/previously/ever/(past tense marker used before verb or claus...
        jīnglì, [經歷], experience/CL:個|个[gè],次[cì]/to experience/to go through
        jīngcháng, [經常], frequently/constantly/regularly/often/day-to-day/everyday/daily
        jīngguò, [經過], to pass/to go through/process/course/CL:個|个[gè]
        jīnglǐ, [經理], manager/director/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi],名[míng]
        jīngyàn, [經驗], experience/to experience
        shénjīng, [神經], nerve/mental state/(coll.) unhinged/nutjob
        Jīng/jīng, [經], surname Jing, classics/sacred book/scripture/to pass through/to undergo/to bear/...
        jīngjì, [經濟], economy/economic
        jīngjìrén, [經紀人], broker/middleman/agent/manager
        Shèngjīng, [聖經], Holy Bible/the Confucian classics/CL:本[běn],部[bù]
        jīngdiǎn, [經典], the classics/scriptures/classical/classic (example, case etc)/typical
        jīngyíng, [經營], to engage in (business etc)/to run/to operate
        shénjīngbìng, [神經病], mental disorder/neuropathy/(derog.) mental case
        zhèngjīng, [正經], decent/honorable/proper/serious/according to standards
        jīngshòu, [經受], to undergo (hardship)/to endure/to withstand
        jīngjì, [經紀], to manage (a business)/manager/broker
        wèijīng, [未經], not having undergone/without (having gone though a certain process)
        shénjīngzhì, [神經質], nervous/on edge/excitable/neurotic
        yuèjīng, [月經], menstruation/a woman's period
        jīngfèi, [經費], funds/expenditure/CL:筆|笔[bǐ]
        bùjīngyì, [不經意], not paying attention/carelessly/by accident
        zǒngjīnglǐ, [總經理], general manager/CEO
        jīngshǒu, [經手], to pass through one's hands/to handle/to deal with
        shénjīngkē, [神經科], neurology
        lìjīng, [歷經], to experience/to go through
        jīngjìxué, [經濟學], economics (as a field of study)
        jīngxiāoshāng, [經銷商], dealer/seller/distributor/broker/agency/franchise (i.e. company)/retail outlet
        jīngjìcāng, [經濟艙], economy class
        bìjīng, [必經], unavoidable/the only (road, entrance etc)
        tújīng, [途經], to pass through/via/by way of
        jīngyóu, [經由], via
        shénjīngxìng, [神經性], neural/mental/neurological
        jīngbuqǐ, [經不起], can't stand it/to be unable to bear/to be unable to resist
        yīběnzhèngjīng, [一本正經], in deadly earnest/deadpan
        jīngwén, [經文], scripture/scriptures/CL:本[běn]
        shénjīngxìtǒng, [神經系統], nervous system
        Kělánjīng, [可蘭經], Quran (Islamic scripture)
        jīngshāng, [經商], to trade/to carry out commercial activities/in business
        cáijīng, [財經], finance and economics
        shénjīngxìbāo, [神經細胞], nerve cell/neuron
        jīngdù, [經度], longitude
        shénjīngyuán, [神經元], neuron
        jīngdeqǐ, [經得起], to be able to withstand/to be able to endure
        líjīngpàndào, [離經叛道], to rebel against orthodoxy/to depart from established practices
        dōngjīng, [東經], longitude east
        mànbùjīngxīn, [漫不經心], careless/heedless/absent-minded/indifferent
        tòngjīng, [痛經], menstrual pain/dysmenorrhea
        jīngzhuàn, [經傳], classic work (esp. Confucian classics)
        shénjīngtòng, [神經痛], neuralgia (medicine)
        jīngyíngzhě, [經營者], executive/manager/transactor
        tiānjīngdìyì, [天經地義], lit. heaven's law and earth's principle (idiom); fig. right and proper/right and...
        jīngjìxuéjiā, [經濟學家], economist
西         xījīng, [西經], longitude west
        míngbùjiànjīngzhuàn, [名不見經傳], (lit.) name not encountered in the classics/unknown (person)/nobody
        kǔxīnjīngyíng, [苦心經營], to build up an enterprise through painstaking efforts
        jīngjìwēijī, [經濟危機], economic crisis
        niànjīng, [念經], to recite or chant Buddhist scripture
        zuògǔshénjīng, [坐骨神經], sciatic nerve
        qǔjīng, [取經], to journey to India on a quest for the Buddhist scriptures/to learn by studying ...
