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[游泳館] yóuyǒngguǎn swimming pool

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Word Compounds

        yóuxì, [遊戲], game/CL:場|场[chǎng]/to play
        Yóu/yóu, [遊], surname You, to swim/variant of 遊|游[yóu], to walk/to tour/to roam/to travel
        yóuyǒng, swimming/to swim
        yóuyǒngchí, swimming pool/CL:場|场[chǎng]
        yóuxíng, [遊行], march/parade/demonstration
        lǚyóu, [旅遊], trip/journey/tourism/travel/tour/to travel
        yóutǐng, [遊艇], barge/yacht/CL:隻|只[zhī]
        yóukè, [遊客], traveler/tourist/(online gaming) guest player
        yóudàng, [遊蕩], to wander/to roam about/to loaf about/to be idle
        huányóu, [環遊], to travel around (the world, a country etc)
        yóuxìjī, [遊戲機], video game/game machine
        mèngyóu, [夢遊], to sleepwalk/to journey in a dream
        dǎoyóu, [導遊], tour guide/guidebook/to conduct a tour
        zhōuyóu, [周遊]/[週游]/[週遊], to travel around/to tour/to cross, variant of 周遊|周游, to tour/to travel around, v...
        diànzǐyóuxì, [電子遊戲], computer and video games
        yóulèyuán, [遊樂園], theme park
        yóushǒuhàoxián, [遊手好閑], to idle about
        yóuxiá, [遊俠], knight-errant
        xúnyóu, [巡遊], to cruise/to patrol
        yóushuì, [遊說], to lobby/to campaign/to promote (an idea, a product)/(old) to visit various rule...
        yóulèchǎng, [遊樂場], playground
        mànyóu, [漫遊], to travel around/to roam/(mobile telephony) roaming
        yóujīduì, [遊擊隊], guerrilla band
        shàngyóu, upper reaches (of a river)/upper level/upper echelon/upstream
        yóulǎn, [遊覽], to go sightseeing/to tour/to visit/CL:次[cì]
        chūyóu, [出遊], to go on a tour/to have an outing
        yóulún, [遊輪], cruise ship
        yóujī, [游擊], guerrilla warfare
        yóumín, [遊民], vagrant/vagabond
        xiàyóu, lower reaches (of a river)/lower level/lower echelon/downstream
        yóuyǒngyī, swimsuit/bathing costume
        yóuwán, [遊玩], to amuse oneself/to have fun/to go sightseeing/to take a stroll
        yóulè, [遊樂], to amuse oneself/recreation
        yóulì, [遊歷], to tour/to travel
        yóurènyǒuyú, [遊刃有餘], handling a butcher's cleaver with ease (idiom); to do sth skillfully and easily
        áoyóu, [遨遊], to travel/to go on a tour/to roam
        jiāoyóu, [郊遊], to go for an outing/to go on an excursion
        yóumù, [遊牧], nomadic/to move about in search of pasture/to rove around as a nomad
        yóulí, [遊離], to disassociate/to drift away/to leave (a collective)/free (component)
        yèyóu, [夜遊], to go to some place at night/to take a night trip to (a place)/to sleepwalk
        fúyóushēngwù, plankton
        yóujiē, [遊街], to parade sb through the streets/to march or parade in the streets
        yóudòng, [游動], to move about/to go from place to place/roving/mobile
        lǚyóutuán, [旅遊團], tour group
        yóuyì, [遊藝], entertainment
        yóujì, [遊記], travel notes
        lǚyóuzhě, [旅遊者], tourist/traveler/visitor
        yóujīzhàn, [遊擊戰], guerrilla warfare
        zhōngyóu, the middle stretches of a river/middle level/middle echelon/midstream
        mèngyóuzhèng, [夢遊症], somnambulism/sleepwalking
        yúnyóu, [雲遊], to wander (typically of an errant priest)
        yóuguàng, [遊逛], to go sightseeing/to spend one's leisure time wandering around
        yóuyǒngguǎn, [游泳館], swimming pool
        jiāoyóu, [交遊], to have friendly relationships/circle of friends
        lǚyóuyè, [旅遊業], tourism industry
        gùdìchóngyóu, [故地重遊], to revisit old haunts (idiom); down memory lane
        chūnyóu, [春遊], spring outing/spring excursion
        huíyóu, variant of 洄游[huí yóu]
        yóurén, [遊人], a tourist
        sǎnbīngyóuyǒng, [散兵遊勇], lit. straggling and disbanded soldiers (idiom); fig. disorganized uncoordinated ...
        jiùdìchóngyóu, [舊地重遊], to revisit old haunts (idiom); down memory lane
        huāyàngyóuyǒng, [花樣游泳], synchronized swimming
        yóushuǐ, to swim
        yóuyí, to wander/to shift around/to waver/to vacillate
        fúyóu, to float/to drift/to wander/variant of 蜉蝣[fú yóu]
        yóuyì, [遊弋], to cruise
        yuǎnyóu, [遠遊], to travel far/distant wanderings
        dǎyóujī, [打游擊], to fight as a guerilla/(fig.) to live or eat at no fixed place
西         XīyóuJì, [西遊記], Journey to the West, Ming dynasty novel by Wu Cheng'en 吳承恩|吴承恩, one of the Four ...
        zhuànyou, [轉遊], variant of 轉悠|转悠[zhuàn you]
        yóuzǐ, [遊子], person living or traveling far from home
        yōuzāiyóuzāi, [優哉遊哉], see 悠哉悠哉[yōu zāi yōu zāi]
        yóuyìhuì, [遊藝會], folk festival/fair/carnival

