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[拼寫] pīnxiě to spell

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Word Compounds

        pīn, to piece together/to join together/to stake all/adventurous/at the risk of one's...
        pīnmìng, to do one's utmost/with all one's might/at all costs/(to work or fight) as if on...
        pīntú, [拼圖], jigsaw puzzle
        pīnxiě, [拼寫], to spell
        pīnbó, to struggle/to wrestle
        pīncòu, [拼湊], to assemble/to put together
        pīnsǐ, to go all out for sth at risk of one's life
        pīnpán, [拼盤], sampler platter/appetizer platter
        pīnsǐpīnhuó, one's utmost/(to fight or work) desperately hard/to put up a life or death strug...
        pīnjiē, to put together/to join
        pīnyīn, phonetic writing/pinyin (Chinese romanization)
        pīnbǎn, to typeset/to make up (printers' plates)
        pīnqiǎng, [拼搶], to fight desperately (at the risk of one's life)
        pīnshā, [拼殺], to grapple (with the enemy)/to fight at the risk of one's life

        xiě, [寫], to write
        xiěxìn, [寫信], to write a letter
        xiězuò, [寫作], to write/to compose/writing/written works
        suōxiě, [縮寫], abbreviation/to abridge
        pīnxiě, [拼寫], to spell
        xiězì, [寫字], to write characters
        miáoxiě, [描寫], to describe/to depict/to portray/description
        tèxiě, [特寫], feature article/close-up (filmmaking, photography etc)
        tiánxiě, [填寫], to fill in a form/to write data in a box (on a questionnaire or web form)
        gǎixiě, [改寫], to revise/to edit
        shūxiě, [書寫], to write
        biānxiě, [編寫], to compile
        dàxiě, [大寫], capital letters/uppercase letters/block letters/banker's anti-fraud numerals
        zhuànxiě, [撰寫], to write/to compose
        xiězhào, [寫照], portrayal
        xiězhēn, [寫真], portrait/to describe sth accurately
        chāoxiě, [抄寫], to copy/to transcribe
        qīngmiáodànxiě, [輕描淡寫], to sketch in light shades/to play down/to deemphasize (idiom)
        xiěxià, [寫下], to write down
        sùxiě, [速寫], quick sketch
        dàxiězìmǔ, [大寫字母], capital letters/uppercase letters
        xiězìtái, [寫字檯], writing desk
        jiǎnxiě, [簡寫], to write characters in simplified form/the simplified form of a character/to abb...
        pǔxiě, [譜寫], to compose (a piece of music)/(fig.) to create, by one's actions, a narrative (g...
        xiěfǎ, [寫法], style of writing (literary style)/way of writing a character/spelling
        xiěshí, [寫實], realism/realistic portrayal/realistic/true to life
        xiězìlóu, [寫字樓], office building
        xiěyì/xièyì, [寫意], to suggest (rather than depict in detail)/freehand style of Chinese painting, ch...
        tīngxiě, [聽寫], (of a pupil) to write down (in a dictation exercise)/dictation/(music) to transc...
        xiǎoxiě, [小寫], lowercase
        xiěshēng, [寫生], to sketch from nature/to do a still life drawing
        téngxiě, [謄寫], to transcribe/to make a fair copy
        fùxiězhǐ, [複寫紙], carbon paper
        fùxiě, [複寫], to duplicate/to carbon copy
        shǒuxiětǐ, [手寫體], handwritten form/cursive
        tíxiě, [題寫], to create a work of calligraphy for display in a prominent place (typically, a s...
        móxiě, [摹寫], to trace over/to copy (a calligraphy model)/facsimile/(fig.) to depict/to portra...
        dàxiǎoxiě, [大小寫], capitals and lowercase letters
        mòxiě, [默寫], to write from memory

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