        zhèngérbājīng, [正兒八經], serious/earnest/real/true
        shìshénjīng, [視神經], optic nerve
        shénjīngshuāiruò, [神經衰弱], (euphemism) mental illness/psychasthenia
        yǐnjīngjùdiǎn, [引經據典], lit. to quote the classics/to quote chapter and verse (idiom)
        shēnjīngbǎizhàn, [身經百戰], lit. veteran of a hundred battles (idiom)/fig. experienced/seasoned
        nǎoshénjīng, [腦神經], cranial nerves
        jīngjiǔbùshuāi, [經久不衰], unfailing/never-ending
        jīngxiāo, [經銷], to sell/to sell on commission/to distribute
        shēngyijīng, [生意經], knack of doing business/business sense
        Gǔlánjīng, [古蘭經], Koran (Islamic scripture)/Quran
        Fójīng, [佛經], Buddhist texts/scripture
        jiāogǎnshénjīng, [交感神經], sympathetic nervous system
        zhēnjīng, [真經], sutra/Taoist treatise
        jīngbuzhù, [經不住], to be unable to bear
        jīngmài, [經脈], channel of TCM
        shìchǎngjīngjì, [市場經濟], market economy
        huāngdànbùjīng, [荒誕不經], absurd/preposterous/ridiculous
        Yìjīng, [易經], The Book of Changes ("I Ching")
        xíngjīng, [行經], to pass by/menstruation
        jiǔjīngkǎoyàn, [久經考驗], well tested (idiom); seasoned/veteran
        jīngshǒurén, [經手人], the person in charge/agent/broker
        jīngyànzhǔyì, [經驗主義], empiricism
        sòngjīng, [誦經], to chant the sutras
        luójīng, [羅經], compass/same as 羅盤|罗盘
        jīngxuè, [經血], menstruation (TCM)
        céngjīngcānghǎi, [曾經滄海], lit. having crossed the vast ocean (idiom)/fig. widely experienced in the viciss...
        jīngluò, [經絡], energy channels/meridian (TCM)/(dialect) trick/tactic
        jīngshū, [經書], classic books in Confucianism/scriptures/sutras
        zhèngjīngbābǎi, [正經八百], very serious/solemn
        jīngjìzuòwù, [經濟作物], cash crop (economics)
        bǎojīngfēngshuāng, [飽經風霜], weather-beaten/having experienced the hardships of life
        jīngwěi, [經緯], warp and woof/longitude and latitude/main points
        cǎndànjīngyíng, [慘淡經營], to manage by painstaking effort (idiom)
        jīngjìtèqū, [經濟特區], special economic zone
        jīngjìjiè, [經濟界], economic circles
        jīngmào, [經貿], trade
线         jīngwěixiàn, [經緯線], lines of latitude and longitude/warp and woof
        jīngguǎn, [經管], to be in charge of
线         jīngxiàn, [經線], warp/line of longitude/meridian (geography)
        jīngjiǔ, [經久], long-lasting/durable
        jìhuàjīngjì, [計劃經濟], planned economy
        bǎojīngcāngsāng, [飽經滄桑], having lived through many changes
        mòshāoshénjīng, [末梢神經], peripheral nerve
        ShānhǎiJīng, [山海經], Classic of Mountain and Sea, probably compiled c. 500 BC-200 BC, contains wide r...
        jīngjìjīchǔ, [經濟基礎], socio-economic base/economic foundation
        Liùjīng, [六經], Six Classics, namely: Book of Songs 詩經|诗经[Shī jīng], Book of History 尚書|尚书[Shàng...
        shénjīngyuán, [神經原], neuron/also written 神經元|神经元
        guómínjīngjì, [國民經濟], national economy
        jīngniánlěiyuè, [經年累月], for years/over the years
        rìjīng, [日經], Nikkei, abbr. for Nikkei Shimbun 日本經濟新聞|日本经济新闻[Rì běn Jīng jì Xīn wén]/abbr. for...

        yíngdì, [營地], camp
        jīngyíng, [經營], to engage in (business etc)/to run/to operate
        yíng, [營], camp/barracks/battalion/to build/to operate/to manage/to strive for
        lùyíng, [露營], to camp out/camping
        yíngjiù, [營救], to rescue
        yíngyǎng, [營養], nutrition/nourishment/CL:種|种[zhǒng]
        yěyíng, [野營], to camp/field lodgings
        yíngyè, [營業], to do business/to trade
        xiàlìngyíng, [夏令營], summer camp
        jízhōngyíng, [集中營], concentration camp
        yíngxiāo, [營銷], marketing
        zhènyíng, [陣營], group of people/camp/faction/sides in a dispute
        yùnyíng, [運營], to be in operation/to do business/(of train, bus etc) to be in service/operation...
