游 ⇒
游戏 yóuxì, [遊戲], game/CL:場|场[chǎng]/to play
游 Yóu/yóu, [遊], surname You, to swim/variant of 遊|游[yóu], to walk/to tour/to roam/to travel
游泳 yóuyǒng, swimming/to swim
游泳池 yóuyǒngchí, swimming pool/CL:場|场[chǎng]
游行 yóuxíng, [遊行], march/parade/demonstration
旅游 lǚyóu, [旅遊], trip/journey/tourism/travel/tour/to travel
游艇 yóutǐng, [遊艇], barge/yacht/CL:隻|只[zhī]
游客 yóukè, [遊客], traveler/tourist/(online gaming) guest player
游荡 yóudàng, [遊蕩], to wander/to roam about/to loaf about/to be idle
环游 huányóu, [環遊], to travel around (the world, a country etc)
游戏机 yóuxìjī, [遊戲機], video game/game machine
梦游 mèngyóu, [夢遊], to sleepwalk/to journey in a dream
导游 dǎoyóu, [導遊], tour guide/guidebook/to conduct a tour
周游 zhōuyóu, [周遊]/[週游]/[週遊], to travel around/to tour/to cross, variant of 周遊|周游, to tour/to travel around, v...
电子游戏 diànzǐyóuxì, [電子遊戲], computer and video games
游乐园 yóulèyuán, [遊樂園], theme park
游手好闲 yóushǒuhàoxián, [遊手好閑], to idle about
游侠 yóuxiá, [遊俠], knight-errant
巡游 xúnyóu, [巡遊], to cruise/to patrol
游说 yóushuì, [遊說], to lobby/to campaign/to promote (an idea, a product)/(old) to visit various rule...
游乐场 yóulèchǎng, [遊樂場], playground
漫游 mànyóu, [漫遊], to travel around/to roam/(mobile telephony) roaming
游击队 yóujīduì, [遊擊隊], guerrilla band
上游 shàngyóu, upper reaches (of a river)/upper level/upper echelon/upstream
游览 yóulǎn, [遊覽], to go sightseeing/to tour/to visit/CL:次[cì]
出游 chūyóu, [出遊], to go on a tour/to have an outing
游轮 yóulún, [遊輪], cruise ship
游击 yóujī, [游擊], guerrilla warfare
游民 yóumín, [遊民], vagrant/vagabond
游船 下游 xiàyóu, lower reaches (of a river)/lower level/lower echelon/downstream
游泳衣 yóuyǒngyī, swimsuit/bathing costume
游泳队 游玩 yóuwán, [遊玩], to amuse oneself/to have fun/to go sightseeing/to take a stroll
游乐 yóulè, [遊樂], to amuse oneself/recreation
游历 yóulì, [遊歷], to tour/to travel
游刃有余 yóurènyǒuyú, [遊刃有餘], handling a butcher's cleaver with ease (idiom); to do sth skillfully and easily
遨游 áoyóu, [遨遊], to travel/to go on a tour/to roam
郊游 jiāoyóu, [郊遊], to go for an outing/to go on an excursion
畅游 游牧 yóumù, [遊牧], nomadic/to move about in search of pasture/to rove around as a nomad
游离 yóulí, [遊離], to disassociate/to drift away/to leave (a collective)/free (component)
夜游 yèyóu, [夜遊], to go to some place at night/to take a night trip to (a place)/to sleepwalk
伴游 浮游生物 fúyóushēngwù, plankton
游街 yóujiē, [遊街], to parade sb through the streets/to march or parade in the streets
游动 yóudòng, [游動], to move about/to go from place to place/roving/mobile
旅游团 lǚyóutuán, [旅遊團], tour group
游艺 yóuyì, [遊藝], entertainment
游记 yóujì, [遊記], travel notes
旅游者 lǚyóuzhě, [旅遊者], tourist/traveler/visitor
游击战 yóujīzhàn, [遊擊戰], guerrilla warfare
游戏厅 中游 zhōngyóu, the middle stretches of a river/middle level/middle echelon/midstream
梦游症 mèngyóuzhèng, [夢遊症], somnambulism/sleepwalking
云游 yúnyóu, [雲遊], to wander (typically of an errant priest)
游逛 yóuguàng, [遊逛], to go sightseeing/to spend one's leisure time wandering around
游泳馆 yóuyǒngguǎn, [游泳館], swimming pool
交游 jiāoyóu, [交遊], to have friendly relationships/circle of friends
旅游车 旅游业 lǚyóuyè, [旅遊業], tourism industry
故地重游 gùdìchóngyóu, [故地重遊], to revisit old haunts (idiom); down memory lane
春游 chūnyóu, [春遊], spring outing/spring excursion
回游 huíyóu, variant of 洄游[huí yóu]
游人 yóurén, [遊人], a tourist
散兵游勇 sǎnbīngyóuyǒng, [散兵遊勇], lit. straggling and disbanded soldiers (idiom); fig. disorganized uncoordinated ...
