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zhīdiàn branch store

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Word Compounds

        zhīchí, to be in favor of/to support/to back/support/backing/to stand by/CL:個|个[gè]
        Zhī/zhī, surname Zhi, to support/to sustain/to erect/to raise/branch/division/to draw mon...
        zhīpiào, check (bank)/cheque/CL:本[běn]
        zhīyuán, to provide assistance/to support/to back
        zhīfù, to pay (money)
        qiāngzhī, [槍支], a gun/guns in general
        zhīchēng, [支撐], to prop up/to support/strut/brace
        zhīdiǎn, [支點], fulcrum (for a lever)
        zhīpèi, to control/to dominate/to allocate
        zhīchízhě, supporter
        kāizhī, [開支], expenditures/expenses/CL:筆|笔[bǐ], 項|项[xiàng]/to spend money/(coll.) to pay wages
        zhīzhù, mainstay/pillar/prop/backbone
        zhīchū, to spend/to pay out/expense
        zhījià, trestle/support/frame/to prop sth up
        fēnzhī, branch (of company, river etc)/to branch/to diverge/to ramify/to subdivide
        zhīlípòsuì, [支離破碎], scattered and smashed (idiom)
        tòuzhī, (bank) overdraft
        zhīchílǜ, support level/popularity rating
        yùzhī, [預支], to pay in advance/to get payment in advance
        shōuzhī, cash flow/financial balance/income and expenditure
簿         zhīpiàobù, checkbook (banking)
        zhīqìguǎn, [支氣管], bronchial tube/bronchus
        zhīqìguǎnyán, [支氣管炎], bronchitis
线         zhīxiàn, [支線], branch line/side road/spur/fig. secondary plot (in a story)
        zhīliú, tributary (river)
        chāozhī, to overspend
        zhīháng, subbranch of a bank
        zhīduì, [支隊], detachment (of troops)
        zhīzhīwúwú, to hem and haw/to stall/to stammer/to mumble/to falter
        lèbùkězhī, [樂不可支], overjoyed (idiom); as pleased as punch
        Zhīnà, phonetic transcription of China (Japanese: Shina), colonial term, generally cons...
        zhīpèiquán, [支配權], authority to dispose of sth
        zhīwú/zhīwu, to resist/to deal with, to respond evasively or vaguely/to elude/to stall
        zhījiě, variant of 肢解[zhī jiě]
使         zhīshǐ, to order (sb) around/to send on an errand/to order away
        zhīdiàn, branch store
        Bǐlùzhī, Balochi (ethnic group of Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan)
        zhīqián, to support the front (military)
        zhīxì, branch or subdivision of a family
        zhībù, branch, esp. grass root branches of a political party

        diàn, inn/shop/store/CL:家[jiā]
        jiǔdiàn, wine shop/pub (public house)/hotel/restaurant/(Tw) hostess club
        shāngdiàn, store/shop/CL:家[jiā],個|个[gè]
        fàndiàn, [飯店], restaurant/hotel/CL:家[jiā],個|个[gè]
        kāfēidiàn, café/coffee shop
        shūdiàn, [書店], bookstore/CL:家[jiā]
        lǚdiàn, inn/small hotel
        záhuòdiàn, [雜貨店], grocery store/emporium
        diànzhǔ, shop owner
        yàodiàn, [藥店], pharmacy
        diànpù, [店鋪], store/shop
        diànyuán, [店員], shop assistant/salesclerk/salesperson
        lǐfàdiàn, [理髮店], barbershop/hairdresser's/CL:家[jiā]
        xǐyīdiàn, laundry (commercial establishment)
        liánsuǒdiàn, [連鎖店], chain store
        huādiàn, flower shop
        kuàicāndiàn, fast food shop
        wǔjīndiàn, hardware store/ironmonger's store
        zhuānmàidiàn, [專賣店], specialty store
        fēndiàn, branch (of a chain store)/annex
        bǎihuòshāngdiàn, [百貨商店], department store
        diànmiàn, shop front
        bǎihuòdiàn, [百貨店], bazaar/department store/general store
        jīngpǐndiàn, boutique
        xiǎochīdiàn, snack bar/lunch room/CL:家[jiā]
        língshòudiàn, shop/retail store
        cáiféngdiàn, [裁縫店], tailor's shop
        diànjiā, proprietor of a shop or restaurant/landlord/shop
        méndiàn, [門店], (retail) store
        wénjùdiàn, stationery store
        zhuānyíngdiàn, [專營店], exclusive agency/franchised shop/authorized store
        sùshídiàn, fast food shop
        hēidiàn, lit. inn that kills and robs guests (esp. in traditional fiction)/fig. a scam/pr...
        jiǔdiànyè, [酒店業], the catering industry/the hotel and restaurant business
        diànxiǎoèr, (old) (in a tavern or inn etc) waiter/attendant
        zhīdiàn, branch store
        cānyǐndiàn, [餐飲店], dining room/restaurant

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