        yíngzào, [營造], to build (housing)/to construct/to make
        jūnyíng, [軍營], barracks/army camp
        dàběnyíng, [大本營], headquarters/base camp
        bīngyíng, [兵營], military camp/barracks
        nànmínyíng, [難民營], refugee camp
        zhāyíng, [紮營], to camp/to pitch camp/stationed/quartered/Taiwan pr. [zhá yíng]
        yíngfáng, [營房], barracks/living quarters
        sīyíng, [私營], privately-owned/private
        yíngyèé, [營業額], sum or volume of business/turnover
宿         sùyíngdì, [宿營地], camp/campsite
        yínglì, [營利], for profit/to seek profit
        jīngyíngzhě, [經營者], executive/manager/transactor
宿         sùyíng, [宿營], to camp/to lodge
        yíngshēng/yíngsheng, [營生], to earn a living, (coll.) job/work
        kǔxīnjīngyíng, [苦心經營], to build up an enterprise through painstaking efforts
        yíngyǎngyè, [營養液], nutrient fluid
        yíngyùn, [營運], running/operation (of airport, bus service, business etc)
        yíngzhàng, [營帳], tent/camp
        yíngyǎngshī, [營養師], nutritionist/dietitian
        yíngyǎngxué, [營養學], nutriology
        ānyíngzhāzhài, [安營紮寨], to set up camp/Taiwan pr. [ān yíng zhá zhài]
        yíngyèyuán, [營業員], clerk/shop assistant/CL:個|个[gè]
        zhuānyíng, [專營], to specialize in (a particular product or service)/monopoly
        báyíng, [拔營], to strike camp
        yíngyǎngsù, [營養素], nutrient
        yíngzhǎng, [營長], battalion commander
        liányíng, [聯營], joint venture/under joint management
        díyíng, [敵營], enemy camp
        zhuānyíngdiàn, [專營店], exclusive agency/franchised shop/authorized store
        yíngyǎngpǐn, [營養品], nourishment/nutrient
        Dōngyíng, [東營], Dongying prefecture-level city in Shandong
        ānyíng, [安營], to pitch camp/to camp
        guóyíng, [國營], state-run (company etc)/nationalized
        jiānyíng, [兼營], a second job/supplementary way of making a living
        cǎndànjīngyíng, [慘淡經營], to manage by painstaking effort (idiom)
        bùbùwéiyíng, [步步為營], to advance gradually and entrench oneself at every step/to consolidate at every ...
        mínyíng, [民營], privately run (i.e. by a company, not the state)
        jiédǎngyíngsī, [結黨營私], to gang up for personal interest (idiom)/to form a clique
        mínyínghuà, [民營化], privatization
        zìyíng, [自營], self-operated/to operate one's own business
        yíngjiàn, [營建], to build/to construct
        yínglěi, [營壘], army camp
        gōngyíng, [公營], public/publicly (owned, financed, operated etc)/run by the state
        yíngzhài, [營寨], barracks

        huòzhě, or/possibly/maybe/perhaps
        zhě, (after a verb or adjective) one who (is) .../(after a noun) person involved in ....
        shòuhàizhě, casualty/victim/those injured and wounded
        sǐzhě, the dead/the deceased
        jìzhě, [記者], reporter/journalist/CL:個|个[gè]
        xìngcúnzhě, [倖存者], survivor
        shībàizhě, [失敗者], loser
        mùjīzhě, [目擊者], eyewitness
        zuòzhě, author/writer/CL:個|个[gè]
        huànzhě, patient/sufferer
        liǎngzhě, [兩者], both sides
使         shǐzhě, emissary/envoy
        cānsàizhě, [參賽者], competitor/CL:名[míng]
        dúzhě, [讀者], reader/CL:個|个[gè]
        zhìyuànzhě, [志願者], volunteer
        shènglìzhě, [勝利者], victor/winner
        àihàozhě, [愛好者], lover (of art, sports etc)/amateur/enthusiast/fan
        xuézhě, [學者], scholar
        lǐngdǎozhě, [領導者], leader
        lǚxíngzhě, traveler
        gàomìzhě, tell-tale/informer (esp. to police)/whistleblower/grass
        zhīchízhě, supporter
        xíngzhě, pedestrian/walker/itinerant monk
        liúlàngzhě, rover/vagabond/vagrant/wanderer
        bèihàizhě, victim (of a wounding or murder)
        Àiguózhě/àiguózhě, [愛國者], MIM-104 Patriot surface-to-air missile, patriot
        shìzhě, attendant/waiter
        hòuzhě, [後者], the latter
        zhuīsuízhě, [追隨者], follower/adherent/following
        tǒngzhìzhě, [統治者], ruler
        tóuzīzhě, [投資者], investor
        chóngbàizhě, worshipper
        pángguānzhě, [旁觀者], observer/spectator
        huòdézhě, [獲得者], recipient
        dúcáizhě, [獨裁者], dictator/autocrat
        zhìzàozhě, [製造者], maker
        táowángzhě, runaway
        gōngzuòzhě, worker
        jìngzhēngzhě, [競爭者], competitor
        dìsānzhě, sb who is romantically involved with sb already in a committed relationship/the ...