电子游戏机 旧地重游 jiùdìchóngyóu, [舊地重遊], to revisit old haunts (idiom); down memory lane
旅游鞋 花样游泳 huāyàngyóuyǒng, [花樣游泳], synchronized swimming
游园会 游水 yóushuǐ, to swim
游移 yóuyí, to wander/to shift around/to waver/to vacillate
浮游 fúyóu, to float/to drift/to wander/variant of 蜉蝣[fú yóu]
漫游费 游园 游弋 yóuyì, [遊弋], to cruise
游鱼 远游 yuǎnyóu, [遠遊], to travel far/distant wanderings
游斯基 游泳赛 游戏卡 旅游区 旅游点 游程 游览车 打游击 dǎyóujī, [打游擊], to fight as a guerilla/(fig.) to live or eat at no fixed place
西游 游星正 休闲游 游龙 旅游线 西游记 XīyóuJì, [西遊記], Journey to the West, Ming dynasty novel by Wu Cheng'en 吳承恩|吴承恩, one of the Four ...
转游 zhuànyou, [轉遊], variant of 轉悠|转悠[zhuàn you]
游子 yóuzǐ, [遊子], person living or traveling far from home
游乐区 游思福 游莲美 旅游局 优哉游哉 yōuzāiyóuzāi, [優哉遊哉], see 悠哉悠哉[yōu zāi yōu zāi]
游艺会 yóuyìhuì, [遊藝會], folk festival/fair/carnival
游艺室 游牧民
击 ⇒
攻击 gōngjī, [攻擊], to attack/to accuse/to charge/an attack (terrorist or military)
袭击 xíjī, [襲擊], attack (esp. surprise attack)/raid/to attack
击 jī, [擊], to hit/to strike/to break/Taiwan pr. [jí]
打击 dǎjī, [打擊], to hit/to strike/to attack/to crack down on sth/blow/(psychological) shock/percu...
射击 shèjī, [射擊], to shoot/to fire (a gun)
枪击 qiāngjī, [槍擊], to shoot with a gun/shooting incident
击中 jīzhòng, [擊中], to hit (a target etc)/to strike
目击 mùjī, [目擊], to see with one's own eyes/to witness
目击者 mùjīzhě, [目擊者], eyewitness
拳击 quánjī, [拳擊], boxing
击败 jībài, [擊敗], to defeat/to beat
反击 fǎnjī, [反擊], to strike back/to beat back/to counterattack
狙击手 jūjīshǒu, [狙擊手], sniper/marksman
击球 jīqiú, [擊球], to bat/to hit a ball (sport)
撞击 zhuàngjī, [撞擊], to strike/to hit/to ram
电击 diànjī, [電擊], electric shock
击倒 jīdǎo, [擊倒], to knock down/knocked down
突击 tūjī, [突擊], sudden and violent attack/assault/fig. rushed job/concentrated effort to finish ...
出击 chūjī, [出擊], to sally/to attack
冲击 chōngjī, [沖擊]/[衝擊], variant of 衝擊|冲击[chōng jī], to attack/to batter/(of waves) to pound against/shoc...
拳击手 quánjīshǒu, [拳擊手], boxer
还击 huánjī, [還擊], to hit back/to return fire
突击队 tūjīduì, [突擊隊], commando unit
击打 jīdǎ, [擊打], to beat/to lash
伏击 fújī, [伏擊], ambush/to ambush
狙击 jūjī, [狙擊], to snipe (shoot from hiding)
击落 jīluò, [擊落], to shoot down (a plane)
攻击性 搏击 bójī, [搏擊], to fight, esp. with hands/wrestling (as a sport)/to wrestle/to wrestle (against ...