        yóuyǒng, swimming/to swim
        yóuyǒngchí, swimming pool/CL:場|场[chǎng]
        yǒngchí, swimming pond
        yǒngzhuāng, [泳裝], swimsuit
        yǒng, swimming/to swim
        yǒngyī, swimsuit/bathing suit
        yóuyǒngyī, swimsuit/bathing costume
        zìyóuyǒng, freestyle swimming
        yóuyǒngguǎn, [游泳館], swimming pool
        wāyǒng, breaststroke (swimming)
        yǎngyǒng, backstroke
        diéyǒng, butterfly stroke (swimming)
        huāyàngyóuyǒng, [花樣游泳], synchronized swimming
        diànyǒng, [電泳], electrophoresis
        qiányǒng, [潛泳], diving/esp. skin diving
        yǒngjìng, [泳鏡], swimming goggles
        yǒngmào, swimming cap
        JīnYǒngsān, Kim Young-sam (1927-), South Korean politician, president 1993-1998
        hùnhéyǒng, medley (swimming)

        lǚguǎn, [旅館], hotel/CL:家[jiā]
        cānguǎn, [餐館], restaurant/CL:家[jiā]
        túshūguǎn, [圖書館], library/CL:家[jiā],個|个[gè]
        bówùguǎn, [博物館], museum
        bīnguǎn, [賓館], guesthouse/lodge/hotel/CL:個|个[gè],家[jiā]
        guǎn, [舘]/[館], variant of 館|馆[guǎn], building/shop/term for certain service establishments/emba...
        tǐyùguǎn, [體育館], gym/gymnasium/stadium/CL:個|个[gè]
        jiǔguǎn, [酒館], tavern/pub/wine shop
使         dàshǐguǎn, [大使館], embassy/CL:座[zuò],個|个[gè]
        kāfēiguǎn, [咖啡館], café/coffee shop/CL:家[jiā]
        bìnyíguǎn, [殯儀館], the undertaker's/funeral parlor
        lǐngshìguǎn, [領事館], consulate
使         shǐguǎn, [使館], consulate/diplomatic mission
        tiānwénguǎn, [天文館], planetarium
        fànguǎn, [飯館], restaurant/CL:家[jiā]
        shuǐzúguǎn, [水族館], aquarium (open to the public)
        jìniànguǎn, [紀念館], memorial hall/commemorative museum
        měishùguǎn, [美術館], art gallery
        Zhōngcānguǎn, [中餐館], Chinese restaurant
        dàngànguǎn, [檔案館], archive library
        Gōngguǎn/gōngguǎn, [公館], Gongguan or Kungkuan township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miáo lì xiàn], northwest ...
        zhàoxiàngguǎn, [照相館], photo studio
        guǎnzi, [館子], restaurant/theater (old)
        cháguǎn, [茶館], teahouse/CL:家[jiā]
        làxiàngguǎn, [蠟像館], waxworks/museum of waxwork figures
        zhǎnlǎnguǎn, [展覽館], exhibition hall
        niúpáiguǎn, [牛排館], steakhouse
        zhǎnguǎn, [展館], exhibition hall/(expo) pavilion
        huìguǎn, [會館], provincial or county guild hall
        yóuyǒngguǎn, [游泳館], swimming pool
        càiguǎn, [菜館], (dialect) restaurant
        qiúguǎn, [球館], (sports) arena
        guǎncáng, [館藏], to collect in a museum or library/museum collection/library holdings
        chǎngguǎn, [場館], sporting venue/arena
使         shǐlǐngguǎn, [使領館], embassy and consulate
        zǒnglǐngshìguǎn, [總領事館], consulate general
        bàoguǎn, [報館], newspaper office
        tǐyùchǎngguǎn, [體育場館], gymnasium
        Hánguǎn, [函館], Hakodate, main port of south Hokkaidō 北海道[Běi hǎi dào], Japan
        shàngguǎnzi, [上館子], to eat out/to eat at a restaurant
        guóbīnguǎn, [國賓館], state guesthouse

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