        xiāofèizhě, [消費者], consumer
        tiǎozhànzhě, [挑戰者], challenger
        shāngzhě, [傷者], casualty/victim (of an accident)/wounded person
        zhìzhě, sage/wise man/clever and knowledgeable person
        jìzhěhuì, [記者會], press conference
        èrzhě, both/both of them/neither
        xīnwénjìzhě, [新聞記者], journalist
        chuàngzàozhě, [創造者], creator
        huòjiǎngzhě, [穫獎者], prize-winner/laureate
        cānyùzhě, [參與者], participant
        qiánzhě, the former
使         shǐyòngzhě, user
        suǒyǒuzhě, proprietor/owner
        jiǎojiǎozhě, well-known figure/excellent (person, company etc)
        sùshízhě, vegetarian
        chūxuézhě, [初學者], beginning student
        zhǎngzhě, [長者], senior/older person
访         láifǎngzhě, [來訪者], visitor/(psychological counseling) client
        shìwēizhě, demonstrator/protester
        kāituòzhě, [開拓者], pioneer
        shǐzuòyǒngzhě, lit. the first person to bury funerary dolls (idiom)/fig. the originator of an e...
        shìzhěshēngcún, [適者生存], survival of the fittest
        shèjìzhě, [設計者], designer/architect (of a project)
        zǔzhīzhě, [組織者], organizer
        qīnlüèzhě, aggressors/invaders
        zàizhě, moreover/besides
        gǎnrǎnzhě, infected person
        tuòhuāngzhě, pioneer/groundbreaker
        shèhuìzhǔyìzhě, [社會主義者], socialist
        hézuòzhě, co-worker/collaborator/also collaborator with the enemy
        láizhěbùjù, [來者不拒], to refuse nobody (idiom)/all comers welcome
        yánjiūzhě, investigator/researcher
        dāngquánzhě, [當權者], ruler/those in power/the authorities
        xiānqūzhě, [先驅者], pioneer
        zhàoshìzhě, offender/culprit
        chuàngzuòzhě, [創作者], originator/creator/author (of some project)/inventor
        tōudùzhě, smuggled illegal alien/stowaway
        shīyèzhě, [失業者], an unemployed person
        láodòngzhě, [勞動者], worker/laborer
        fāmíngzhě, [發明者], inventor
        jīngyíngzhě, [經營者], executive/manager/transactor
        dìzàozhě, [締造者], creator (of a great work)/founder
        chuàngjiànzhě, [創建者], founder/creator
        lǚyóuzhě, [旅遊者], tourist/traveler/visitor
        chàngdǎozhě, [倡導者], proponent/advocate/pioneer
        tóujīzhě, [投機者], speculator
        tōulièzhě, [偷獵者], poacher
        yǒuzhìzhěshìjìngchéng, a really determined person will find a solution (idiom); where there's a will, t...
        shòushìzhě, [受試者], subject (in an experiment)/participant (in a clinical trial etc)
        zhìzuòzhě, [製作者], producer/maker/creator
        lǎozhě, old man/elderly man
        sǐnànzhě, [死難者], victim of an accident/casualty/martyr for one's country
        chuànglìzhě, [創立者], founder
        cānjiāzhě, [參加者], participant
        gòumǎizhě, [購買者], purchaser
        pángguānzhěqīng, [旁觀者清], The person on the spot is baffled, the onlooker sees clear (idiom). The spectato...
        biānzhě, [編者], editor/compiler
        gǎigézhě, reformer
        dàijūnzhě, [帶菌者], asymptomatic carrier
        juécèzhě, [決策者], policymaker
        gèngyǒushènzhě, furthermore (idiom)
        shěnpànzhě, [審判者], judge
        gǔchuīzhě, advocate
        shòunànzhě, [受難者], sufferer/a victim of a calamity/a person in distress
        qiúzhízhě, [求職者], job applicant
        biānzhěàn, [編者按], editor's commentary
        xiānxíngzhě, forerunner
        wúchǎnzhě, [無產者], proletariat/non-propertied person
访         shòufǎngzhě, [受訪者], participant in a survey/an interviewee/those questioned
        dāngshìzhě, [當事者], the person involved/the people holding power
        bōxuēzhě, [剝削者], exploiter (of labor)
        chuàngyèzhě, [創業者], entrepreneur
        xiànxuèzhě, [獻血者], blood donor
        bǐzhě, [筆者], the author/the writer
        wéizhě, [違者], violator
        jiàoyùgōngzuòzhě, educator
        shēngchǎnzhě, [生產者], producer (of goods, commodities or farm produce etc)/manufacturer/(biology) auto...
        néngzhěduōláo, [能者多勞], it's the most capable people who do the most work (idiom) (intended as consolati...
        chūbǎnzhě, publisher
        yòuguǎizhě, [誘拐者], abductor
        jǔbàozhě, [舉報者], informer/snitch

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