击掌 jīzhǎng, [擊掌], to clap one's hands/to clap each other's hands/high five
击毙 jībì, [擊斃], to kill/to shoot dead
追击 zhuījī, [追擊], to pursue and attack
无懈可击 wúxièkějī, [無懈可擊], invulnerable
迫击炮 pǎijīpào, [迫擊炮], mortar (weapon)
游击队 yóujīduì, [遊擊隊], guerrilla band
抨击 pēngjī, [抨擊], to attack (verbally or in writing)
冲击波 chōngjībō, [衝擊波], shock wave/blast wave
击退 jītuì, [擊退], to beat back/to repel
回击 huíjī, [回擊], to fight back/to return fire/to counterattack
敲击 qiāojī, [敲擊], to pound/to rap
冲击力 chōngjīlì, [衝擊力], force of impact or thrust
击溃 jīkuì, [擊潰], to defeat/to smash/to rout
游击 yóujī, [游擊], guerrilla warfare
猛击 měngjī, [猛擊], to slap/to smack/to punch
阻击 zǔjī, [阻擊], to check/to stop
射击场 击破 不堪一击 bùkānyījī, [不堪一擊], to be unable to withstand a single blow/to collapse at the first blow
击沉 jīchén, [擊沉], to attack and sink (a ship)
痛击 tòngjī, [痛擊], to deliver a punishing attack/to deal a heavy blow
击毁 jīhuǐ, [擊毀], to attack and destroy
雷击 léijī, [雷擊], lightning strike/thunderbolt
击剑 jījiàn, [擊劍], fencing (sport)
炮击 pàojī, [炮擊]/[砲擊], to shell/to bombard/bombardment, to shell/to bombard/bombardment
击伤 夹击 jiājī, [夾擊], pincer attack/attack from two or more sides/converging attack/attack on a flank/...
打击乐 侧击 抗击 kàngjī, [抗擊], to resist (an aggressor)/to oppose (a menace)
击鼓 游击战 yóujīzhàn, [遊擊戰], guerrilla warfare
击穿 攻击力 gōngjīlì, [攻擊力], potential for attack/firepower
攻击机 gōngjījī, [攻擊機], ground attack aircraft
各个击破 截击 jiéjī, [截擊], to intercept (military)
轰击 hōngjī, [轟擊], bombard
迎击 yíngjī, [迎擊], to face an attack/to repulse the enemy
叩击 拍击 pāijī, [拍擊], to smack/to beat
迎头痛击 yíngtóutòngjī, [迎頭痛擊], to deliver a frontal assault/to meet head-on (idiom)
追击战 击中要害 歼击机 jiānjījī, [殲擊機], fighter plane
打游击 dǎyóujī, [打游擊], to fight as a guerilla/(fig.) to live or eat at no fixed place
单击 dānjī, [單擊], to click (using a mouse or other pointing device)
打击面 突击手 点击数 diǎnjīshù, [點擊數], number of clicks/number of hits (on a website)
伏击圈 伏击战 闪击战 shǎnjīzhàn, [閃擊戰], lightning war/Blitzkrieg
队 ⇒
队 duì, [隊], squadron/team/group/CL:個|个[gè]
乐队 yuèduì, [樂隊], band/pop group/CL:支[zhī]
队伍 duìwǔ, [隊伍], ranks/troops/queue/line/procession/CL:個|个[gè],支[zhī],條|条[tiáo]
军队 jūnduì, [軍隊], army/troops/CL:支[zhī],個|个[gè]
队长 duìzhǎng, [隊長], captain/team leader/CL:個|个[gè]
队员 duìyuán, [隊員], team member
团队 tuánduì, [團隊], team
部队 bùduì, [部隊], army/armed forces/troops/force/unit/CL:個|个[gè]
球队 qiúduì, [球隊], sports team (basketball, soccer, football etc)
啦啦队 lālāduì, [啦啦隊], cheerleading squad
小队 排队 páiduì, [排隊], to line up
舰队 jiànduì, [艦隊], fleet/CL:支[zhī]
队友 duìyǒu, [隊友], member of same class, team, work group etc/teammate
陆战队 警卫队 特种部队 tèzhǒngbùduì, [特種部隊], (military) special forces
车队 chēduì, [車隊], motorcade/fleet/CL:列[liè]
突击队 tūjīduì, [突擊隊], commando unit
拉拉队 lālāduì, [拉拉隊], cheerleading squad/also written 啦啦隊|啦啦队
分队 fēnduì, [分隊], military platoon or squad
巡逻队 xúnluóduì, [巡邏隊], (army, police) patrol
消防队 xiāofángduì, [消防隊], fire brigade/fire department
医疗队 足球队 zúqiúduì, [足球隊], soccer team
归队 guīduì, [歸隊], to return to one's unit/to go back to one's station in life
女队 小分队 领队 lǐngduì, [領隊], to lead a group/leader of a group/captain (of sports squad)
美国队 篮球队 卫队 wèiduì, [衛隊], guard (i.e. group of soldiers)
中队 游击队 yóujīduì, [遊擊隊], guerrilla band
队形 duìxíng, [隊形], formation
队服 duìfú, [隊服], team uniform
列队 lièduì, [列隊], in formation (military)
全队 大队 dàduì, [大隊], group/a large body of/production brigade/military group
组队 zǔduì, [組隊], to team up (with)/to put a team together
带队 队列 duìliè, [隊列], formation (of troops)/alignment/(computing) queue/cohort (in a study)
自卫队 zìwèiduì, [自衛隊], self-defense force/the Japanese armed forces
插队 chāduì, [插隊], to cut in line/to jump a queue/to live on a rural community (during the Cultural...
编队 biānduì, [編隊], to form into columns/to organize into teams/formation (of ships or aircraft)
机队 敢死队 gǎnsǐduì, [敢死隊], suicide squad/kamikaze unit
合唱队 连队 liánduì, [連隊], company (of troops)
游泳队 各队 队名 预备队 纵队 zòngduì, [縱隊], column/file/CL:列[liè],路[lù]
联队 liánduì, [聯隊], wing (of an air force)/sports team representing a combination of entities (e.g. ...
掉队 diàoduì, [掉隊], to fall behind/to drop out
战斗队 特遣队 探险队 管弦乐队 guǎnxiányuèduì, [管弦樂隊], orchestra
船队 chuánduì, [船隊], fleet (of ships)
队里 代表队 dàibiǎoduì, [代表隊], delegation
管乐队 离队 líduì, [離隊], to leave one's post
中队长 主队 zhǔduì, [主隊], host team (at sports event)/host side
冰球队 特遣部队 马队 mǎduì, [馬隊], cavalry/caravan of horses carrying goods
保安队 每队 成群结队 chéngqúnjiéduì, [成群結隊], making up a group, forming a troupe (idiom); in large numbers/as a large crowd
入队 运动队 国家队 guójiāduì, [國家隊], the national team
大队长 运输队 军乐队 jūnyuèduì, [軍樂隊], brass band
梯队 tīduì, [梯隊], echelon (military)/(of an organisation) group of persons of one level or grade
德国队 救护队 支队 zhīduì, [支隊], detachment (of troops)
武装部队 wǔzhuāngbùduì, [武裝部隊], armed forces
排球队 救火队 先锋队 xiānfēngduì, [先鋒隊], vanguard
宪兵队 Xiànbīngduì, [憲兵隊], the Kempeitai or Japanese Military Police 1881-1945 (Japanese counterpart of the...
刑警队 本队 先遣队 xiānqiǎnduì, [先遣隊], advance party/advance troops
商队 shāngduì, [商隊], caravan
爵士乐队 别动队 biédòngduì, [別動隊], special detachment/commando/an armed secret agent squad
瑞典队 队医 大队人马 仪仗队 yízhàngduì, [儀仗隊], honor guard/guard of honor/the banner bearing contingent leading a military proc...
体操队 tǐcāoduì, [體操隊], gymnastics team
客队 kèduì, [客隊], visiting team (sports)
工作队 gōngzuòduì, [工作隊], a working group/a task force
建筑队 法国队 方队 中国队 工程队 飞虎队 fēihǔduì, [飛虎隊], Flying Tigers, US airmen in China during World War Two/Hong Kong nickname for po...
表演队 纠察队 韩国队 队旗 duìqí, [隊旗], team pennant
服务队 登山队 考古队 考察队 kǎocháduì, [考察隊], investigation team/scientific expedition
参赛队 联防队 结队 jiéduì, [結隊], to troop (of soldiers etc)/convoy
横队 héngduì, [橫隊], row/horizontal troop formation
弦乐队 xiányuèduì, [弦樂隊], string orchestra
站队 总队 学员队 卫队长 科考队 kēkǎoduì, [科考隊], scientific exploration team/expedition
勘探队 钻井队 演出队 井队 航空队